Top Indian “Sorry Words” And Polite Ways to Say Sorry in Hindi

What does a true apology feel like? Well, to begin with, it should come straight from the heart, and the Hindi language is the perfect tool to express it. Whether you need to know how to say sorry to your bf in Hindi or how to say sorry to a girl in Hindi, you’ll find an array of options here!

Unlike in English, Hindi’s “sorry” doesn’t have a single literal word for it. Instead, Indians prefer a bunch of phrases when asking for an apology and to say “sorry” in Hindi.

Most commonly, “sorry” in Hindi translation means क्षमा (ksamaa) or माफ़ी (maafii), and other similar words which you’ll be learning in this article.

“To say sorry” meaning in Hindi is माफ़ी माँगना (maafii maangaNaa). But the phrase literally translates to “to seek an apology,” where माफ़ी (maafii) is “an apology” and माँगना (maangaNaa) is “to seek” or “to ask for.”

As a beginner at HindiPod101, you can count on these Indian “sorry phrases” in similar situations, if you wish to apologize in Hindi. This is going to help you in different circumstances, such as making common errors while speaking in Hindi, being late, spilling coffee by mistake, or even consoling a friend.

Saying sorry in trivial situations shows your courteous behavior. In serious matters, it may save you from heartbreak, or losing a valuable friend. This makes “sorry” in learning Hindi so important.

In this article, we’ll show you lots of ways to say “sorry,” and also give examples of how to translate “sorry” in Hindi to English. So, let’s learn how to say “I am sorry” in Hindi! Start with a bonus, and download your FREE cheat sheet – How to Improve Your Hindi Skills! (Logged-In Member Only)

  1. Preferable Body Language While Making an Apology
  2. Most Important Apologizing Words in Hindi
  3. How to Say Sorry in Hindi
  4. Admitting a Mistake in a Dignified Manner
  5. Expressing Condolences
  6. Responding to an Apology
  7. How Can Transform Your Hindi Learning!

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1. Preferable Body Language While Making an Apology

“Sorry” in the Hindi language is about body language just as much as it is about words. Watching a tutorial on a “how to say sorry in Hindi” video, or seeing a “sorry” in Hindi image, may tell you a lot about the Indian ways of apologizing.

1- Apologizing in Formal Situations

Body Language During a Formal Apology

First, we’ll talk about how to say “I’m sorry” in Hindi in formal situations:

  • When asking for an apology from one’s boss, the person may stand with both hands in front of them.
  • The right palm rests over the left, and the head bows down very slightly.
  • And then, with a gentle tone, you say the common Indian sorry phrases that we’ve mentioned below.

2- Saying Sorry to Elders

Saying sorry to older people, relatives, or people you greatly respect, involves making a particular hand gesture:

  • Join both the palms, so that your fingertips and chest are aligned.
  • Technically, it’s the same as saying NamaSTe except that NamaSTe is a way of greeting others. But when apologizing, one doesn’t smile.
  • You can sometimes find the same hand gesture for “sorry” in Hindi quotes and “sorry” in Hindi statuses when you search online.

3- Saying Sorry to Friends and Younger People

Indian Ways of Apologizing

In informal situations, Indians say sorry to their friends by placing a hand on their friend’s shoulder. It’s not a rule, but the gesture is a symbol of empathy, showing that you understand their hurt and feel sorry for it.

Sometimes, we end up hurting the tender emotions of our young ones. In such sensitive moments, Indians like to hug their kids to express their genuine apology.

Now that you’ve got a better idea about Indian body language, let’s look at the popular keywords that are used to say “I am sorry” in the Hindi language.

2. Most Important Apologizing Words in Hindi

3 Ways to Say Sorry

The verb “apologize,”’s meaning in Hindi is माफ़ी माँगना (maafii maangaNaa). But when we talk about the noun “apology,” the right Hindi word for “sorry” is just माफ़ी (maafii), which is also a noun word in Hindi. माँगना (maangaNaa) qualifies as a verb in Hindi which translates to “asking for” in English.

1- क्षमा (ksamaa)

  • The Hindi word क्षमा (ksamaa) is a noun. Its literal meaning is “forgiveness.”
  • When pronouncing this word in Hindi, the k becomes silent and it actually sounds like samaa.
  • In a Hindi sentence, क्षमा (ksamaa) comes after a pronoun and is followed by a verb at the end.
  • It’s quite a formal apology word and people rarely use it to say sorry in the Hindi language.

2- माफ़ी (maafii)

  • The Hindi word माफ़ी (maafii) is also a noun. Its literal meaning is “forgiveness.”
  • In a Hindi sentence, माफ़ी (maafii) comes after a pronoun and is followed by a verb at the end.
  • On some occasions, माफ़ी (maafii) is replaced with माफ़ (maaf) which is a phrasal verb.
  • माफ़ (maaf) is one of the most popular Hindi words to be used not only in Hindi sorry SMS & Hindi Shayari, but is also used for Bangla sorry SMS. Don’t be surprised to hear this word when watching a boy saying sorry to his girlfriend.

3- भूल (bhuuL)

  • भूल (bhuuL) is a noun. Its literal meaning is “an unintentional mistake.”
  • Often accompanied by a verb, this word is mostly said while admitting a mistake.
  • Because of its simplicity, भूल (bhuuL) is the most favored term for “sorry” in Hindi Shayari and “sorry” in Hindi songs.

How to Say Sorry in Hindi

4- ग़लती (gaLaTii)

  • Another noun, ग़लती (gaLaTii) is more commonly used by Indians. It means a “careless mistake,” but may also stand for a “blunder.”
  • Compared to भूल (bhuuL), ग़लती (gaLaTii) is a slightly stricter term.
  • And yet, the word holds a tight place in most of the sorry quotes (Hindi) and Whatsapp “sorry” statuses in Hindi for friends.
  • Boys also opt for it when sending a “sorry” SMS in Hindi for a girlfriend.

5- शर्मिंदा (sarmiNDaa)

  • This word is actually an adjective. The literal meaning in English is “embarrassed.”
  • When changed into a noun, it’s शर्मिंदगी (sarmiNDagii), or “embarrassment.”
  • It’s another apt word to use when writing a “sorry” SMS in Hindi or other online “sorry” messages in Hindi.
  • All Bollywood fans know that the phrase is frequently used in apology love songs as a sophisticated substitute for “sorry” in Hindi lyrics.

6- अफ़सोस (afaSoS)

  • A noun, अफ़सोस (afaSoS) is a perfect choice for “hurt and sorry” quotes.
  • Indian folks also use it when trying to say, “I am sorry to say…” in Hindi.
  • You’re supposed to say it when offering condolences or expressing your regrets.
    Actually, it’s a delicate expression that one might come across while reading some of the best “sorry” SMS in Hindi and apologizy quotes in Hindi.

The following list proves that there’s no single word for “sorry” in Hindi translation. Indian society and its culture are so vivid and versatile that at times the rich Hindi vocabulary may confuse non-native speakers.

However, a little bit of practice and you’re good to go. HindiPod101 is a grand platform which makes sure that you nail this game of Hindi language.

Now, we’ll be discussing the various Indian ways to say sorry in different situations and sentence forms.

3. How to Say Sorry in Hindi

Say Sorry

These are some simple phrases and statements that will suffice for all Hindi language beginners.

1- Formal Situations

1.) मैं क्षमा चाहता हूँ / चाहती हूँ

Romanization: main ksamaa caahaTaa huun / caahaTii huun.
English Translation: “I apologize.”

In this sentence, मैं (main) means “I,” and क्षमा (ksamaa) is “apology.” चाहता हूँ / चाहती हूँ (caahaTaa hun / caahaTii huun) is “seek / ask for.”

2.) कृपया मुझे क्षमा कर दें

Romanization: kripayaa, mujhe ksamaa kar den.
English Translation: “Please, forgive me.”

In this sentence, कृपया (kripayaa) is “please,” मुझे (mujhe) means “me,” and क्षमा कर दें (ksamaa kar den) is a verb that means “forgive.”

3.) मैं क्षमा-प्रार्थी हूँ

Romanization: main ksamaa-praarTHii huun.
English Translation: “I seek an apology.”

Here, मैं (main) means “I,” क्षमा-प्रार्थी (ksamaa-praarTHii) means “a seeker of apology,” and हूँ (hun) is a helping verb for “am.”

4.) मैं माफ़ी चाहता हूँ / चाहती हूँ

Romanization: main maafii caahaTaa huun / caahaTii huun.
English Translation: “I am sorry.”

In this sentence, मैं (main) means “I,” माफ़ी (maafii) means “apology,” and चाहता हूँ / चाहती हूँ (caahaTaa huun / caahaTii huun) means “seek / ask for.”

5.) कृपया, मुझे माफ़ कर दीजिये

Romanization: kripayaa, mujhe maaf kar Diijiye.
English Translation: “Please, forgive me.”

Here, कृपया (kripayaa) means “please,” मुझे (mujhe) means “me,” and माफ़ कर दीजिये (maaf kar Diijiye) means “forgive / grant an apology.”

6.) क्या आप मुझे माफ़ कर देंगे?

Romanization: kyaa aap mujhe maaf kar denge?
English Translation: “Would you forgive me?”

In this sentence, क्या आप (kyaa aap) stands for “would you,” मुझे (mujhe) means “me,” and माफ़ कर देंगे (maaf kar Denge) means “forgive / grant an apology.”

2- Informal Situations

To your friends or strangers, you can say sorry in the following ways.

1.) माफ़ करना

Romanization: maaf karaNaa.
English Translation: “Excuse me.”

2.) मुझे माफ़ कर दो

Romanization: mujhe maaf kar Do.
English Translation: “I am sorry.”

3.) बुरा मत मानो

Romanization: buraa maT maaNo.
English Translation: “Please, don’t mind.”

4.) क्या तुम मुझे माफ़ कर दोगी / दोगे ?

Romanization: kyaa Tum mujhe maaf kar Dogii / Doge?
English Translation: “Would you forgive me?”

4. Admitting a Mistake in a Dignified Manner

Admitting mistakes is one of the first steps in showing that you’re sorry. If you’re wondering how to say sorry to your gf in Hindi, admitting your mistake will definitely help. And below you’ll find the best ways to do this.

Admitting Your Mistakes

1- मुझसे यह ग़लती हो गयी

Romanization: mujhaSe yah gaLaTii ho gayii.
English Translation: “I made this mistake.”

Here, मुझसे (mujhaSe) means “by me,” यह (yah) means “this,” ग़लती (gaLaTii) means “mistake,” and हो गयी (ho gayii) means “was done.”

2- यह मेरी ही भूल थी

Romanization: yah merii hii bhuuL THii.
English Translation: “It was my fault.”

Here, यह (yah) stands for “it,” मेरी (merii) means “my,” भूल (bhuuL) means “fault,” and थी (THii) means “was.”

3- मैं आगे से ऐसा नहीं करूँगा / करूँगी

Romanization: main aage Se aiSaa Nahiin karuungaa / karuungii.
English Translation: “I will not repeat this in the future.”

In this sentence, मैं (main) means “I,” आगे से (aage Se) means “in the future,” ऐसा (aiSaa) means “this,” and नहीं करूँगा / करूँगी (Nahiin karuungaa / karuungii) means “won’t do.”

4- मैं बहुत ज़्यादा शर्मिंदा हूँ

Romanization: main bahuT zyaaDaa sarmiNDaa huun.
English Translation: “I am very sorry / embarrassed.”

मैं (main) stands for “I,” बहुत ज़्यादा (bahuT zyaaDaa) means “really / very,” शर्मिंदा (sarmiNDaa) means “sorry / embarrassed,” and हूँ (huun) means “am.”
The “I am extremely sorry” meaning in Hindi is also the same.

5- मेरा व्यवहार ठीक नहीं था

Romanization: meraa vyavahaar thiik Nahiin THaa.
English Translation: “My behavior was not right.”

Here, मेरा (meraa) means “my,” व्यवहार (vyavahaar) means “behavior,” ठीक (thiik) means “right,” नहीं (Nahiin) is “not,” and था (THaa) means “was.”

5. Expressing Condolences

Consoling Loved Ones

1- मुझे वाक़ई अफ़सोस है

Romanization: mujhe vaaqaii afaSoS hai.
English Translation: “I am really sorry.”

Also, the “I am really very sorry,” meaning in Hindi is the same, and this can also be how to say “I’m so sorry” in Hindi.
Here, मुझे (mujhe) means “I,” वाक़ई (vaaqaii) means “really,” and अफ़सोस है (afaSoS hai) means “feel sorry.”

2- मुझे दुख है

Romanization: mujhe Dukh hai.
Translation: “My apologies.”

In this phrase, मुझे (mujhe) means “I,” and दुख है (Dukh hai) means “feel sad.”

3- मुझे खेद है

Romanization: mujhe kheD hai.
English Translation: “I am sorry.”

In this sentence, मुझे (mujhe) means “I,” and खेद है (kheD hai) means “feel sad.”

6. Responding to an Apology

Responding to an Apology

1- कोई बात नहीं

Romanization: koii baaT nahiin.
English Translation: “It’s okay” or “Never mind.”

2- माफ़ी मत मांगो

Romanization: maafii maT maango.
English Translation: “Please, don’t apologize.”

This sentence is also the same as the “Don’t be sorry” meaning in Hindi.

3- माफ़ी की कोई बात नहीं

Romanization: maafii kii koii baaT Nahiin.
English Translation: “No need to apologize.”

7. How Can Transform Your Hindi Learning!

As you can see, we’ve shared a handful of ways to say sorry in Hindi. We hope you enjoyed it, and that you now have “sorry” in your Hindi vocabulary arsenal!

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