How to Find Jobs in India & Top Cities for Job Seekers

Planning to stay in India and want to know how to find work in India? If you know how to talk in Hindi, you’re already halfway there! In a country divided into so many states, their native languages and cultures could prove tricky when you’re looking for jobs in India. With a little effort, you can find promising opportunities if you Google India jobs. Whether you wish to grab government jobs in India or plan to explore IT jobs in India, command over Hindi interaction keeps you ahead of others on many fronts, since your job is just one aspect of your life.

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Finding Jobs in India

These include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Avoiding glitches in early conversation when talking to people and getting to know the neighbors
  • Ease in buying groceries and vegetables, getting a taxi or bus, or asking for directions
  • Understanding Hindi slangs which are commonly used by Hindi people, even when speaking English
  • Knowledge of Hindi will help you blend with your colleagues without missing out on the jokes!

So, if you’re new here but know the basics of Hindi, you’re good to go. However, presuming that you have zero understanding of this language, can turn you into a proficient Hindi learner with these amazing strategies.
Simply visit our My Teacher page and check out all the know-how of our versatile and easy teaching process.
Meanwhile, let’s explore the best cities in India, which are blooming with loads of career opportunities.

Table of Contents

  1. Best Cities for Jobs in India
  2. Highest-Paying Jobs in India
  3. Best Jobs for Foreigners
  4. Reputed Portals to Assist You with Job Hunting in India
  5. Health-related Jobs
  6. Handling the Paperwork for an Indian Job
  7. Popular Hindi Key Phrases Used in Interviews
  8. Improve Your Hindi with

1. Best Cities for Jobs in India

As India is a vast country, a high economic and social disparity ratio comes as a part and parcel. With significant industrial expansion and global networking, India is on the verge of becoming a developed country. These are the urban areas that offer the highest-paying jobs in India.

Best Cities in India

1- Bengaluru

Bengaluru (the Silicon Valley of India) is the pioneer of the Indian IT sector. The capital of Karnataka, Bengaluru is everyone’s favorite city for numerous reasons. As long as you wish to find a job in India, Bengaluru should be your first choice.

The town welcomes you with its safe and open culture. When compared to the other major cities, Bengaluru has the maximum growth rate and is mostly known for its impressive tech parks.

2- Delhi

Being the capital of India, Delhi needs no introduction. The city offers the best airports and restaurants, and carries a vibrant metropolitan culture. It’s also one of the hottest hubs for job opportunities.

For instance, Google/Amazon jobs India and Delhi will almost always show up among the highest-paying positions in India.

3- Pune

The Green Pune

For job seekers who wish to find a new job in India but would prefer a quieter and greener location, the serene city of Pune is your answer. Pune stands as the second-biggest city in the state of Maharashtra.
The living standards are affordable and the weather remains pleasant most of the year. In case you hold an impressive experience in the IT or education sector, there are plenty of jobs for you.

4- Hyderabad

All the big IT companies, like Microsoft, Google, and Facebook, have their offices in the royal city of Hyderabad. Given that you already know how to find IT jobs in India, this town is nothing less than a heaven.

From the mouth-watering popular Indian foods to rich cultural heritage, impressive growth rate, and great salary packages, Hyderabad is a bliss for job searchers.

5- Gurgaon

Gurgaon is the industrial nerve center of India. Its close location to Delhi makes it even more popular amongst the freshers. The top sites for jobs in India quite often present jobs located in Gurgaon.
Maruti Suzuki, General Electric, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, BMW, you name the brand and its headquarter is there in the city. With additional effort, this town can even offer you some of the best online jobs in India.

6- Mumbai

Gateway of India in Mumbai

The Capital of Maharashtra, Mumbai is the nucleus of bank jobs in India as well as government jobs in India. The largest financial banks such as RBI, SBI, and financial organizations like LIC, SEBI, NSE, and BSE are all present here.

It also has immense scope in blue collar jobs, IT, healthcare, and engineering. However, the standard of living is quite high in Mumbai and local trains are the preferred mode of conveyance.

7- Ahmedabad

Living in the industrial city Ahmedabad would be significantly easier on your pocket as the house rents are low. The city is well-known for its textile industries and many FMCG Indian brands have offices here. Further, TCS has expanded job opportunities in the IT sector.

8- Chennai

Assuming that you can deal with the hot and humid climate of the south Indian city Chennai, the metropolitan area won’t disappoint you careerwise. Surrounded by the Bay of Bengal, it’s one of the safest cities in India. Chennai shelters the grandest automobile industry players. It’s also famous for health tourism and the Tamil film industry.

2. Highest-Paying Jobs in India

Before we delve into the question of how to find a job in India, let’s explore which jobs are the most handsomely paying in the country. This will help you get a better grasp of the job market in India.

1- Chartered Accountant

This is one of the most reputed and high-paying jobs. A CA career is for anyone interested in the maintenance of balance sheets, financial reports, and documents while reviewing potential financial risks. Get more details on the Official CA website.

The CAs get a package anywhere between INR 10-25 lakhs, depending on their experience. If you have qualified on the final CA exam in one attempt, chances are you will find a job in Indian cities with an excellent salary package. Why not check out some job postings?

2- Management Professional

Every company needs a management professional. It’s one of the most versatile jobs that requires Indian companies to look for global talents. Being an MBA from abroad makes you more favorable for this position.

Freshers from reputed colleges often get paid handsomely. As you cross this painstaking level and go up, the salary package becomes even more lucrative, ranging between INR 5 lakhs to INR 1.5 crores.

3- Business Analyst

This position involves making contingency plans for the company and excelling in logical and mathematical skills. A business analyst job description in India requires you to show up with a relevant MBA degree in the related specialization.

If you have that, you’ll be sure to get a salary between INR 3 lakhs to INR 2 crores.

Finding a Business Analyst Job

4- Investment Banker

An investment banker loves playing with numbers and can give sound advice regarding money matters. Every organization and company needs an investment banker. No wonder it also qualifies as one of the top ten government jobs in India.

A degree in accounting/finances/math is a must for this position. The minimum and maximum package for an investment banker are INR 6 lakhs to INR 35 lakhs or above.

5- Software Engineer

There are lots of responsibilities for a software engineer. From designing an app to its development, testing, and maintenance. You can start the career once you get a bachelor degree in IT or computer science.

The annual salary starts at INR 2 lakhs and reaches up to INR 1 crore.

6- Government Jobs in India

While government jobs in India require an Indian citizenship, more flexible policies are being formed when it comes to non-Indians. Keeping that issue aside, one really needs guidance on how to find government jobs in India.

Most of the public sector jobs are ideally posted on some of the most reputed websites in India. Some of the best government jobs include those in the oil and natural gas sector, all agriculture jobs in India, jobs in wildlife in India, jobs in environmental science in India, or in medical fields such as neuroscience jobs in India.

The package is quite generous for higher posts and lots of securities and other perks are provided to the government officials.

Before moving on to the next section, here are the ten most difficult Hindi words we thought you’d like to practice with us! And with by your side, you may start with learning how to say “find a job” in the Indian language.

3. Best Jobs for Foreigners

As a foreigner, thinking to yourself, “I will find a job in an Indian metropolitan,” isn’t enough. Maybe you know how to find a job in India, but there are limited career options that you can pull off easily since you don’t speak Hindi or any other local language. Let’s glance through some of your best options on how to get jobs in India as a foreigner, one by one.

The Highest Paying Jobs in India

1- Commercial Pilot

To begin with, you get to travel a lot and it pays huge. Isn’t that great? You visit all kinds of places around the world, not stuck in one country. Here’s everything you need to know about what a commercial pilot job is like! Being good at English adds to your communication skills for this job. However, with us, you can also master the Hindi language and learn how to get this fun job in India.

2- Foreign Language Expert

“I need to find a job in an Indian city but don’t know which one!” Does this sound like you? Well, here’s a tip. Why not start by applying as a spoken English teacher or teach other foreign languages that you know? In India, these kinds of jobs pay well and you also get some time to learn the local dialect. You should either take a course and pass the language teaching exam or follow these steps.

Become a Language Expert

3- Medical Jobs

This is a booming sector with an infinite number of possibilities. Whether you have the qualifications of a surgeon or general physician, the lavish annual packages start at around INR 9 lakhs and there’s no upper limit to how much you can earn!

4- Software Development

Want to work abroad but don’t know how to find IT jobs in Dubai from India? The web is full of answers to your questions!

4. Part-time Jobs

Did you find a job in India but weren’t satisfied with it? No problem. Our part-time job suggestions can keep you on the run until you get a proper full-time job of your choice.

1- Freelancing

Whatever skills and qualifications you possess, based on that you can make a strong profile on the top freelancing websites. Initially, this may not provide you with a dream monthly income, but you can surely keep growing with time. Check out some of the best freelancing sites in India.

2- Volunteering or NGO

Did you find a new job in India? If not, stop wasting your time and start volunteering. There are plenty of NGOs in India. Working with them adds to your experience and also helps you make some money for your monthly expenditures.

Volunteer Work for Gaining Experience

3- Travel Blogging

We all fantasize about dreamy and majestic locations in a foreign country. To get accurate information about its beauty and other real-life experiences, people generally turn to travelogues. And who could be a better travel blogger than a native of that country like you?

So, what are you waiting for? Borrow some ideas with these top travel blogs and get started.

4- Dance Teacher

Whether you’re from France, England, Spain, or Russia, every land has its own unique dance style. If you know tango, salsa, samba, or ballet, join as a dance teacher and spread your culture in India.

5- Sports and Fitness Trainer

Academic education is not the only way to get a job. Being good at sports or fitness training opens a wide range of income sources. All you need to know is how to get a job in India, or even open your own business.

Work as a Sports Trainer

5. Reputed Portals to Assist You with Job Hunting in India

We know you’ve been waiting for this section, and the wait is over! Below, we’ll share the most popular ways to find a job in India. Let’s have a look at job portals in India!

1- Online Portals

When it comes to finding jobs that are worthwhile, you may wish to pay attention to these online sources. You can also look specifically for foreign national jobs. These are some of the best ways to find jobs in India.

The top ten online job sites in India include, times,,,,,,,, and

Search Jobs Through Online Portals

2- Offline Portals

Those who are more into the conventional methods of job hunting should find the appropriate job advertisements in newspapers in India. The suggested newspapers are Employment Newspaper, The Hindu, The Times of India, and many other relevant national newspapers. Word-of-mouth and networking with the right people still stands as an effective way to hunt jobs as well.

6. Handling the Paperwork for an Indian Job

Applying for a Visa

To work in India, every foreigner needs a visa. To avoid any kind of trouble or confusion at the last moment, do a thorough research and apply for an Indian visa on time. Visit the official website of India to understand every step properly. You can also find out what documents you need and the minimum time for applying before the visiting date, but keep in mind that there’s also a place to submit urgent applications.

7. Popular Hindi Key Phrases Used in Interviews

But what about the job interview in India? There are some basic questions that are asked in all job interviews, regardless of the job description or field of work. Curious what they look like in Hindi?

Cracking Interviews in Hindi

Let’s explore a handful of them.

1- प्रश्न: आप का शुभ नाम क्या है?

  • (aap kaa subh Naam kyaa hai?)
  • Q: What’s your good name?
  • उत्तर: जी, मेरा नाम डेविड है।

  • (jii, meraa Naam David hai.)
  • A: My name is David.

2- प्रश्न: आप कहाँ के रहने वाले हैं?

  • (aap kahā̃ ke rehNe vaaLe haī̃?)
  • Q: Where are you from?
  • उत्तर: मैं जापान का रहने वाला हूँ।

  • (maī̃ Japan kaa rehNe vaaLaa hū̃.)
  • A: I am from Japan.

3- प्रश्न: आप को इस कार्य-क्षेत्र में कितने सालों का अनुभव है?

  • (aap ko iS kaarya-kseTra meĩ kiTNe SaaLõ kaa aNubhav hai?)
  • Q: How many years of experience do you have in this field?
  • उत्तर: मुझे इस कार्य-क्षेत्र में पाँच सालों का अनुभव है।

  • (mujhe iS kaarya-kseTra meĩ pā̃c SaaLõ kaa aNubhav hai.)
  • A: I have five years of experience in this field.

4- प्रश्न: क्या आप अगले हफ़्ते से हमारे साथ काम करना शुरू कर सकते हैं?

  • (kyaa aap agLe hafTe Se hamaare SaaTH kaam karNaa suru kar SakTe haī̃?)
  • Q: Would you be able to join us from the next week?
  • उत्तर: जी, हाँ। मैं अगले हफ़्ते से ही काम शुरू कर सकता हूँ।

  • (jii, hā̃. Maī̃ agLe hafTe Se hii kaam suru kar SakTaa hū̃.)
  • A: Yes. I would be able to join here from the next week itself.

5- यहाँ आने के लिए धन्यवाद।

  • (yahā̃ aaNe ke Liye DHaNyavaaD.)
  • Thank you for coming here.
  • जी, शुक्रिया।

  • (jii, sukriyaa.)
  • It’s a pleasure.

8. Improve Your Hindi with

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We hope this article helped you learn about finding jobs in India, and that you’re better equipped to get your dream job there. We wish you good luck with your job search and your stay in India. We would again like to remind you that knowing Hindi—one of the most popular languages in India—can certainly make things easier for you in your new job and in your daily life as well. Visit and get started with your first key phrases.

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