Master Best Wishes in Hindi: Happy Birthday in Hindi & More


Life would be so dull without celebrations. This is why people in India never miss a chance to cherish every opportunity and share their warm wishes and heartfelt messages. It’s fairly common to see everyone wishing Happy Birthday in Hindi and sending other popular life event messages in Hindi to one another.

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Table of Contents

  1. Importance of Life Event Messages in Hindi
  2. Wishing a Happy Birthday in Hindi
  3. Holiday Wishes in Hindi
  4. Baby Shower Messages in Hindi & Baby Birth Wishes
  5. Getting a Graduation Degree
  6. On Grabbing a New Job / Promotion
  7. For the Retirement Party
  8. The Occasion of Marriage
  9. Condolences in Hindi: Someone’s Death / Funeral
  10. Dealing with Bad News
  11. On an Injury / Illness
  12. Experience an Endless Journey of Learning with Us

1. Importance of Life Event Messages in Hindi

Whether it’s a pleasant occasion or a sad moment, the little yet meaningful words of Hindi congratulations messages or condolences allow people to express their solidarity with each other. Expressing best wishes in Hindi and passing along your condolences in Hindi are just some simple ways of saying “We’ll be together in everything, come rain or shine.”

Isn’t it amazing to realize that when shared with others, happiness increases manifold, and sadness diminishes like a dream! At some point, you too will become a part of someone’s crucial moment. In those times, knowing how to speak or write Happy Birthday wishes in Hindi and other holiday messages in Hindi really brings two people closer.

Moreover, special moments in the form of significant life events in India offers us a great chance to improve Hindi language skills and discover a warm way of communicating with native Hindi speakers. You can grab these opportunities to share expressions like “Wish you a very happy birthday,” in Hindi or “Happy anniversary,” and win people’s hearts with your best wishes in Hindi.

Engagement Ceremony

Apart from these cheerful holiday greetings in Hindi, learning the Hindi language also enables you to send sad life event messages, such as funeral messages. That’s why it’s essential to read about these special situations and learn what to say on such occasions.

2. Wishing a Happy Birthday in Hindi

Happy Birthday

There’s nothing more precious than the day you were born. So, we’ll begin our lesson with Happy Birthday wishes in Hindi. In India, milestones such as the first birthday of a child, or the fiftieth birthday of an adult, are celebrated in a grand way.

But those instances are rare. More often than not, birthdays are either a private event with just family members and close friends, though they can be quite large and impressive.

Indians are emotional and sensitive when it comes to their birthdays. And honestly, who isn’t! If you have a few native friends and know how to wish them Happy Birthday in Hindi, it would mean a lot to them.

There are various ways to say “Wish you a happy birthday,” in Hindi. If we want to break it down, “birthday” is जन्मदिन (jaNmaDiN) and “anniversary” is सालगिरह (SaaLagirah). The English words “happy” and “best wishes” are interchangeable phrases with the same meaning in Hindi: शुभ कामनाएं (subh kaamaNaayen).

Below, we’ve covered the most common styles of sharing Happy Birthday wishes in Hindi.

  • जन्मदिन की बहुत सारी बधाई। (jaNmaDiN kii bahuT Saarii baDHaaii.)
    “Many many happy returns of the day.”
    Spoken and written both formally and informally.
  • सालगिरह मुबारक हो। (SaaLagirah mubaarak ho.)
    “Happy birthday.”
    Spoken and written both formally and informally.

There may be some instances when personal engagements keep you busy and you forget to wish the person on time. In such cases, here’s a way to send your good wishes:

  • देर से बधाई के लिए माफ़ करना। जन्मदिन मुबारक हो। (Der Se baDHaaii ke Liye maaf karaNaa. jaNmaDiN mubaarak ho.)
    “Sorry for the late congratulations. Belated happy birthday.”
    Spoken and written in an informal manner.

3. Holiday Wishes in Hindi

Basic Questions

Every country has its own unique set of festivals and local celebrations. These may be religious, social, or national occasions. Being in a country like India, you’ll hardly have a dull moment because there are several kinds of Indian festivities happening all year long.

Now that you’ve already mastered how to send Happy Birthday wishes in Hindi, we’ll help you explore the traditional holiday greetings in Hindi.

1- Happy New Year Greetings in Hindi

The culture of wishing a happy new year to your loved ones is as popular in India as anywhere else in the world. To quench your curiosity, let’s begin this chunk about holiday greetings in Hindi with learning how to wish a Happy New Year in Hindi.

Happy New Year Wishes

Sending Happy New Year best wishes in Hindi is quite simple. And honestly, there’s no single way to say it.

  • The most widespread fashion to wish a Happy New Year in Hindi is नया साल मुबारक हो (Nayaa SaaL mubaarak ho), which translates to “Wish you a happy new year.”
    Spoken and written in an informal manner.
  • People also send Happy New Year greetings by saying and writing नए साल की शुभ कामनाएँ (Naye SaaL kii subh kaamaNaayen), which translates to “Best wishes on the new year!”
    Spoken and written both formally and informally.
  • Many folks prefer to send happy New Year wishes by saying नवीन हिन्दू वर्ष की बधाई (NaviiN hiNDuu vars kii baDHaaii), or “Greetings of the Hindu New Year.”
    Written in a formal manner.

2- How to Say Merry Christmas in Hindi

Christmas is called बड़ा दिन (badaa DiN) in Hindi, though it’s also known by its English name, that is क्रिसमस (kriSamaS). There are two common ways to say Merry Christmas in Hindi.

  • क्रिसमस की ढेर सारी बधाई। (kriSamaS kii dher Saarii baDHaaii.)
    “Merry Christmas”.
    Spoken and written both formally and informally.

This is also one of the most popular and simplest styles of sending Merry Christmas wishes in Hindi SMS.

Christmas Celebrations

  • बड़ा दिन मुबारक हो। (badaa DiN mubaarak ho.)
    “Merry Christmas.”
    Spoken and written in an informal manner.

Now that you’ve learned how to say Merry Christmas in Hindi, let’s switch to some other special occasions.

3- Happy Valentine’s Day in Hindi

Before we explore the Hindi phrase for Valentine’s Day, do you know about Friendship Day?

The term “friendship” can be translated into many forms in the language. Some of the appropriate words are दोस्ती (DoSTii) and मित्रता (miTraTaa).

And to say Happy Friendship Day in Hindi, that would be मित्रता दिवस (miTraTaa DivaS).

For writing in a formal manner, the phrase would be:

  • मित्रता दिवस की शुभ कामनाएं। (miTraTaa DivaS kii subh kaamaNaayen)
    “Happy Friendship Day.”

As far as Valentine’s Day is concerned, there’s no colloquial word for that. Even in Hindi, the name is written and spoken as वैलेंटाइन्स डे (vaiLeNtaaiNS de).

4- Happy Independence Day in Hindi

India got its independence from British rule on August 15, 1947. Thus, this date is known as Independence Day. The national holiday is celebrated every year on August 15, and all schools, colleges, and offices remain closed on this day.

Indians pay their tribute to freedom fighters and remind each other of their sacrifices by generously sharing Happy Independence Day messages in Hindi.

The literal translation of “Independence Day” is स्वतंत्रता दिवस (SvaTaNTraTaa DivaS), while “independence” or “freedom” is colloquially known as आज़ादी (aazaaDii).

So, if you’re in India and wish to be a part of this patriotic feeling that Indians share, there’s no better way to do it than by sending them Happy Independence Day messages in Hindi.

India's Independence Day

Here’s a great one you can use:

  • आप सभी को स्वतंत्रता दिवस की हार्दिक शुभ कामनाएं। (aap Sabhii ko SvaTaNTraTaa DivaS kii haarDik subh kaamNaayen.)
    “Wish you all a Happy Independence Day.”
    Spoken and written formally.

So, next time you’re in India, how would you like to share the Happy Independence messages in Hindi?

It’s time to check out some other major festival messages in Hindi!

5- Mother’s and Father’s Day in Hindi

The closest people in your family are your mother and father. And this is a deep enough reason to celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day once a year.

  • “Happy Mother’s Day” in Hindi is मातृ दिवस की शुभ कामनाएं (maaTri DivaS kii subh kaamaNaayen)
    Written in a formal manner.
  • “Happy Father’s Day” in Hindi is पितृ दिवस की शुभ कामनाएं (piTri DivaS kii subh kaamaNaayen)
    Written in a formal manner.

6- Indian Festival Holiday Wishes in Hindi

As we mentioned above, in this cultural land of countless festivities, a heavy exchange of holiday messages in Hindi is bound to happen. There are many local festivals that you just can’t miss!

Below, you’ll find a few examples of how to share best wishes during festivals like Eid, Holi, and Diwali. Let’s check these top holiday wishes in Hindi.

Eid Wishes

  • ईद मुबारक! (iiD mubaarak)
    “Happy Eid”
    Spoken and written in an informal manner.

Eid is a religious festival of Muslims which is celebrated after following a strict month-long fast known as Ramzan.

  • बुरा न मानो होली है! (buraa Na maaNo hoLii hai!)
    “Don’t mind, it’s Holi!”
    Spoken in an informal manner.

Holi is a festival of colors. Although it’s mainly a Hindu festival, on this day, people of all religions come together and throw colors on each other.

  • शुभ दीपावली (subh DiipaavaLii)
    “Happy Diwali”
    Spoken and written in a formal manner.

Another Hindu festival, Diwali is better known as the Festival of Lights. Lighting diyaa, candles, and fire crackers is the most prominent characteristic of the celebration.

4. Baby Shower Messages in Hindi & Baby Birth Wishes

Pregnancy and birth are not only considered magical, but are also auspicious events in India. By this, one can only imagine the extent of excitement and countless rituals to welcome the baby while appreciating the whole experience of motherhood.

Mother Holding a Baby

You, too, may have colleagues and friends who are about to start their family and have a baby. Don’t fall behind in sending the couple your baby shower messages and other apt best wishes in Hindi.

  • हमारे बीच एक नन्हा मेहमान आने वाला है। (hamaare biic ek NaNhaa mehamaaN aaNe vaaLaa hai.)
    “We’re going to have a baby soon.”
    Spoken in an informal manner.
  • गोद भराई की ख़ूब सारी बधाइयां। (goD bharaaii kii khuub Saarii baDHaaiyaan.)
    “Congratulations on the baby shower ceremony.”
    Spoken and written both formally and informally.
  • नयी संतान को ढेर सारा प्यार और आशीर्वाद। (Nayii SaNTaaN ko dher Saaraa pyaar aur aasirvaaD.)
    “Lots of love and blessings to the newborn baby.”
    Spoken in a formal manner; usually used by elders.

What’s more? Once the loved ones become parents, you can also wish them “Happy Mother’s Day” in Hindi as described in the above section!

5. Getting a Graduation Degree

Talking about Age

Everyone knows the ups and downs one must go through to finally hold that graduation degree in their hands. Undoubtedly, it’s one of the most crucial phases in a student’s life. A simple congratulations message in Hindi can go a long way toward showing the graduate how proud you are!

Whether it’s your friend, neighbor, or a friend’s kid, take pleasure and pride in their achievements while encouraging them with your best graduation messages in Hindi.

  • ख़ूब मेहनत करो और ऐसे ही उन्नति करो। (khuub mehaNaT karo aur aiSe hii uNNaTi karo.)
    “Work hard and keep accomplishing in life.”
    Spoken and written in an informal manner.
  • सफलता तुम्हारे क़दम चूमे। (SaphaLTaa Tumhaare qaDam cuume.)
    “May success always be on your side.”
    Spoken and written in an informal manner.
  • भगवान करे तुम ख़ूब नाम कमाओ। (bhagavaaN kare Tum khuub Naam kamaao.)
    “May God help you achieve success and fame.”
    Spoken and written in an informal manner.

6. On Grabbing a New Job / Promotion

In this age of cut-throat competition, finding a job or getting a promotion are not light events. Pamper your loved ones and colleagues with these amazing messages on their career milestones.

Congratulating on a New Job

  • आपकी सफलता पर हम सब को नाज़ है। (aapakii SaphaLTaa par ham Sab ko Naaz hai.)
    “We’re all so proud of your success.”
    Spoken and written in a formal manner.
  • नयी नौकरी पर हमारी तहे-दिल से मुबारकबाद। (Nayii Naukrii par hamaarii Tahe-DiL Se mubaarakabaaD.)
    “Our best wishes on your new job.”
    Spoken and written both formally and informally.
  • आपको उज्जवल भविष्य की शुभ कामनाएं। (aapko ujjavaL bhavisya kii subh kaamaNaayen)
    “We wish you the best for a bright future.”
    Spoken and written in a formal manner.

7. For the Retirement Party

Retirement doesn’t go down well with all of us. It’s a turn of events that seems relieving at the surface, but somehow can make people feel helpless and depressed.

In these moments, a beautiful message, powerful words filled with love and empathy, can transform someone’s transition phase into something less painful and more exciting.

So, next time you come across a friend, or their parents, who are retiring soon, boost their morale with these simple yet rejuvenating phrases!

  • आपके जीवन की दूसरी पारी की धमाकेदार शुरुआत हो! (aapake jiivaN kii DuuSarii paarii kii DHamaakeDaar suruaaT ho!)
    “Have a blasting second inning of your life.”
    Spoken and written in an informal manner.
    *Here the phrase “blasting second inning” means the second fresh phase of life after retirement. In this case, the first inning refers to the professional work life of the person.
  • अब ज़िन्दगी को और खुल के जियें। (ab ziNDagii ko aur khuL ke jiyen.)
    “May you have an even fuller and better life now.”
    Spoken and written in an informal manner.
  • आनंदमयी और चिंतामुक्त जीवन मुबारक हो। (aaNaNDamayii aur ciNTaamukT jiivaN mubaarak ho.)
    “Congratulations on a pleasant and carefree beginning of your life.”
    Spoken and written in a formal manner.

8. The Occasion of Marriage

Marriage Proposal

Enough has already been said about the grand event marriage is. But Indians take it to a higher level. To them, it’s a bonding of souls, a pious relationship that just can’t be defied.

Whenever you’re invited to an Indian wedding ceremony or marriage anniversary, sweep the couple off their feet with your heartfelt and lovely Hindi wedding congratulations!

  • आपके दांपत्य जीवन में खुशियां बनी रहें। (aapake DaampaTya jiivaN men khusiyaan baNii rahen.)
    “Wish you a happy married life.”
    Spoken and written in a formal manner.
  • शुभ विवाह। आपकी जोड़ी सलामत रहे। (subh vivaah. aapakii jodii SaLaamaT rahe.)
    “Happy wedding. May you always be together.”
    Written in a formal manner.

There are many other ways to wish the couple well, such as the one below.

  • आपके शादीशुदा जीवन की शुरुआत पर हमारी शुभ कामनाएं। (aapake saaDii-suDaa jiivaN kii suruaaT par hamaarii subh kaamaNaayen.)
    “Our best wishes on the new beginning of your life.”
    Spoken and written in a formal manner.
  • आप दोनों का प्यार सदा ऐसे ही बना रहे। (aap DoNon kaa pyaar SaDaa aiSe hii baNaa rahe.)
    “May you forever remain in love with each other.”
    Spoken in an informal manner.

This is another cute and subtle style of passing on your Happy Wedding Anniversary message in Hindi.

9. Condolences in Hindi: Someone’s Death / Funeral

Just like any other part of the world, India too has its own share of rituals and rites performed on the death of a person. If you happen to be present at any such tragic occasion, show your empathy and support for someone’s loss with these kind Hindi condolence messages.

  • भगवान उनकी आत्मा को शांति दे। (bhagavaaN uNakii aaTmaa ko saaNTi De.)
    “May God rest his soul.”
    Spoken and written both formally and informally.
  • तुम्हारी याद हमेशा हमारे दिल में रहेगी। (Tumhaarii yaaD hamesaa hamaare DiL men rahegii.)
    “You’ll always be in our hearts.”
    Written in a formal manner.

Death Rituals

  • हम सब की तरफ़ से अश्रुपूरित श्रद्धांजलि। (ham Sab kii Taraf Se asru-puuriT sraDDHaaNjaLi.)
    “A heartfelt tribute from our side.”
    Written in a formal manner.

10. Dealing with Bad News

Life is so unpredictable. We never know what’s gonna happen tomorrow. Thus, going through any kind of emotional or physical loss is unavoidable. Here are a few phrases to help you express your grief when someone you know is going through a bad phase in life.

  • मुझे अफ़सोस है। (mujhe afaSoS hai.)
    “I’m sorry.”
    Spoken in an informal manner.
  • सुनकर बहुत दुख हुआ। (SuNakar bahuT dukh huaa.)
    “So sorry to hear this.”
    Spoken in an informal manner.
  • यह तो बहुत बुरा हुआ। (yah To bahuT buraa huaa.)
    “That’s really sad.”
    Spoken in an informal manner.

11. On an Injury / Illness

When we fall sick, or have an accident that leaves us with an injury, all we want is a bit of care and affection. Whether it’s our colleague or a friend, every person deserves to hear something positive and feel cared for. A small gesture of concern can deepen your bond with the person and make him/her feel instantly better.

  • अपना ख़्याल रखना। (apaNaa khayaaL rakhaNaa.)
    “Take care.”
    Spoken and written in an informal manner.
  • तबियत का ध्यान रखना। (TabiyaT kaa DHyaaN rakhaNaa.)
    “Take care of yourself / your health.”
    Spoken and written in an informal manner.
  • जल्दी से ठीक हो जाओ। (jaLDii Se thiik ho jaao.)
    “Get well soon.”
    Spoken and written both formally and informally.

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