Common Useful Hindi Phrases for Travel Destinations in India


Planning to spend your vacation in India? Well, learning Hindi should be your top-most priority before visiting the land of diversity. In case you’ve been wondering where to begin, allow us to introduce you to, the biggest platform for mastering Hindi. HindiPod101 is the best language travel guide in Hindi even for beginners, and today we’ll be teaching you some useful Hindi phrases for travel!

Traveling to a foreign land is one of the most remarkable things in life. And yet, the thought of it makes us all a little nervous. The biggest hurdle that gives us cold feet is the language problem. For instance, if India is on your tour list, communicating with the natives will be challenging if you don’t speak or understand Hindi.

And although Hindi is spoken mainly in the northern part of the country, other states are also well-versed with the language. Whether you’re about to travel in Hindi-speaking areas or explore the southern region, knowing some essential Hindi travel phrases is a sure-shot way to have a safe and gratifying journey.

So, brace yourself for a quick language ride and let’s make this trip more enjoyable with some useful Hindi phrases for travel in India. You’ll be so glad that you learned the most common Hindi travel phrases!

Table of Contents

  1. Perks of Knowing Hindi in India
  2. Essential Hindi Phrases for Traveling in India
  3. How to Use HindiPod101 and Learn Hindi Travel Phrases!


1. Perks of Knowing Hindi in India

Preparing to Travel

Being a foreigner, it’s not necessary for you to be well-versed in Hindi language travel phrases. However, the knowledge of basic Hindi conversation for tourists has several advantages.

  • General Needs: Spending a few weeks in another country, you just can’t avoid the day-to-day needs. In India, greeting the local people like a native is the best way to solve that problem. Thus, basic greeting Hindi phrases when travelling to India are essential.
  • Eateries and Shopping Spots: By learning some simple travel phrases in Hindi, food lovers and shopaholics can easily track all the hot spots in the market. Knowing the right Hindi words for traveling purposes is an easy and economical way to gorge on your favorite Indian cuisine or shop to your heart’s content.
  • Bargaining: Yes, in India, when it comes to foreign travelers, the vendors try all their might to get the maximum profit from sales. If you know the basic Indian phrases for tourists, you’ll gain the upper hand in the general bargaining process.
  • Finding Locations: No Google search is good enough to provide you with as fine and accurate suggestions as the local people. Understanding directions and routes in Hindi becomes an effortless task as you learn useful Indian phrases when traveling.
  • Bonding with the Locals: Hindi words related to travel and staying in the country aren’t just about surviving the trip. Speaking the local language is an effective gesture to impress and bond with the natives. It shows your warmth and respect toward their culture. Check out these amazing Hindi pronunciation tips for speaking like a native.
  • Emergency: In case of emergencies, such as a health issue, accident, theft, etc., knowledge of Hindi travel common phrases goes a long way. In urgent situations, it can get you help in as little time as possible.

2. Essential Hindi Phrases for Traveling in India

Honestly, listing the relevant Hindi phrases for a tourist in India can be an endless task. Nonetheless, we’ve collected the best Hindi travel phrases for you to make your trip smooth and hassle-free.

Check out the following sets of situations and learn the related Hindi language travel phrases for each of them. Once you’ve spent some time practicing, you’ll be able to speak Hindi travel words and phrases like a native!

1- Greetings and Other Basic Expressions

India is a country where people love to socialize. Even strangers may smile to each other. In such a vibrant culture as India, a seemingly ordinary gesture of greeting is enough to break the ice. Here are some of the most popular words and phrases in Hindi to help you gel with the locals! For easier learning, refer to our section on Hindi alphabets.

1.) Greetings

  • नमस्ते (NamaSTe)
  • नमस्कार (NamaSkaar)
  • आप कैसे हैं / कैसी हैं? (aap kaiSe hain / kaiSii hain?)
    How are you?

In India, people follow a particular set of body language and hand gestures while saying “hello” in Hindi. Visit our Indian greetings and body language page on and find out the proper way to introduce yourself and start a friendly conversation.

2.) Basic Manners

  • शुक्रिया (sukriyaa)
    Thank you
  • धन्यवाद (DHaNyavaaD)
    Thank you
  • माफ़ कीजिये (maaf kiijiye)
    Excuse me / Sorry
  • कृपया (kripayaa)

3.) Common Sentences

  • मेरा नाम मोनिका है। (meraa Naam moNikaa hai.)
    My name is Monica.
  • आपका क्या नाम है? (aapakaa kyaa Naam hai?)
    What’s your name?
  • मैं ठीक हूँ। (main thiik huun.)
    I am good.
  • आप कैसे /कैसी हैं? (aap kaiSe hain / kaiSii hain?)
    How are you?
  • कोई बात नहीं। (koii baaT Nahiin.)
    It’s okay. / No problem.
  • आप से मिलकर ख़ुशी हुई। (aap Se miLakar khusii huii.)
    A pleasure to meet you.

Useful Related Words

  • नाम (Naam) Name
  • मैं (main) I
  • आप (aap) You
  • हाँ (hā̃) Yes
  • नहीं (Nahiin) No
  • ठीक है (thiik hai) Okay

2- Using a Public Transport

In small cities, where everything is within a range of a few kilometers, the common public transports include auto rickshaws and rickshaws. Whereas in metropolitan cities, metros, local buses, autos, cabs, and taxis keep the towns running! To help you navigate these transportation systems, check out these Hindi words and phrases for travelers to India.

Taking a Train in India

  • मेट्रो स्टेशन ले चलो। (metro StesaN Le caLo.)
    Take me to the metro station, please.
  • रेलवे स्टेशन / बस स्टेशन जाना है। (reLave StesaN / baS StesaN jaaNaa hai.)
    Railway station, please.
  • अगला स्टॉप कितना दूर है? (agaLaa Staup kiTaNaa Duur hai?)
    How far is the next stop?
  • टिकट किधर मिलेगा? (tikat kiDHar miLegaa?)
    Where can I get the ticket?
  • मेरी सुबह की ट्रेन है। (merii Subah kii treN hai.)
    I have an early morning train.
  • कितना वक़्त लगेगा? (kiTaNaa vaqT Lagegaa?)
    How long will it take?
  • मुंबई का टिकट चाहिए। (mumbaii kaa tikat caahiye.)
    A ticket to Mumbai, please.
  • मुझे कहाँ उतरना चाहिए? (mujhe kahaan uTaraNaa caahiye?)
    Where should I get off?

Now for a tip from our India travel guide: India is a heavily populated country. So, be prepared for the rush and traffic to slow you down. Keep sufficient time in hand to reach the airport / bus station / railway station. On average, leaving thirty to forty-five minutes earlier than the usual time will save you a lot of hassle.

Useful Related Words

  • सुबह (Subah) Morning
  • रात (raaT) Night
  • दोपहर (Dopahar) Afternoon
  • कब (kab) When
  • समय (Samay) Time

3- Shopping and Bargaining

Bargaining is the heartbeat of typical Indian markets. It goes on all the time. Unless you’re in a mall or a branded store with fixed prices, the local shops can really test your spending limits.

More often than not, vendors and shopkeepers try to get as much as they can from foreigners. Sometimes, the quoted price may be double or triple the original rate.

Your bargaining capacity becomes manifold just by uttering some common shopping phrases in Hindi. Using these basic Hindi words for travelers to India is an effective way to tell the sellers that you understand how things work in the local market and they better stop trying to fool you!

Shopping and Bargaining in Hindi

  • कितना हुआ? (kiTaNaa huaa?)
    How much?
  • क्या दाम है? (kyaa Daam hai?)
    What’s the price?
  • इसका दाम कम कीजिए। (iSakaa Daam kam kiijiye.)
    Please, lower the price.
  • सही दाम लगाओ। (Sahii Daam Lagaao.)
    Tell me the correct price.
  • मुझे यह चाहिए। (mujhe yah caahiye.)
    I want this.
  • मुझे यह नहीं चाहिए। (mujhe yah Nahiin caahiye.)
    I don’t want this.
  • ये सामान ख़राब है। (ye SaamaaN kharaab hai.)
    This stuff has defects.
  • इसे बदल दीजिये। (iSe baDaL Dijiiye.)
    Please, change this.
  • छोटा / बड़ा नाप चाहिए। (chotaa / badaa Naap caahiye.)
    Give me a smaller / larger size.
  • क्रेडिट कार्ड चलेगा? (kredit kaard caLega?)
    Can I use a credit card?

Useful Related Words

  • दाम (Daam) Rate / Price
  • पैसे (paiSe) Money / Rupees
  • बदलना (baDaLaNaa) Change
  • नया (Nayaa) New
  • पुराना (puraaNaa) Old
  • ख़राब (kharaab) Defective
  • छोटा (chotaa) Small
  • बड़ा (badaa) Large
  • नाप (Naap) Size

Indians have a habit of using Hindi numbers while counting money, telling the price, bargaining, and even asking what size fits you well. With, you can learn and memorize the Hindi Numbers and up your bargain game.

4- Dining at a Restaurant

Authentic Indian cuisine is worth every bite. From vegetarian dishes to non-veg delicacies, Indian food is a melting pot of herbs and spices, all with a touch of love.

When visiting a fine restaurant or hotel that you’re staying in, speaking Hindi is optional. Most hotel staff are fluent in English and converse in the same language. So, you may not need to worry about speaking Hindi at your hotel.

However, if you stop by a roadside eatery and wish to have a few bites there, the basic Hindi travel words with meanings below will prove to be quite helpful.

Variety of Indian Dishes

With these Hindi words, one can easily place an order at a local restaurant, ask for the bill, and more.

  • मैं शाकाहारी हूँ। (main saakaahaarii huun.)
    I am a vegetarian.
  • मैं मांसाहारी हूँ। (main maanSaahaarii huun.)
    I am a non-vegetarian.
  • एक चाय / कॉफ़ी चाहिए। (ek caay / kaufii caahiye.)
    One tea / coffee, please.
  • ये बहुत स्वादिष्ट है। (ye bahuT SvaaDist hai.)
    It’s delicious.
  • तीखा कम रखियेगा। (Tiikhaa kam rakhiyegaa.)
    Please, make it less spicy.
  • बिल ले आइये। (biL Le aaiye.)
    Bill, please.

Ordering at an Indian Restaurant

  • मुझे और रोटियाँ चाहिए। (mujhe aur rotiyaan caahiye.)
    I want more chapatis.
  • दो लोग हैं। (Do Log hain.)
    Table for two, please.
  • क्या आप क्रेडिट कार्ड लेते हैं? (kyaa aap kredit kaard LeTe hain?)
    Do you accept credit cards?

It’s common to pay in cash when eating at a small restaurant. Credit cards are usually accepted at expensive or moderately expensive eating places.

The most popular beverage in India is tea (caay). It contains tea leaves, sugar, and equal parts milk and water. Indians love to have their tea on the sweeter side. So, if you don’t have a sweet tooth, make sure to mention that while you order the tea.

Spices and chilies are the soul of every Indian food. To non-natives, Indian food may taste quite spicy and hot. To be on the safer side, it’s better to tell the waiters your preferences beforehand.

Many Herbs and Spices

Useful Related Words

  • खाना (khaaNaa) Lunch / Dinner / Meal / Food
  • पानी (paaNii) Water
  • चाय (caay) Tea
  • दूध (DuuDH) Milk
  • नाश्ता (NaasTaa) Breakfast
  • अंडा (aNdaa) Egg
  • फल (phaL) Fruits
  • सब्ज़ी (Sabzii) Vegetable
  • रोटी (rotii) Chapati / Indian flat bread
  • चावल (caavaL) Rice
  • मसाला (maSaaLaa) Spice
  • कम (kam) Less
  • ज़्यादा (zyaaDaa) More
  • मीठा (miithaa) Sweet
  • मिठाई (mithaaii) Dessert

5- For Directions and Routes

World Map

Most of the cities and towns in the country aren’t organized. So, finding the routes all by yourself can be tricky business. Nonetheless, people in India are helpful and friendly. They’ll be more than happy to help you with directions. But, how to ask for directions when a large segment of the population doesn’t speak English?

The answer is simple. Learn these basic phrases and you’re good to go! (They may be some of the most important Hindi words for tourists in India!)

  • बाथरूम कहाँ / किधर है? (baaTHaruum kahaan / kiDHar hai?)
    Where is the toilet?
  • ताज महल कितनी दूर है? (Taaj mahaL kiTaNii Duur hai?)
    How far is the Taj Mahal?
  • कनॉट प्लेस के लिए कौन-सा रास्ता है? (kaNaut pLeS ke Liye kauN-Sa raaSTaa hai?)
    What is the route to Connaught Place?
  • दाएं जाना है। (Daayen jaaNaa hai.)
    Go right.
  • बाएँ मुड़ना है। (baayen mudaNaa hai.)
    Turn left.
  • सामने / सीधे चले जाइये। (SaamaNe / SiiDHe caLe jaaiye.)
    Go straight.

Useful Related Words

  • दाएं (Daayen) Right
  • बाएं (baayen) Left
  • सामने (SaamaNe) Front
  • सीधे (SiiDHe) Straight
  • सड़क (Sadak) Road
  • मोड़ (mod) Turn
  • किधर (kiDHar) Which side
  • कहाँ (kahaan) Where
  • अंदर (aNDar) Inside
  • बाहर (baahar) Outside
  • पीछे (piiche) Back / Behind

6- In Case of Emergency

Survival Phrases

This section needs no explanation. When you’re in another part of the world, learning the local language, or at least some essential emergency phrases in Hindi, can save you from big trouble. Below is a list of some Hindi phrases to use in case of emergency.

  • मुझे मदद चाहिए। / कृपया, मेरी मदद कीजिए। (mujhe maDaD caahiye.) / (kripayaa, merii maDaD kiijiye.)
    I need help. / Please, help me.
  • मेरी तबियत ख़राब है। (merii TabiiyaT kharaab hai.)
    I am feeling sick.
  • क्या पास में कोई दवा की दुकान होगी? (kyaa paaS men koii Davaa kii DukaaN hogii?)
    Is there any medical store nearby?
  • मेरा पासपोर्ट खो गया है। (meraa paaSaport kho gayaa hai.)
    I have lost my passport.
  • पुलिस को बुलाओ। (puLiS ko buLaao.)
    Call the police.
  • पुलिस चौकी कहाँ है? (puLiS caukii kahaan hai?)
    Where is the police station?
  • अस्पताल कहाँ है? (aSpaTaaL kahaan hai?)
    Where’s the hospital?

An Emergency Situation

Useful Related Words

  • दवा (Davaa) Medicine
  • बुख़ार (bukhaar) Fever
  • चोरी (corii) Theft
  • पर्स (parS) Purse / Wallet
  • सामान (SaamaaN) Luggage

7- Giving Compliments and Making Friends

When you spend sufficient time in India, you’re probably going to make some new friends. If not, then maybe you’d still like to say “thank you” to your hosts for their warm hospitality, initiate a conversation with someone you want to be friends with, and so on!

How do you make your emotions sound special? Express yourself in Hindi and steal the locals’ hearts already! Explore these flattery phrases to flaunt your Hindi and catch everybody’s attention.

  • मुझे भारत देश पसंद है। (mujhe bhaaraT Des paSaND hai.)
    I like India.
  • मुझे भारतीय खाना काफ़ी पसंद है। (mujhe bhaaraTiiy khaana kaafii paSaND hai.)
    I love Indian cuisine.
  • आप बहुत अच्छे / अच्छी हैं। (aap bahuT acche / acchii hain.)
    You’re a nice person.
  • आपसे मिलकर ख़ुशी हुई। (aap Se miLakar khusii huyii.)
    It’s a pleasure meeting you.
  • क्या आप फ़ेसबुक पर हैं? (kyaa aap feSabuk par hain?)
    Are you on Facebook?

Useful Related Words

  • सर (Sar) Sir
  • मैडम (maidam) Madam
  • भैया (bhaiyaa) Brother
  • दीदी (DiiDii) Sister
  • अन्ना (aNNaa) Brother
  • दादा (DaaDaa) Big brother
  • आंटी (aaNtii) Aunty
  • अंकल (ankaL) Uncle

8- For Sorting out Language Troubles

Basic Questions

It’s okay if you struggle while speaking Hindi. You may want to use the phrases below to make people aware of your language troubles and to ask for their help.

  • मुझे हिंदी नहीं आती। (mujhe hiNDii nahiin aaTii.)
    I don’t speak Hindi.
  • क्या आपको अंग्रेज़ी आती है? (kyaa aapako angrezii aaTii hai?)
    Do you speak English?
  • कृपया, धीरे बोलिये। (kripayaa, DHiire boLiye.)
    Please, speak slowly.
  • इसे लिख दीजिये। (iSe Likh Diijiye.)
    Please, write it down.
  • इसे कैसे पढ़ेंगे? (iSe kaiSe padhenge?)
    How do you read this?
  • कितने बजे हैं? (kiTaNe baje hain?)
    What’s the time?
  • मुझे समझ नहीं आया। (mujhe Samajh Nahiin aayaa.)
    I don’t understand.
  • कृपया, फिर से कहिये। (kripayaa, phir Se kahiye.)
    Please, say it again.

Useful Related Words

  • कैसे (kaiSe) How
  • बोलना (boLaNaa) Speak
  • पढ़ना (padhaNaa) Read
  • फिर से (phir Se) Again

3. How to Use HindiPod101 and Learn Hindi Travel Phrases!

Now that we’ve covered all the phrases you need to know for your trip to India, we hope you can see why travel phrases in Hindi language learning are so necessary to an enjoyable (and safe) trip. After reading these Hindi travel phrases in the English language, it’s time to practice your Hindi skills!

If you’re nervous about your trip to India just because you don’t speak Hindi, HindPod101 can make your worries disappear. The wide and comprehensive study material on HindiPod101 doesn’t just teach you Hindi, but almost everything about India.

You can learn about Indian culture, common food items, greeting methods, and much more with All you have to do is download the Hindi Mobile Application and start learning! So, what are you waiting for? Sign up on our homepage and get access to unlimited resources for Hindi learning.
