Top Hindi Words to Talk About Weather – India & Its Seasons


In this article, HindiPod101 will provide you with practical weather-related words in Hindi, and how to start talking about weather in Hindi to break the ice! By the end of this article, you should also be able to more easily decipher weather information in Hindi when see or hear it! But first, some context and background information.

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Table of Contents

  1. An Overview of Indian Weather
  2. Annual Season Patterns in India
  3. Vocabulary for Weather in Hindi
  4. Vocabulary for Indian Seasons in Hindi
  5. Vocabulary for Temperature in the Hindi Language
  6. Elements of Weather in Hindi – I
  7. Elements of Weather in Hindi – II
  8. Elements of Weather in Hindi – III
  9. Elements of Weather in Hindi – IV
  10. Bring Value to Your Language-Learning with HindiPod101

1. An Overview of Indian Weather


India is a country where the weather shows its colors all through the year. In terms of weather, India may drive you crazy! You ask why? Because there’s no such thing as “uniform” weather in India. This word just doesn’t apply to the land where the temperature is anything but monotonous. But this can make discussing the weather in Hindi more exciting!

In fact, the weather in different parts of the land is as diverse as its culture. When it’s a chilly winter in North India (weather in Delhi, India), in the South (Bangalore, India) the weather may be a pleasantly cool summer. Further, somewhere in the Northeast (Assam, India), one may watch the mountains receive the beautiful rainfall. You get the drift, right!


So, the answer to “What’s the weather in India?” can’t be a single adjective! At most, we may refer to it as the variable climate of several regions in the country, which differs bluntly from one state to another.

1- Applications of Learning about Weather in Hindi

Learning the basic weather terminology before meeting the locals and trying to indulge in a conversation with them can be really rewarding. After all, the topic is bound to come up once in a while!

Whether you’re planning a trip to India or making up your mind to settle there, it’s better to do a bit of homework beforehand. Understanding what to expect from the weather in India and catching up with the latest weather forecast should be the topmost things on your list.

The weather forecast for India can actually reveal a thread of sharp distinction prevailing in different parts of the country at a given time. The disparity may surprise you, but will also prove to be quite insightful.

Not only that, but listening to the news about weather in Hindi is another great habit to improve your language skills. As a beginner who wants to learn the concept of weather change in Hindi or general Indian weather in Hindi, watching the weather news in Hindi can be truly significant.

Other effective practices to gain better command over weather in Hindi may include looking at the Indian weather map, or following the BBC weather report, etc.

Once you develop the habit, it’s easier to bring up things like the weather in Hindi today, or monsoon news in Hindi, and impress everyone!

Coming back to weather in India at HindiPod101, we’ll share with you some elementary traits and patterns of the yearly weather in India. You’ll also learn the elementary phrases and sentence structures to carry on a general conversation.

But before we find out about the weather in Hindi today, let’s have a quick overview of the seasons in India!

2. Annual Season Patterns in India

Do you know that, at the same time of the year, the north-Indian weather is a lot different than the southeast Indian weather? In case you’re already feeling confused, HindiPod101 is here to put all your worries and confusion to rest so you can talk about local weather in Hindi with ease.

India shares its boundary with all types of geographical features. Take, for instance, the Himalayas. This mountain range spreads its arms to cover most of the top northern regions in the country.

The eastern parts comprise of the Eastern Ghats and the Bay of Bengal, whereas in the west, the Western Ghats and the Arabian Sea influences the climate. The Indian Ocean embraces the southernmost parts of the country. And this is why there’s such a stark contrast between the weather in Bangalore, India versus the weather Delhi, India experiences. You’ll read about this in further detail in the sections below.

Apart from sharing the most popular vocabulary for the weather in Hindi today, we’re more than happy to first introduce you to the seasonal ups and downs that happen throughout the year. On a different note, curious souls can also check out our special comprehensive Hindi article dedicated specifically to the Hindi names of all twelve months.

So, let’s dig in!

1- November to February

If you wish to know the most pleasant season in India, the best time is from the months of November to February. Weather in India in November is marked as the beginning of winter. During Christmastime, for example, the weather in India in December reaches an extreme.

Basically, the weather in India in January is quite cold and bitter in the northern parts. Snowfall decorates the mountains in the hilly regions. In the plains, weather follows the same temperature pattern.

However, you can expect marvelous weather in Bangalore, India, which is located in Karnataka, a southwest state of the country. Being adjacent to the sea, the cool and soothing weather in Mumbai, India also attracts a lot of tourists during this time of the year.


On the other hand, the weather in Hyderabad, India carries a tinge of warmth and dryness during this season. For the same reason, it would be unfair to call it cold, even in the months of December and January.

Quick Note: The festival of Diwali is celebrated just before the start of winter, in late October or early November. Festivals like Lohri and Makar Sankranti marks the end of winter, which is generally in February.

1) Useful Sentence Patterns

  • मुझे दिवाली का त्यौहार पसंद है।
    (mujhe DivaaLii kaa Tyauhaar paSaND hai.)
    “I like the festival of Diwali.”

2- March to June

As soon as the time comes for the weather in India in March, you can feel the temperature soaring. The weather in India in April badly affects the plains in particular. The scorching heat, especially during the months of May and June, forces the schools and colleges to remain closed.

Weather in Delhi, India is no exception. In states like Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh, a hot and dusty wind known in Hindi as Loo blows in this season. Sweltering heat capable of causing sunstroke is another remarkable characteristic of weather in these areas.

But unlike the humid and suffocating weather in Hyderabad, Chennai, and Kolkata, the hot weather in New Delhi is actually dry. Many foreigners and local people fall in love with the delightful Goa weather and like to spend their time there.

Quick Note: The colorful Indian festival Holi is celebrated to welcome the spring in the month of March.

1) Useful Sentence Patterns

  • होली का त्यौहार मार्च के महीने में आता है।
    (hoLii kaa Tyauhaar maarc ke mahiiNe men aaTaa hai.)
    “The festival of Holi comes in the month of March.”

3- July to October

Weather in India in July is mostly about rain and severe humidity. During this time, the weather in Pune, India is most enjoyable. As far as the weather in Bangalor and Hyderabad are concerned, monsoons knock on the door at the beginning of June (or even earlier). In August, the days face frequent drizzles and rains.

Quick Note: Indians have Saavan Mela organized to welcome the arrival of monsoons, whereas Dussehra usually falls during the cool weather in India in October.

1) Useful Sentence Patterns

  • कल दशहरा मनाया जायेगा।
    (kaL Dasaharaa maNaayaa jaayegaa.)
    “Dussehra will be celebrated tomorrow.”

By now, you must be well-acquainted with the versatile climatic moods of the Indian land. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. As the days pass by and you live the richness of all the seasons, the need for local Hindi words is felt more than ever to express that lingering effect.

Time and again, a basic familiarity with the weather in Hindi is not only going to make life in India easier for you, but it will also wash away the initial hitches when trying to chat with the locals.

3. Vocabulary for Weather in Hindi


Let’s jump to the most prominent question popping up in your head. What is weather called in Hindi? Well, the most common way to say “weather” in Hindi is मौसम (mauSam).

As you can see in the chart below, one just has to add a fitting adjective to it and the meaning changes completely. Feel free to practice this snippet of our weather in Hindi dictionary before moving forward!

English Words Hindi Meaning Pronunciation
“Weather” मौसम (mauSam)
“Hot weather” गर्म मौसम (garm mauSam)
“Cool weather” ठंडा मौसम (thaNdaa mauSam)
“Pleasant weather” सुहाना मौसम (SuhaaNaa mausam)
“Weather change” मौसम परिवर्तन (mauSam parivarTaN)
“Weather forecast” मौसम पूर्वानुमान (mauSam puurvaaNumaaN)


1- Useful Sentence Patterns

  • आज तो बहुत ठंड है।
    (aaj To bahuT thaNd hai.)
    “It’s really cold today.”
  • मौसम बदल रहा है। तबियत का ध्यान रखना।
    (mauSam baDaL rahaa hai. TabiyaT kaa DHyaan rakhaNaa.)
    “The weather is changing. Please take care of your health.”
  • सर्दी के मौसम में गुनगुना पानी पीने से ख़राश नहीं होती है।
    (SarDii ke mauSam men guNaguNaa paaNii piiNe Se kharaas Nahiin hoTii hai.)
    “Drinking lukewarm water in winters saves you from throat infection.”

4. Vocabulary for Indian Seasons in Hindi


Now it’s time to learn weather expressions in Hindi that have to do with the seasons. Here’s a quick list to show you the different names for the various seasons in Hindi, and how Indians pronounce them.

English Words Hindi Meaning Pronunciation
“Seasons” ऋतुएं / मौसम (riTuyen) / (mauSam)
“Spring” वसंत ऋतु (vaSaNT riTu)
“Winter” सर्दी / ठंड / शिशिर / शीत ऋतु (SarDii) / (thaNd) / (sisir) / (siiT riTu)
“Summer” गर्मी / ग्रीष्म ऋतु (Garmii) / (griism riTu)
“Autumn” पतझड़ / शरद् ऋतु (paTjhad) / (saraD riTu)
“Rainy” बरसात / वर्षा ऋतु (barasaaT) / (varsaa riTu)
“Pre-winter” हेमंत ऋतु (hemaNT riTu)

1- Useful Sentence Patterns

  • भारत में, गर्मी के मौसम में यानि कि मई और जून के महीनों में लू (गरम हवा) चलती है।
    (bhaaraT men, garmii ke mauSam men yaaNi ki maii aur juuN ke mahiNon men Luu (garam havaa) caLaTii hai.)
    “In India, we have loo (dry & hot air) in the summer season, that is in the months of May and June.”
  • भारत में, हर तीन महीने में मौसम बदल जाता है।
    (bhaaraT men, har TiiN mahiNe men mauSam baDaL jaaTaa hai.)
    “In India, the season changes every three months.”
  • मैंने आज मानसून समाचार हिंदी में सुने।
    (mainNe aaj maaNaSuuN Samaacaar hiNDii men SuNe.)
    “I listened to the monsoon news in Hindi today.”

And if you wish to go deeper, you’re welcome to explore some more Hindi words for the autumn season.

5. Vocabulary for Temperature in the Hindi Language

English Words Hindi Meaning Pronunciation
“Temperature” तापमान / पारा (TaapamaaN) / (paaraa)
“Hot” गर्मी (garmii)
“Humid” उमस / आर्द्रता (umaS) / (aarDraTaa)
“Cold” ठंडक (thaNdak)
“Moisture” नमी (Namii)


1- Useful Sentence Patterns

  • कल की रात काफ़ी उमस भरी थी।
    (kaL kii raaT kaafii umaS bharii THii.)
    “Last night was quite humid.”
  • आज दिल्ली में तापमान ३ डिग्री है।
    (aaj DiLLii men TaapamaaN TiiN digrii hai.)
    “It’s 3 degrees in Delhi today.”

6. Elements of Weather in Hindi – I


English Words Hindi Meaning Pronunciation
“Sun” सूरज / सूर्य (Suuraj) / (Surya)
“Scorching” चिलचिलाती (ciLaciLaaTii)
“Sunshine” धूप (DHuup)
“Sunrise” सूर्योदय (SuryoDaya)
“Sunset” सूर्यास्त (SuryaaST)

With these words about summer weather in Hindi, you should be able to have a fine time chatting about the nice weather with locals. But if you want more, check out our Summer Vocabulary and find out which is your favorite Hindi word for the season!


1- Useful Sentence Patterns

  • आज वाक़ई में बहुत ज़्यादा गर्मी है।
    (aaj vaaqaii men bahuT zyaaDaa garmii hai.)
    “It’s really hot today.”
  • बाहर चिलचिलाती धूप है।
    (baahar ciLaciLaaTii DHuup hai.)
    “There’s a scorching heat outside.”
  • साल के इस वक़्त, मुंबई में बहुत अच्छा मौसम रहता है।
    (SaaL ke iS vaqT, mumbaii men bahuT acchaa mauSam rahaTaa hai.)
    “Mumbai has pleasant weather this time of the year.”

7. Elements of Weather in Hindi – II

Here are some words you may use when describing spring weather in Hindi!

English Words Hindi Meaning Pronunciation
“Sky” आसमान / आकाश (aaSamaaN) / (aakaas)
“Cloud” बादल (baaDaL)
“Cloudy” बदली (baDaLii)
“Rainbow” इंद्रधनुष (iNDraDHaNus)


1- Useful Sentence Patterns

  • आज आसमान साफ़ है।
    (aaj aaSamaaN Saaf hai.)
    “The sky is clear today.”
  • इंद्रधनुष में सात रंग होते हैं।
    (iNDraDHaNus men SaaT rang hoTe hain.)
    “There are seven colors in the rainbow.”

8. Elements of Weather in Hindi – III

If you happen to turn on the monsoon news in Hindi today, certain words (mentioned in the list below) will probably be repeated frequently. Similarly, suppose it’s the month of July or August; then, there’s a high chance you’ll come across the following words.

English Words Hindi Meaning Pronunciation
“Wind” / “Air” हवा (havaa)
“Rain” बारिश / बरसात / वर्षा (baaris) / (baraSaaT) / (varsaa)
“Drizzle” बूंदाबांदी / फ़ुहार (buunDaabaanDii) / (phuhaar)
“Storm” तूफ़ान (TuufaaN)
“Cyclone” चक्रवात (cakravaaT)
“Lightning” बिजली (bijLii)


1- Useful Sentence Patterns

  • आज बारिश होने के आसार हैं।
    (aaj baaris hoNe ke aaSaar hain.)
    “There is a chance it might rain today.”
  • बैंगलोर में बूंदाबांदी से मौसम सुहाना हो गया है।
    (baingaLor men buunDaabaanDii Se mauSam SuhaaNaa ho gayaa hai.)
    “The drizzle has turned the weather (Bangalore, India) quite pleasant.”

9. Elements of Weather in Hindi – IV

English Words Hindi Meaning Pronunciation
“Fog” कोहरा (koharaa)
“Dew” ओस (oS)
“Snow” बर्फ़ (barf)
“Snowfall” बर्फ़बारी (barfabaarii)
“Hail” ओला वृष्टि (oLaa vristi)

Mist (धुंध)

1- Useful Sentence Patterns

  • बाहर घना कोहरा है। कुछ दिख नहीं रहा।
    (baahar ghaNaa koharaa hai. kuch Dikh Nahiin rahaa.)
    “There’s heavy fog outside. Nothing is visible.”
  • घास पर ओस चमक रही है।
    (ghaaS par oS camak rahii hai.)
    “The dewdrops are sparkling on the grass.”
  • कल बर्फ़बारी हो सकती है।
    (kaL barfabaarii ho SakaTii hai.)
    “We might have a snowfall tomorrow.”

Craving some more cool winter words? Explore them with us in this amazing winter vocabulary list.

Apart from this, you can also visit the authentic sites such as BBC Weather, or check out some news on Skymet Weather and see how they talk about the weather in Hindi.

Weather Forecast

So, with these examples, our guide on the weather in India comes to an end. We hope you’ve enjoyed the article so far.

10. Bring Value to Your Language-Learning with HindiPod101

We hope you enjoyed learning about India weather with us! Is the weather in your country similar or very different? Let us know in the comments!

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