Learn About Adverbs in Hindi with 100+ Examples


Do you like to read daily or occasionally? Sit quietly or sing loudly! Oh! Did we just use an adverb of frequency in the first sentence? 

Okay, enough dancing around the trees. You guessed it right! Today, we’ll be introducing you to the concept and meaning of the adverb in Hindi.

In the English language, adjectives are known to specify the quality of nouns and pronouns, while adverbs may describe the quality of a verb, adjective, or another adverb.

But there’s a slight difference for adverbs in Hindi. While adjectives tell us the quality of nouns and pronouns, an adverb in Hindi grammar modifies only the verb regardless of its placement in the sentence.

Before we continue, we recommend that you check out our amazing article on “Hindi Adjectives.” Not only will this polish your vocabulary, but it will also empower you with a greater understanding of grammatical concepts and many practical example sentences.

Coming back to our current topic, spotting an adverb is easy. More often than not, in Hindi grammar, adverbs come right before the verb. That means the adverb is immediately followed by the related verb. However, this doesn’t hold true in all cases.To be honest, there’s no specific pattern for forming adverbs in Hindi, such as adding a prefix or suffix. Each adverb in Hindi is completely different from each other adverb. So, basically, you’ll have to learn and memorize them. And what could give you a better head start than our rich and versatile vocabulary list?

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Useful Verbs in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. What are Adverbs in Hindi?
  2. Types of Adverbs in Hindi
  3. Adverbs of Time
  4. Adverbs of Frequency
  5. Adverbs of Place
  6. Adverbs of Manner
  7. Adverbs of Degree
  8. Interrogative Adverbs
  9. What are Adverb Clauses?
  10. Placement of Adverbs in a Sentence
  11. Conclusion

1. What are Adverbs in Hindi?

So, the first thing we’ll look at is what an adverb is in Hindi. In literal terms, the meaning of “adverb” in Hindi is क्रिया विशेषण (kriyaa visesan).

क्रिया (kriyaa) refers to a verb. Hence, a word which tell us the quality of verbs is known as क्रिया विशेषण (kriyaa visesan), or “adverb.”

Mind you that Indians are really expressive folks and love to paint their conversations with all sorts of adverbs. Being fluent in your use of the adverb in Hindi will give you a native feel and bring you closer to the local people. Thus, with this article, we’ll give you 100+ adverb examples in Hindi.

Top Verbs

2. Types of Adverbs in Hindi

Now that you know the meaning of adverbs and the basic difference between adjectives and adverbs in Hindi, let’s look at the main types of adverb in Hindi.

  • Adverbs of Time
  • Adverbs of Frequency
  • Adverbs of Place
  • Adverbs of Manner
  • Adverbs of Degree
  • Interrogative Adverbs

These are the most fundamental types of adverb in Hindi, and we’ll be discussing each of them in the respective sub-headings below.

3. Adverbs of Time

To begin our Hindi adverbs list, let’s look at the adverb of time in Hindi. As the name indicates, these adverb words in Hindi tell us about when an action happened or happens. In the chart below, we’ve covered some of the most popular adverbs of time in Hindi and will show you how to use them in sentences.

“Today”कुनाल आज वापस जा रहा है।
kuNaaL aaj vaapaS jaa rahaa hai.
“Kunal is going back today.”
2.हमेशा के लिए
(hamesaa ke Liye)
“Forever”मैं हमेशा के लिए तुम्हारे साथ रहना चाहती हूँ। 
main hamesaa ke Liye Tumhaare SaaTH rahaNaa caahaTii huun.
“I want to live with you forever.”
3.समय के साथ
(Samay ke SaaTH)
“Gradually” (Over time)समय के साथ दोनों अच्छे दोस्त बन गए। 
Samay ke SaaTH DoNon acche DoST baN gaye.
“Gradually, they became good friends.”
4.एक बार
(ek baar)
“Once”मैं एक बार लखनऊ गयी हूँ। 
main ek baar LakhaNauu gayii huun.
“I have been to Lucknow once.”
5.दो बार
(Do baar)
“Twice”दादी को ये दवा दिन में दो बार लेनी है। 
DaaDii ko ye Davaa DiN men Do baar LeNii hai.
“Grandma has to take this medicine twice a day.”
6.तीन बार
(TiiN baar)
“Thrice”उसने तीन बार मेरा फ़ोन काटा था। 
uS Ne TiiN baar meraa foN kaataa THaa.
“He hung up my call thrice.”
7.कल / पिछले दिन
(kaL) / (pichaLe DiN)
“Yesterday”हमें वहाँ कल पहुंचना था।
hamen vahaan kaL pahuncNaa THaa.
“We had to reach there yesterday.”
8.कल / अगले दिन
(kaL) / (agaLe DiN)
“Tomorrow”दीपा कल नहीं आएगी।
Diipaa kaL Nahiin aayegii.
“Deepa will not come tomorrow.”
“A day before / after yesterday”सबने परसों मिलने का प्लान बनाया है।
Sab Ne paraSon miLaNe ka pLaaN baNaayaa hai.
“Everyone has planned to meet the day after tomorrow.”
10.पिछले साल
(pichaLe SaaL)
“Last year”वो हादसा पिछले साल हुआ था।
vo haaDaSaa pichaLe SaaL huaa THaa.
“That terrible accident happened last year.”
11.पिछले हफ़्ते
(pichaLe hafTe)
“Last week”उमा पिछले हफ़्ते से बीमार है।
umaa pichaLe hafTe Se biimaar hai.
“Uma has been ill since last week.”
“Soon”हम जल्दी कोई रास्ता निकाल लेंगे।
ham jaLDii koii raaSTaa NikaaL Lenge.
“We would soon find a way.”
13.देर से
(Der Se)
“Late”देर से आने के लिए माफ़ी चाहता हूँ।
Der Se aaNe ke Liye maafii caahaTaa huun.
“I apologize for coming late.”
14.सबसे पहले (Sab Se pehLe)“Firstly”हमने सबसे पहले चाय पी।
hamaNe Sab Se pahaLe caay pii.
“Firstly, we had tea.”
15.शुरुआत में
(suruaaT men)
“Initially”शुरुआत में तो सब कुछ ठीक चल रहा था। 
suruaaT men To Sab kuch thiik caL rahaa THaa.
“Initially, everything was going fine.”
“Right now”शिवम अभी कहाँ मिलेगा ?
sivam abhii kahaan miLegaa.
“Where can I find Shivam right now?”
17.अगली बार 
(agaLii baar)
“Next time”मैं आपको अगली बार लेने ज़रूर आऊंगा। 
main aapako agaLii baar LeNe zaruur aauungaa.
“I will surely come to pick you up next time.”
“Immediately”डॉक्टर ने दादाजी को तुरंत अस्पताल में भर्ती कर लिया।
dauktar Ne DaaDaajii ko TuranT aSpaTaaL men bharTii kar Liyaa.
“The doctor immediately admitted Grandpa into the hospital.”
19.अभी तक
(abhii Tak)
“Yet”मेहमान अभी तक नहीं आये हैं।
mehamaaN abhii Tak Nahiin aaye hain.
“The guests have not yet arrived.”
20.आज रात
(aaj raaT)
“Tonight”हम सब आज रात शादी में जा रहे हैं।
ham Sab aaj raaT saaDii men jaa rahe hain.
“We are going to a wedding tonight.”
21.कल रात
(kaL raaT)
“Last night”मैं कल रात पढ़ रहा था।
main kaL raaT padh rahaa THaa.
“I was studying last night.”
22.कल सुबह
(kaL Subah)
“Tomorrow morning”लीला कल सुबह लौटेगी।
LiiLaa kaL Subah Lautegii.
“Leela will return tomorrow morning.”
23.पहले ही
(pahaLe hii)
“Already”बच्चे पहले ही सो चुके हैं।
bacce pahaLe hii So cuke hain.
“The kids are already asleep.”
24.आजकल (aajakaL)“Currently” / “Nowadays”रोहन आजकल काफ़ी चुप रहता है।
rohaN aajakaL kaafii cup rahaTaa hai.
“Rohan is really quiet nowadays.”
25.बिलकुल अभी
(biLkuL abhii)
“Just now”मैच बिलकुल अभी शुरू हुआ है।
maic biLkuL abhii suru huaa hai.
“The match has just now started.”
Swimmers Diving into the Pool Simultaneously

4. Adverbs of Frequency

After time adverbs, another significant type is the adverb of frequency in Hindi. The term is self-explanatory. These adverbs tell us the frequency with which an action takes place, whether that be daily, weekly, or never.

26.कभी नहीं
(kabhii Nahiin)
“Never”मैं ये बात कभी नहीं भूलूंगा।
main ye baaT kabhii Nahiin bhuuLuungaa.
“I will never forget this.”
27.कभी-कभी (kabhii-kabhii)“Sometimes”तुम कभी-कभी मिलने भी आ जाया करो।
Tum kabhii-kabhii miLaNe bhii aa jaayaa karo.
“You should come and visit us sometimes.”
28.बहुत कम (bahuT kam)“Rarely”यहाँ बारिश बहुत कम होती है।
yahaan baaris bahuT kam hoTii hai.
“It rarely rains here.”
29.आमतौर पर / अमूमन
(aamaTaur par) / (amuumaN)
“Usually”मैं आमतौर पर शाकाहारी भोजन खाना पसंद करता हूँ।
main aamaTaur par saakaahaarii bhojaN khaaNaa paSanD karaTaa huun.
“I usually like to have vegetarian meals.”
“Often”सुनील अक़्सर बीमार हो जाता है।
SuNiiL aqSar biimaar ho jaaTaa hai.
“Sunil often falls ill.”
“Consistently”भारतीय टीम लगातार अच्छा प्रदर्शन कर रही है।
bhaaraTiy tiim LagaaTaar acchaa praDarsaN kar rahii hai.
“The Indian team is consistently performing well.”
32.हमेशा (hamesaa)“Always”ये लिफ़्ट हमेशा ख़राब रहती है।
ye Lift hamesaa kharaab rahaTii hai.
“This lift is always out of order.”
33.हर वक़्त / हर समय
(har vaqT) / (har Samay)
“All the time”बच्चे हर वक़्त शोर करते रहते हैं। 
bacce har vaqT sor karaTe rahaTe hain.
“The kids make noise all the time.”
34.हर दिन
(har DiN)
“Every day”टीचर हर दिन स्कूल आती हैं।
tiicar har DiN SkuuL aaTii hain.
“The teacher comes to school every day.”
35.हर हफ़्ते
(har hafTe)
“Every week”हम हर हफ़्ते सब्ज़ी ख़रीदते हैं।
ham har hafTe Sabzii khariiDaTe hain.
“We buy vegetables every week.”
36.हर महीने
(har mahiiNe)
“Every month”मैं हर महीने पुस्तकालय जाती हूँ।
main har mahiiNe puSTakaaLay jaaTii huun.
“I go to the library every month.”
37.हर साल
(har SaaL)
“Every year”हम हर साल घूमने जाते हैं।
ham har SaaL ghuumaNe jaaTe hain.
“We go on a trip every year.”

5. Adverbs of Place

You know, it’s not just enough to know the difference between adjectives and adverbs in Hindi. When it comes to adverbs of place, it’s natural to get confused between adverbs and prepositions, too!

So, what’s the mantra? Well, it all boils down to this. A preposition will always need an object to count on, whereas this is not the case with adverbs of place. The adverbs do not depend on an object to form a complete sentence.

Let’s check out the most useful adverbs of place and learn their usage in a sentence.

38.यहाँ / इधर
(yahaan) / (iDHar)
“Here”कृपया, यहाँ आइये।
kripayaa, yahaan aaiye.
“Please, come here.”
39.वहां / उधर
(vahaan) / (uDHar)
“There”सभी प्रतियोगी उधर बैठे हैं।
Sabhii praTiyogii uDHar baithe hain.
“All the contestants are sitting there.”
40.इस तरफ़
(iS Taraf)
“This side”तुम इस तरफ़ आ सकते हो।
Tum iS Taraf aa SakaTe ho.
“You can come to this side.”
41.उस तरफ़
(uS Taraf)
“That side”उस तरफ़ मत देखो।
uS Taraf maT Dekho.
“Don’t look to that side.”
42.हर जगह
(har jagah)
“Everywhere”तुम्हें शाहरुख़ के प्रशंसक हर जगह मिल जायेंगे।
Tumhen saaharukh ke prasaNSak har jagah miL jaayenge.
“You can find the Shahrukh fans everywhere.”
“Inside”मरीज़ को अंदर भेजिए।
mariiz ko aNDar bhejiye.
“Send the patient inside.”
“Outside”डाकिया बाहर इंतज़ार कर रहा है।
daakiyaa baahar iNTazaar kar rahaa hai.
“The postman is waiting outside.”
“Up”आप सब कृपया ऊपर देखिये।
aap Sab kripayaa uupar Dekhiye.
“All of you, please look up.”
“Down”कैलेंडर नीचे गिर गया।
kaiLendar Niice gir gayaa.
“The calendar fell down.”
“Away”मैं यहाँ से दूर जाना चाहती हूँ।
main yahaan Se Duur jaaNaa caahaTii hunn.
“I want to go away from here.”
“Near”आग के पास मत जाना।
aag ke paaS maT jaaNaa.
“Don’t go near the fire.”
49.ऊपरी मंज़िल
(uuparii maNziL)
“Upstairs”दादाजी ऊपरी मंज़िल पर आराम कर रहे हैं।
DaaDaajii uuparii manziL par aaraam kar rahe hain.
“Grandpa is resting upstairs.”
50.निचली मंज़िल 
(NicaLii maNziL)
“Downstairs”पिताजी निचली मंज़िल पर खाना बना रहे हैं।
piTaajii NicaLii manziL par khaaNaa baNaa rahe hain.
“Father is cooking downstairs.”
“Abroad”क्या आप विदेश जाना चाहेंगे?
kyaa aap viDes jaaNaa caahenge?
“Would you like to go abroad?”
52.शहर के बाहर
(sehar ke baahar)
“Out of station”माँ किसी काम से शहर के बाहर गयी हैं।
maan kiSii kaam Se sahar ke baahar gayii hain.
“Mom is out of station (on vacation) from work.”
“Around”हमें दुकान के आस-पास ही रुकना है।
hamen DukaaN ke aaS-paaS hii rukaNaa hai.
“We have to stay around the shop.”
54.कहीं भी
(kahiin bhii)
“Anywhere”आप मुझसे कहीं भी मिल सकते हैं। 
aap mujh Se kahiin bhii miL SakaTe hain.
“You can meet me anywhere.”
“Right”कार दाएं घूम गयी।
kaar Daayen ghuum gayii.
“The car turned right.”
“Left”सड़क पर बाएं चलो।
Sadak par baayen caLo.
“Walk left on the road.”
“In front of”वो मेरे सामने झगड़ रहे थे।
vo mere SaamaNe jhagad rahe THe.
“They were fighting in front of me.”
“Behind”सीमा रेस में पीछे रह गयी।
Siimaa reS men piiche rah gayii.
“Seema was left behind in the race.”
59.आगे की ओर
(aage kii or)
“Forward”दो क़दम आगे की ओर आओ। 
Do kaDam aage kii or aao.
“Take two steps forward.”
60.पीछे की ओर
(piiche kii or)
“Backward”तुम्हें पीछे की ओर जाना था।
Tumhen piiche kii or jaaNaa THaa.
“You had to go backward.”
Passengers Waiting for Their Turn Patiently

6. Adverbs of Manner

Adverbs of manner are the words which show us how an action happened. Whether you touched the flower gently or entered the house haphazardly! Such types of clarity are brought to us by the adverb of manner in Hindi. So, are you ready to dive in? Let’s get going, because this is yet another very useful type of adverb in Hindi.

“Slowly”पंखा धीरे चल रहा था।
pankhaa DHiire caL rahaa THaa.
“The fan was moving slowly.”
62.जल्दी से
(jaLDii Se)
“Quickly”जली हुई जगह पे जल्दी से बर्फ़ रख दो।
jaLii huii jagah pe jaLDii Se barf rakh Do.
“Put some ice quickly on the burned area.”
63.चालाकी से
(caaLaakii Se)
“Cleverly”दिनेश चालाकी से आगे की सीट पर बैठ गया।
DiNes caaLaakii Se aage kii Siit par baith gayaa.
“Dinesh cleverly took the front seat.”
64.जानबूझ कर
(jaaN buujh kar)
“Willfully”रोहन ने जानबूझ कर ये बात छिपाई।
rohaN Ne jaaN buujh kar ye baaT chipaayii.
“Rohan willfully kept it a secret.”
65.कुशलता से
(kusaLTaa Se)
“Skillfully”पायलट ने बड़ी कुशलता से हवाई जहाज़ को ज़मीन पर उतारा।
paayaLat Ne badii kusaLaTaa Se havaai jahaaz ko zamiiN par uTaaraa.
“The pilot landed the plane skillfully.”
A Variety of Thanksgiving Foods
66.दो टूक
(Do tuuk)
“Bluntly”इंटरव्यू में अधिकारी ने दो टूक तरीक़े से बात की।
iNtarvyuu men aDHikaari Ne Do tuuk Tariiqe Se baaT ki.
“The officer talked bluntly during the interview.”
“Mainly”मीटिंग मुख्यतः अगले महीने के सेल्स टारगेट के बारे में रहेगी। 
miiting mukhyaTah agaLe mahiiNe ke SeLS taaraget ke baare men rahegii.
“The meeting will be mainly about next month’s sales target.”
“Suddenly”बच्चा अचानक से रोने लगा। 
baccaa acaaNak Se roNe Lagaa.
“The child started crying suddenly.”
69.ऊँची आवाज़ में
(uuNcii aavaaz men)
“Loudly”कल रात पड़ोसियों ने बहुत ही ऊँची आवाज़ में गाने बजाये थे। 
kaL raat padoSiyon Ne bahuT hii uuncii aavaaz men gaaNe bajaaye THe.
“Last night, the neighbors played music loudly.”
70.आलस में
(aaLaS men)
“Lazily”मुझे रविवार का दिन आलस में बिताना पसंद है। 
mujhe ravivaar kaa DiN aaLaS men biTaaNaa paSanD hai.
“I like to spend my Sunday lazily.”
71.किसी भी तरह
(kiSii bhii Tarah)
“Anyhow”आप लोगों को किसी भी तरह ये प्रोजेक्ट पूरा करना है। 
aap Logon ko kiSii bhii Tarah ye projekt puuraa karaNaa hai.
“You have to complete this project anyhow.”
72.किसी तरह
(kiSii Tarah)
“Somehow”सुमित ने किसी तरह अपने पिता को मना लिया।
SumiT Ne kiSii Tarah apaNe piTaa ko maNaa Liyaa.
“Sumit somehow convinced his father.”
73.बिना ही
(biNaa hii)
“Without”राज कुछ खाये बिना ही मूवी देखने चला गया। 
raaj kuch khaaye biNaa hii muuvii DekhaNe caLaa gayaa.
“Raj went to the movie without eating anything.”
74.धीमे से
(DHiime Se)
“Gently”कृपया, इस पौधे को धीमे से वहां रख देना। 
kripayaa, iS pauDHe ko DHiime Se vahaan rakh DeNaa.
“Please, put this plant there gently.”
75.ख़ूबसूरती से
(khuubaSuuraTi Se)
“Beautifully”रेखा ने बहुत ही ख़ूबसूरती से उस बात को कहा। 
rekhaa Ne bahuT hii khuubaSuuraTii Se uS baaT ko kahaa.
“Rekha expressed her thoughts so beautifully.”
76.नियम से
(Niyam Se)
“Regularly”स्वस्थ रहने के लिए, रोज़ नियम से कसरत करो। 
SvaSTH rahaNe ke Liye, roz Niyam Se kaSaraT karo.
“Exercise regularly to keep yourself healthy.”
77.सफ़ाई से
(Safaaii Se)
“Neatly”उन क़ालीनों को सफ़ाई से रख दो। 
uN kaaLiiNon ko Safaai Se rakh Do.
“Place those mats neatly.”
78.प्यार से
(pyaar Se)
“Lovingly”टीचर ने बच्ची के चेहरे पर प्यार से हाथ फिराया। 
tiicar Ne baccii ke cehare par pyaar Se haaTH phiraayaa.
“The teacher caressed the child lovingly.”
79.बेसब्री से
(beSabrii Se)
“Eagerly”हम सभी बेसब्री से मूवी शुरू होने का इंतज़ार कर रहे थे। 
ham Sabhii beSabrii Se muuvii suru hoNe kaa inTazaar kar rahe THe.
“We were all waiting eagerly for the movie to start.”
80.धैर्य से
(DHairy Se)
“Patiently”कृपया, धैर्य से अपनी बारी का इंतज़ार करें।
kripayaa, DHairy Se apaNii baarii kaa inTazaar karen.
“Please, wait for your turn patiently.”
81.आराम से
(aaraam Se)
“Comfortably”आराम से बैठ जाइये।
aaraam Se baith jaaiye.
“Please, sit comfortably.”
82.अपने आप ही
(apaNe aap hii)
“Automatically”रेडियो अपने आप ही बंद हो गया। 
radio apaNe aap hii baND ho gayaa.
“The radio stopped working automatically.”
83.बीच में ही
(biic men hii)
“In the middle”हेमा बातचीत के बीच में ही उठ कर चली गयी। 
hemaa baaTaciiT ke biic men hii uth kar caLii gayii.
“Hema left in the middle of the conversation.”
84.समझदारी से
(SamajhaDaarii Se)
“Wisely”कोई भी फ़ैसला लेने से पहले समझदारी से सोच लेना।
koii bhii faiSaLaa LeNe Se pahaLe SamajhaDaarii Se Soc LeNaa.
“Think wisely before making any decision.”
85.ध्यान से
(DHyaaN Se)
“Carefully”प्रश्नों को ध्यान से पढ़ें।
prasNon ko DHyaaN Se padhen.
“Read the questions carefully.”
“Quietly”सभी लोग मंदिर में शांतिपूर्वक बैठे थे।
Sabhii Log maNDir men saaNTipuurvak baithe THe.
“Everyone was sitting quietly in the temple.”
“Happily”और फिर वे ख़ुशी ख़ुशी रहने लगे।
aur phir ve khusii khusii rahaNe Lage.
“And they lived happily ever after.”
88.आसानी से
(aaSaaNii Se)
“Easily”तुम्हें इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज में आसानी से दाख़िला मिल जायेगा।
Tumhen iNjiiNiyaring kauLej men aaSaaNii Se DaakhiLaa miL jaayegaa.
“You can easily get an admission into that engineering college.”
89.सच में
(Sac men)
“Really”“क्या सीमा सच में शादी कर रही है?”
kyaa Siimaa Sac men saaDii kar rahii hai?
“Is Seema really getting married?”
90.वाक़ई में
(vaaqaii men)
“Literally”पुनीत वाक़ई में बेहोश हो गया था।
puNiiT vaaqaii men behos ho gayaa THaa.
“Punit literally fainted there.”
91.बुरी तरह से
(burii Tarah Se)
“Badly”यात्री बुरी तरह से घायल थे।
yaaTrii burii Tarah Se ghaayaL THe.
“The passengers were badly injured.”
92.अच्छी तरह से 
(acchii Tarah Se)
“Well”सभी सामग्रियों को अच्छी तरह से मिलाएं।
Sabhii Saamagriyon ko acchii Tarah Se miLaayen.
“Mix all the ingredients well.”
93.ढंग से
(dhang Se)
“Properly”अपनी लाइनें ढंग से याद करो।
apaNii LaaiNen dhang Se yaaD karo.
“Rehearse your lines properly.”
94.साफ़ तौर पर
(Saaf Taur par)
“Clearly”अधिकारियों ने साफ़ तौर पर कुछ नहीं कहा।
aDHikaariyon Ne Saaf Taur par kuch Nahiin kahaa.
“The officers didn’t say anything clearly.”
95.एक साथ
(ek SaaTH)
“Together”सभी रिश्तेदार एक साथ खड़े थे। 
Sabhii risTeDaar ek SaaTH khade THe.
“All the relatives were standing together.”
“With”कल रात फ़िरोज़ दोस्तों के साथ घूम रहा था।
kaL raaT firoz DoSTon ke SaaTH ghuum rahaa THaa.
“Last night, Firoz was wandering around with his friends.”
97.अकेले / अकेली 
(akeLe / akeLii)
“Alone”गीता पार्क में अकेली बैठी है।
giiTaa paark men akeLii baithii hai.
“Geeta is sitting alone in the park.”
Racing Cars Running Fast

7. Adverbs of Degree

Earlier in this article, we covered the adverb of frequency in Hindi. A bit similar to that is another category: adverbs of degree in Hindi. So what’s the difference between the two?

Well, the adverb of degree specifies the extent or amount of the action which is being talked about. The best way to understand this is with the help of our simple and useful Hindi adverbs examples below.

98.केवल / सिर्फ़
(kevaL) / (Sirf)
“Only”ये बच्चे सिर्फ़ गाना सुनना चाहते हैं।
ye bacce Sirf gaaNaa SuNaNaa caahaTe hain.
“These kids only want to listen to music.”
“A lot”तुम अपनी बहन के बारे में बहुत बातें करते हो।
Tum apaNii bahaN ke baare men bahuT baaTen karaTe ho.
“You talk a lot about your sister.”
“Little” / “A bit”जूली भारत के बारे में कम जानती है।
juuLii bhaaraT ke baare men kam jaaNaTii hai.
“Julie knows little about India.”
101.ना के बराबर
(Naa ke baraabar)
“Barely”विजय क्लास में ना के बराबर आता है। 
vijay kLaaS men Naa ke baraabar aaTaa hai.
“Vijay barely comes to the class.”
102.एक-एक करके
(ek-ek karake)
“One by one”अपनी समस्याओं को एक-एक करके सुलझाओ।
apaNii SamaSyaaon ko ek-ek karake SuLajhaao.
“Solve your problems one by one.”
103.थोड़ा-थोड़ा करके
(THodaa-THodaa karake)
“Little by little”मिश्रण में थोड़ा-थोड़ा करके पानी डालो।
misran men THodaa-THodaa karake paaNii daaLo.
“Add the water little by little in the mixture.”
104.की बजाय
(kii bajaaye)
“Rather” / “Instead of”तुम अपना वक़्त बर्बाद करने की बजाय पढ़ाई क्यों नहीं कर लेते?
Tum apaNaa vaqT barbaaD karaNe kii bajaay padhaaii kyon Nahiin kar LeTe?
“Why don’t you study instead of just wasting your time?”
“So”देव को अपनी टीचर से इतना लगाव है।
Dev ko apaNii tiicar Se iTaNaa Lagaav hai.
“Dev is so attached to his teacher.”
“Fairly”प्रश्न पत्र काफ़ी आसान था।
prasN paTr kaafii aaSaaN THaa.
“The question paper was fairly easy.”
“Almost”खाना लगभग तैयार है।
khaaNaa Lagabhag Taiyaar hai.
“The meal is almost ready!”
मेरे दोस्त आपसे मिलने ज़रूर आएंगे।
mere DoST aap Se miLaNe zaruur aayenge.
“My friends will certainly come and meet you.”
मेरे दोस्त आपसे मिलने ज़रूर आएंगे।
mere DoST aap Se miLaNe zaruur aayenge.
“My friends will certainly come and meet you.”
“Probably”आप शायद ग़लत जगह पर बैठ गए हैं। 
aap saayaD gaLaT jagah par baith gaye hain.
“You are probably sitting in the wrong place.”
“Quite”बच्चे सैंटा क्लॉज़ से मिलकर बेहद ख़ुश थे।
bacce SaiNtaa kLauz Se miLakar behaD khus THe.
“The kids were quite happy to meet Santa Claus.”
111.बुरी तरह से
(burii Tarah Se)
“Terribly”मैं बुरी तरह से नाराज़ थी।
main burii Tarah Se Naaraaz THii.
“I was terribly upset.”
112.“Not at all”मुझे बुरा बिलकुल भी नहीं लगा।
mujhe buraa biLkuL bhii Nahiin Lagaa.
“I am not at all angry.”
मुझे बुरा बिलकुल भी नहीं लगा।
mujhe buraa biLkuL bhii Nahiin Lagaa.
“I am not at all angry.”
113.पूरी तरह से
(puurii Tarah Se)
“Completely” ये मशीन पूरी तरह से बेकार हो चुकी है।
ye masiiN puurii Tarah Se bekaar ho cukii hai.
“This machine is completely out of order.”
114.अंत में / आख़िरकार
(aNT men) / (aakhirakaar)
“Finally”आख़िरकार हमें वो बिल्ली मिल ही गयी। 
aakhirakaar hamen vo biLLii miL hii gayii.
“We finally found the cat.”

8. Interrogative Adverbs

The human mind is full of reasoning and curiosity. After all, this is what gives rise to the multitude of questions that surround us. When something happens, we naturally want to know why, how, where, and when it happened. Interrogative adverbs are those words which give us the power to pose questions and ask these things about an action.

“Why”कुसुम पार्टी में क्यों नहीं आयी थी ? 
kuSum paartii men kyon Nahiin aayii THii?
“Why did Kusum not come to the party?”
“How”ये सवाल तुमने कैसे हल किया ? 
ye SavaaL Tum Ne kaiSe haL kiyaa?
“How did you solve this question?”
“When”पिताजी कब उठेंगे ?
piTaajii kab uthenge?
“When will Father wake up?”
“Where”चाबियाँ कहाँ रखी हैं ?
caabiyaan kahaan rakhii hain?
“Where are the keys?”
119.कितनी देर से
(kiTaNii Der Se)
“How long”यश कितनी देर से सो रहा है?
yas kiTaNii Der Se So rahaa hai?
“How long has Yash been sleeping?”
120.कितनी बार
(kiTaNii baar)
“How many times”तुम ने ये मूवी कितनी बार देखी है? 
Tum Ne ye muuvii kiTaNii baar Dekhii hai?
“How many times have you watched this movie?”

9. What are Adverb Clauses?

More Essential Verbs

Another important term that you may have heard is “adverb clause” in Hindi. In order to become more familiar with it, let’s observe the concept more closely.

Adverb clauses are actually a group of words which specify the answers of interrogative adverbs. In short, this could be an adverb clause of condition in Hindi, an adverb clause of manner in Hindi, and so on.

But how do you recognize an adverb clause in Hindi? Here are some quick tips!

  • An adverb clause will never be without a subject and verb.
  • Adverb clauses alone can’t give complete meaning to the sentence.
  • An adverb clause will always provide a potential answer to an interrogative adverb.

Yeah, this concept sounds a bit tiresome and confusing. But once we go through a few examples, you’ll be amazed at how easy it actually is.


  • बारिश रुकने के बाद घर जाना। (baaris rukaNe ke baaD ghar jaaNaa.)
    “Go home when the rain stops.”
  • जब तुम्हें भूख लगे, तो मुझे बता देना। (jab Tumhen bhuukh Lage, To mujhe baTaa DeNaa.)
    “Let me know whenever you feel hungry.”
  • मैं तभी सोऊंगी जब ये फ़िल्म ख़त्म हो जाएगी। (main Tabhii Souungii jab ye fiLm khaTm ho jaayegii.)
    “I will sleep only when this movie is finished.”
  • ख़ूब मेहनत करो ताकि तुम ज़िंदगी में आगे बढ़ सको (khuub mehaNaT karo Taaki Tum zinDagii men aage badh Sako.)
    “Work hard so that you can progress in life.”
  • मैं ये कार ख़रीद लूंगी अगर तुम मुझे कुछ पैसे दे दो तो (main ye kaar khariiD Luungii agar Tum mujhe kuch paiSe De Do To.)
    “I will buy this car if you can lend me some money.”

Wasn’t that simple! Now, let’s move on to another crucial aspect of adverbs in Hindi grammar: the placement of adverbs in a sentence.

10. Placement of Adverbs in a Sentence

In Hindi sentences, adverbs come between the subject and verb. Usually, the adverb comes before the verb; however, sometimes, an object may be put between the adverb and verb. 

Reading Your Favorite Book Quietly

We would also like to bring to your attention that, similar to the English language, an adverb clause in Hindi may also come at the beginning or end of a sentence.

Below are a few example sentences to show the different placements of adverbs in Hindi sentences.

1 – Adverb Before Verb

  • तुमने मुझे एक बार में पहचान लिया। (Tum Ne mujhe ek baar men pahacaaN Liyaa.)
    “You recognized me at once.”

Here, the adverb is “at once,” or एक बार में (ek baar men), which comes just before the verb “recognized,” or पहचान लिया (pah caaN Liyaa).

2 – Adverb -> Object -> Verb

  • मुझे जल्दी घर पहुंचना है। (mujhe jaLDii ghar pahuncNaa hai.)
    “I have to reach home early.”

Here, the sequence is: 

1. The adverb “early,” or जल्दी (jaLDii)

2. The object “home,” or घर (ghar)

3. The verb “have to reach,” or पहुंचना है (pahuncNaa hai)

3 – Adverb at the Beginning

  • आख़िरकार, हमें वो बिल्ली मिल ही गयी। (aakhirakaar, hamen vo biLLii miL hii gayii.)
    “We finally found the cat.”

Here, the adverb is “finally,” or आख़िरकार (aakhirkaar), which is the first word in the Hindi sentence.

11. Conclusion

Whoa! We must say that Hindi adverbs are nothing less than a wonderful rollercoaster ride. Don’t you feel the same? Well, from learning what adverbs are to covering all the main types of adverbs, we thoroughly enjoyed sharing each and every concept with you.

So, which one was your favorite? Did you like adverbs of manner better, or did the adverbs of frequency interest you more? We’d love to hear you out in the comment box below. You can also let us know if there’s still an adverb in Hindi you want to learn!  

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