Let’s play a game of Would You Rather?
Would you rather have this…
Over 300 Hindi learning CDs (yeah, CDs…remember those?) piled to the ceiling in your bedroom next to stacks upon stacks of expensive, outdated textbooks that teach you dry, humorless Hindi conversation.
…or this?
The same amount of content, shrunken down to fit onto your smartphone or tablet. And all those lessons? They’ve been updated to teach you vocabulary, grammar and culture so that learning Hindi is actually fun!
The answer is clear. You’d rather have the HindiPod101 Mobile!
The biggest Hindi course.
All on your tiny mobile device.
Introducing HindiPod101 Mobile Beta!
Take all of your favorite Hindi lessons and lesson notes on the go, anywhere you have a WiFi or 3G/4G connection, anytime and on any device. That’s hundreds of Hindi lessons from Absolute Beginner to Advanced, available at the touch of a finger. Optimized for any screen, you’ll navigate through our rich collection of lessons and resources easily and intuitively.
No more zooming. No more squinting. This is language learning on-the-go!
Exclusive New Feature for 12-month and 24-month Premium Subscribers!
Whether you’re an iOS or Android user, Beginner or Advanced speaker, you can swipe your way to Hindi fluency as you go from lesson to lesson. Accessed through your device’s browser, once you log in and your 12-month or 24-month Premium membership has been authenticated, you’ll gain access to our entire lesson library including audio, video, lesson notes, line-by-line transcripts and vocabulary with audio.
Loading that many lessons onto your Phone would take up 20GB at least! With HindiPod101 Mobile, you get all the content without giving up all that storage space. Save that extra space for more Instagram photos of your delicious Hindi lunch!
Log On to Tune In
Using any WiFi-enabled device, log in at mobile.Hindipod101.com and tap on “Browse” to scroll through all seasons and lessons by difficulty. If you’d like to continue where you’ve left off, tap on “History.”
Most Lessons come with 3 Audio Tracks:
Plus, you get Lesson Notes and Supplementary Resources:
HindiPod101 Mobile is currently available to 12-month and 24-month Premium and Premium Plus subscribers only. To access HindiPod101 Mobile as well as the unlimited HindiPod101.com access that comes with Premium and Premium+, click here to subscribe.
HindiPod101 Mobile Launch Special: Save 20% on any 12-month or 24-month Premium Subscription until November 15th, 2012. Use coupon code MOBILE
Click here to save 20% on 12-month and 24-month Premium!
If you have questions or feedback for us, send us a message here.