Watch Bollywood/ Hindi Movies & Learn Hindi in No Time!

If you’re a true cinema lover, chances are you’ve stumbled upon the magical world of Hindi movies or Hindi films (a.k.a. Bollywood movies) at some point. For those who aren’t familiar with the Indian mainstream cinema, below are a few interesting facts about Indian cinema and Hindi box office movies to better your understanding.

Table of Contents

  1. Interesting Facts About Indian Cinema and Bollywood
  2. Learning Hindi with Bollywood Movies!
  3. Improve Your Hindi with Bollywood’s Most Popular and Timeless Movies
  4. Inspirational Movies
  5. Movies on Sensitive Issues
  6. Entertainment with a Message
  7. Romance
  8. Comedy
  9. Hindi Learning Made Easy with HindiPod101

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1. Interesting Facts About Indian Cinema and Bollywood

  • With a rich and remarkable history of Indian cinema, the country produces Indian movies in more than twenty Indian languages.
  • Interestingly, Indian cinema produces the largest number of movies in the world, even surpassing Hollywood in terms of its annual production.
  • There are three main categories of movies in India. These are Masala movies (Commercial cinema), Art movies (Parallel cinema), and Regional movies (Multilingual cinema).
  • Bollywood is mainly associated with making movies in the Hindi language. These Hindi movies possess a Hindi-Urdu dialect known as Hindustani, one of the Top five Hindi dialects in India.
  • Nowadays, Hindustani is often accompanied by many English words, acquiring the name of a Hinglish dialect.
  • We just can’t imagine a Hindi movie not suffused with lots of songs and dance beats. For most commercial Hindi movies, music is the backbone of their success.

2. Learning Hindi with Movies?

But why are we talking about movies at our learning site HindiPod101? Is it really possible to learn Hindi from Bollywood movies? The answer is yes.

Top verbs

So now you must be wondering how to learn Hindi through movies. You can learn Hindi by movies, but that’s not all. Over the past few decades, films have proven their worth in ways that go far beyond linguistic insights.

3. Why You Should Learn Hindi With Bollywood Movies

In this section, we promise to share with you some of the best Bollywood movies to learn Hindi, ranging from the classic films to new Indian movies.

Along with that, for anyone out there wondering cluelessly, our article will also act as your helping hand, going over how to learn Hindi by watching movies.

The list below includes all good Indian movies with impeccable storylines, flawless scripts, and great overall talent.

So, brace yourself to get swept off your feet with these handpicked Hindi movies you must watch.

By the way, if you’re looking for Hindi movies (2018 ) or Hindi movies (2019), you can always check for Hindi movies online or search for Hindi movies on YouTube. When it comes to Hindi movies, streaming is often a great option.

Movie genres

4. Inspirational Movies

When it comes to the language of Hindi’s best movies, Bollywood has made several remarkable inspirational movies, based on both real-life stories and fiction. The great thing about such films is that they carry the power to touch our lives. We all struggle with various challenges, but sometimes it becomes hard to pull yourself together and keep moving. At such moments, a fine cinema (Indians’ best movies) can provide you with much-needed enthusiasm to get you going.

1- Bhaag Milkha Bhaag (2013)

Mhaag MiLkhaa Bhaag

  • Hindi Title: भाग मिल्खा भाग
  • Romanization: bhaag miLkhaa bhaag
  • English Title: Run Milkha Run

Milkha is a kid in Punjab, who has seen his family members being massacred during the partition riots between India and Pakistan. Successfully escaping the horrendous atmosphere in the village, he finds his married sister in the refugee camp.

Confused at first, he soon realizes his passion and strength for running and decides to become an athlete. The road to athletics is not so smooth; however, determined Milkha not only grabs a world champion title, but also becomes a sports icon for many. All while dealing with his own emotional challenges and painful childhood memories.

The movie is inspired by the life of the real Olympian athlete, Milkha Singh. The pristine dialogue delivery, inspiring real-life story, and heart-touching depiction of India’s post-independence struggle makes it the best movie for learning Hindi and taking a peek at the village life in India as well.

Famous Quotes:

  • लोग बुरे नहीं होते, हालात बुरे होते हैं।
    Log bure nahiin hoTe, haaLaaT bure hoTe hain.
    “People are not bad, circumstances are bad.”
  • ऊँचाई पर उड़ने वाले पंछी, छोटे-छोटे पेड़ों से दिल नहीं लगाते।
    uuncaaii par udaNe vaaLe paNchii, chote-chote pedon Se DiL nahiin LagaaTe.
    “Birds which aim to fly high don’t get attached to mere trees.”

Useful Words:

  • दौड़ (Daud) Race
  • भाग (bhaag) Run
  • मिट्टी (mittii) Soil
  • पंछी (paNchii) Birds
  • बहन (bahaN) Sister
  • गाँव (gaanv) Village

2- Mary Kom (2014)

Mary Kom

  • Hindi Title: मैरी कॉम
  • Romanization: mairii kaum
  • English Title: Mary Kom

Born in Manipur, a small state in India, Mary Kom is far from being a traditional girl. Even in school, she refuses to tolerate the mischievous boys and indulges in serious fights with them. Belonging to a poor family, her father is a simple farmer who somehow manages the basic necessities but never compromises on the education of his kids.

Mary knows her mental and physical strength very well but is directionless. It’s only when she gets in touch with her soon-to-be boxing coach that her life takes a huge turn and finally attains a bright path.

This is another biopic that shows us the life of a true gem of India, Mary Kom, who literally needs no introduction. Her career shimmers with gold medals and championship titles. She has been the World Amateur Boxing champion for a record six times.

If you’re inclined to watch a new Hindi movie, then Mary Kom will definitely keep you glued to the screen while filling you with great determination.

Famous Quotes:

  • किसी को इतना मत डराओ कि डर ही ख़त्म हो जाए।

    kiSii ko iTaNaa maT daraao ki dar hii khaTm ho jaaye.
    “Don’t scare someone so much that he/she stops feeling the fear.”

Useful Words:

  • लड़की (Ladakii) Girl
  • डर (dar) Fear
  • जीतना (jiiTaNaa) To win
  • जीत (jiiT) Victory
  • खेलना (kheLaNaa) To play

3- Rang De Basanti (2006)

rang De baSaNTii

  • Hindi Title: रंग दे बसंती
  • Romanization: rang De baSaNTii
  • English Title: Color Me Saffron

We could suggest that you watch many of the latest Indian movies with amazing scripts, but nothing can touch the full entertainment value of the film Rang De Basanti. It will make you a die-hard Bollywood fan.

The story is about five college friends and a British girl whose great grandfather had been in the British army when Britain ruled India. Now, after so many years, Sue discovers her great grandfather’s diary and decides to make a film on the freedom fighters of India.

She meets these five youths, but is disappointed with their reluctance and pessimistic views about their own country. Does her disbelief change their hearts? Do these friends realize something about themselves while trying to help Sue?

Find out for yourself by watching Rang De Basanti and many similar Hindi movies on YouTube.

Famous Quotes:

  • कोई भी देश परफ़ेक्ट नहीं होता, उसे बेहतर बनाना पड़ता है।
    koii bhii Des parafekt nahiin hoTaa, uSe behaTar baNaaNaa padaTaa hai.
    “No country is perfect, we ought to make it better.”

Useful Words:

  • देश (Des) Country
  • हम (ham) We
  • आज़ादी (aazaaDii) Freedom
  • लड़ाई (Ladaaii) Fighting

5. Movies on Sensitive Issues

Over the past several years, Bollywood has produced a handful of sensitive Indian movies. 2017 was a prolific year for the audiences craving Indian new movies with rich and meaningful content. Check out some out-of-the-box new Indian movies (2017) and get a taste of sensible entertainment.

But before you get started with a new Hindi movie (2017), we’d also like to throw some light on exceptional Hindi films that are beyond time.

1- Akele Hum Akele Tum (1995)

I am Alone, You are Alone

    Hindi Title: अकेले हम अकेले तुम
    Romanization: akeLe ham akeLe Tum
    English Title: I am Alone, You are Alone.

The 90s era was like a detailed bouquet with all types of flowers tucked into it. Thanks to the internet, it’s possible for us to watch these Indian movies online on various platforms.

Akele Hum Akele Tum revolves around a young couple and their marriage which is falling apart. In the story, the wife (Kiran) leaves her husband (Rohit) and five-year-old son (Sunil). Kiran dreams of becoming a successful singer, but Rohit’s career is going through a low phase. On top of that, he also has to take care of his son.

After a while, Kiran is well-established and files for the custody of her son. By that time, the father and son have already developed a deep bond. The movie portrays the hardships of a desperate father who’s not ready to give up his child at any cost.

The intense emotions genuinely played by all the great actors makes this Hindi movie a must-watch. Enjoy the film Akele Hum Akele Tum and explore the entire world of Indian movies in YouTube.

Famous Quotes:

  • ज़रूरी है क्या कि हमेशा एक माँ अपने बच्चे को उसके बाप से ज़्यादा प्यार करती हो?
    zaruurii hai kyaa ki hamesaa ek maan apaNe bacce ko uSake baap Se zyaaDaa pyaar karaTii ho?
    “Must a mother always love the child more than the father?”

Useful Words:

  • बेटा (betaa) Son
  • संगीत (SangiiT) Music
  • माँ (maa) Mother
  • पिता (piTaa) Father

2- A Wednesday (2008 )

A Wednesday

  • Hindi Title: अ वेडनसडे
  • Romanization: a vedaNaSade
  • English Title: A Wednesday

India is a diverse country where people from all religions try to live in harmony. But there’s another monstrosity growing in the country which nobody wants. It’s the dark and vile religion of terrorism which engulfs innocent lives without a warning.

What happens when the system fails us? When a common man takes things into his own hands? Watch the thriller A Wednesday on Netflix and experience an adrenaline rush with every twist in the plot. Certainly a great option in terms of Hindi action movies.

Famous Quotes:

  • इंसान नाम में मज़हब ढूंढ लेता है।
    iNSaaN Naam men mazahab dhuundh LeTaa hai.
    “A person looks for religion in a person’s name.”

Useful Words:

  • आतंकवादी (aaTankavaaDii) Terrorist
  • आम आदमी (aam aaDamii) Common man
  • मज़हब (mazahab) Religion
  • नाम (Naam) Name
  • मंत्री (maNTrii) Minister
  • ख़ैरियत (khairiyaT) Well-being

Here are some tips to improve your pronunciation while watching movies in Hindi.

Ways to improve pronunciation

3- Taare Zameen par (2007)

Stars on the Land

  • Hindi Title: तारे ज़मीन पर
  • Romanization: Taare zamiiN par
  • English Title: Stars on the Land

A young boy (Ishaan) suffers from dyslexia. But neither he nor his parents know that. His poor performance in class frustrates his father, who instead of finding the real issue, blames Ishaan for lack of interest in studies and sends him away to a boarding school.

Ishaan feels cut off from his family and becomes a rather quiet child who hardly speaks. Then, a new teacher joins the school and realizes that something isn’t right with this child. How his own childhood experiences coincide with that of Ishaan makes this movie so emotionally moving for parents as well as kids.

If the plot has already touched your heart, don’t wait up to watch one of the best Indian movies online (free). And yes, keep the tissues ready, by your side!

Famous Quotes:

  • हर बच्चे की अपनी ख़ूबी होती है, अपनी क़ाबिलियत होती है, अपनी चाहत होती है।
  • har bacce kii apaNii khuubii hoTii hai, apaNii qaabiLiyaT hoTii hai, apaNii caahaT hoTii hai.
  • “Every child has his/her own specialty, own talent, and own desires.”

Useful Words:

  • शिक्षा (siksaa) Education
  • समझना (SamajhaNaa) To understand
  • दिमाग़ (Dimaaġ) Mind

6. Entertainment with a Message

Whether you’re a beginner in Hindi or wish to polish your language knowledge, one of the sure-shot methods to improve is to watch Indian movies online on a regular basis. Here’s the IMDb list of best Hindi movies (2016). You can also refer to the list of best Indian movies (2016) by Huffington Post. Consider each movie as a book. Immerse yourself in it completely and you’ll soon begin talking like a native speaker.

1- Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara (2011)

You Won’t Get this Life Again

  • Hindi Title: ज़िंदगी ना मिलेगी दोबारा
  • Romanization: ziNDagii Naa miLegii Dobaaraa
  • English Title: You Won’t Get this Life Again

Three childhood friends meet up, one of which is soon to be married. All three of them have different lives and different natures, and they are troubled by their own kinds of challenges.

In their journey to adulthood, they’re trying to find the true purpose of life. On one hand, the movie pampers its audience with laughter and fun; on the other, it depicts the loneliness and confusion of today’s seemingly happy youth.

Famous Quotes:

  • इंसान को डिब्बे में सिर्फ़ तब होना चाहिए, जब वो मर चुका हो।
    iNSaaN ko dibbe men Sirf Tab hoNaa caahiye, jab vo mar cukaa ho.
    “A person should only be confined within a box when he/she is dead.”

Useful Words:

  • पैसा (paiSaa) Money
  • दोस्त (DoST) Friend
  • बाप (baap) Father
  • धोखा (DHokhaa) Betrayal

2- Anand (1971)


  • Hindi Title: आनंद
  • Romanization: aaNaND
  • English Title: Joy

Sometimes, those who have few days to live are the ones who know how to live life to its fullest. Such people make each day count. They find happiness in every tiny aspect of life and stop worrying about trivial things.

Anand, which means “joy,” is the name of the main character in the film. Anand is suffering from cancer in its terminal phase. But instead of feeling sad, he smiles all the time, spreading joy to those around him. He refuses to be crushed by the illness and his liveliness inspires others to live better.

If you have a taste for classic movies, this one should be a perfect choice for you!

Famous Quotes:

  • ज़िन्दगी बड़ी होनी चाहिए, लम्बी नहीं।
    ziNDagii badii hoNii caahiye, Lambii Nahiin.
    “Life should be grand, not long.”

Useful Words:

  • ज़िंदगी (ziNDagii) Life
  • मौत (mauT) Death
  • गीत (giiT) Song
  • पल (paL) Moment
  • ख़ुशी (khusii) Happiness
  • ग़म (ġam) Sadness

3- English Vinglish (2012)

Learning English

  • Hindi Title: इंग्लिश विंग्लिश
  • Romanization: ingLis vingLis
  • English Title: Learning English

Out of all the movies we’ve mentioned so far, English Vinglish is a true show-stealer, especially for a language learner. The film depicts the life of a housewife, Shashi, with a passion for cooking. A sincere and responsible woman with only one blot on her personality: She doesn’t know English.

Her family judges her, makes fun of her, and even despises her for this. Things become worse when Shashi has to move abroad and settle there. But deep down, it’s not just the language problem that’s troubling her. She’s searching for her identity as a person.

This is a simple and realistic movie which showcases the pain of women who are made to believe that life ends after marriage. That their whole survival revolves around her husband and kids. That there can be no new beginning for them.

Famous Quotes:

  • मर्द खाना बनाये तो कला है, औरत बनाये तो उसका फ़र्ज़ है।
    marD khaaNaa baNaaye To kaLaa hai, auraT baNaaye To uSakaa farz hai.
    “If a man cooks, it’s an art, but if a woman cooks, it’s her duty.”
  • पहली बार…एक ही बार आता है।
    pahaLii baar…ek hii baar aaTaa hai.
    “The first time…comes only one time.”

Useful Words:

  • घर (ghar) Home
  • इज़्ज़त (izzaT) Respect
  • सीखना (SiikhaNaa) To learn
  • औरत (auraT) Woman
  • मर्द (marD) Man

7. Romance

Now, when we say “romance,” it’s not typical dating we’re going to talk about. The handpicked movies in this category cover the delicate relationships between a man and woman, but with extraordinary circumstances.

But being the dreamy romantic soul, you have every reason to also check out these best romantic movies of the decade. The list contains some of the most popular romantic Indian movies (2016) as well as 2015 Indian movies.

1- Bombay (1995)


  • Hindi Title: बॉम्बे
  • Romanization: baumbe
  • English Title: Bombay

A landmark movie of the 90s era, Bombay created a lot of controversy and even some bomb blasts in the heart of Mumbai. The plot narrates an innocent but serious love budding between a Hindu man and Muslim woman. They get married and have kids.

But how viable is the marriage and their own existence when the whole country is burning with Hindu-Muslim riots? For so many reasons, and despite all the controversies, the film succeeded in touching everyone’s hearts. Needless to say, it’s still counted as one of the best masterpieces of Mani Ratnam.

Famous Quotes:

    आप लोगों के सिद्धांतों के कारण आम लोग खामखाँ मर रहे हैं। मुंबई जल रही है। ये क़त्ल-ए-आम कब बंद होगा?
    aap Logon ke SiDDHaaNTon ke kaaran aam log khaamakhaan mar rahe hain. Mumbaii jaL rahii hai. Ye qaTL-e-aam kab banD hogaa?
    “It’s because of your philosophies that innocent people are dying. Mumbai is burning. When will this massacre end?”

Useful Words:

  • धर्म (DHarm) Religion
  • क़त्ल (qaTL) Murder
  • ख़ून (khuuN) Blood
  • बच्चे (bacce) Children

2- Ijaazat (1987)


  • Hindi Title: इजाज़त
  • Romanization: ijaazaT
  • English Title: Permission

If you’re looking for deeper issues regarding a relationship, this one is a real gem. Ijaazat is a movie way ahead of its time. With all its dignity and sensibility, the film takes you through the complications of an extra-marital affair.

Gulzar casts his magic with the flawless dialogue, intense chemistry between the actors, and timeless song lyrics. The confusions of a couple, their altering love for each other, the jealousy, trauma, misunderstandings, and pain, have all been portrayed so beautifully. Even today, no other director has been able to tackle a similar movie with such maturity.

Famous Quotes:

  • मैं माया से प्यार करता था – ये सच है। और उसे भूलने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ – ये सही है। लेकिन इसमें तुम मेरी मदद नहीं करोगी तो मेरे लिए बड़ी मुश्किल होगी। क्यूंकि मुझसे ज़्यादा वो तुम्हें याद रहती है।
    main maayaa Se pyaar karaTaa THaa – ye Sac hai. aur uSe bhuuLaNe kii kosis kar raha huun – ye Sahii hai. LekiN iS men Tum merii maDaD Nahiin karogii To mere Liye badi muskiL hogii. Kyunki mujhaSe zyaaDaa vo Tumhen yaaD rahaTii hai.
    “That I loved Maya is true. That I’m trying to forget her is also true. But if you don’t help me in doing so, it will be very, very difficult for me. Because you think of her more often than I do.”

Useful Words:

  • मैं (main) I
  • तुम (Tum) You
  • कोशिश (kosis) Effort
  • इनकार (iNakaar) Refusal
  • याद (yaaD) Memory

3- Qayamat se Qayamat Tak (1988 )

The Lovers’ Doom

  • Hindi Title: क़यामत से क़यामत तक
  • Romanization: qayaamaT Se qayaamaT Tak
  • English Title: The Lovers’ Doom

Another fierce movie that proves the power of cinema and its role in society. India has a dark history of intolerance for the interreligious and inter-caste marriages. The movie Qayamat se Qayamat Tak is about two lovers whose families have a history of enmity with each other.

When the family members come to know about the couple’s relationship, they have no second thoughts about killing the boy and girl. Although it’s not strictly about different castes or religions, the movie does throw light on the evil of honor killing prevalent in Indian society till today.

Famous Quotes:

  • अगर हम किसी के लिए दीवाने हो गए…तो ये कोई ज़रूरी तो नहीं…कि वो भी हमारे लिए दीवाना हो जाए।
    agar ham kiSii ke Liye DiivaaNe ho gaye…To ye koii zaruurii To Nahiin…ke vo bhii hamaare Liye DiivaaNaa ho jaaye.
    “If I go crazy for someone…then it is not necessary that…that person should also go crazy for me.”

Useful Words:

  • मोहब्बत (mohabbaT) Love
  • समझना (SamajhaNaa) To understand
  • इंतज़ार (iNTazaar) Wait
  • दिल (DiL) Heart

8. Comedy

And finally, we’ve arrived to the genre that’s loved by all. Yes, we’re talking about Indian comedy movies.

1- Chhoti si baat (1976)

Just a Little Thing

  • Hindi Title: छोटी सी बात
  • Romanization: chotii Sii baaT
  • English Title: Just a Little Thing

A shy, timid man (Arun) falls in love with a chirpy and vibrant lady (Prabha). The problem is, Arun can’t gather enough courage to express his feelings for her. To make the matter worse, there’s another man, self-confident and well-spoken, trying to woo the same woman.

Tension rises when Arun sees a love triangle building up in his life. Does he get over the shyness and open up his heart to Prabha? Does Arun win the love of his life? Watch Chhoti Si Baat and get to the end of this cute love story to find out.

Famous Quotes:

  • प्यार पाने के लिए कोई भी तरीक़ा नाजायज़ नहीं है।
    pyaar paaNe ke Liye koii bhii Tareeqaa Naajaayaz nahiin hai.
    “No way is illegitimate to achieve love.”

Useful Words:

  • प्यार (pyaar) Love
  • शर्मीला (sarmiiLaa) Shy
  • दफ़्तर (DafTar) Office

2- Chachi 420 (1997)

Aunty with a Twist

  • Hindi Title: चाची ४२०
  • Romanization: caacii 420
  • English Title: Aunty with a Twist

When it comes to staying close to his cute little daughter, a father is ready to go to any extent. In the comedy movie Chachi 420, Jaiprakash and Janki are divorced. Their only daughter, Bharti, lives with her mother.

To audiences’ surprise, Jaiprakash gets made over to look like a trickster aunt and starts working as a maid in Janki’s house. The movie is filled with sweet and sour moments which are bound to make you giggle and keep you glued to the screen the entire time.

Famous Quotes:

  • क़ानून शादी को तोड़ सकता है…प्यार को नहीं।
    qaaNuuN saaDii ko Tod SakaTaa hai…pyaar ko nahiin.
    “The law can end a marriage…but not love.

Useful Words:

  • चाची (caacii) Aunty
  • क़ानून (qaaNuuN) Law
  • तलाक़ (TaLaaq) Divorce
  • बेटी (beTii) Daughter

3- Andaz Apna Apna (1994)

Everybody’s Got Own Style

  • Hindi Title: अंदाज़ अपना अपना
  • Romanization: aNDaaz apaNaa apaNaa
  • English Title: Everybody’s Got Own Style

If you ask us to vouch for just one comedy movie, we’d do so for Andaz Apna Apna. Before you start watching this movie, let us warn you about the fits of laughter and tears of joy that you’re going to experience.

Prem and Amar are eager to become millionaires by marrying a rich girl. Unfortunately (but luckily for us!), they both are after the same girl. In order to get the other person out of the scene, they try every possible trick which ultimately creates a series of hilarious events.

Famous Quotes:

  • भाभी होगी तेरी और शादी होगी मेरी।
    bhaabhii hogii Terii aur saaDii hogii merii.
    “She’ll be your sister-in-law and I will be the one to get married.”
  • ग़लती से मिस्टेक हो गया।
    ġaLTii Se miStek ho gayaa.
    “A mistake by mistake.”

Useful Words:

  • दोस्त (DoST) Friend/Buddy
  • ग़लती (ġaLTii) Mistake
  • शादी (saaDii) Marriage
  • पैसा (paiSaa) Money
  • लड़की (Ladakii) Girl

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In the meantime, please let us know which of these Hindi movies you plan on seeing soon and why! And, again, Hindi films (2018 ) and Hindi films (2019) may be available online. Just in case you’re not sure yet, you can also search for these Hindi movies’ official trailers. 😉

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