The Top 20+ Phrases to Help You Express Anger in Hindi


Life comes up with all sorts of surprises. Sometimes, things may not go as planned, and that’s bound to upset you. But no matter what, we must always refrain from using offensive curse words in Hindi.

Having said that, there are plenty of ways to vent your frustration and anger in Hindi, and you can do so without hurting someone’s feelings.

We’ll show you how to share your emotions in Hindi in a manner that’s appropriate and acceptable even in public places.

So, what are the common angry phrases in Hindi that native people use to let others know they’re angry? Keep reading to find out.

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Table of Contents

  1. Hindi Words for Anger
  2. Simple Ways to Express Anger
  3. Angry Warnings
  4. Angry Blames
  5. Bonus: Calming Tips to Cool Off Your Anger
  6. Bonus: Calming Tips to Cool Off Your Anger
  7. Speak Like a Native with

1. Hindi Words for Anger


When someone tests your patience, the first natural response to express anger in Hindi is often to slay them with your fuming words.

Let’s begin with a few common negative words in Hindi that are harmless and still quite effective in dealing with undesirable situations. Here’s how to say “angry” in Hindi a few different ways:

  • ग़ुस्सा (ġuSSaa) or नाराज़गी (Naaraazagii) — “Anger” — [Noun]
  • ग़ुस्सा होना (ġuSSaa hoNaa) or नाराज़ होना (Naaraaz hoNaa) — “Angry” — [Verb]
  • ग़ुस्सैल (ġuSSaiL) — “Angry” — [Adjective]

Here’s an example for each Hindi translation of “angry”:

  • इतना ग़ुस्सा अच्छा नहीं होता।
    iTaNaa ġuSSaa acchaa Nahiin hoTaa.
    “Too much anger is not good.”
  • अब तुम नाराज़ मत होना।
    ab Tum Naaraaz maT hoNaa.
    “Please, don’t get angry now.”
  • मेरा बॉस बहुत ग़ुस्सैल इंसान है।
    meraa baauS bahuT ġuSSaiL iNSaaN hai.
    “My boss is a really angry person.”

There’s a whole list of Hindi phrases natives say to each other when they’re upset, including some typical angry expressions in Hindi that can be used anywhere and by people of any age group. These sentences can be used both in serious situations and in less-serious situations, like during an innocent mood swing.

Little Girl Pouting

A great example is the phrase “I am angry” in Hindi, which translates as मैं ग़ुस्सा हूँ (main guSSaa huun) or मैं नाराज़ हूँ (main Naaraaz huun).

If somebody wants to be a little more specific with their phrases, like in “I am angry with you,” the translation in Hindi would be मैं तुमसे नाराज़ हूँ (main Tum Se Naaraaz huun).

Now that we’ve covered the basics, we present to you a huge list of angry Hindi messages and phrases that you can use when you’re angry.

2. Simple Ways to Express Anger

Oh! So, you have young ones who just won’t keep their mouths shut? Or friends nagging you and making you uncomfortable with their not-so-funny remarks? Maybe you happen to be a teacher and you just can’t take the nonsense of your quarreling students anymore!

Woman Holding Out Hand for Someone to Stop

Well, whatever it is that’s bringing you to the edge of exploding, here are a few ways to instantly show that you’re angry in Hindi!

1. “Shut up.” चुप हो जाओ।
(cup ho jaao.)
Example Situation
Someone is lying to your face, but you already know the truth; you ask them to just keep quiet.

2. “Stop it.” बंद करो ये सब।
(banD karo ye Sab.)
Example Situation
When kids are fighting and don’t look like they’re going to stop, a loud warning may do the job.

3. “Cut it out.” बकवास बंद करो।
(bakavaaS banD karo.)
Example Situation
A friend is making excuses or exaggerating the situation in order to get away from his own actions.

4. “Leave me alone.” मुझे अकेला छोड़ दो।
(mujhe akeLaa chod Do.)
Example Situation
You’re in a lot of emotional pain or frustration and just want to be alone for a while.

5. “Get lost.” दफ़ा हो जाओ।
(Dafaa ho jaao.)
Example Situation
This phrase is occasionally said between friends in a mild way. However, people do use it when situations get really tense and serious.

6. “Get out of here.” चले जाओ यहाँ से।
(caLe jaao yahaan Se.)
Example Situation
Like the previous phrase, this one is occasionally said between friends in a mild way. However, people do use it when situations get really tense and serious.

7. “Don’t eat my head.” मेरा दिमाग़ मत खाओ।
(meraa Dimaag maT khaao.)
Example Situation
This is a common phrase people use when somebody is irritating them or asking them something stupid.

3. Angry Warnings

Negative Verbs

Showing anger in Hindi may, at times, involve a bit of warning! In the charts below, you’ll learn a handful of phrases that say “I am getting angry” in Hindi.

8. “Don’t mess with me.” मुझसे भिड़ो मत।
(mujh Se bhido maT.)
Example Situation
It’s a warning you can use when someone is badly provoking you.

9. “Don’t mess with me.” मुझसे पंगे मत लो।
(mujh Se pange maT Lo.)
Example Situation
It’s a warning you can use when someone is badly provoking you.

Actually, phrases eight and nine above are the same. There’s just a small difference between them. While मुझसे भिड़ो मत (mujh Se bhido maT) means something more like “Don’t irritate me,” the phrase मुझसे पंगे मत लो (mujh Se pange maT Lo) contains a local Mumbaiya slang word, which is पंगे लेना (pange LeNaa).

10. “You’re asking for trouble.” तुम बहुत बुरा फंसोगे।
(Tum bahuT buraa phanSoge.)
Example Situation
This phrase is used for threatening someone due to their actions and the implications of those actions. It’s commonly used during street fights.

11. “Don’t make me say it again.” मुझे दुबारा ना कहना पड़े।
(mujhe Dubaaraa Naa kahaNaa pade.)
Example Situation
This is usually said by a person who has more authority over the other, like a boss to an employee.

12. “I’m warning you for the last time.” मैं तुम्हें आख़िरी बार समझा रहा हूँ।
(main Tumhen aakhirii baar Samajhaa rahaa huun.)
Example Situation
This is usually said by a person who has more authority over the other, like a parent to a child.

13. “This is my last warning.” ये मेरी तुम्हें आख़िरी चेतावनी है।
(ye merii Tumhen aakhirii ceTaavaNii hai.)
Example Situation
This is usually said by a person who has more authority over the other. For example, a person who has a strong network and connections to someone with comparatively lower power.

Sometimes, trying to let someone know that you’re feeling angry in Hindi can lead to even stronger, and more varied, negative emotions. This can cause you to use stronger language or a sharper tone.

14. “I don’t want to see your face again.” मुझे तुम्हारी शक़्ल भी नहीं देखनी।
(mujhe Tumhaarii saqL bhii Nahiin DekhaNii.)
Example Situation
This phrase is used when anger is accompanied by loathing and hatred. These feelings may be short-lived or permanent.

15. “I will not tolerate that.” मैं ये बर्दाश्त नहीं करूँगा।
(main ye barDaasT Nahiin karuungaa.)
Example Situation
When a student or employee has broken the rules, the principal or employer may say this.

4. Angry Blames

People tend to indulge in the blame game when showing their anger in Hindi, especially when someone else is the reason for failure.

A Conflict Situation

Imagine you’re about to win the badminton match, but your partner lost that one point. Maybe you were about to grab that project, but a tiny careless comment from your colleague ruined your chances?

What kind of vibes and thoughts do these scenarios generate within you? Well, let’s give the right words to your fuming emotions in Hindi.

16. “What were you thinking?”

तुम सोच क्या रहे थे?
(Tum Soc kyaa rahe THe?)

Example Situation
Usually, this is said when someone has done something really stupid, like forgetting their wallet somewhere.

17. “What were you thinking?” तुम्हारा ध्यान कहाँ था?
(Tumhaaraa DHyaaN kahaan THaa?)
Example Situation
This phrase is used when a person has acted irresponsibly. For instance, not driving carefully or losing the car keys.

18. “Who do you think you are?” तुम ख़ुद को समझते क्या हो?
(Tum khuD ko SamajhaTe kyaa ho?)
Example Situation
This phrase is used when a person has crossed someone’s line too many times. For instance, breaking office rules and not caring about it.

19. “Are you out of your mind?” तुम्हारा दिमाग ख़राब है क्या?
(Tumhaaraa Dimaag kharaab hai kyaa?)
Example Situation
This one is said in situations where someone is ready to take, or has already taken, some reckless steps with negative or dangerous implications. For example, getting into a fight with older students.

20. “What’s wrong with you?”
“What’s your problem?”
तुम्हारी दिक्कत क्या है?
(Tumhaarii DikkaT kyaa hai?)
Example Situation
This is said in situations where someone is ready to take, or has already taken, some reckless steps with negative or dangerous implications. For example, getting into a fight with a colleague or a person with authority.

Some synonyms of “angry” in Hindi could also hint toward disappointment, regret, unwanted interference, or irritation.

Couple After an Argument

Check out the charts below and learn about anger in Hindi phrases.

21. “You never listen to me.” तुम कभी मेरी बात नहीं सुनते।
(Tum kabhii merii baaT Nahiin SuNaTe.)
Example Situation
People sometimes say this in a lighthearted way, though it can be serious.
A parent or sibling may say this when you haven’t listened to their instructions, and as a result burned the food or messed up an electronic appliance.

22. “It’s all your fault.” ये सारी ग़लती तुम्हारी है।
(ye Saarii gaLaTii Tumhaarii hai.)
Example Situation
This phrase is used to put the entire blame on just one person. For instance, if a project was unsuccessful or a meeting failed.

23. “You messed it up.” तुमने सब गड़बड़ कर दिया।
(TumaNe Sab gadabad kar Diyaa.)
Example Situation
This phrase is used to put the entire blame on just one person. For instance, if you missed the train because your brother couldn’t finish his packing on time.

24. “You’re impossible.”
“There is no point in saying anything to you.”
तुमसे तो कुछ भी कहना बेकार है।
(Tum Se To kuch bhii kahaNaa bekaar hai.)
Example Situation
Use this when someone acts stubborn and doesn’t pay heed to your advice, or if they try to cover up their mistakes with petty excuses.

25. “You’re weird.” तुम एकदम अजीब हो।
(Tum ekaDam ajiib ho.)
Example Situation
Use this when someone’s behavior is really weird. For example, if your friend greets your sibling, and your sibling doesn’t respond.

26. “It’s none of your business.” इस बात से तुम्हारा कोई लेना-देना नहीं है।
(iS baaT Se Tumhaaraa koii LeNaa DeNaa Nahiin hai.)
Example Situation
This is another way of asking someone to back off and not interfere in your matters.

27. “Keep your nose out of it.”
“Stay out of it.”
तुम इसमें अपनी नाक मत घुसाओ।
(Tum iS men apaNii Naak maT ghuSaao.)
Example Situation
This is another way to ask someone to back off and not interfere in your matters.

5. Phrases to Describe How You Feel

It’s essential to use and learn about angry idioms in Hindi. But you know what? The thought process of the human mind is so complex and subtle.

More often than not, it may seem like anger on the surface level, but deep down it’s something entirely different.

For instance, when someone says “I am angry” in Hindi, it may be just a part of what they’re feeling. It may be the result of boredom, feeling stuck in life, disappointment, or really any number of things.

Feeling Low and Disappointed

Why don’t you look at these various angry Hindi lines and see what scenarios to use them in!

28. “I’m very upset.” मेरा दिमाग अभी बहुत ख़राब हो रहा है।
(meraa Dimaag abhi bahuT kharaab ho rahaa hai.)
Example Situation
Use this phrase when you’re trying to warn someone about your bad mood.

29. “I’m fed up with it.” मैं तंग आ गया हूं।
(main Tang aa gayaa huun.)
Example Situation
Say this when something has tested your patience and your will, making it difficult to adjust to that situation or person.

30. “I just can’t stand it.” ये मेरे बर्दाश्त के बाहर है।
(ye mere barDaasT ke baahar hai.)
Example Situation
You can say this when you dislike something very strongly, such as lies, another person’s company, etc.

31. “I hate it.”
“I don’t like it at all.”
मुझे ये बिल्कुल पसंद नहीं है।
(mujhe ye biLkuL paSaND Nahiin hai.)
Example Situation
Say this phrase when you dislike something very strongly, such as lies, another person’s company, etc.

32. “I have never been so disappointed.”
“I have never felt so bad.”
मुझे इतना बुरा पहले कभी नहीं लगा।
(mujhe iTaNaa buraa pahaLe kabhii Nahiin Lagaa.)
Example Situation
This phrase is used in extreme situations, such as during public humiliation or betrayal by a close friend.

33. “I’m not feeling okay.” मेरा मन ठीक नहीं है।
(meraa maN thiik Nahiin hai.)
Example Situation
You can use this phrase when you’re sad and want to avoid any kind of conversation about it.

34. “I don’t feel good.” मुझे अच्छा नहीं लग रहा।
(mujhe acchaa Nahiin Lag rahaa.)
Example Situation
It may be your gut instinct, mood, or some strange feeling that says you’re not feeling alright.

Whoa! That was a pretty extensive look at all those temper-testing types of emotions in Hindi. Need something positive and calming to infuse your mind with?

If so, you’ll be delighted to read our next section, which carries some pretty simple but effective tips and techniques to soothe yourself and feel better again!

6. Bonus: Calming Tips to Cool Off Your Anger

As long as you’re not getting out of control, it’s actually a healthy thing to express anger once in a while. Doing so gives that toxic emotional build-up a release and prevents us from turning into a volcano! However, make sure to not become a victim of that anger.

Luckily, there are some things you can do to quickly lift your mood and overcome stress rather easily.

Music Makes Us Feel Better

So, the next time you or your pal lose your temper, put some of these ideas to practice and wait for the magic to happen!

  • “Take a deep breath.”
    गहरी साँस लो। (gaharii SaanS Lo.)
  • “Take a walk or run.”
    खुली हवा में टहलो या दौड़ लगाओ। (khuLii havaa men tahaLo yaa Daud Lagaao.)
  • “Listen to soothing music.”
    अच्छे गाने सुन लो। (acche gaaNe SuN Lo.)
  • “Write it down.”
    अपने मन की बात को लिखकर ज़ाहिर करो। (apaNe maN kii baaT ko Likhakar zaahir karo.)
  • “Reframe your thinking, change your point of view.”
    अपने सोचने का तरीक़ा बदलो। (apaNe SocaNe kaa Tariiqaa baDaLo.)
  • “Look at the positive things in life.”
    अच्छी बातों पर ध्यान दो। (acchii baaTon par DHyaaN Do.)

7. Speak Like a Native with

With that, we come to the end of this lesson. By now, you must have learned how to say “anger” in Hindi and how to express that emotion effectively! Do you know any other phrases that we forgot to share?

To practice what you’ve learned today, why not write out some different anger-related words and phrases in Hindi? We’d love to see them in the comment box below.

Journaling Negative Emotions

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Happy Hindi learning!

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