You know those moments when using a popular quote is the best way to express what you want to say? It’s amazing to see how a simple key phrase can replace a couple of dull sentences and get the job done.
The one and only hurdle for our learners in this regard is that they don’t yet know the best Hindi quotes. And we here at HindiPod101.com can’t just sit here and watch you struggle with those words on the tip of your tongue!

That’s why today’s guide is on the best quotes in Hindi. We’ll walk you through the best life quotes in Hindi in a variety of categories. You can start using them in your next Hindi conversation right away!

- Why Should You Study Quotes?
- Quotes About Success
- Quotes About Life
- Quotes About Motivation
- Quotes About Love, Friendship, and Family
- Quotes About Philosophy
- Quotes About Food
- Quotes About Language Learning
- Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Why Should You Study Quotes?
Regardless of their original language, quotes will always have great importance in people’s lives. Why? Because they contain the rich and empowering experiences of native speakers and great personalities. Quotes are the pearls of wisdom; they help us say more with fewer words.
On a lighter note, quotes are fun and convenient to use. If you want to express an opinion without being judged, use a quote and be done with it. Hindi quotes from various saints, leaders, folklores, writers, and artists are insightful messages that have been passed on to several generations and are no less relevant today.
As a Hindi learner, understanding and practicing these quotes will bring you into the limelight and boost your self-confidence. It’s an excellent way to show your dedication toward the language and impress your Hindi-speaking friends and colleagues.
By studying these quotes, you’ll also be diving into the rich cultural history of India, its charismatic and noble people, and their essence of life.
So, let’s begin our lesson already!
Quotes About Success
Whether you have big plans for the future or an upcoming project you’re concerned about, these inspiring quotes in Hindi will help you take heart and achieve your goals.
- → You can also see our list of the Top 11 Hindi Quotes About Success for even more inspiration and wisdom!
1. इंतज़ार करने वालों को सिर्फ़ उतना ही मिलता है जितना कोशिश करने वाले छोड़ देते हैं।
Romanization iNTazaar karaNe vaaLon ko Sirf uTaNaa hii miLaTaa hai jiTaNaa kosis karaNe vaaLe chod DeTe hain. English Equivalent “People who wait get only what’s left by those who try.” ~Abdul Kalam Who doesn’t know of Dr. Abdul Kalam? In this highly inspiring quote, he shakes us with these bitter but true words of wisdom.
In simpler words, the phrase teaches us not to wait for luck. Instead, we should take solid steps toward what we want to achieve in life. After all, we don’t want to be the ones who get others’ leftovers. We want to be choosers, not beggars.
2. अगर तुम सूरज की तरह चमकना चाहते हो, तो पहले सूरज की तरह जलना सीखो।
Romanization agar Tum Suuraj kii Tarah camakaNaa caahaTe ho, To pahaLe Suuraj kii Tarah jaLaNaa Siikho. English Equivalent “If you want to shine like the sun, first learn to burn like the sun.” ~Abdul Kalam Here’s another golden saying from Abdul Kalam, inspired by the nature around us. Kalam uses the sun as an example, as we’re always in awe of its magnificence and its powerful aura. Adding to that, the sun does not get this glory for free—it burns day and night.
Similarly, if we too wish to be unstoppable and irreplaceable, then we have to work hard and push our limits every day.
This quote is popularly used on various social media platforms.
3. ख़ुद वो बदलाव बनिए जो आप दुनिया में देखना चाहते हैं।
Romanization khuD vo baDaLaav baNiye jo aap DuNiyaa men DekhaNaa caahaTe hain. English Equivalent “Be the change you want to see in the world.” ~Gandhi Gandhi was a torchbearer not only in India, but the whole world. There were many aspects of his life that impacted millions of people.
One of his greatest qualities was that he would culminate a certain behavior in himself before he expected that behavior from anyone else. There’s a story in which Gandhi refused to preach to a child about consuming less sweets until he could do it himself.
What does that tell us? It’s easy to blame others and play a victim of all the wrong things going on in the world or in our personal lives. But the real solution is to take it upon ourselves to create change and foster new beginnings.

Quotes About Life
Are you feeling stuck in life or dissatisfied with how things are going? Read through these Hindi quotes on life and find some practical words of advice to take to heart!
4. विपत्ति से बढ़कर अनुभव सिखाने वाला विद्यालय ना तो आज तक खुला है न कभी खुलेगा।
Romanization vipaTTi Se badhakar aNubhav SikhaaNe vaaLaa viDyaaLay Naa To aaj Tak khuLaa hai Naa kabhii khuLegaa. English Equivalent “There’s no greater school that teaches life experience than its own challenges.” ~ Premchand If there’s any writer who has been admired and read by every generation, it is Munshi Premchand. There could be no better way to start our list of life quotes in Hindi than by sharing his sayings.
According to him, we are all students in the journey of life, and life’s struggles are our most important teacher.
5. खाने और सोने का नाम जीवन नहीं है। जीवन नाम है सदैव आगे बढ़ते रहने का।
Romanization khaaNe aur SoNe ka Naam jiivaN Nahiin hai. jiivaN Naam hai SaDaiv aage badhaTe rahaNe kaa. English Equivalent “Life is not just eating and sleeping. Life is about always moving forward.” ~Premchand Munshi Premchand wrote an endless number of stories on the poor state of Indian farmers, especially concerning their exploitation by the landlords, peasants, and rich people. His insight on the topic led him to develop a different view of life.
He wrote a lot about how those farmers couldn’t even arrange for one meal a day and still continued to be hopeful and keep going. His stories contain two messages for all of us:
First, life is not a bed of flowers (at least not for everybody). Second, we should never quit in the face of challenges, but keep moving forward; that’s what life is about.
6. अँधेरे में परछाईं भी अपना साथ छोड़ देती है।
Romanization aNDHere men parachaaiin bhii apaNaa SaaTH chod DeTii hai. English Equivalent “Even our own shadow leaves us in the darkness.” This is a local but widely spoken quote in the Hindi Belt of India.
They say that an unfavorable season in life is the best time to find out who your true well-wishers are! Nonetheless, this quote teaches us not to depend too much on others, and to instead believe in yourself. Because if our own shadow vanishes in the darkness, don’t be disappointed if your best friends do, too.
7. ज़िंदगी लंबी नहीं बड़ी होनी चाहिए।
Romanization ziNDagii Lambii Nahiin badii hoNii caahiye. English Equivalent “Life should be grand, not long.” ~Ambedkar Dr. BR Ambedkar was the founding father of our Indian constitution, with many glittering stars in his accomplishment records. He fought for the rights of the underprivileged, especially for the equal rights of women.
This quote from him emphasizes that we should focus on the quality of our life rather than the number of years we live. The hidden message is that we should devote our lives to helping others instead of focusing only on our own wellbeing.
8. ख़ुद को कमज़ोर समझना सबसे बड़ा पाप है।
Romanization khuD ko kamazor SamajhaNaa SabaSe badaa paap hai. English Equivalent “Underestimating your own strength is the biggest sin.” ~ Swami Vivekanand In modern times, we are intrigued by the achievements and growth of others, which is not a healthy mindset.
Vivekanand felt that each one of us has great potential. To undermine that potential is to deprive ourselves and our society of the benefits that we could harness in being our true selves.
Quotes About Motivation
Life can be difficult and our circumstances can be disheartening at times. We hope that these motivational quotes in Hindi refresh you and put you in a better frame of mind.
9. शेर हमेशा अकेला चलता है।
Romanization ser hamesaa akeLaa caLaTaa hai. English Equivalent “A lion always walks alone.” Oh! This is one of the most popular Hindi quotes, and definitely something you must have on your learning list.
It’s cool. It has swag. And it’s highly motivating, too.
Remember the time you took a stand or decided to do something new in life, only to find that not even your loved ones supported you in that? Well, this quote will make you feel confident when no one else does. Not to mention that we Indians often use it to lighten the mood in heavy situations. 🙂
10. किसी को इतना भी मत डराओ कि डर ही ख़त्म हो जाये।
Romanization kiSii ko iTaNaa bhii maT daraao ki dar hii khaTm ho jaaye. English Equivalent “Don’t scare someone so much that they stop feeling the fear.” ~Mary Kom Here comes the Princess of Boxing. The Conqueror, The Fighter, and the true inspiration for many: Mary Kom.
With an unimaginably difficult childhood, a dreamy marriage with a rock-solid supportive partner, and her three kids, Mary Kom continues to amaze the world with her medals and trophies, one after another.
She has written an autobiography titled Unbreakable. But this quote is taken from the movie Mary Kom, which is based on her life. Kom is played by none other than Priyanka Chopra.
The quote is self-explanatory. We all get scared, but when that fear is pushed to the limit, it turns into courage and strength.

11. जहाँ भी आज़ाद रूह की झलक पड़े समझना वह मेरा घर है।
Romanization jahaan bhii aazaaD ruuh kii jhaLak pade SamajhaNaa vah meraa ghar hai. English Equivalent “Wherever you see a free soul, that’s where I live.” ~Amrita Pritam Amrita Pritam, one of the most prominent writers and poets, is known for her feminist appeal. Her works portray the significance of gender equality and freedom.
She broke many orthodox rules and lived her life in her own way. Amrita Pritam set a milestone for both men and women, inspiring them to follow their hearts and stand up for themselves.
The quote here reflects how much the real freedom of choice meant to her. In her own words, every such place where people live the way they want, there her soul resides. Read more of her impeccable and deeply touching quotes here.
Quotes About Love, Friendship, and Family
The category that you’ve long been waiting for: love quotes in Hindi. Let’s begin with some words from our beloved Gautam Buddha.
→ You can also find more Hindi Quotes About Love on our website!
12. सच्चा प्रेम समझ से उत्पन्न होता है।
Romanization Saccaa prem Samajh Se uTpaNN hoTaa hai. English Equivalent “True love begins with understanding.” ~Buddha Buddha was all for love, kindness, and generosity toward others and oneself. His quote contains the message that true love is only possible when two people empathize with each other, respect each other, and understand each other. In the absence of these factors, their love would only be superficial and short-lived.
13. दोस्ती का कोई मज़हब नहीं होता।
Romanization DoSTii kaa koii mazahab Nahiin hoTaa. English Equivalent “Friendship knows no religion.” ~Shootout at Wadala One of the most popular and hard-hitting friendship quotes in Hindi, these words from the movie Shootout at Wadala shed light on the presence of tolerance and understanding in a true friendship.
The message couldn’t be put in a more simple way. The quote reminds us that the bond of friendship is above all disparities, whether from caste, creed, or religion.

14. मित्रता सबसे शुद्ध प्रेम है।
Romanization miTraTaa SabaSe suDDH prem hai. English Equivalent “Friendship is the purest form of love.” ~Osho Talking about friendship and love, how could we miss Osho? Osho was the mystic and revolutionary who influenced the young and the elderly like nobody else. His discourses were filled with words of love, friendship, and affection.
According to this quote, he found friendship to be the greatest and purest form of love, because it contains no expectations or possessiveness.
15. पुत्र कुपुत्र हो सकता है लेकिन माता कभी कुमाता नहीं हो सकती।
Romanization puTr kupuTr ho SakaTaa hai LekiN maaTaa kabhii kumaaTaa Nahiin ho SakaTii. English Equivalent “There can be a bad son, there can never be a bad mother.” ~Mahabharata Mahabharata is an ancient epic. This quote is from one of its brilliant characters, Bhishm Pitamah, who was wise and quite inspiring.
The meaning of the quote is that a mother’s love is always pure, and as such, there is no such thing as a bad mother. A child, on the other hand, can be selfish, even while his or her mother only thinks of the child’s best.

16. मेरा परिवार मेरी ताकत और मेरी कमज़ोरी है।
Romanization meraa parivaar merii TaaqaT aur merii kamazorii hai. English Equivalent “My family is my strength and my weakness.” ~Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Although this quote is from the former Miss World and current actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, I imagine that we can all relate.
She meant that her love for her family is so strong and unconditional that it has come to be her greatest power, as well as her greatest weakness.
Quotes About Philosophy
If you relish in the marvels of philosophy, you’re going to love the following Hindi quotes with deep meaning and practical application to life!
17. चिंता चिता समान है।
Romanization ciNTaa ciTaa SamaaN hai. English Equivalent “Worry is akin to death.” This is an old Indian saying, attributed to no one in particular. However, some people believe it was said by an ancient Indian sage named Kabeer Das.
The saying emphasizes that worrying about something immobilizes you. It stops you from taking any action that could alleviate or eliminate the reason behind the problem. This will likely intensify the problem, causing you to worry more. In turn, this will leave you stuck in a downward spiral that feeds on itself and eventually becomes a death loop. So, worry is compared to “death” here.
18. हर चमकती हुई चीज़ सोना नहीं होती।
Romanization har camakaTii huii ciiz SoNaa Nahiin hoTii. English Equivalent “Not everything that glitters is gold.” This is a simple quote that’s often used in conversations to convey that just because something looks good, doesn’t mean it’s worthwhile. Often, what attracts us in the beginning turns out to be fake or disappointing when we scratch the surface.
19. मूर्ख दूसरों पर हँसते हैं, बुद्धिमान ख़ुद पर।
Romanization muurkh DuuSron par hanSaTe hain, buDDHimaan khuD par. English Equivalent “Fools laugh at others, the wise ones laugh at themselves.” ~Osho Usually, one mocks other people to aggrandize their ego. Osho, the controversial Indian mystic, saw this self-aggrandizement as nothing less than foolishness. A wise man wears his wisdom very lightly, as he is not ego-centric and thus has the courage to laugh at himself and improve. This makes him even wiser.
20. जब जागो तब सवेरा।
Romanization jab jaago Tab Saveraa. English Equivalent “It’s never too late.” / Literally: “When awake, then dawn.” Let’s compare this quote with a Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.”
The Hindi version uses “waking up” and “dawn” as metaphors for realizing a mistake and taking remedial actions. “Dawn,” it says, is whenever you “wake up.”

21. ख़ाली बर्तन ज़्यादा शोर करते हैं।
Romanization khaaLii barTaN zyaaDaa sor karaTe hain. English Equivalent “Empty vessels make more noise.” A person who lacks skills, talent, self-esteem, and/or confidence usually tries to fill this gap by talking very highly of himself just to feel good. Talk about an inferiority complex.
This corresponds to the way an empty vessel makes more sound than one that’s full. A truly knowledgeable person is full of self-esteem, and hence, remains humble. His/her sense of appreciation comes from within.
22. जो जैसा बोता है, वैसा ही काटता है।
Romanization jo jaiSaa boTaa hai, vaiSaa hii kaataTaa hai. English Equivalent “As you sow, so shall you reap.” When you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other. We cannot separate actions from results. This saying describes how our actions, thoughts, and words boomerang back around to us. If we do good, good echoes back to us; the same holds true for doing bad.
As noted author Stephen Covey said: “You can decide to stand in front of a fast moving train but you can’t decide what happens when the train hits you. That is governed by universal laws.”
23. दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार ना करें, जो आपको अपने लिए पसंद नहीं।
Romanization DuuSron ke SaaTH aiSaa vyavahaar Naa karen, jo aapako apaNe Liye paSaND Nahiin. English Equivalent “Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like for yourself.” ~Shantikunj, Haridwar A very straightforward and literal quote. No metaphors or similes here. If you don’t like people treating you a certain way, it would be unfair of you to treat them that way. This saying comes from Shantikunj, a spiritual and social organization founded by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya.
Quotes About Food
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down for a nice meal now and then? Our Hindi quotes collection wouldn’t be complete without a few sayings related to food!
24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है।
Romanization bhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai. English Equivalent “There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing.

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।
Romanization bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. English Equivalent “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first.
Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
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1. इंतज़ार करने वालों को सिर्फ़ उतना ही मिलता है जितना कोशिश करने वाले छोड़ देते हैं। |
Romanization | iNTazaar karaNe vaaLon ko Sirf uTaNaa hii miLaTaa hai jiTaNaa kosis karaNe vaaLe chod DeTe hain. |
English Equivalent | “People who wait get only what’s left by those who try.” ~Abdul Kalam |
Who doesn’t know of Dr. Abdul Kalam? In this highly inspiring quote, he shakes us with these bitter but true words of wisdom. In simpler words, the phrase teaches us not to wait for luck. Instead, we should take solid steps toward what we want to achieve in life. After all, we don’t want to be the ones who get others’ leftovers. We want to be choosers, not beggars. |
2. अगर तुम सूरज की तरह चमकना चाहते हो, तो पहले सूरज की तरह जलना सीखो।
Romanization agar Tum Suuraj kii Tarah camakaNaa caahaTe ho, To pahaLe Suuraj kii Tarah jaLaNaa Siikho. English Equivalent “If you want to shine like the sun, first learn to burn like the sun.” ~Abdul Kalam Here’s another golden saying from Abdul Kalam, inspired by the nature around us. Kalam uses the sun as an example, as we’re always in awe of its magnificence and its powerful aura. Adding to that, the sun does not get this glory for free—it burns day and night.
Similarly, if we too wish to be unstoppable and irreplaceable, then we have to work hard and push our limits every day.
This quote is popularly used on various social media platforms.
3. ख़ुद वो बदलाव बनिए जो आप दुनिया में देखना चाहते हैं।
Romanization khuD vo baDaLaav baNiye jo aap DuNiyaa men DekhaNaa caahaTe hain. English Equivalent “Be the change you want to see in the world.” ~Gandhi Gandhi was a torchbearer not only in India, but the whole world. There were many aspects of his life that impacted millions of people.
One of his greatest qualities was that he would culminate a certain behavior in himself before he expected that behavior from anyone else. There’s a story in which Gandhi refused to preach to a child about consuming less sweets until he could do it himself.
What does that tell us? It’s easy to blame others and play a victim of all the wrong things going on in the world or in our personal lives. But the real solution is to take it upon ourselves to create change and foster new beginnings.

Quotes About Life
Are you feeling stuck in life or dissatisfied with how things are going? Read through these Hindi quotes on life and find some practical words of advice to take to heart!
4. विपत्ति से बढ़कर अनुभव सिखाने वाला विद्यालय ना तो आज तक खुला है न कभी खुलेगा।
Romanization vipaTTi Se badhakar aNubhav SikhaaNe vaaLaa viDyaaLay Naa To aaj Tak khuLaa hai Naa kabhii khuLegaa. English Equivalent “There’s no greater school that teaches life experience than its own challenges.” ~ Premchand If there’s any writer who has been admired and read by every generation, it is Munshi Premchand. There could be no better way to start our list of life quotes in Hindi than by sharing his sayings.
According to him, we are all students in the journey of life, and life’s struggles are our most important teacher.
5. खाने और सोने का नाम जीवन नहीं है। जीवन नाम है सदैव आगे बढ़ते रहने का।
Romanization khaaNe aur SoNe ka Naam jiivaN Nahiin hai. jiivaN Naam hai SaDaiv aage badhaTe rahaNe kaa. English Equivalent “Life is not just eating and sleeping. Life is about always moving forward.” ~Premchand Munshi Premchand wrote an endless number of stories on the poor state of Indian farmers, especially concerning their exploitation by the landlords, peasants, and rich people. His insight on the topic led him to develop a different view of life.
He wrote a lot about how those farmers couldn’t even arrange for one meal a day and still continued to be hopeful and keep going. His stories contain two messages for all of us:
First, life is not a bed of flowers (at least not for everybody). Second, we should never quit in the face of challenges, but keep moving forward; that’s what life is about.
6. अँधेरे में परछाईं भी अपना साथ छोड़ देती है।
Romanization aNDHere men parachaaiin bhii apaNaa SaaTH chod DeTii hai. English Equivalent “Even our own shadow leaves us in the darkness.” This is a local but widely spoken quote in the Hindi Belt of India.
They say that an unfavorable season in life is the best time to find out who your true well-wishers are! Nonetheless, this quote teaches us not to depend too much on others, and to instead believe in yourself. Because if our own shadow vanishes in the darkness, don’t be disappointed if your best friends do, too.
7. ज़िंदगी लंबी नहीं बड़ी होनी चाहिए।
Romanization ziNDagii Lambii Nahiin badii hoNii caahiye. English Equivalent “Life should be grand, not long.” ~Ambedkar Dr. BR Ambedkar was the founding father of our Indian constitution, with many glittering stars in his accomplishment records. He fought for the rights of the underprivileged, especially for the equal rights of women.
This quote from him emphasizes that we should focus on the quality of our life rather than the number of years we live. The hidden message is that we should devote our lives to helping others instead of focusing only on our own wellbeing.
8. ख़ुद को कमज़ोर समझना सबसे बड़ा पाप है।
Romanization khuD ko kamazor SamajhaNaa SabaSe badaa paap hai. English Equivalent “Underestimating your own strength is the biggest sin.” ~ Swami Vivekanand In modern times, we are intrigued by the achievements and growth of others, which is not a healthy mindset.
Vivekanand felt that each one of us has great potential. To undermine that potential is to deprive ourselves and our society of the benefits that we could harness in being our true selves.
Quotes About Motivation
Life can be difficult and our circumstances can be disheartening at times. We hope that these motivational quotes in Hindi refresh you and put you in a better frame of mind.
9. शेर हमेशा अकेला चलता है।
Romanization ser hamesaa akeLaa caLaTaa hai. English Equivalent “A lion always walks alone.” Oh! This is one of the most popular Hindi quotes, and definitely something you must have on your learning list.
It’s cool. It has swag. And it’s highly motivating, too.
Remember the time you took a stand or decided to do something new in life, only to find that not even your loved ones supported you in that? Well, this quote will make you feel confident when no one else does. Not to mention that we Indians often use it to lighten the mood in heavy situations. 🙂
10. किसी को इतना भी मत डराओ कि डर ही ख़त्म हो जाये।
Romanization kiSii ko iTaNaa bhii maT daraao ki dar hii khaTm ho jaaye. English Equivalent “Don’t scare someone so much that they stop feeling the fear.” ~Mary Kom Here comes the Princess of Boxing. The Conqueror, The Fighter, and the true inspiration for many: Mary Kom.
With an unimaginably difficult childhood, a dreamy marriage with a rock-solid supportive partner, and her three kids, Mary Kom continues to amaze the world with her medals and trophies, one after another.
She has written an autobiography titled Unbreakable. But this quote is taken from the movie Mary Kom, which is based on her life. Kom is played by none other than Priyanka Chopra.
The quote is self-explanatory. We all get scared, but when that fear is pushed to the limit, it turns into courage and strength.

11. जहाँ भी आज़ाद रूह की झलक पड़े समझना वह मेरा घर है।
Romanization jahaan bhii aazaaD ruuh kii jhaLak pade SamajhaNaa vah meraa ghar hai. English Equivalent “Wherever you see a free soul, that’s where I live.” ~Amrita Pritam Amrita Pritam, one of the most prominent writers and poets, is known for her feminist appeal. Her works portray the significance of gender equality and freedom.
She broke many orthodox rules and lived her life in her own way. Amrita Pritam set a milestone for both men and women, inspiring them to follow their hearts and stand up for themselves.
The quote here reflects how much the real freedom of choice meant to her. In her own words, every such place where people live the way they want, there her soul resides. Read more of her impeccable and deeply touching quotes here.
Quotes About Love, Friendship, and Family
The category that you’ve long been waiting for: love quotes in Hindi. Let’s begin with some words from our beloved Gautam Buddha.
→ You can also find more Hindi Quotes About Love on our website!
12. सच्चा प्रेम समझ से उत्पन्न होता है।
Romanization Saccaa prem Samajh Se uTpaNN hoTaa hai. English Equivalent “True love begins with understanding.” ~Buddha Buddha was all for love, kindness, and generosity toward others and oneself. His quote contains the message that true love is only possible when two people empathize with each other, respect each other, and understand each other. In the absence of these factors, their love would only be superficial and short-lived.
13. दोस्ती का कोई मज़हब नहीं होता।
Romanization DoSTii kaa koii mazahab Nahiin hoTaa. English Equivalent “Friendship knows no religion.” ~Shootout at Wadala One of the most popular and hard-hitting friendship quotes in Hindi, these words from the movie Shootout at Wadala shed light on the presence of tolerance and understanding in a true friendship.
The message couldn’t be put in a more simple way. The quote reminds us that the bond of friendship is above all disparities, whether from caste, creed, or religion.

14. मित्रता सबसे शुद्ध प्रेम है।
Romanization miTraTaa SabaSe suDDH prem hai. English Equivalent “Friendship is the purest form of love.” ~Osho Talking about friendship and love, how could we miss Osho? Osho was the mystic and revolutionary who influenced the young and the elderly like nobody else. His discourses were filled with words of love, friendship, and affection.
According to this quote, he found friendship to be the greatest and purest form of love, because it contains no expectations or possessiveness.
15. पुत्र कुपुत्र हो सकता है लेकिन माता कभी कुमाता नहीं हो सकती।
Romanization puTr kupuTr ho SakaTaa hai LekiN maaTaa kabhii kumaaTaa Nahiin ho SakaTii. English Equivalent “There can be a bad son, there can never be a bad mother.” ~Mahabharata Mahabharata is an ancient epic. This quote is from one of its brilliant characters, Bhishm Pitamah, who was wise and quite inspiring.
The meaning of the quote is that a mother’s love is always pure, and as such, there is no such thing as a bad mother. A child, on the other hand, can be selfish, even while his or her mother only thinks of the child’s best.

16. मेरा परिवार मेरी ताकत और मेरी कमज़ोरी है।
Romanization meraa parivaar merii TaaqaT aur merii kamazorii hai. English Equivalent “My family is my strength and my weakness.” ~Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Although this quote is from the former Miss World and current actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, I imagine that we can all relate.
She meant that her love for her family is so strong and unconditional that it has come to be her greatest power, as well as her greatest weakness.
Quotes About Philosophy
If you relish in the marvels of philosophy, you’re going to love the following Hindi quotes with deep meaning and practical application to life!
17. चिंता चिता समान है।
Romanization ciNTaa ciTaa SamaaN hai. English Equivalent “Worry is akin to death.” This is an old Indian saying, attributed to no one in particular. However, some people believe it was said by an ancient Indian sage named Kabeer Das.
The saying emphasizes that worrying about something immobilizes you. It stops you from taking any action that could alleviate or eliminate the reason behind the problem. This will likely intensify the problem, causing you to worry more. In turn, this will leave you stuck in a downward spiral that feeds on itself and eventually becomes a death loop. So, worry is compared to “death” here.
18. हर चमकती हुई चीज़ सोना नहीं होती।
Romanization har camakaTii huii ciiz SoNaa Nahiin hoTii. English Equivalent “Not everything that glitters is gold.” This is a simple quote that’s often used in conversations to convey that just because something looks good, doesn’t mean it’s worthwhile. Often, what attracts us in the beginning turns out to be fake or disappointing when we scratch the surface.
19. मूर्ख दूसरों पर हँसते हैं, बुद्धिमान ख़ुद पर।
Romanization muurkh DuuSron par hanSaTe hain, buDDHimaan khuD par. English Equivalent “Fools laugh at others, the wise ones laugh at themselves.” ~Osho Usually, one mocks other people to aggrandize their ego. Osho, the controversial Indian mystic, saw this self-aggrandizement as nothing less than foolishness. A wise man wears his wisdom very lightly, as he is not ego-centric and thus has the courage to laugh at himself and improve. This makes him even wiser.
20. जब जागो तब सवेरा।
Romanization jab jaago Tab Saveraa. English Equivalent “It’s never too late.” / Literally: “When awake, then dawn.” Let’s compare this quote with a Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.”
The Hindi version uses “waking up” and “dawn” as metaphors for realizing a mistake and taking remedial actions. “Dawn,” it says, is whenever you “wake up.”

21. ख़ाली बर्तन ज़्यादा शोर करते हैं।
Romanization khaaLii barTaN zyaaDaa sor karaTe hain. English Equivalent “Empty vessels make more noise.” A person who lacks skills, talent, self-esteem, and/or confidence usually tries to fill this gap by talking very highly of himself just to feel good. Talk about an inferiority complex.
This corresponds to the way an empty vessel makes more sound than one that’s full. A truly knowledgeable person is full of self-esteem, and hence, remains humble. His/her sense of appreciation comes from within.
22. जो जैसा बोता है, वैसा ही काटता है।
Romanization jo jaiSaa boTaa hai, vaiSaa hii kaataTaa hai. English Equivalent “As you sow, so shall you reap.” When you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other. We cannot separate actions from results. This saying describes how our actions, thoughts, and words boomerang back around to us. If we do good, good echoes back to us; the same holds true for doing bad.
As noted author Stephen Covey said: “You can decide to stand in front of a fast moving train but you can’t decide what happens when the train hits you. That is governed by universal laws.”
23. दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार ना करें, जो आपको अपने लिए पसंद नहीं।
Romanization DuuSron ke SaaTH aiSaa vyavahaar Naa karen, jo aapako apaNe Liye paSaND Nahiin. English Equivalent “Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like for yourself.” ~Shantikunj, Haridwar A very straightforward and literal quote. No metaphors or similes here. If you don’t like people treating you a certain way, it would be unfair of you to treat them that way. This saying comes from Shantikunj, a spiritual and social organization founded by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya.
Quotes About Food
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down for a nice meal now and then? Our Hindi quotes collection wouldn’t be complete without a few sayings related to food!
24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है।
Romanization bhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai. English Equivalent “There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing.

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।
Romanization bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. English Equivalent “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first.
Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

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2. अगर तुम सूरज की तरह चमकना चाहते हो, तो पहले सूरज की तरह जलना सीखो। |
Romanization | agar Tum Suuraj kii Tarah camakaNaa caahaTe ho, To pahaLe Suuraj kii Tarah jaLaNaa Siikho. |
English Equivalent | “If you want to shine like the sun, first learn to burn like the sun.” ~Abdul Kalam |
Here’s another golden saying from Abdul Kalam, inspired by the nature around us. Kalam uses the sun as an example, as we’re always in awe of its magnificence and its powerful aura. Adding to that, the sun does not get this glory for free—it burns day and night. Similarly, if we too wish to be unstoppable and irreplaceable, then we have to work hard and push our limits every day. This quote is popularly used on various social media platforms. |
3. ख़ुद वो बदलाव बनिए जो आप दुनिया में देखना चाहते हैं।
Romanization khuD vo baDaLaav baNiye jo aap DuNiyaa men DekhaNaa caahaTe hain. English Equivalent “Be the change you want to see in the world.” ~Gandhi Gandhi was a torchbearer not only in India, but the whole world. There were many aspects of his life that impacted millions of people.
One of his greatest qualities was that he would culminate a certain behavior in himself before he expected that behavior from anyone else. There’s a story in which Gandhi refused to preach to a child about consuming less sweets until he could do it himself.
What does that tell us? It’s easy to blame others and play a victim of all the wrong things going on in the world or in our personal lives. But the real solution is to take it upon ourselves to create change and foster new beginnings.

Quotes About Life
Are you feeling stuck in life or dissatisfied with how things are going? Read through these Hindi quotes on life and find some practical words of advice to take to heart!
4. विपत्ति से बढ़कर अनुभव सिखाने वाला विद्यालय ना तो आज तक खुला है न कभी खुलेगा।
Romanization vipaTTi Se badhakar aNubhav SikhaaNe vaaLaa viDyaaLay Naa To aaj Tak khuLaa hai Naa kabhii khuLegaa. English Equivalent “There’s no greater school that teaches life experience than its own challenges.” ~ Premchand If there’s any writer who has been admired and read by every generation, it is Munshi Premchand. There could be no better way to start our list of life quotes in Hindi than by sharing his sayings.
According to him, we are all students in the journey of life, and life’s struggles are our most important teacher.
5. खाने और सोने का नाम जीवन नहीं है। जीवन नाम है सदैव आगे बढ़ते रहने का।
Romanization khaaNe aur SoNe ka Naam jiivaN Nahiin hai. jiivaN Naam hai SaDaiv aage badhaTe rahaNe kaa. English Equivalent “Life is not just eating and sleeping. Life is about always moving forward.” ~Premchand Munshi Premchand wrote an endless number of stories on the poor state of Indian farmers, especially concerning their exploitation by the landlords, peasants, and rich people. His insight on the topic led him to develop a different view of life.
He wrote a lot about how those farmers couldn’t even arrange for one meal a day and still continued to be hopeful and keep going. His stories contain two messages for all of us:
First, life is not a bed of flowers (at least not for everybody). Second, we should never quit in the face of challenges, but keep moving forward; that’s what life is about.
6. अँधेरे में परछाईं भी अपना साथ छोड़ देती है।
Romanization aNDHere men parachaaiin bhii apaNaa SaaTH chod DeTii hai. English Equivalent “Even our own shadow leaves us in the darkness.” This is a local but widely spoken quote in the Hindi Belt of India.
They say that an unfavorable season in life is the best time to find out who your true well-wishers are! Nonetheless, this quote teaches us not to depend too much on others, and to instead believe in yourself. Because if our own shadow vanishes in the darkness, don’t be disappointed if your best friends do, too.
7. ज़िंदगी लंबी नहीं बड़ी होनी चाहिए।
Romanization ziNDagii Lambii Nahiin badii hoNii caahiye. English Equivalent “Life should be grand, not long.” ~Ambedkar Dr. BR Ambedkar was the founding father of our Indian constitution, with many glittering stars in his accomplishment records. He fought for the rights of the underprivileged, especially for the equal rights of women.
This quote from him emphasizes that we should focus on the quality of our life rather than the number of years we live. The hidden message is that we should devote our lives to helping others instead of focusing only on our own wellbeing.
8. ख़ुद को कमज़ोर समझना सबसे बड़ा पाप है।
Romanization khuD ko kamazor SamajhaNaa SabaSe badaa paap hai. English Equivalent “Underestimating your own strength is the biggest sin.” ~ Swami Vivekanand In modern times, we are intrigued by the achievements and growth of others, which is not a healthy mindset.
Vivekanand felt that each one of us has great potential. To undermine that potential is to deprive ourselves and our society of the benefits that we could harness in being our true selves.
Quotes About Motivation
Life can be difficult and our circumstances can be disheartening at times. We hope that these motivational quotes in Hindi refresh you and put you in a better frame of mind.
9. शेर हमेशा अकेला चलता है।
Romanization ser hamesaa akeLaa caLaTaa hai. English Equivalent “A lion always walks alone.” Oh! This is one of the most popular Hindi quotes, and definitely something you must have on your learning list.
It’s cool. It has swag. And it’s highly motivating, too.
Remember the time you took a stand or decided to do something new in life, only to find that not even your loved ones supported you in that? Well, this quote will make you feel confident when no one else does. Not to mention that we Indians often use it to lighten the mood in heavy situations. 🙂
10. किसी को इतना भी मत डराओ कि डर ही ख़त्म हो जाये।
Romanization kiSii ko iTaNaa bhii maT daraao ki dar hii khaTm ho jaaye. English Equivalent “Don’t scare someone so much that they stop feeling the fear.” ~Mary Kom Here comes the Princess of Boxing. The Conqueror, The Fighter, and the true inspiration for many: Mary Kom.
With an unimaginably difficult childhood, a dreamy marriage with a rock-solid supportive partner, and her three kids, Mary Kom continues to amaze the world with her medals and trophies, one after another.
She has written an autobiography titled Unbreakable. But this quote is taken from the movie Mary Kom, which is based on her life. Kom is played by none other than Priyanka Chopra.
The quote is self-explanatory. We all get scared, but when that fear is pushed to the limit, it turns into courage and strength.

11. जहाँ भी आज़ाद रूह की झलक पड़े समझना वह मेरा घर है।
Romanization jahaan bhii aazaaD ruuh kii jhaLak pade SamajhaNaa vah meraa ghar hai. English Equivalent “Wherever you see a free soul, that’s where I live.” ~Amrita Pritam Amrita Pritam, one of the most prominent writers and poets, is known for her feminist appeal. Her works portray the significance of gender equality and freedom.
She broke many orthodox rules and lived her life in her own way. Amrita Pritam set a milestone for both men and women, inspiring them to follow their hearts and stand up for themselves.
The quote here reflects how much the real freedom of choice meant to her. In her own words, every such place where people live the way they want, there her soul resides. Read more of her impeccable and deeply touching quotes here.
Quotes About Love, Friendship, and Family
The category that you’ve long been waiting for: love quotes in Hindi. Let’s begin with some words from our beloved Gautam Buddha.
→ You can also find more Hindi Quotes About Love on our website!
12. सच्चा प्रेम समझ से उत्पन्न होता है।
Romanization Saccaa prem Samajh Se uTpaNN hoTaa hai. English Equivalent “True love begins with understanding.” ~Buddha Buddha was all for love, kindness, and generosity toward others and oneself. His quote contains the message that true love is only possible when two people empathize with each other, respect each other, and understand each other. In the absence of these factors, their love would only be superficial and short-lived.
13. दोस्ती का कोई मज़हब नहीं होता।
Romanization DoSTii kaa koii mazahab Nahiin hoTaa. English Equivalent “Friendship knows no religion.” ~Shootout at Wadala One of the most popular and hard-hitting friendship quotes in Hindi, these words from the movie Shootout at Wadala shed light on the presence of tolerance and understanding in a true friendship.
The message couldn’t be put in a more simple way. The quote reminds us that the bond of friendship is above all disparities, whether from caste, creed, or religion.

14. मित्रता सबसे शुद्ध प्रेम है।
Romanization miTraTaa SabaSe suDDH prem hai. English Equivalent “Friendship is the purest form of love.” ~Osho Talking about friendship and love, how could we miss Osho? Osho was the mystic and revolutionary who influenced the young and the elderly like nobody else. His discourses were filled with words of love, friendship, and affection.
According to this quote, he found friendship to be the greatest and purest form of love, because it contains no expectations or possessiveness.
15. पुत्र कुपुत्र हो सकता है लेकिन माता कभी कुमाता नहीं हो सकती।
Romanization puTr kupuTr ho SakaTaa hai LekiN maaTaa kabhii kumaaTaa Nahiin ho SakaTii. English Equivalent “There can be a bad son, there can never be a bad mother.” ~Mahabharata Mahabharata is an ancient epic. This quote is from one of its brilliant characters, Bhishm Pitamah, who was wise and quite inspiring.
The meaning of the quote is that a mother’s love is always pure, and as such, there is no such thing as a bad mother. A child, on the other hand, can be selfish, even while his or her mother only thinks of the child’s best.

16. मेरा परिवार मेरी ताकत और मेरी कमज़ोरी है।
Romanization meraa parivaar merii TaaqaT aur merii kamazorii hai. English Equivalent “My family is my strength and my weakness.” ~Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Although this quote is from the former Miss World and current actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, I imagine that we can all relate.
She meant that her love for her family is so strong and unconditional that it has come to be her greatest power, as well as her greatest weakness.
Quotes About Philosophy
If you relish in the marvels of philosophy, you’re going to love the following Hindi quotes with deep meaning and practical application to life!
17. चिंता चिता समान है।
Romanization ciNTaa ciTaa SamaaN hai. English Equivalent “Worry is akin to death.” This is an old Indian saying, attributed to no one in particular. However, some people believe it was said by an ancient Indian sage named Kabeer Das.
The saying emphasizes that worrying about something immobilizes you. It stops you from taking any action that could alleviate or eliminate the reason behind the problem. This will likely intensify the problem, causing you to worry more. In turn, this will leave you stuck in a downward spiral that feeds on itself and eventually becomes a death loop. So, worry is compared to “death” here.
18. हर चमकती हुई चीज़ सोना नहीं होती।
Romanization har camakaTii huii ciiz SoNaa Nahiin hoTii. English Equivalent “Not everything that glitters is gold.” This is a simple quote that’s often used in conversations to convey that just because something looks good, doesn’t mean it’s worthwhile. Often, what attracts us in the beginning turns out to be fake or disappointing when we scratch the surface.
19. मूर्ख दूसरों पर हँसते हैं, बुद्धिमान ख़ुद पर।
Romanization muurkh DuuSron par hanSaTe hain, buDDHimaan khuD par. English Equivalent “Fools laugh at others, the wise ones laugh at themselves.” ~Osho Usually, one mocks other people to aggrandize their ego. Osho, the controversial Indian mystic, saw this self-aggrandizement as nothing less than foolishness. A wise man wears his wisdom very lightly, as he is not ego-centric and thus has the courage to laugh at himself and improve. This makes him even wiser.
20. जब जागो तब सवेरा।
Romanization jab jaago Tab Saveraa. English Equivalent “It’s never too late.” / Literally: “When awake, then dawn.” Let’s compare this quote with a Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.”
The Hindi version uses “waking up” and “dawn” as metaphors for realizing a mistake and taking remedial actions. “Dawn,” it says, is whenever you “wake up.”

21. ख़ाली बर्तन ज़्यादा शोर करते हैं।
Romanization khaaLii barTaN zyaaDaa sor karaTe hain. English Equivalent “Empty vessels make more noise.” A person who lacks skills, talent, self-esteem, and/or confidence usually tries to fill this gap by talking very highly of himself just to feel good. Talk about an inferiority complex.
This corresponds to the way an empty vessel makes more sound than one that’s full. A truly knowledgeable person is full of self-esteem, and hence, remains humble. His/her sense of appreciation comes from within.
22. जो जैसा बोता है, वैसा ही काटता है।
Romanization jo jaiSaa boTaa hai, vaiSaa hii kaataTaa hai. English Equivalent “As you sow, so shall you reap.” When you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other. We cannot separate actions from results. This saying describes how our actions, thoughts, and words boomerang back around to us. If we do good, good echoes back to us; the same holds true for doing bad.
As noted author Stephen Covey said: “You can decide to stand in front of a fast moving train but you can’t decide what happens when the train hits you. That is governed by universal laws.”
23. दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार ना करें, जो आपको अपने लिए पसंद नहीं।
Romanization DuuSron ke SaaTH aiSaa vyavahaar Naa karen, jo aapako apaNe Liye paSaND Nahiin. English Equivalent “Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like for yourself.” ~Shantikunj, Haridwar A very straightforward and literal quote. No metaphors or similes here. If you don’t like people treating you a certain way, it would be unfair of you to treat them that way. This saying comes from Shantikunj, a spiritual and social organization founded by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya.
Quotes About Food
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down for a nice meal now and then? Our Hindi quotes collection wouldn’t be complete without a few sayings related to food!
24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है।
Romanization bhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai. English Equivalent “There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing.

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।
Romanization bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. English Equivalent “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first.
Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
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If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
3. ख़ुद वो बदलाव बनिए जो आप दुनिया में देखना चाहते हैं। |
Romanization | khuD vo baDaLaav baNiye jo aap DuNiyaa men DekhaNaa caahaTe hain. |
English Equivalent | “Be the change you want to see in the world.” ~Gandhi |
Gandhi was a torchbearer not only in India, but the whole world. There were many aspects of his life that impacted millions of people. One of his greatest qualities was that he would culminate a certain behavior in himself before he expected that behavior from anyone else. There’s a story in which Gandhi refused to preach to a child about consuming less sweets until he could do it himself. What does that tell us? It’s easy to blame others and play a victim of all the wrong things going on in the world or in our personal lives. But the real solution is to take it upon ourselves to create change and foster new beginnings. |

Quotes About Life
Are you feeling stuck in life or dissatisfied with how things are going? Read through these Hindi quotes on life and find some practical words of advice to take to heart!
4. विपत्ति से बढ़कर अनुभव सिखाने वाला विद्यालय ना तो आज तक खुला है न कभी खुलेगा।
Romanization vipaTTi Se badhakar aNubhav SikhaaNe vaaLaa viDyaaLay Naa To aaj Tak khuLaa hai Naa kabhii khuLegaa. English Equivalent “There’s no greater school that teaches life experience than its own challenges.” ~ Premchand If there’s any writer who has been admired and read by every generation, it is Munshi Premchand. There could be no better way to start our list of life quotes in Hindi than by sharing his sayings.
According to him, we are all students in the journey of life, and life’s struggles are our most important teacher.
5. खाने और सोने का नाम जीवन नहीं है। जीवन नाम है सदैव आगे बढ़ते रहने का।
Romanization khaaNe aur SoNe ka Naam jiivaN Nahiin hai. jiivaN Naam hai SaDaiv aage badhaTe rahaNe kaa. English Equivalent “Life is not just eating and sleeping. Life is about always moving forward.” ~Premchand Munshi Premchand wrote an endless number of stories on the poor state of Indian farmers, especially concerning their exploitation by the landlords, peasants, and rich people. His insight on the topic led him to develop a different view of life.
He wrote a lot about how those farmers couldn’t even arrange for one meal a day and still continued to be hopeful and keep going. His stories contain two messages for all of us:
First, life is not a bed of flowers (at least not for everybody). Second, we should never quit in the face of challenges, but keep moving forward; that’s what life is about.
6. अँधेरे में परछाईं भी अपना साथ छोड़ देती है।
Romanization aNDHere men parachaaiin bhii apaNaa SaaTH chod DeTii hai. English Equivalent “Even our own shadow leaves us in the darkness.” This is a local but widely spoken quote in the Hindi Belt of India.
They say that an unfavorable season in life is the best time to find out who your true well-wishers are! Nonetheless, this quote teaches us not to depend too much on others, and to instead believe in yourself. Because if our own shadow vanishes in the darkness, don’t be disappointed if your best friends do, too.
7. ज़िंदगी लंबी नहीं बड़ी होनी चाहिए।
Romanization ziNDagii Lambii Nahiin badii hoNii caahiye. English Equivalent “Life should be grand, not long.” ~Ambedkar Dr. BR Ambedkar was the founding father of our Indian constitution, with many glittering stars in his accomplishment records. He fought for the rights of the underprivileged, especially for the equal rights of women.
This quote from him emphasizes that we should focus on the quality of our life rather than the number of years we live. The hidden message is that we should devote our lives to helping others instead of focusing only on our own wellbeing.
8. ख़ुद को कमज़ोर समझना सबसे बड़ा पाप है।
Romanization khuD ko kamazor SamajhaNaa SabaSe badaa paap hai. English Equivalent “Underestimating your own strength is the biggest sin.” ~ Swami Vivekanand In modern times, we are intrigued by the achievements and growth of others, which is not a healthy mindset.
Vivekanand felt that each one of us has great potential. To undermine that potential is to deprive ourselves and our society of the benefits that we could harness in being our true selves.
Quotes About Motivation
Life can be difficult and our circumstances can be disheartening at times. We hope that these motivational quotes in Hindi refresh you and put you in a better frame of mind.
9. शेर हमेशा अकेला चलता है।
Romanization ser hamesaa akeLaa caLaTaa hai. English Equivalent “A lion always walks alone.” Oh! This is one of the most popular Hindi quotes, and definitely something you must have on your learning list.
It’s cool. It has swag. And it’s highly motivating, too.
Remember the time you took a stand or decided to do something new in life, only to find that not even your loved ones supported you in that? Well, this quote will make you feel confident when no one else does. Not to mention that we Indians often use it to lighten the mood in heavy situations. 🙂
10. किसी को इतना भी मत डराओ कि डर ही ख़त्म हो जाये।
Romanization kiSii ko iTaNaa bhii maT daraao ki dar hii khaTm ho jaaye. English Equivalent “Don’t scare someone so much that they stop feeling the fear.” ~Mary Kom Here comes the Princess of Boxing. The Conqueror, The Fighter, and the true inspiration for many: Mary Kom.
With an unimaginably difficult childhood, a dreamy marriage with a rock-solid supportive partner, and her three kids, Mary Kom continues to amaze the world with her medals and trophies, one after another.
She has written an autobiography titled Unbreakable. But this quote is taken from the movie Mary Kom, which is based on her life. Kom is played by none other than Priyanka Chopra.
The quote is self-explanatory. We all get scared, but when that fear is pushed to the limit, it turns into courage and strength.

11. जहाँ भी आज़ाद रूह की झलक पड़े समझना वह मेरा घर है।
Romanization jahaan bhii aazaaD ruuh kii jhaLak pade SamajhaNaa vah meraa ghar hai. English Equivalent “Wherever you see a free soul, that’s where I live.” ~Amrita Pritam Amrita Pritam, one of the most prominent writers and poets, is known for her feminist appeal. Her works portray the significance of gender equality and freedom.
She broke many orthodox rules and lived her life in her own way. Amrita Pritam set a milestone for both men and women, inspiring them to follow their hearts and stand up for themselves.
The quote here reflects how much the real freedom of choice meant to her. In her own words, every such place where people live the way they want, there her soul resides. Read more of her impeccable and deeply touching quotes here.
Quotes About Love, Friendship, and Family
The category that you’ve long been waiting for: love quotes in Hindi. Let’s begin with some words from our beloved Gautam Buddha.
→ You can also find more Hindi Quotes About Love on our website!
12. सच्चा प्रेम समझ से उत्पन्न होता है।
Romanization Saccaa prem Samajh Se uTpaNN hoTaa hai. English Equivalent “True love begins with understanding.” ~Buddha Buddha was all for love, kindness, and generosity toward others and oneself. His quote contains the message that true love is only possible when two people empathize with each other, respect each other, and understand each other. In the absence of these factors, their love would only be superficial and short-lived.
13. दोस्ती का कोई मज़हब नहीं होता।
Romanization DoSTii kaa koii mazahab Nahiin hoTaa. English Equivalent “Friendship knows no religion.” ~Shootout at Wadala One of the most popular and hard-hitting friendship quotes in Hindi, these words from the movie Shootout at Wadala shed light on the presence of tolerance and understanding in a true friendship.
The message couldn’t be put in a more simple way. The quote reminds us that the bond of friendship is above all disparities, whether from caste, creed, or religion.

14. मित्रता सबसे शुद्ध प्रेम है।
Romanization miTraTaa SabaSe suDDH prem hai. English Equivalent “Friendship is the purest form of love.” ~Osho Talking about friendship and love, how could we miss Osho? Osho was the mystic and revolutionary who influenced the young and the elderly like nobody else. His discourses were filled with words of love, friendship, and affection.
According to this quote, he found friendship to be the greatest and purest form of love, because it contains no expectations or possessiveness.
15. पुत्र कुपुत्र हो सकता है लेकिन माता कभी कुमाता नहीं हो सकती।
Romanization puTr kupuTr ho SakaTaa hai LekiN maaTaa kabhii kumaaTaa Nahiin ho SakaTii. English Equivalent “There can be a bad son, there can never be a bad mother.” ~Mahabharata Mahabharata is an ancient epic. This quote is from one of its brilliant characters, Bhishm Pitamah, who was wise and quite inspiring.
The meaning of the quote is that a mother’s love is always pure, and as such, there is no such thing as a bad mother. A child, on the other hand, can be selfish, even while his or her mother only thinks of the child’s best.

16. मेरा परिवार मेरी ताकत और मेरी कमज़ोरी है।
Romanization meraa parivaar merii TaaqaT aur merii kamazorii hai. English Equivalent “My family is my strength and my weakness.” ~Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Although this quote is from the former Miss World and current actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, I imagine that we can all relate.
She meant that her love for her family is so strong and unconditional that it has come to be her greatest power, as well as her greatest weakness.
Quotes About Philosophy
If you relish in the marvels of philosophy, you’re going to love the following Hindi quotes with deep meaning and practical application to life!
17. चिंता चिता समान है।
Romanization ciNTaa ciTaa SamaaN hai. English Equivalent “Worry is akin to death.” This is an old Indian saying, attributed to no one in particular. However, some people believe it was said by an ancient Indian sage named Kabeer Das.
The saying emphasizes that worrying about something immobilizes you. It stops you from taking any action that could alleviate or eliminate the reason behind the problem. This will likely intensify the problem, causing you to worry more. In turn, this will leave you stuck in a downward spiral that feeds on itself and eventually becomes a death loop. So, worry is compared to “death” here.
18. हर चमकती हुई चीज़ सोना नहीं होती।
Romanization har camakaTii huii ciiz SoNaa Nahiin hoTii. English Equivalent “Not everything that glitters is gold.” This is a simple quote that’s often used in conversations to convey that just because something looks good, doesn’t mean it’s worthwhile. Often, what attracts us in the beginning turns out to be fake or disappointing when we scratch the surface.
19. मूर्ख दूसरों पर हँसते हैं, बुद्धिमान ख़ुद पर।
Romanization muurkh DuuSron par hanSaTe hain, buDDHimaan khuD par. English Equivalent “Fools laugh at others, the wise ones laugh at themselves.” ~Osho Usually, one mocks other people to aggrandize their ego. Osho, the controversial Indian mystic, saw this self-aggrandizement as nothing less than foolishness. A wise man wears his wisdom very lightly, as he is not ego-centric and thus has the courage to laugh at himself and improve. This makes him even wiser.
20. जब जागो तब सवेरा।
Romanization jab jaago Tab Saveraa. English Equivalent “It’s never too late.” / Literally: “When awake, then dawn.” Let’s compare this quote with a Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.”
The Hindi version uses “waking up” and “dawn” as metaphors for realizing a mistake and taking remedial actions. “Dawn,” it says, is whenever you “wake up.”

21. ख़ाली बर्तन ज़्यादा शोर करते हैं।
Romanization khaaLii barTaN zyaaDaa sor karaTe hain. English Equivalent “Empty vessels make more noise.” A person who lacks skills, talent, self-esteem, and/or confidence usually tries to fill this gap by talking very highly of himself just to feel good. Talk about an inferiority complex.
This corresponds to the way an empty vessel makes more sound than one that’s full. A truly knowledgeable person is full of self-esteem, and hence, remains humble. His/her sense of appreciation comes from within.
22. जो जैसा बोता है, वैसा ही काटता है।
Romanization jo jaiSaa boTaa hai, vaiSaa hii kaataTaa hai. English Equivalent “As you sow, so shall you reap.” When you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other. We cannot separate actions from results. This saying describes how our actions, thoughts, and words boomerang back around to us. If we do good, good echoes back to us; the same holds true for doing bad.
As noted author Stephen Covey said: “You can decide to stand in front of a fast moving train but you can’t decide what happens when the train hits you. That is governed by universal laws.”
23. दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार ना करें, जो आपको अपने लिए पसंद नहीं।
Romanization DuuSron ke SaaTH aiSaa vyavahaar Naa karen, jo aapako apaNe Liye paSaND Nahiin. English Equivalent “Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like for yourself.” ~Shantikunj, Haridwar A very straightforward and literal quote. No metaphors or similes here. If you don’t like people treating you a certain way, it would be unfair of you to treat them that way. This saying comes from Shantikunj, a spiritual and social organization founded by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya.
Quotes About Food
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down for a nice meal now and then? Our Hindi quotes collection wouldn’t be complete without a few sayings related to food!
24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है।
Romanization bhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai. English Equivalent “There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing.

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।
Romanization bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. English Equivalent “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first.
Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
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If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
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4. विपत्ति से बढ़कर अनुभव सिखाने वाला विद्यालय ना तो आज तक खुला है न कभी खुलेगा। |
Romanization | vipaTTi Se badhakar aNubhav SikhaaNe vaaLaa viDyaaLay Naa To aaj Tak khuLaa hai Naa kabhii khuLegaa. |
English Equivalent | “There’s no greater school that teaches life experience than its own challenges.” ~ Premchand |
If there’s any writer who has been admired and read by every generation, it is Munshi Premchand. There could be no better way to start our list of life quotes in Hindi than by sharing his sayings. According to him, we are all students in the journey of life, and life’s struggles are our most important teacher. |
5. खाने और सोने का नाम जीवन नहीं है। जीवन नाम है सदैव आगे बढ़ते रहने का।
Romanization khaaNe aur SoNe ka Naam jiivaN Nahiin hai. jiivaN Naam hai SaDaiv aage badhaTe rahaNe kaa. English Equivalent “Life is not just eating and sleeping. Life is about always moving forward.” ~Premchand Munshi Premchand wrote an endless number of stories on the poor state of Indian farmers, especially concerning their exploitation by the landlords, peasants, and rich people. His insight on the topic led him to develop a different view of life.
He wrote a lot about how those farmers couldn’t even arrange for one meal a day and still continued to be hopeful and keep going. His stories contain two messages for all of us:
First, life is not a bed of flowers (at least not for everybody). Second, we should never quit in the face of challenges, but keep moving forward; that’s what life is about.
6. अँधेरे में परछाईं भी अपना साथ छोड़ देती है।
Romanization aNDHere men parachaaiin bhii apaNaa SaaTH chod DeTii hai. English Equivalent “Even our own shadow leaves us in the darkness.” This is a local but widely spoken quote in the Hindi Belt of India.
They say that an unfavorable season in life is the best time to find out who your true well-wishers are! Nonetheless, this quote teaches us not to depend too much on others, and to instead believe in yourself. Because if our own shadow vanishes in the darkness, don’t be disappointed if your best friends do, too.
7. ज़िंदगी लंबी नहीं बड़ी होनी चाहिए।
Romanization ziNDagii Lambii Nahiin badii hoNii caahiye. English Equivalent “Life should be grand, not long.” ~Ambedkar Dr. BR Ambedkar was the founding father of our Indian constitution, with many glittering stars in his accomplishment records. He fought for the rights of the underprivileged, especially for the equal rights of women.
This quote from him emphasizes that we should focus on the quality of our life rather than the number of years we live. The hidden message is that we should devote our lives to helping others instead of focusing only on our own wellbeing.
8. ख़ुद को कमज़ोर समझना सबसे बड़ा पाप है।
Romanization khuD ko kamazor SamajhaNaa SabaSe badaa paap hai. English Equivalent “Underestimating your own strength is the biggest sin.” ~ Swami Vivekanand In modern times, we are intrigued by the achievements and growth of others, which is not a healthy mindset.
Vivekanand felt that each one of us has great potential. To undermine that potential is to deprive ourselves and our society of the benefits that we could harness in being our true selves.
Quotes About Motivation
Life can be difficult and our circumstances can be disheartening at times. We hope that these motivational quotes in Hindi refresh you and put you in a better frame of mind.
9. शेर हमेशा अकेला चलता है।
Romanization ser hamesaa akeLaa caLaTaa hai. English Equivalent “A lion always walks alone.” Oh! This is one of the most popular Hindi quotes, and definitely something you must have on your learning list.
It’s cool. It has swag. And it’s highly motivating, too.
Remember the time you took a stand or decided to do something new in life, only to find that not even your loved ones supported you in that? Well, this quote will make you feel confident when no one else does. Not to mention that we Indians often use it to lighten the mood in heavy situations. 🙂
10. किसी को इतना भी मत डराओ कि डर ही ख़त्म हो जाये।
Romanization kiSii ko iTaNaa bhii maT daraao ki dar hii khaTm ho jaaye. English Equivalent “Don’t scare someone so much that they stop feeling the fear.” ~Mary Kom Here comes the Princess of Boxing. The Conqueror, The Fighter, and the true inspiration for many: Mary Kom.
With an unimaginably difficult childhood, a dreamy marriage with a rock-solid supportive partner, and her three kids, Mary Kom continues to amaze the world with her medals and trophies, one after another.
She has written an autobiography titled Unbreakable. But this quote is taken from the movie Mary Kom, which is based on her life. Kom is played by none other than Priyanka Chopra.
The quote is self-explanatory. We all get scared, but when that fear is pushed to the limit, it turns into courage and strength.

11. जहाँ भी आज़ाद रूह की झलक पड़े समझना वह मेरा घर है।
Romanization jahaan bhii aazaaD ruuh kii jhaLak pade SamajhaNaa vah meraa ghar hai. English Equivalent “Wherever you see a free soul, that’s where I live.” ~Amrita Pritam Amrita Pritam, one of the most prominent writers and poets, is known for her feminist appeal. Her works portray the significance of gender equality and freedom.
She broke many orthodox rules and lived her life in her own way. Amrita Pritam set a milestone for both men and women, inspiring them to follow their hearts and stand up for themselves.
The quote here reflects how much the real freedom of choice meant to her. In her own words, every such place where people live the way they want, there her soul resides. Read more of her impeccable and deeply touching quotes here.
Quotes About Love, Friendship, and Family
The category that you’ve long been waiting for: love quotes in Hindi. Let’s begin with some words from our beloved Gautam Buddha.
→ You can also find more Hindi Quotes About Love on our website!
12. सच्चा प्रेम समझ से उत्पन्न होता है।
Romanization Saccaa prem Samajh Se uTpaNN hoTaa hai. English Equivalent “True love begins with understanding.” ~Buddha Buddha was all for love, kindness, and generosity toward others and oneself. His quote contains the message that true love is only possible when two people empathize with each other, respect each other, and understand each other. In the absence of these factors, their love would only be superficial and short-lived.
13. दोस्ती का कोई मज़हब नहीं होता।
Romanization DoSTii kaa koii mazahab Nahiin hoTaa. English Equivalent “Friendship knows no religion.” ~Shootout at Wadala One of the most popular and hard-hitting friendship quotes in Hindi, these words from the movie Shootout at Wadala shed light on the presence of tolerance and understanding in a true friendship.
The message couldn’t be put in a more simple way. The quote reminds us that the bond of friendship is above all disparities, whether from caste, creed, or religion.

14. मित्रता सबसे शुद्ध प्रेम है।
Romanization miTraTaa SabaSe suDDH prem hai. English Equivalent “Friendship is the purest form of love.” ~Osho Talking about friendship and love, how could we miss Osho? Osho was the mystic and revolutionary who influenced the young and the elderly like nobody else. His discourses were filled with words of love, friendship, and affection.
According to this quote, he found friendship to be the greatest and purest form of love, because it contains no expectations or possessiveness.
15. पुत्र कुपुत्र हो सकता है लेकिन माता कभी कुमाता नहीं हो सकती।
Romanization puTr kupuTr ho SakaTaa hai LekiN maaTaa kabhii kumaaTaa Nahiin ho SakaTii. English Equivalent “There can be a bad son, there can never be a bad mother.” ~Mahabharata Mahabharata is an ancient epic. This quote is from one of its brilliant characters, Bhishm Pitamah, who was wise and quite inspiring.
The meaning of the quote is that a mother’s love is always pure, and as such, there is no such thing as a bad mother. A child, on the other hand, can be selfish, even while his or her mother only thinks of the child’s best.

16. मेरा परिवार मेरी ताकत और मेरी कमज़ोरी है।
Romanization meraa parivaar merii TaaqaT aur merii kamazorii hai. English Equivalent “My family is my strength and my weakness.” ~Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Although this quote is from the former Miss World and current actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, I imagine that we can all relate.
She meant that her love for her family is so strong and unconditional that it has come to be her greatest power, as well as her greatest weakness.
Quotes About Philosophy
If you relish in the marvels of philosophy, you’re going to love the following Hindi quotes with deep meaning and practical application to life!
17. चिंता चिता समान है।
Romanization ciNTaa ciTaa SamaaN hai. English Equivalent “Worry is akin to death.” This is an old Indian saying, attributed to no one in particular. However, some people believe it was said by an ancient Indian sage named Kabeer Das.
The saying emphasizes that worrying about something immobilizes you. It stops you from taking any action that could alleviate or eliminate the reason behind the problem. This will likely intensify the problem, causing you to worry more. In turn, this will leave you stuck in a downward spiral that feeds on itself and eventually becomes a death loop. So, worry is compared to “death” here.
18. हर चमकती हुई चीज़ सोना नहीं होती।
Romanization har camakaTii huii ciiz SoNaa Nahiin hoTii. English Equivalent “Not everything that glitters is gold.” This is a simple quote that’s often used in conversations to convey that just because something looks good, doesn’t mean it’s worthwhile. Often, what attracts us in the beginning turns out to be fake or disappointing when we scratch the surface.
19. मूर्ख दूसरों पर हँसते हैं, बुद्धिमान ख़ुद पर।
Romanization muurkh DuuSron par hanSaTe hain, buDDHimaan khuD par. English Equivalent “Fools laugh at others, the wise ones laugh at themselves.” ~Osho Usually, one mocks other people to aggrandize their ego. Osho, the controversial Indian mystic, saw this self-aggrandizement as nothing less than foolishness. A wise man wears his wisdom very lightly, as he is not ego-centric and thus has the courage to laugh at himself and improve. This makes him even wiser.
20. जब जागो तब सवेरा।
Romanization jab jaago Tab Saveraa. English Equivalent “It’s never too late.” / Literally: “When awake, then dawn.” Let’s compare this quote with a Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.”
The Hindi version uses “waking up” and “dawn” as metaphors for realizing a mistake and taking remedial actions. “Dawn,” it says, is whenever you “wake up.”

21. ख़ाली बर्तन ज़्यादा शोर करते हैं।
Romanization khaaLii barTaN zyaaDaa sor karaTe hain. English Equivalent “Empty vessels make more noise.” A person who lacks skills, talent, self-esteem, and/or confidence usually tries to fill this gap by talking very highly of himself just to feel good. Talk about an inferiority complex.
This corresponds to the way an empty vessel makes more sound than one that’s full. A truly knowledgeable person is full of self-esteem, and hence, remains humble. His/her sense of appreciation comes from within.
22. जो जैसा बोता है, वैसा ही काटता है।
Romanization jo jaiSaa boTaa hai, vaiSaa hii kaataTaa hai. English Equivalent “As you sow, so shall you reap.” When you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other. We cannot separate actions from results. This saying describes how our actions, thoughts, and words boomerang back around to us. If we do good, good echoes back to us; the same holds true for doing bad.
As noted author Stephen Covey said: “You can decide to stand in front of a fast moving train but you can’t decide what happens when the train hits you. That is governed by universal laws.”
23. दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार ना करें, जो आपको अपने लिए पसंद नहीं।
Romanization DuuSron ke SaaTH aiSaa vyavahaar Naa karen, jo aapako apaNe Liye paSaND Nahiin. English Equivalent “Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like for yourself.” ~Shantikunj, Haridwar A very straightforward and literal quote. No metaphors or similes here. If you don’t like people treating you a certain way, it would be unfair of you to treat them that way. This saying comes from Shantikunj, a spiritual and social organization founded by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya.
Quotes About Food
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down for a nice meal now and then? Our Hindi quotes collection wouldn’t be complete without a few sayings related to food!
24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है।
Romanization bhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai. English Equivalent “There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing.

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।
Romanization bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. English Equivalent “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first.
Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

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5. खाने और सोने का नाम जीवन नहीं है। जीवन नाम है सदैव आगे बढ़ते रहने का। |
Romanization | khaaNe aur SoNe ka Naam jiivaN Nahiin hai. jiivaN Naam hai SaDaiv aage badhaTe rahaNe kaa. |
English Equivalent | “Life is not just eating and sleeping. Life is about always moving forward.” ~Premchand |
Munshi Premchand wrote an endless number of stories on the poor state of Indian farmers, especially concerning their exploitation by the landlords, peasants, and rich people. His insight on the topic led him to develop a different view of life. He wrote a lot about how those farmers couldn’t even arrange for one meal a day and still continued to be hopeful and keep going. His stories contain two messages for all of us: First, life is not a bed of flowers (at least not for everybody). Second, we should never quit in the face of challenges, but keep moving forward; that’s what life is about. |
6. अँधेरे में परछाईं भी अपना साथ छोड़ देती है।
Romanization aNDHere men parachaaiin bhii apaNaa SaaTH chod DeTii hai. English Equivalent “Even our own shadow leaves us in the darkness.” This is a local but widely spoken quote in the Hindi Belt of India.
They say that an unfavorable season in life is the best time to find out who your true well-wishers are! Nonetheless, this quote teaches us not to depend too much on others, and to instead believe in yourself. Because if our own shadow vanishes in the darkness, don’t be disappointed if your best friends do, too.
7. ज़िंदगी लंबी नहीं बड़ी होनी चाहिए।
Romanization ziNDagii Lambii Nahiin badii hoNii caahiye. English Equivalent “Life should be grand, not long.” ~Ambedkar Dr. BR Ambedkar was the founding father of our Indian constitution, with many glittering stars in his accomplishment records. He fought for the rights of the underprivileged, especially for the equal rights of women.
This quote from him emphasizes that we should focus on the quality of our life rather than the number of years we live. The hidden message is that we should devote our lives to helping others instead of focusing only on our own wellbeing.
8. ख़ुद को कमज़ोर समझना सबसे बड़ा पाप है।
Romanization khuD ko kamazor SamajhaNaa SabaSe badaa paap hai. English Equivalent “Underestimating your own strength is the biggest sin.” ~ Swami Vivekanand In modern times, we are intrigued by the achievements and growth of others, which is not a healthy mindset.
Vivekanand felt that each one of us has great potential. To undermine that potential is to deprive ourselves and our society of the benefits that we could harness in being our true selves.
Quotes About Motivation
Life can be difficult and our circumstances can be disheartening at times. We hope that these motivational quotes in Hindi refresh you and put you in a better frame of mind.
9. शेर हमेशा अकेला चलता है।
Romanization ser hamesaa akeLaa caLaTaa hai. English Equivalent “A lion always walks alone.” Oh! This is one of the most popular Hindi quotes, and definitely something you must have on your learning list.
It’s cool. It has swag. And it’s highly motivating, too.
Remember the time you took a stand or decided to do something new in life, only to find that not even your loved ones supported you in that? Well, this quote will make you feel confident when no one else does. Not to mention that we Indians often use it to lighten the mood in heavy situations. 🙂
10. किसी को इतना भी मत डराओ कि डर ही ख़त्म हो जाये।
Romanization kiSii ko iTaNaa bhii maT daraao ki dar hii khaTm ho jaaye. English Equivalent “Don’t scare someone so much that they stop feeling the fear.” ~Mary Kom Here comes the Princess of Boxing. The Conqueror, The Fighter, and the true inspiration for many: Mary Kom.
With an unimaginably difficult childhood, a dreamy marriage with a rock-solid supportive partner, and her three kids, Mary Kom continues to amaze the world with her medals and trophies, one after another.
She has written an autobiography titled Unbreakable. But this quote is taken from the movie Mary Kom, which is based on her life. Kom is played by none other than Priyanka Chopra.
The quote is self-explanatory. We all get scared, but when that fear is pushed to the limit, it turns into courage and strength.

11. जहाँ भी आज़ाद रूह की झलक पड़े समझना वह मेरा घर है।
Romanization jahaan bhii aazaaD ruuh kii jhaLak pade SamajhaNaa vah meraa ghar hai. English Equivalent “Wherever you see a free soul, that’s where I live.” ~Amrita Pritam Amrita Pritam, one of the most prominent writers and poets, is known for her feminist appeal. Her works portray the significance of gender equality and freedom.
She broke many orthodox rules and lived her life in her own way. Amrita Pritam set a milestone for both men and women, inspiring them to follow their hearts and stand up for themselves.
The quote here reflects how much the real freedom of choice meant to her. In her own words, every such place where people live the way they want, there her soul resides. Read more of her impeccable and deeply touching quotes here.
Quotes About Love, Friendship, and Family
The category that you’ve long been waiting for: love quotes in Hindi. Let’s begin with some words from our beloved Gautam Buddha.
→ You can also find more Hindi Quotes About Love on our website!
12. सच्चा प्रेम समझ से उत्पन्न होता है।
Romanization Saccaa prem Samajh Se uTpaNN hoTaa hai. English Equivalent “True love begins with understanding.” ~Buddha Buddha was all for love, kindness, and generosity toward others and oneself. His quote contains the message that true love is only possible when two people empathize with each other, respect each other, and understand each other. In the absence of these factors, their love would only be superficial and short-lived.
13. दोस्ती का कोई मज़हब नहीं होता।
Romanization DoSTii kaa koii mazahab Nahiin hoTaa. English Equivalent “Friendship knows no religion.” ~Shootout at Wadala One of the most popular and hard-hitting friendship quotes in Hindi, these words from the movie Shootout at Wadala shed light on the presence of tolerance and understanding in a true friendship.
The message couldn’t be put in a more simple way. The quote reminds us that the bond of friendship is above all disparities, whether from caste, creed, or religion.

14. मित्रता सबसे शुद्ध प्रेम है।
Romanization miTraTaa SabaSe suDDH prem hai. English Equivalent “Friendship is the purest form of love.” ~Osho Talking about friendship and love, how could we miss Osho? Osho was the mystic and revolutionary who influenced the young and the elderly like nobody else. His discourses were filled with words of love, friendship, and affection.
According to this quote, he found friendship to be the greatest and purest form of love, because it contains no expectations or possessiveness.
15. पुत्र कुपुत्र हो सकता है लेकिन माता कभी कुमाता नहीं हो सकती।
Romanization puTr kupuTr ho SakaTaa hai LekiN maaTaa kabhii kumaaTaa Nahiin ho SakaTii. English Equivalent “There can be a bad son, there can never be a bad mother.” ~Mahabharata Mahabharata is an ancient epic. This quote is from one of its brilliant characters, Bhishm Pitamah, who was wise and quite inspiring.
The meaning of the quote is that a mother’s love is always pure, and as such, there is no such thing as a bad mother. A child, on the other hand, can be selfish, even while his or her mother only thinks of the child’s best.

16. मेरा परिवार मेरी ताकत और मेरी कमज़ोरी है।
Romanization meraa parivaar merii TaaqaT aur merii kamazorii hai. English Equivalent “My family is my strength and my weakness.” ~Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Although this quote is from the former Miss World and current actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, I imagine that we can all relate.
She meant that her love for her family is so strong and unconditional that it has come to be her greatest power, as well as her greatest weakness.
Quotes About Philosophy
If you relish in the marvels of philosophy, you’re going to love the following Hindi quotes with deep meaning and practical application to life!
17. चिंता चिता समान है।
Romanization ciNTaa ciTaa SamaaN hai. English Equivalent “Worry is akin to death.” This is an old Indian saying, attributed to no one in particular. However, some people believe it was said by an ancient Indian sage named Kabeer Das.
The saying emphasizes that worrying about something immobilizes you. It stops you from taking any action that could alleviate or eliminate the reason behind the problem. This will likely intensify the problem, causing you to worry more. In turn, this will leave you stuck in a downward spiral that feeds on itself and eventually becomes a death loop. So, worry is compared to “death” here.
18. हर चमकती हुई चीज़ सोना नहीं होती।
Romanization har camakaTii huii ciiz SoNaa Nahiin hoTii. English Equivalent “Not everything that glitters is gold.” This is a simple quote that’s often used in conversations to convey that just because something looks good, doesn’t mean it’s worthwhile. Often, what attracts us in the beginning turns out to be fake or disappointing when we scratch the surface.
19. मूर्ख दूसरों पर हँसते हैं, बुद्धिमान ख़ुद पर।
Romanization muurkh DuuSron par hanSaTe hain, buDDHimaan khuD par. English Equivalent “Fools laugh at others, the wise ones laugh at themselves.” ~Osho Usually, one mocks other people to aggrandize their ego. Osho, the controversial Indian mystic, saw this self-aggrandizement as nothing less than foolishness. A wise man wears his wisdom very lightly, as he is not ego-centric and thus has the courage to laugh at himself and improve. This makes him even wiser.
20. जब जागो तब सवेरा।
Romanization jab jaago Tab Saveraa. English Equivalent “It’s never too late.” / Literally: “When awake, then dawn.” Let’s compare this quote with a Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.”
The Hindi version uses “waking up” and “dawn” as metaphors for realizing a mistake and taking remedial actions. “Dawn,” it says, is whenever you “wake up.”

21. ख़ाली बर्तन ज़्यादा शोर करते हैं।
Romanization khaaLii barTaN zyaaDaa sor karaTe hain. English Equivalent “Empty vessels make more noise.” A person who lacks skills, talent, self-esteem, and/or confidence usually tries to fill this gap by talking very highly of himself just to feel good. Talk about an inferiority complex.
This corresponds to the way an empty vessel makes more sound than one that’s full. A truly knowledgeable person is full of self-esteem, and hence, remains humble. His/her sense of appreciation comes from within.
22. जो जैसा बोता है, वैसा ही काटता है।
Romanization jo jaiSaa boTaa hai, vaiSaa hii kaataTaa hai. English Equivalent “As you sow, so shall you reap.” When you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other. We cannot separate actions from results. This saying describes how our actions, thoughts, and words boomerang back around to us. If we do good, good echoes back to us; the same holds true for doing bad.
As noted author Stephen Covey said: “You can decide to stand in front of a fast moving train but you can’t decide what happens when the train hits you. That is governed by universal laws.”
23. दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार ना करें, जो आपको अपने लिए पसंद नहीं।
Romanization DuuSron ke SaaTH aiSaa vyavahaar Naa karen, jo aapako apaNe Liye paSaND Nahiin. English Equivalent “Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like for yourself.” ~Shantikunj, Haridwar A very straightforward and literal quote. No metaphors or similes here. If you don’t like people treating you a certain way, it would be unfair of you to treat them that way. This saying comes from Shantikunj, a spiritual and social organization founded by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya.
Quotes About Food
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down for a nice meal now and then? Our Hindi quotes collection wouldn’t be complete without a few sayings related to food!
24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है।
Romanization bhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai. English Equivalent “There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing.

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।
Romanization bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. English Equivalent “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first.
Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
6. अँधेरे में परछाईं भी अपना साथ छोड़ देती है। |
Romanization | aNDHere men parachaaiin bhii apaNaa SaaTH chod DeTii hai. |
English Equivalent | “Even our own shadow leaves us in the darkness.” |
This is a local but widely spoken quote in the Hindi Belt of India. They say that an unfavorable season in life is the best time to find out who your true well-wishers are! Nonetheless, this quote teaches us not to depend too much on others, and to instead believe in yourself. Because if our own shadow vanishes in the darkness, don’t be disappointed if your best friends do, too. |
7. ज़िंदगी लंबी नहीं बड़ी होनी चाहिए।
Romanization ziNDagii Lambii Nahiin badii hoNii caahiye. English Equivalent “Life should be grand, not long.” ~Ambedkar Dr. BR Ambedkar was the founding father of our Indian constitution, with many glittering stars in his accomplishment records. He fought for the rights of the underprivileged, especially for the equal rights of women.
This quote from him emphasizes that we should focus on the quality of our life rather than the number of years we live. The hidden message is that we should devote our lives to helping others instead of focusing only on our own wellbeing.
8. ख़ुद को कमज़ोर समझना सबसे बड़ा पाप है।
Romanization khuD ko kamazor SamajhaNaa SabaSe badaa paap hai. English Equivalent “Underestimating your own strength is the biggest sin.” ~ Swami Vivekanand In modern times, we are intrigued by the achievements and growth of others, which is not a healthy mindset.
Vivekanand felt that each one of us has great potential. To undermine that potential is to deprive ourselves and our society of the benefits that we could harness in being our true selves.
Quotes About Motivation
Life can be difficult and our circumstances can be disheartening at times. We hope that these motivational quotes in Hindi refresh you and put you in a better frame of mind.
9. शेर हमेशा अकेला चलता है।
Romanization ser hamesaa akeLaa caLaTaa hai. English Equivalent “A lion always walks alone.” Oh! This is one of the most popular Hindi quotes, and definitely something you must have on your learning list.
It’s cool. It has swag. And it’s highly motivating, too.
Remember the time you took a stand or decided to do something new in life, only to find that not even your loved ones supported you in that? Well, this quote will make you feel confident when no one else does. Not to mention that we Indians often use it to lighten the mood in heavy situations. 🙂
10. किसी को इतना भी मत डराओ कि डर ही ख़त्म हो जाये।
Romanization kiSii ko iTaNaa bhii maT daraao ki dar hii khaTm ho jaaye. English Equivalent “Don’t scare someone so much that they stop feeling the fear.” ~Mary Kom Here comes the Princess of Boxing. The Conqueror, The Fighter, and the true inspiration for many: Mary Kom.
With an unimaginably difficult childhood, a dreamy marriage with a rock-solid supportive partner, and her three kids, Mary Kom continues to amaze the world with her medals and trophies, one after another.
She has written an autobiography titled Unbreakable. But this quote is taken from the movie Mary Kom, which is based on her life. Kom is played by none other than Priyanka Chopra.
The quote is self-explanatory. We all get scared, but when that fear is pushed to the limit, it turns into courage and strength.

11. जहाँ भी आज़ाद रूह की झलक पड़े समझना वह मेरा घर है।
Romanization jahaan bhii aazaaD ruuh kii jhaLak pade SamajhaNaa vah meraa ghar hai. English Equivalent “Wherever you see a free soul, that’s where I live.” ~Amrita Pritam Amrita Pritam, one of the most prominent writers and poets, is known for her feminist appeal. Her works portray the significance of gender equality and freedom.
She broke many orthodox rules and lived her life in her own way. Amrita Pritam set a milestone for both men and women, inspiring them to follow their hearts and stand up for themselves.
The quote here reflects how much the real freedom of choice meant to her. In her own words, every such place where people live the way they want, there her soul resides. Read more of her impeccable and deeply touching quotes here.
Quotes About Love, Friendship, and Family
The category that you’ve long been waiting for: love quotes in Hindi. Let’s begin with some words from our beloved Gautam Buddha.
→ You can also find more Hindi Quotes About Love on our website!
12. सच्चा प्रेम समझ से उत्पन्न होता है।
Romanization Saccaa prem Samajh Se uTpaNN hoTaa hai. English Equivalent “True love begins with understanding.” ~Buddha Buddha was all for love, kindness, and generosity toward others and oneself. His quote contains the message that true love is only possible when two people empathize with each other, respect each other, and understand each other. In the absence of these factors, their love would only be superficial and short-lived.
13. दोस्ती का कोई मज़हब नहीं होता।
Romanization DoSTii kaa koii mazahab Nahiin hoTaa. English Equivalent “Friendship knows no religion.” ~Shootout at Wadala One of the most popular and hard-hitting friendship quotes in Hindi, these words from the movie Shootout at Wadala shed light on the presence of tolerance and understanding in a true friendship.
The message couldn’t be put in a more simple way. The quote reminds us that the bond of friendship is above all disparities, whether from caste, creed, or religion.

14. मित्रता सबसे शुद्ध प्रेम है।
Romanization miTraTaa SabaSe suDDH prem hai. English Equivalent “Friendship is the purest form of love.” ~Osho Talking about friendship and love, how could we miss Osho? Osho was the mystic and revolutionary who influenced the young and the elderly like nobody else. His discourses were filled with words of love, friendship, and affection.
According to this quote, he found friendship to be the greatest and purest form of love, because it contains no expectations or possessiveness.
15. पुत्र कुपुत्र हो सकता है लेकिन माता कभी कुमाता नहीं हो सकती।
Romanization puTr kupuTr ho SakaTaa hai LekiN maaTaa kabhii kumaaTaa Nahiin ho SakaTii. English Equivalent “There can be a bad son, there can never be a bad mother.” ~Mahabharata Mahabharata is an ancient epic. This quote is from one of its brilliant characters, Bhishm Pitamah, who was wise and quite inspiring.
The meaning of the quote is that a mother’s love is always pure, and as such, there is no such thing as a bad mother. A child, on the other hand, can be selfish, even while his or her mother only thinks of the child’s best.

16. मेरा परिवार मेरी ताकत और मेरी कमज़ोरी है।
Romanization meraa parivaar merii TaaqaT aur merii kamazorii hai. English Equivalent “My family is my strength and my weakness.” ~Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Although this quote is from the former Miss World and current actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, I imagine that we can all relate.
She meant that her love for her family is so strong and unconditional that it has come to be her greatest power, as well as her greatest weakness.
Quotes About Philosophy
If you relish in the marvels of philosophy, you’re going to love the following Hindi quotes with deep meaning and practical application to life!
17. चिंता चिता समान है।
Romanization ciNTaa ciTaa SamaaN hai. English Equivalent “Worry is akin to death.” This is an old Indian saying, attributed to no one in particular. However, some people believe it was said by an ancient Indian sage named Kabeer Das.
The saying emphasizes that worrying about something immobilizes you. It stops you from taking any action that could alleviate or eliminate the reason behind the problem. This will likely intensify the problem, causing you to worry more. In turn, this will leave you stuck in a downward spiral that feeds on itself and eventually becomes a death loop. So, worry is compared to “death” here.
18. हर चमकती हुई चीज़ सोना नहीं होती।
Romanization har camakaTii huii ciiz SoNaa Nahiin hoTii. English Equivalent “Not everything that glitters is gold.” This is a simple quote that’s often used in conversations to convey that just because something looks good, doesn’t mean it’s worthwhile. Often, what attracts us in the beginning turns out to be fake or disappointing when we scratch the surface.
19. मूर्ख दूसरों पर हँसते हैं, बुद्धिमान ख़ुद पर।
Romanization muurkh DuuSron par hanSaTe hain, buDDHimaan khuD par. English Equivalent “Fools laugh at others, the wise ones laugh at themselves.” ~Osho Usually, one mocks other people to aggrandize their ego. Osho, the controversial Indian mystic, saw this self-aggrandizement as nothing less than foolishness. A wise man wears his wisdom very lightly, as he is not ego-centric and thus has the courage to laugh at himself and improve. This makes him even wiser.
20. जब जागो तब सवेरा।
Romanization jab jaago Tab Saveraa. English Equivalent “It’s never too late.” / Literally: “When awake, then dawn.” Let’s compare this quote with a Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.”
The Hindi version uses “waking up” and “dawn” as metaphors for realizing a mistake and taking remedial actions. “Dawn,” it says, is whenever you “wake up.”

21. ख़ाली बर्तन ज़्यादा शोर करते हैं।
Romanization khaaLii barTaN zyaaDaa sor karaTe hain. English Equivalent “Empty vessels make more noise.” A person who lacks skills, talent, self-esteem, and/or confidence usually tries to fill this gap by talking very highly of himself just to feel good. Talk about an inferiority complex.
This corresponds to the way an empty vessel makes more sound than one that’s full. A truly knowledgeable person is full of self-esteem, and hence, remains humble. His/her sense of appreciation comes from within.
22. जो जैसा बोता है, वैसा ही काटता है।
Romanization jo jaiSaa boTaa hai, vaiSaa hii kaataTaa hai. English Equivalent “As you sow, so shall you reap.” When you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other. We cannot separate actions from results. This saying describes how our actions, thoughts, and words boomerang back around to us. If we do good, good echoes back to us; the same holds true for doing bad.
As noted author Stephen Covey said: “You can decide to stand in front of a fast moving train but you can’t decide what happens when the train hits you. That is governed by universal laws.”
23. दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार ना करें, जो आपको अपने लिए पसंद नहीं।
Romanization DuuSron ke SaaTH aiSaa vyavahaar Naa karen, jo aapako apaNe Liye paSaND Nahiin. English Equivalent “Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like for yourself.” ~Shantikunj, Haridwar A very straightforward and literal quote. No metaphors or similes here. If you don’t like people treating you a certain way, it would be unfair of you to treat them that way. This saying comes from Shantikunj, a spiritual and social organization founded by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya.
Quotes About Food
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down for a nice meal now and then? Our Hindi quotes collection wouldn’t be complete without a few sayings related to food!
24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है।
Romanization bhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai. English Equivalent “There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing.

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।
Romanization bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. English Equivalent “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first.
Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
7. ज़िंदगी लंबी नहीं बड़ी होनी चाहिए। |
Romanization | ziNDagii Lambii Nahiin badii hoNii caahiye. |
English Equivalent | “Life should be grand, not long.” ~Ambedkar |
Dr. BR Ambedkar was the founding father of our Indian constitution, with many glittering stars in his accomplishment records. He fought for the rights of the underprivileged, especially for the equal rights of women. This quote from him emphasizes that we should focus on the quality of our life rather than the number of years we live. The hidden message is that we should devote our lives to helping others instead of focusing only on our own wellbeing. |
8. ख़ुद को कमज़ोर समझना सबसे बड़ा पाप है।
Romanization khuD ko kamazor SamajhaNaa SabaSe badaa paap hai. English Equivalent “Underestimating your own strength is the biggest sin.” ~ Swami Vivekanand In modern times, we are intrigued by the achievements and growth of others, which is not a healthy mindset.
Vivekanand felt that each one of us has great potential. To undermine that potential is to deprive ourselves and our society of the benefits that we could harness in being our true selves.
Quotes About Motivation
Life can be difficult and our circumstances can be disheartening at times. We hope that these motivational quotes in Hindi refresh you and put you in a better frame of mind.
9. शेर हमेशा अकेला चलता है।
Romanization ser hamesaa akeLaa caLaTaa hai. English Equivalent “A lion always walks alone.” Oh! This is one of the most popular Hindi quotes, and definitely something you must have on your learning list.
It’s cool. It has swag. And it’s highly motivating, too.
Remember the time you took a stand or decided to do something new in life, only to find that not even your loved ones supported you in that? Well, this quote will make you feel confident when no one else does. Not to mention that we Indians often use it to lighten the mood in heavy situations. 🙂
10. किसी को इतना भी मत डराओ कि डर ही ख़त्म हो जाये।
Romanization kiSii ko iTaNaa bhii maT daraao ki dar hii khaTm ho jaaye. English Equivalent “Don’t scare someone so much that they stop feeling the fear.” ~Mary Kom Here comes the Princess of Boxing. The Conqueror, The Fighter, and the true inspiration for many: Mary Kom.
With an unimaginably difficult childhood, a dreamy marriage with a rock-solid supportive partner, and her three kids, Mary Kom continues to amaze the world with her medals and trophies, one after another.
She has written an autobiography titled Unbreakable. But this quote is taken from the movie Mary Kom, which is based on her life. Kom is played by none other than Priyanka Chopra.
The quote is self-explanatory. We all get scared, but when that fear is pushed to the limit, it turns into courage and strength.

11. जहाँ भी आज़ाद रूह की झलक पड़े समझना वह मेरा घर है।
Romanization jahaan bhii aazaaD ruuh kii jhaLak pade SamajhaNaa vah meraa ghar hai. English Equivalent “Wherever you see a free soul, that’s where I live.” ~Amrita Pritam Amrita Pritam, one of the most prominent writers and poets, is known for her feminist appeal. Her works portray the significance of gender equality and freedom.
She broke many orthodox rules and lived her life in her own way. Amrita Pritam set a milestone for both men and women, inspiring them to follow their hearts and stand up for themselves.
The quote here reflects how much the real freedom of choice meant to her. In her own words, every such place where people live the way they want, there her soul resides. Read more of her impeccable and deeply touching quotes here.
Quotes About Love, Friendship, and Family
The category that you’ve long been waiting for: love quotes in Hindi. Let’s begin with some words from our beloved Gautam Buddha.
→ You can also find more Hindi Quotes About Love on our website!
12. सच्चा प्रेम समझ से उत्पन्न होता है।
Romanization Saccaa prem Samajh Se uTpaNN hoTaa hai. English Equivalent “True love begins with understanding.” ~Buddha Buddha was all for love, kindness, and generosity toward others and oneself. His quote contains the message that true love is only possible when two people empathize with each other, respect each other, and understand each other. In the absence of these factors, their love would only be superficial and short-lived.
13. दोस्ती का कोई मज़हब नहीं होता।
Romanization DoSTii kaa koii mazahab Nahiin hoTaa. English Equivalent “Friendship knows no religion.” ~Shootout at Wadala One of the most popular and hard-hitting friendship quotes in Hindi, these words from the movie Shootout at Wadala shed light on the presence of tolerance and understanding in a true friendship.
The message couldn’t be put in a more simple way. The quote reminds us that the bond of friendship is above all disparities, whether from caste, creed, or religion.

14. मित्रता सबसे शुद्ध प्रेम है।
Romanization miTraTaa SabaSe suDDH prem hai. English Equivalent “Friendship is the purest form of love.” ~Osho Talking about friendship and love, how could we miss Osho? Osho was the mystic and revolutionary who influenced the young and the elderly like nobody else. His discourses were filled with words of love, friendship, and affection.
According to this quote, he found friendship to be the greatest and purest form of love, because it contains no expectations or possessiveness.
15. पुत्र कुपुत्र हो सकता है लेकिन माता कभी कुमाता नहीं हो सकती।
Romanization puTr kupuTr ho SakaTaa hai LekiN maaTaa kabhii kumaaTaa Nahiin ho SakaTii. English Equivalent “There can be a bad son, there can never be a bad mother.” ~Mahabharata Mahabharata is an ancient epic. This quote is from one of its brilliant characters, Bhishm Pitamah, who was wise and quite inspiring.
The meaning of the quote is that a mother’s love is always pure, and as such, there is no such thing as a bad mother. A child, on the other hand, can be selfish, even while his or her mother only thinks of the child’s best.

16. मेरा परिवार मेरी ताकत और मेरी कमज़ोरी है।
Romanization meraa parivaar merii TaaqaT aur merii kamazorii hai. English Equivalent “My family is my strength and my weakness.” ~Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Although this quote is from the former Miss World and current actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, I imagine that we can all relate.
She meant that her love for her family is so strong and unconditional that it has come to be her greatest power, as well as her greatest weakness.
Quotes About Philosophy
If you relish in the marvels of philosophy, you’re going to love the following Hindi quotes with deep meaning and practical application to life!
17. चिंता चिता समान है।
Romanization ciNTaa ciTaa SamaaN hai. English Equivalent “Worry is akin to death.” This is an old Indian saying, attributed to no one in particular. However, some people believe it was said by an ancient Indian sage named Kabeer Das.
The saying emphasizes that worrying about something immobilizes you. It stops you from taking any action that could alleviate or eliminate the reason behind the problem. This will likely intensify the problem, causing you to worry more. In turn, this will leave you stuck in a downward spiral that feeds on itself and eventually becomes a death loop. So, worry is compared to “death” here.
18. हर चमकती हुई चीज़ सोना नहीं होती।
Romanization har camakaTii huii ciiz SoNaa Nahiin hoTii. English Equivalent “Not everything that glitters is gold.” This is a simple quote that’s often used in conversations to convey that just because something looks good, doesn’t mean it’s worthwhile. Often, what attracts us in the beginning turns out to be fake or disappointing when we scratch the surface.
19. मूर्ख दूसरों पर हँसते हैं, बुद्धिमान ख़ुद पर।
Romanization muurkh DuuSron par hanSaTe hain, buDDHimaan khuD par. English Equivalent “Fools laugh at others, the wise ones laugh at themselves.” ~Osho Usually, one mocks other people to aggrandize their ego. Osho, the controversial Indian mystic, saw this self-aggrandizement as nothing less than foolishness. A wise man wears his wisdom very lightly, as he is not ego-centric and thus has the courage to laugh at himself and improve. This makes him even wiser.
20. जब जागो तब सवेरा।
Romanization jab jaago Tab Saveraa. English Equivalent “It’s never too late.” / Literally: “When awake, then dawn.” Let’s compare this quote with a Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.”
The Hindi version uses “waking up” and “dawn” as metaphors for realizing a mistake and taking remedial actions. “Dawn,” it says, is whenever you “wake up.”

21. ख़ाली बर्तन ज़्यादा शोर करते हैं।
Romanization khaaLii barTaN zyaaDaa sor karaTe hain. English Equivalent “Empty vessels make more noise.” A person who lacks skills, talent, self-esteem, and/or confidence usually tries to fill this gap by talking very highly of himself just to feel good. Talk about an inferiority complex.
This corresponds to the way an empty vessel makes more sound than one that’s full. A truly knowledgeable person is full of self-esteem, and hence, remains humble. His/her sense of appreciation comes from within.
22. जो जैसा बोता है, वैसा ही काटता है।
Romanization jo jaiSaa boTaa hai, vaiSaa hii kaataTaa hai. English Equivalent “As you sow, so shall you reap.” When you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other. We cannot separate actions from results. This saying describes how our actions, thoughts, and words boomerang back around to us. If we do good, good echoes back to us; the same holds true for doing bad.
As noted author Stephen Covey said: “You can decide to stand in front of a fast moving train but you can’t decide what happens when the train hits you. That is governed by universal laws.”
23. दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार ना करें, जो आपको अपने लिए पसंद नहीं।
Romanization DuuSron ke SaaTH aiSaa vyavahaar Naa karen, jo aapako apaNe Liye paSaND Nahiin. English Equivalent “Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like for yourself.” ~Shantikunj, Haridwar A very straightforward and literal quote. No metaphors or similes here. If you don’t like people treating you a certain way, it would be unfair of you to treat them that way. This saying comes from Shantikunj, a spiritual and social organization founded by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya.
Quotes About Food
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down for a nice meal now and then? Our Hindi quotes collection wouldn’t be complete without a few sayings related to food!
24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है।
Romanization bhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai. English Equivalent “There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing.

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।
Romanization bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. English Equivalent “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first.
Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
8. ख़ुद को कमज़ोर समझना सबसे बड़ा पाप है। |
Romanization | khuD ko kamazor SamajhaNaa SabaSe badaa paap hai. |
English Equivalent | “Underestimating your own strength is the biggest sin.” ~ Swami Vivekanand |
In modern times, we are intrigued by the achievements and growth of others, which is not a healthy mindset. Vivekanand felt that each one of us has great potential. To undermine that potential is to deprive ourselves and our society of the benefits that we could harness in being our true selves. |
Quotes About Motivation
Life can be difficult and our circumstances can be disheartening at times. We hope that these motivational quotes in Hindi refresh you and put you in a better frame of mind.
9. शेर हमेशा अकेला चलता है।
Romanization ser hamesaa akeLaa caLaTaa hai. English Equivalent “A lion always walks alone.” Oh! This is one of the most popular Hindi quotes, and definitely something you must have on your learning list.
It’s cool. It has swag. And it’s highly motivating, too.
Remember the time you took a stand or decided to do something new in life, only to find that not even your loved ones supported you in that? Well, this quote will make you feel confident when no one else does. Not to mention that we Indians often use it to lighten the mood in heavy situations. 🙂
10. किसी को इतना भी मत डराओ कि डर ही ख़त्म हो जाये।
Romanization kiSii ko iTaNaa bhii maT daraao ki dar hii khaTm ho jaaye. English Equivalent “Don’t scare someone so much that they stop feeling the fear.” ~Mary Kom Here comes the Princess of Boxing. The Conqueror, The Fighter, and the true inspiration for many: Mary Kom.
With an unimaginably difficult childhood, a dreamy marriage with a rock-solid supportive partner, and her three kids, Mary Kom continues to amaze the world with her medals and trophies, one after another.
She has written an autobiography titled Unbreakable. But this quote is taken from the movie Mary Kom, which is based on her life. Kom is played by none other than Priyanka Chopra.
The quote is self-explanatory. We all get scared, but when that fear is pushed to the limit, it turns into courage and strength.

11. जहाँ भी आज़ाद रूह की झलक पड़े समझना वह मेरा घर है।
Romanization jahaan bhii aazaaD ruuh kii jhaLak pade SamajhaNaa vah meraa ghar hai. English Equivalent “Wherever you see a free soul, that’s where I live.” ~Amrita Pritam Amrita Pritam, one of the most prominent writers and poets, is known for her feminist appeal. Her works portray the significance of gender equality and freedom.
She broke many orthodox rules and lived her life in her own way. Amrita Pritam set a milestone for both men and women, inspiring them to follow their hearts and stand up for themselves.
The quote here reflects how much the real freedom of choice meant to her. In her own words, every such place where people live the way they want, there her soul resides. Read more of her impeccable and deeply touching quotes here.
Quotes About Love, Friendship, and Family
The category that you’ve long been waiting for: love quotes in Hindi. Let’s begin with some words from our beloved Gautam Buddha.
→ You can also find more Hindi Quotes About Love on our website!
12. सच्चा प्रेम समझ से उत्पन्न होता है।
Romanization Saccaa prem Samajh Se uTpaNN hoTaa hai. English Equivalent “True love begins with understanding.” ~Buddha Buddha was all for love, kindness, and generosity toward others and oneself. His quote contains the message that true love is only possible when two people empathize with each other, respect each other, and understand each other. In the absence of these factors, their love would only be superficial and short-lived.
13. दोस्ती का कोई मज़हब नहीं होता।
Romanization DoSTii kaa koii mazahab Nahiin hoTaa. English Equivalent “Friendship knows no religion.” ~Shootout at Wadala One of the most popular and hard-hitting friendship quotes in Hindi, these words from the movie Shootout at Wadala shed light on the presence of tolerance and understanding in a true friendship.
The message couldn’t be put in a more simple way. The quote reminds us that the bond of friendship is above all disparities, whether from caste, creed, or religion.

14. मित्रता सबसे शुद्ध प्रेम है।
Romanization miTraTaa SabaSe suDDH prem hai. English Equivalent “Friendship is the purest form of love.” ~Osho Talking about friendship and love, how could we miss Osho? Osho was the mystic and revolutionary who influenced the young and the elderly like nobody else. His discourses were filled with words of love, friendship, and affection.
According to this quote, he found friendship to be the greatest and purest form of love, because it contains no expectations or possessiveness.
15. पुत्र कुपुत्र हो सकता है लेकिन माता कभी कुमाता नहीं हो सकती।
Romanization puTr kupuTr ho SakaTaa hai LekiN maaTaa kabhii kumaaTaa Nahiin ho SakaTii. English Equivalent “There can be a bad son, there can never be a bad mother.” ~Mahabharata Mahabharata is an ancient epic. This quote is from one of its brilliant characters, Bhishm Pitamah, who was wise and quite inspiring.
The meaning of the quote is that a mother’s love is always pure, and as such, there is no such thing as a bad mother. A child, on the other hand, can be selfish, even while his or her mother only thinks of the child’s best.

16. मेरा परिवार मेरी ताकत और मेरी कमज़ोरी है।
Romanization meraa parivaar merii TaaqaT aur merii kamazorii hai. English Equivalent “My family is my strength and my weakness.” ~Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Although this quote is from the former Miss World and current actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, I imagine that we can all relate.
She meant that her love for her family is so strong and unconditional that it has come to be her greatest power, as well as her greatest weakness.
Quotes About Philosophy
If you relish in the marvels of philosophy, you’re going to love the following Hindi quotes with deep meaning and practical application to life!
17. चिंता चिता समान है।
Romanization ciNTaa ciTaa SamaaN hai. English Equivalent “Worry is akin to death.” This is an old Indian saying, attributed to no one in particular. However, some people believe it was said by an ancient Indian sage named Kabeer Das.
The saying emphasizes that worrying about something immobilizes you. It stops you from taking any action that could alleviate or eliminate the reason behind the problem. This will likely intensify the problem, causing you to worry more. In turn, this will leave you stuck in a downward spiral that feeds on itself and eventually becomes a death loop. So, worry is compared to “death” here.
18. हर चमकती हुई चीज़ सोना नहीं होती।
Romanization har camakaTii huii ciiz SoNaa Nahiin hoTii. English Equivalent “Not everything that glitters is gold.” This is a simple quote that’s often used in conversations to convey that just because something looks good, doesn’t mean it’s worthwhile. Often, what attracts us in the beginning turns out to be fake or disappointing when we scratch the surface.
19. मूर्ख दूसरों पर हँसते हैं, बुद्धिमान ख़ुद पर।
Romanization muurkh DuuSron par hanSaTe hain, buDDHimaan khuD par. English Equivalent “Fools laugh at others, the wise ones laugh at themselves.” ~Osho Usually, one mocks other people to aggrandize their ego. Osho, the controversial Indian mystic, saw this self-aggrandizement as nothing less than foolishness. A wise man wears his wisdom very lightly, as he is not ego-centric and thus has the courage to laugh at himself and improve. This makes him even wiser.
20. जब जागो तब सवेरा।
Romanization jab jaago Tab Saveraa. English Equivalent “It’s never too late.” / Literally: “When awake, then dawn.” Let’s compare this quote with a Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.”
The Hindi version uses “waking up” and “dawn” as metaphors for realizing a mistake and taking remedial actions. “Dawn,” it says, is whenever you “wake up.”

21. ख़ाली बर्तन ज़्यादा शोर करते हैं।
Romanization khaaLii barTaN zyaaDaa sor karaTe hain. English Equivalent “Empty vessels make more noise.” A person who lacks skills, talent, self-esteem, and/or confidence usually tries to fill this gap by talking very highly of himself just to feel good. Talk about an inferiority complex.
This corresponds to the way an empty vessel makes more sound than one that’s full. A truly knowledgeable person is full of self-esteem, and hence, remains humble. His/her sense of appreciation comes from within.
22. जो जैसा बोता है, वैसा ही काटता है।
Romanization jo jaiSaa boTaa hai, vaiSaa hii kaataTaa hai. English Equivalent “As you sow, so shall you reap.” When you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other. We cannot separate actions from results. This saying describes how our actions, thoughts, and words boomerang back around to us. If we do good, good echoes back to us; the same holds true for doing bad.
As noted author Stephen Covey said: “You can decide to stand in front of a fast moving train but you can’t decide what happens when the train hits you. That is governed by universal laws.”
23. दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार ना करें, जो आपको अपने लिए पसंद नहीं।
Romanization DuuSron ke SaaTH aiSaa vyavahaar Naa karen, jo aapako apaNe Liye paSaND Nahiin. English Equivalent “Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like for yourself.” ~Shantikunj, Haridwar A very straightforward and literal quote. No metaphors or similes here. If you don’t like people treating you a certain way, it would be unfair of you to treat them that way. This saying comes from Shantikunj, a spiritual and social organization founded by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya.
Quotes About Food
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down for a nice meal now and then? Our Hindi quotes collection wouldn’t be complete without a few sayings related to food!
24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है।
Romanization bhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai. English Equivalent “There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing.

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।
Romanization bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. English Equivalent “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first.
Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
9. शेर हमेशा अकेला चलता है। |
Romanization | ser hamesaa akeLaa caLaTaa hai. |
English Equivalent | “A lion always walks alone.” |
Oh! This is one of the most popular Hindi quotes, and definitely something you must have on your learning list. It’s cool. It has swag. And it’s highly motivating, too. Remember the time you took a stand or decided to do something new in life, only to find that not even your loved ones supported you in that? Well, this quote will make you feel confident when no one else does. Not to mention that we Indians often use it to lighten the mood in heavy situations. 🙂 |
10. किसी को इतना भी मत डराओ कि डर ही ख़त्म हो जाये।
Romanization kiSii ko iTaNaa bhii maT daraao ki dar hii khaTm ho jaaye. English Equivalent “Don’t scare someone so much that they stop feeling the fear.” ~Mary Kom Here comes the Princess of Boxing. The Conqueror, The Fighter, and the true inspiration for many: Mary Kom.
With an unimaginably difficult childhood, a dreamy marriage with a rock-solid supportive partner, and her three kids, Mary Kom continues to amaze the world with her medals and trophies, one after another.
She has written an autobiography titled Unbreakable. But this quote is taken from the movie Mary Kom, which is based on her life. Kom is played by none other than Priyanka Chopra.
The quote is self-explanatory. We all get scared, but when that fear is pushed to the limit, it turns into courage and strength.

11. जहाँ भी आज़ाद रूह की झलक पड़े समझना वह मेरा घर है।
Romanization jahaan bhii aazaaD ruuh kii jhaLak pade SamajhaNaa vah meraa ghar hai. English Equivalent “Wherever you see a free soul, that’s where I live.” ~Amrita Pritam Amrita Pritam, one of the most prominent writers and poets, is known for her feminist appeal. Her works portray the significance of gender equality and freedom.
She broke many orthodox rules and lived her life in her own way. Amrita Pritam set a milestone for both men and women, inspiring them to follow their hearts and stand up for themselves.
The quote here reflects how much the real freedom of choice meant to her. In her own words, every such place where people live the way they want, there her soul resides. Read more of her impeccable and deeply touching quotes here.
Quotes About Love, Friendship, and Family
The category that you’ve long been waiting for: love quotes in Hindi. Let’s begin with some words from our beloved Gautam Buddha.
→ You can also find more Hindi Quotes About Love on our website!
12. सच्चा प्रेम समझ से उत्पन्न होता है।
Romanization Saccaa prem Samajh Se uTpaNN hoTaa hai. English Equivalent “True love begins with understanding.” ~Buddha Buddha was all for love, kindness, and generosity toward others and oneself. His quote contains the message that true love is only possible when two people empathize with each other, respect each other, and understand each other. In the absence of these factors, their love would only be superficial and short-lived.
13. दोस्ती का कोई मज़हब नहीं होता।
Romanization DoSTii kaa koii mazahab Nahiin hoTaa. English Equivalent “Friendship knows no religion.” ~Shootout at Wadala One of the most popular and hard-hitting friendship quotes in Hindi, these words from the movie Shootout at Wadala shed light on the presence of tolerance and understanding in a true friendship.
The message couldn’t be put in a more simple way. The quote reminds us that the bond of friendship is above all disparities, whether from caste, creed, or religion.

14. मित्रता सबसे शुद्ध प्रेम है।
Romanization miTraTaa SabaSe suDDH prem hai. English Equivalent “Friendship is the purest form of love.” ~Osho Talking about friendship and love, how could we miss Osho? Osho was the mystic and revolutionary who influenced the young and the elderly like nobody else. His discourses were filled with words of love, friendship, and affection.
According to this quote, he found friendship to be the greatest and purest form of love, because it contains no expectations or possessiveness.
15. पुत्र कुपुत्र हो सकता है लेकिन माता कभी कुमाता नहीं हो सकती।
Romanization puTr kupuTr ho SakaTaa hai LekiN maaTaa kabhii kumaaTaa Nahiin ho SakaTii. English Equivalent “There can be a bad son, there can never be a bad mother.” ~Mahabharata Mahabharata is an ancient epic. This quote is from one of its brilliant characters, Bhishm Pitamah, who was wise and quite inspiring.
The meaning of the quote is that a mother’s love is always pure, and as such, there is no such thing as a bad mother. A child, on the other hand, can be selfish, even while his or her mother only thinks of the child’s best.

16. मेरा परिवार मेरी ताकत और मेरी कमज़ोरी है।
Romanization meraa parivaar merii TaaqaT aur merii kamazorii hai. English Equivalent “My family is my strength and my weakness.” ~Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Although this quote is from the former Miss World and current actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, I imagine that we can all relate.
She meant that her love for her family is so strong and unconditional that it has come to be her greatest power, as well as her greatest weakness.
Quotes About Philosophy
If you relish in the marvels of philosophy, you’re going to love the following Hindi quotes with deep meaning and practical application to life!
17. चिंता चिता समान है।
Romanization ciNTaa ciTaa SamaaN hai. English Equivalent “Worry is akin to death.” This is an old Indian saying, attributed to no one in particular. However, some people believe it was said by an ancient Indian sage named Kabeer Das.
The saying emphasizes that worrying about something immobilizes you. It stops you from taking any action that could alleviate or eliminate the reason behind the problem. This will likely intensify the problem, causing you to worry more. In turn, this will leave you stuck in a downward spiral that feeds on itself and eventually becomes a death loop. So, worry is compared to “death” here.
18. हर चमकती हुई चीज़ सोना नहीं होती।
Romanization har camakaTii huii ciiz SoNaa Nahiin hoTii. English Equivalent “Not everything that glitters is gold.” This is a simple quote that’s often used in conversations to convey that just because something looks good, doesn’t mean it’s worthwhile. Often, what attracts us in the beginning turns out to be fake or disappointing when we scratch the surface.
19. मूर्ख दूसरों पर हँसते हैं, बुद्धिमान ख़ुद पर।
Romanization muurkh DuuSron par hanSaTe hain, buDDHimaan khuD par. English Equivalent “Fools laugh at others, the wise ones laugh at themselves.” ~Osho Usually, one mocks other people to aggrandize their ego. Osho, the controversial Indian mystic, saw this self-aggrandizement as nothing less than foolishness. A wise man wears his wisdom very lightly, as he is not ego-centric and thus has the courage to laugh at himself and improve. This makes him even wiser.
20. जब जागो तब सवेरा।
Romanization jab jaago Tab Saveraa. English Equivalent “It’s never too late.” / Literally: “When awake, then dawn.” Let’s compare this quote with a Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.”
The Hindi version uses “waking up” and “dawn” as metaphors for realizing a mistake and taking remedial actions. “Dawn,” it says, is whenever you “wake up.”

21. ख़ाली बर्तन ज़्यादा शोर करते हैं।
Romanization khaaLii barTaN zyaaDaa sor karaTe hain. English Equivalent “Empty vessels make more noise.” A person who lacks skills, talent, self-esteem, and/or confidence usually tries to fill this gap by talking very highly of himself just to feel good. Talk about an inferiority complex.
This corresponds to the way an empty vessel makes more sound than one that’s full. A truly knowledgeable person is full of self-esteem, and hence, remains humble. His/her sense of appreciation comes from within.
22. जो जैसा बोता है, वैसा ही काटता है।
Romanization jo jaiSaa boTaa hai, vaiSaa hii kaataTaa hai. English Equivalent “As you sow, so shall you reap.” When you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other. We cannot separate actions from results. This saying describes how our actions, thoughts, and words boomerang back around to us. If we do good, good echoes back to us; the same holds true for doing bad.
As noted author Stephen Covey said: “You can decide to stand in front of a fast moving train but you can’t decide what happens when the train hits you. That is governed by universal laws.”
23. दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार ना करें, जो आपको अपने लिए पसंद नहीं।
Romanization DuuSron ke SaaTH aiSaa vyavahaar Naa karen, jo aapako apaNe Liye paSaND Nahiin. English Equivalent “Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like for yourself.” ~Shantikunj, Haridwar A very straightforward and literal quote. No metaphors or similes here. If you don’t like people treating you a certain way, it would be unfair of you to treat them that way. This saying comes from Shantikunj, a spiritual and social organization founded by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya.
Quotes About Food
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down for a nice meal now and then? Our Hindi quotes collection wouldn’t be complete without a few sayings related to food!
24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है।
Romanization bhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai. English Equivalent “There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing.

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।
Romanization bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. English Equivalent “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first.
Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
10. किसी को इतना भी मत डराओ कि डर ही ख़त्म हो जाये। |
Romanization | kiSii ko iTaNaa bhii maT daraao ki dar hii khaTm ho jaaye. |
English Equivalent | “Don’t scare someone so much that they stop feeling the fear.” ~Mary Kom |
Here comes the Princess of Boxing. The Conqueror, The Fighter, and the true inspiration for many: Mary Kom. With an unimaginably difficult childhood, a dreamy marriage with a rock-solid supportive partner, and her three kids, Mary Kom continues to amaze the world with her medals and trophies, one after another. She has written an autobiography titled Unbreakable. But this quote is taken from the movie Mary Kom, which is based on her life. Kom is played by none other than Priyanka Chopra. The quote is self-explanatory. We all get scared, but when that fear is pushed to the limit, it turns into courage and strength. |

11. जहाँ भी आज़ाद रूह की झलक पड़े समझना वह मेरा घर है।
Romanization jahaan bhii aazaaD ruuh kii jhaLak pade SamajhaNaa vah meraa ghar hai. English Equivalent “Wherever you see a free soul, that’s where I live.” ~Amrita Pritam Amrita Pritam, one of the most prominent writers and poets, is known for her feminist appeal. Her works portray the significance of gender equality and freedom.
She broke many orthodox rules and lived her life in her own way. Amrita Pritam set a milestone for both men and women, inspiring them to follow their hearts and stand up for themselves.
The quote here reflects how much the real freedom of choice meant to her. In her own words, every such place where people live the way they want, there her soul resides. Read more of her impeccable and deeply touching quotes here.
Quotes About Love, Friendship, and Family
The category that you’ve long been waiting for: love quotes in Hindi. Let’s begin with some words from our beloved Gautam Buddha.
→ You can also find more Hindi Quotes About Love on our website!
12. सच्चा प्रेम समझ से उत्पन्न होता है।
Romanization Saccaa prem Samajh Se uTpaNN hoTaa hai. English Equivalent “True love begins with understanding.” ~Buddha Buddha was all for love, kindness, and generosity toward others and oneself. His quote contains the message that true love is only possible when two people empathize with each other, respect each other, and understand each other. In the absence of these factors, their love would only be superficial and short-lived.
13. दोस्ती का कोई मज़हब नहीं होता।
Romanization DoSTii kaa koii mazahab Nahiin hoTaa. English Equivalent “Friendship knows no religion.” ~Shootout at Wadala One of the most popular and hard-hitting friendship quotes in Hindi, these words from the movie Shootout at Wadala shed light on the presence of tolerance and understanding in a true friendship.
The message couldn’t be put in a more simple way. The quote reminds us that the bond of friendship is above all disparities, whether from caste, creed, or religion.

14. मित्रता सबसे शुद्ध प्रेम है।
Romanization miTraTaa SabaSe suDDH prem hai. English Equivalent “Friendship is the purest form of love.” ~Osho Talking about friendship and love, how could we miss Osho? Osho was the mystic and revolutionary who influenced the young and the elderly like nobody else. His discourses were filled with words of love, friendship, and affection.
According to this quote, he found friendship to be the greatest and purest form of love, because it contains no expectations or possessiveness.
15. पुत्र कुपुत्र हो सकता है लेकिन माता कभी कुमाता नहीं हो सकती।
Romanization puTr kupuTr ho SakaTaa hai LekiN maaTaa kabhii kumaaTaa Nahiin ho SakaTii. English Equivalent “There can be a bad son, there can never be a bad mother.” ~Mahabharata Mahabharata is an ancient epic. This quote is from one of its brilliant characters, Bhishm Pitamah, who was wise and quite inspiring.
The meaning of the quote is that a mother’s love is always pure, and as such, there is no such thing as a bad mother. A child, on the other hand, can be selfish, even while his or her mother only thinks of the child’s best.

16. मेरा परिवार मेरी ताकत और मेरी कमज़ोरी है।
Romanization meraa parivaar merii TaaqaT aur merii kamazorii hai. English Equivalent “My family is my strength and my weakness.” ~Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Although this quote is from the former Miss World and current actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, I imagine that we can all relate.
She meant that her love for her family is so strong and unconditional that it has come to be her greatest power, as well as her greatest weakness.
Quotes About Philosophy
If you relish in the marvels of philosophy, you’re going to love the following Hindi quotes with deep meaning and practical application to life!
17. चिंता चिता समान है।
Romanization ciNTaa ciTaa SamaaN hai. English Equivalent “Worry is akin to death.” This is an old Indian saying, attributed to no one in particular. However, some people believe it was said by an ancient Indian sage named Kabeer Das.
The saying emphasizes that worrying about something immobilizes you. It stops you from taking any action that could alleviate or eliminate the reason behind the problem. This will likely intensify the problem, causing you to worry more. In turn, this will leave you stuck in a downward spiral that feeds on itself and eventually becomes a death loop. So, worry is compared to “death” here.
18. हर चमकती हुई चीज़ सोना नहीं होती।
Romanization har camakaTii huii ciiz SoNaa Nahiin hoTii. English Equivalent “Not everything that glitters is gold.” This is a simple quote that’s often used in conversations to convey that just because something looks good, doesn’t mean it’s worthwhile. Often, what attracts us in the beginning turns out to be fake or disappointing when we scratch the surface.
19. मूर्ख दूसरों पर हँसते हैं, बुद्धिमान ख़ुद पर।
Romanization muurkh DuuSron par hanSaTe hain, buDDHimaan khuD par. English Equivalent “Fools laugh at others, the wise ones laugh at themselves.” ~Osho Usually, one mocks other people to aggrandize their ego. Osho, the controversial Indian mystic, saw this self-aggrandizement as nothing less than foolishness. A wise man wears his wisdom very lightly, as he is not ego-centric and thus has the courage to laugh at himself and improve. This makes him even wiser.
20. जब जागो तब सवेरा।
Romanization jab jaago Tab Saveraa. English Equivalent “It’s never too late.” / Literally: “When awake, then dawn.” Let’s compare this quote with a Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.”
The Hindi version uses “waking up” and “dawn” as metaphors for realizing a mistake and taking remedial actions. “Dawn,” it says, is whenever you “wake up.”

21. ख़ाली बर्तन ज़्यादा शोर करते हैं।
Romanization khaaLii barTaN zyaaDaa sor karaTe hain. English Equivalent “Empty vessels make more noise.” A person who lacks skills, talent, self-esteem, and/or confidence usually tries to fill this gap by talking very highly of himself just to feel good. Talk about an inferiority complex.
This corresponds to the way an empty vessel makes more sound than one that’s full. A truly knowledgeable person is full of self-esteem, and hence, remains humble. His/her sense of appreciation comes from within.
22. जो जैसा बोता है, वैसा ही काटता है।
Romanization jo jaiSaa boTaa hai, vaiSaa hii kaataTaa hai. English Equivalent “As you sow, so shall you reap.” When you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other. We cannot separate actions from results. This saying describes how our actions, thoughts, and words boomerang back around to us. If we do good, good echoes back to us; the same holds true for doing bad.
As noted author Stephen Covey said: “You can decide to stand in front of a fast moving train but you can’t decide what happens when the train hits you. That is governed by universal laws.”
23. दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार ना करें, जो आपको अपने लिए पसंद नहीं।
Romanization DuuSron ke SaaTH aiSaa vyavahaar Naa karen, jo aapako apaNe Liye paSaND Nahiin. English Equivalent “Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like for yourself.” ~Shantikunj, Haridwar A very straightforward and literal quote. No metaphors or similes here. If you don’t like people treating you a certain way, it would be unfair of you to treat them that way. This saying comes from Shantikunj, a spiritual and social organization founded by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya.
Quotes About Food
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down for a nice meal now and then? Our Hindi quotes collection wouldn’t be complete without a few sayings related to food!
24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है।
Romanization bhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai. English Equivalent “There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing.

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।
Romanization bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. English Equivalent “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first.
Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
11. जहाँ भी आज़ाद रूह की झलक पड़े समझना वह मेरा घर है। |
Romanization | jahaan bhii aazaaD ruuh kii jhaLak pade SamajhaNaa vah meraa ghar hai. |
English Equivalent | “Wherever you see a free soul, that’s where I live.” ~Amrita Pritam |
Amrita Pritam, one of the most prominent writers and poets, is known for her feminist appeal. Her works portray the significance of gender equality and freedom. She broke many orthodox rules and lived her life in her own way. Amrita Pritam set a milestone for both men and women, inspiring them to follow their hearts and stand up for themselves. The quote here reflects how much the real freedom of choice meant to her. In her own words, every such place where people live the way they want, there her soul resides. Read more of her impeccable and deeply touching quotes here. |
Quotes About Love, Friendship, and Family
The category that you’ve long been waiting for: love quotes in Hindi. Let’s begin with some words from our beloved Gautam Buddha.
- → You can also find more Hindi Quotes About Love on our website!
12. सच्चा प्रेम समझ से उत्पन्न होता है।
Romanization Saccaa prem Samajh Se uTpaNN hoTaa hai. English Equivalent “True love begins with understanding.” ~Buddha Buddha was all for love, kindness, and generosity toward others and oneself. His quote contains the message that true love is only possible when two people empathize with each other, respect each other, and understand each other. In the absence of these factors, their love would only be superficial and short-lived.
13. दोस्ती का कोई मज़हब नहीं होता।
Romanization DoSTii kaa koii mazahab Nahiin hoTaa. English Equivalent “Friendship knows no religion.” ~Shootout at Wadala One of the most popular and hard-hitting friendship quotes in Hindi, these words from the movie Shootout at Wadala shed light on the presence of tolerance and understanding in a true friendship.
The message couldn’t be put in a more simple way. The quote reminds us that the bond of friendship is above all disparities, whether from caste, creed, or religion.

14. मित्रता सबसे शुद्ध प्रेम है।
Romanization miTraTaa SabaSe suDDH prem hai. English Equivalent “Friendship is the purest form of love.” ~Osho Talking about friendship and love, how could we miss Osho? Osho was the mystic and revolutionary who influenced the young and the elderly like nobody else. His discourses were filled with words of love, friendship, and affection.
According to this quote, he found friendship to be the greatest and purest form of love, because it contains no expectations or possessiveness.
15. पुत्र कुपुत्र हो सकता है लेकिन माता कभी कुमाता नहीं हो सकती।
Romanization puTr kupuTr ho SakaTaa hai LekiN maaTaa kabhii kumaaTaa Nahiin ho SakaTii. English Equivalent “There can be a bad son, there can never be a bad mother.” ~Mahabharata Mahabharata is an ancient epic. This quote is from one of its brilliant characters, Bhishm Pitamah, who was wise and quite inspiring.
The meaning of the quote is that a mother’s love is always pure, and as such, there is no such thing as a bad mother. A child, on the other hand, can be selfish, even while his or her mother only thinks of the child’s best.

16. मेरा परिवार मेरी ताकत और मेरी कमज़ोरी है।
Romanization meraa parivaar merii TaaqaT aur merii kamazorii hai. English Equivalent “My family is my strength and my weakness.” ~Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Although this quote is from the former Miss World and current actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, I imagine that we can all relate.
She meant that her love for her family is so strong and unconditional that it has come to be her greatest power, as well as her greatest weakness.
Quotes About Philosophy
If you relish in the marvels of philosophy, you’re going to love the following Hindi quotes with deep meaning and practical application to life!
17. चिंता चिता समान है।
Romanization ciNTaa ciTaa SamaaN hai. English Equivalent “Worry is akin to death.” This is an old Indian saying, attributed to no one in particular. However, some people believe it was said by an ancient Indian sage named Kabeer Das.
The saying emphasizes that worrying about something immobilizes you. It stops you from taking any action that could alleviate or eliminate the reason behind the problem. This will likely intensify the problem, causing you to worry more. In turn, this will leave you stuck in a downward spiral that feeds on itself and eventually becomes a death loop. So, worry is compared to “death” here.
18. हर चमकती हुई चीज़ सोना नहीं होती।
Romanization har camakaTii huii ciiz SoNaa Nahiin hoTii. English Equivalent “Not everything that glitters is gold.” This is a simple quote that’s often used in conversations to convey that just because something looks good, doesn’t mean it’s worthwhile. Often, what attracts us in the beginning turns out to be fake or disappointing when we scratch the surface.
19. मूर्ख दूसरों पर हँसते हैं, बुद्धिमान ख़ुद पर।
Romanization muurkh DuuSron par hanSaTe hain, buDDHimaan khuD par. English Equivalent “Fools laugh at others, the wise ones laugh at themselves.” ~Osho Usually, one mocks other people to aggrandize their ego. Osho, the controversial Indian mystic, saw this self-aggrandizement as nothing less than foolishness. A wise man wears his wisdom very lightly, as he is not ego-centric and thus has the courage to laugh at himself and improve. This makes him even wiser.
20. जब जागो तब सवेरा।
Romanization jab jaago Tab Saveraa. English Equivalent “It’s never too late.” / Literally: “When awake, then dawn.” Let’s compare this quote with a Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.”
The Hindi version uses “waking up” and “dawn” as metaphors for realizing a mistake and taking remedial actions. “Dawn,” it says, is whenever you “wake up.”

21. ख़ाली बर्तन ज़्यादा शोर करते हैं।
Romanization khaaLii barTaN zyaaDaa sor karaTe hain. English Equivalent “Empty vessels make more noise.” A person who lacks skills, talent, self-esteem, and/or confidence usually tries to fill this gap by talking very highly of himself just to feel good. Talk about an inferiority complex.
This corresponds to the way an empty vessel makes more sound than one that’s full. A truly knowledgeable person is full of self-esteem, and hence, remains humble. His/her sense of appreciation comes from within.
22. जो जैसा बोता है, वैसा ही काटता है।
Romanization jo jaiSaa boTaa hai, vaiSaa hii kaataTaa hai. English Equivalent “As you sow, so shall you reap.” When you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other. We cannot separate actions from results. This saying describes how our actions, thoughts, and words boomerang back around to us. If we do good, good echoes back to us; the same holds true for doing bad.
As noted author Stephen Covey said: “You can decide to stand in front of a fast moving train but you can’t decide what happens when the train hits you. That is governed by universal laws.”
23. दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार ना करें, जो आपको अपने लिए पसंद नहीं।
Romanization DuuSron ke SaaTH aiSaa vyavahaar Naa karen, jo aapako apaNe Liye paSaND Nahiin. English Equivalent “Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like for yourself.” ~Shantikunj, Haridwar A very straightforward and literal quote. No metaphors or similes here. If you don’t like people treating you a certain way, it would be unfair of you to treat them that way. This saying comes from Shantikunj, a spiritual and social organization founded by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya.
Quotes About Food
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down for a nice meal now and then? Our Hindi quotes collection wouldn’t be complete without a few sayings related to food!
24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है।
Romanization bhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai. English Equivalent “There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing.

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।
Romanization bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. English Equivalent “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first.
Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
12. सच्चा प्रेम समझ से उत्पन्न होता है। |
Romanization | Saccaa prem Samajh Se uTpaNN hoTaa hai. |
English Equivalent | “True love begins with understanding.” ~Buddha |
Buddha was all for love, kindness, and generosity toward others and oneself. His quote contains the message that true love is only possible when two people empathize with each other, respect each other, and understand each other. In the absence of these factors, their love would only be superficial and short-lived. |
13. दोस्ती का कोई मज़हब नहीं होता।
Romanization DoSTii kaa koii mazahab Nahiin hoTaa. English Equivalent “Friendship knows no religion.” ~Shootout at Wadala One of the most popular and hard-hitting friendship quotes in Hindi, these words from the movie Shootout at Wadala shed light on the presence of tolerance and understanding in a true friendship.
The message couldn’t be put in a more simple way. The quote reminds us that the bond of friendship is above all disparities, whether from caste, creed, or religion.

14. मित्रता सबसे शुद्ध प्रेम है।
Romanization miTraTaa SabaSe suDDH prem hai. English Equivalent “Friendship is the purest form of love.” ~Osho Talking about friendship and love, how could we miss Osho? Osho was the mystic and revolutionary who influenced the young and the elderly like nobody else. His discourses were filled with words of love, friendship, and affection.
According to this quote, he found friendship to be the greatest and purest form of love, because it contains no expectations or possessiveness.
15. पुत्र कुपुत्र हो सकता है लेकिन माता कभी कुमाता नहीं हो सकती।
Romanization puTr kupuTr ho SakaTaa hai LekiN maaTaa kabhii kumaaTaa Nahiin ho SakaTii. English Equivalent “There can be a bad son, there can never be a bad mother.” ~Mahabharata Mahabharata is an ancient epic. This quote is from one of its brilliant characters, Bhishm Pitamah, who was wise and quite inspiring.
The meaning of the quote is that a mother’s love is always pure, and as such, there is no such thing as a bad mother. A child, on the other hand, can be selfish, even while his or her mother only thinks of the child’s best.

16. मेरा परिवार मेरी ताकत और मेरी कमज़ोरी है।
Romanization meraa parivaar merii TaaqaT aur merii kamazorii hai. English Equivalent “My family is my strength and my weakness.” ~Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Although this quote is from the former Miss World and current actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, I imagine that we can all relate.
She meant that her love for her family is so strong and unconditional that it has come to be her greatest power, as well as her greatest weakness.
Quotes About Philosophy
If you relish in the marvels of philosophy, you’re going to love the following Hindi quotes with deep meaning and practical application to life!
17. चिंता चिता समान है।
Romanization ciNTaa ciTaa SamaaN hai. English Equivalent “Worry is akin to death.” This is an old Indian saying, attributed to no one in particular. However, some people believe it was said by an ancient Indian sage named Kabeer Das.
The saying emphasizes that worrying about something immobilizes you. It stops you from taking any action that could alleviate or eliminate the reason behind the problem. This will likely intensify the problem, causing you to worry more. In turn, this will leave you stuck in a downward spiral that feeds on itself and eventually becomes a death loop. So, worry is compared to “death” here.
18. हर चमकती हुई चीज़ सोना नहीं होती।
Romanization har camakaTii huii ciiz SoNaa Nahiin hoTii. English Equivalent “Not everything that glitters is gold.” This is a simple quote that’s often used in conversations to convey that just because something looks good, doesn’t mean it’s worthwhile. Often, what attracts us in the beginning turns out to be fake or disappointing when we scratch the surface.
19. मूर्ख दूसरों पर हँसते हैं, बुद्धिमान ख़ुद पर।
Romanization muurkh DuuSron par hanSaTe hain, buDDHimaan khuD par. English Equivalent “Fools laugh at others, the wise ones laugh at themselves.” ~Osho Usually, one mocks other people to aggrandize their ego. Osho, the controversial Indian mystic, saw this self-aggrandizement as nothing less than foolishness. A wise man wears his wisdom very lightly, as he is not ego-centric and thus has the courage to laugh at himself and improve. This makes him even wiser.
20. जब जागो तब सवेरा।
Romanization jab jaago Tab Saveraa. English Equivalent “It’s never too late.” / Literally: “When awake, then dawn.” Let’s compare this quote with a Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.”
The Hindi version uses “waking up” and “dawn” as metaphors for realizing a mistake and taking remedial actions. “Dawn,” it says, is whenever you “wake up.”

21. ख़ाली बर्तन ज़्यादा शोर करते हैं।
Romanization khaaLii barTaN zyaaDaa sor karaTe hain. English Equivalent “Empty vessels make more noise.” A person who lacks skills, talent, self-esteem, and/or confidence usually tries to fill this gap by talking very highly of himself just to feel good. Talk about an inferiority complex.
This corresponds to the way an empty vessel makes more sound than one that’s full. A truly knowledgeable person is full of self-esteem, and hence, remains humble. His/her sense of appreciation comes from within.
22. जो जैसा बोता है, वैसा ही काटता है।
Romanization jo jaiSaa boTaa hai, vaiSaa hii kaataTaa hai. English Equivalent “As you sow, so shall you reap.” When you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other. We cannot separate actions from results. This saying describes how our actions, thoughts, and words boomerang back around to us. If we do good, good echoes back to us; the same holds true for doing bad.
As noted author Stephen Covey said: “You can decide to stand in front of a fast moving train but you can’t decide what happens when the train hits you. That is governed by universal laws.”
23. दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार ना करें, जो आपको अपने लिए पसंद नहीं।
Romanization DuuSron ke SaaTH aiSaa vyavahaar Naa karen, jo aapako apaNe Liye paSaND Nahiin. English Equivalent “Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like for yourself.” ~Shantikunj, Haridwar A very straightforward and literal quote. No metaphors or similes here. If you don’t like people treating you a certain way, it would be unfair of you to treat them that way. This saying comes from Shantikunj, a spiritual and social organization founded by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya.
Quotes About Food
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down for a nice meal now and then? Our Hindi quotes collection wouldn’t be complete without a few sayings related to food!
24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है।
Romanization bhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai. English Equivalent “There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing.

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।
Romanization bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. English Equivalent “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first.
Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
13. दोस्ती का कोई मज़हब नहीं होता। |
Romanization | DoSTii kaa koii mazahab Nahiin hoTaa. |
English Equivalent | “Friendship knows no religion.” ~Shootout at Wadala |
One of the most popular and hard-hitting friendship quotes in Hindi, these words from the movie Shootout at Wadala shed light on the presence of tolerance and understanding in a true friendship. The message couldn’t be put in a more simple way. The quote reminds us that the bond of friendship is above all disparities, whether from caste, creed, or religion. |

14. मित्रता सबसे शुद्ध प्रेम है।
Romanization miTraTaa SabaSe suDDH prem hai. English Equivalent “Friendship is the purest form of love.” ~Osho Talking about friendship and love, how could we miss Osho? Osho was the mystic and revolutionary who influenced the young and the elderly like nobody else. His discourses were filled with words of love, friendship, and affection.
According to this quote, he found friendship to be the greatest and purest form of love, because it contains no expectations or possessiveness.
15. पुत्र कुपुत्र हो सकता है लेकिन माता कभी कुमाता नहीं हो सकती।
Romanization puTr kupuTr ho SakaTaa hai LekiN maaTaa kabhii kumaaTaa Nahiin ho SakaTii. English Equivalent “There can be a bad son, there can never be a bad mother.” ~Mahabharata Mahabharata is an ancient epic. This quote is from one of its brilliant characters, Bhishm Pitamah, who was wise and quite inspiring.
The meaning of the quote is that a mother’s love is always pure, and as such, there is no such thing as a bad mother. A child, on the other hand, can be selfish, even while his or her mother only thinks of the child’s best.

16. मेरा परिवार मेरी ताकत और मेरी कमज़ोरी है।
Romanization meraa parivaar merii TaaqaT aur merii kamazorii hai. English Equivalent “My family is my strength and my weakness.” ~Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Although this quote is from the former Miss World and current actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, I imagine that we can all relate.
She meant that her love for her family is so strong and unconditional that it has come to be her greatest power, as well as her greatest weakness.
Quotes About Philosophy
If you relish in the marvels of philosophy, you’re going to love the following Hindi quotes with deep meaning and practical application to life!
17. चिंता चिता समान है।
Romanization ciNTaa ciTaa SamaaN hai. English Equivalent “Worry is akin to death.” This is an old Indian saying, attributed to no one in particular. However, some people believe it was said by an ancient Indian sage named Kabeer Das.
The saying emphasizes that worrying about something immobilizes you. It stops you from taking any action that could alleviate or eliminate the reason behind the problem. This will likely intensify the problem, causing you to worry more. In turn, this will leave you stuck in a downward spiral that feeds on itself and eventually becomes a death loop. So, worry is compared to “death” here.
18. हर चमकती हुई चीज़ सोना नहीं होती।
Romanization har camakaTii huii ciiz SoNaa Nahiin hoTii. English Equivalent “Not everything that glitters is gold.” This is a simple quote that’s often used in conversations to convey that just because something looks good, doesn’t mean it’s worthwhile. Often, what attracts us in the beginning turns out to be fake or disappointing when we scratch the surface.
19. मूर्ख दूसरों पर हँसते हैं, बुद्धिमान ख़ुद पर।
Romanization muurkh DuuSron par hanSaTe hain, buDDHimaan khuD par. English Equivalent “Fools laugh at others, the wise ones laugh at themselves.” ~Osho Usually, one mocks other people to aggrandize their ego. Osho, the controversial Indian mystic, saw this self-aggrandizement as nothing less than foolishness. A wise man wears his wisdom very lightly, as he is not ego-centric and thus has the courage to laugh at himself and improve. This makes him even wiser.
20. जब जागो तब सवेरा।
Romanization jab jaago Tab Saveraa. English Equivalent “It’s never too late.” / Literally: “When awake, then dawn.” Let’s compare this quote with a Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.”
The Hindi version uses “waking up” and “dawn” as metaphors for realizing a mistake and taking remedial actions. “Dawn,” it says, is whenever you “wake up.”

21. ख़ाली बर्तन ज़्यादा शोर करते हैं।
Romanization khaaLii barTaN zyaaDaa sor karaTe hain. English Equivalent “Empty vessels make more noise.” A person who lacks skills, talent, self-esteem, and/or confidence usually tries to fill this gap by talking very highly of himself just to feel good. Talk about an inferiority complex.
This corresponds to the way an empty vessel makes more sound than one that’s full. A truly knowledgeable person is full of self-esteem, and hence, remains humble. His/her sense of appreciation comes from within.
22. जो जैसा बोता है, वैसा ही काटता है।
Romanization jo jaiSaa boTaa hai, vaiSaa hii kaataTaa hai. English Equivalent “As you sow, so shall you reap.” When you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other. We cannot separate actions from results. This saying describes how our actions, thoughts, and words boomerang back around to us. If we do good, good echoes back to us; the same holds true for doing bad.
As noted author Stephen Covey said: “You can decide to stand in front of a fast moving train but you can’t decide what happens when the train hits you. That is governed by universal laws.”
23. दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार ना करें, जो आपको अपने लिए पसंद नहीं।
Romanization DuuSron ke SaaTH aiSaa vyavahaar Naa karen, jo aapako apaNe Liye paSaND Nahiin. English Equivalent “Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like for yourself.” ~Shantikunj, Haridwar A very straightforward and literal quote. No metaphors or similes here. If you don’t like people treating you a certain way, it would be unfair of you to treat them that way. This saying comes from Shantikunj, a spiritual and social organization founded by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya.
Quotes About Food
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down for a nice meal now and then? Our Hindi quotes collection wouldn’t be complete without a few sayings related to food!
24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है।
Romanization bhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai. English Equivalent “There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing.

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।
Romanization bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. English Equivalent “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first.
Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
14. मित्रता सबसे शुद्ध प्रेम है। |
Romanization | miTraTaa SabaSe suDDH prem hai. |
English Equivalent | “Friendship is the purest form of love.” ~Osho |
Talking about friendship and love, how could we miss Osho? Osho was the mystic and revolutionary who influenced the young and the elderly like nobody else. His discourses were filled with words of love, friendship, and affection. According to this quote, he found friendship to be the greatest and purest form of love, because it contains no expectations or possessiveness. |
15. पुत्र कुपुत्र हो सकता है लेकिन माता कभी कुमाता नहीं हो सकती।
Romanization puTr kupuTr ho SakaTaa hai LekiN maaTaa kabhii kumaaTaa Nahiin ho SakaTii. English Equivalent “There can be a bad son, there can never be a bad mother.” ~Mahabharata Mahabharata is an ancient epic. This quote is from one of its brilliant characters, Bhishm Pitamah, who was wise and quite inspiring.
The meaning of the quote is that a mother’s love is always pure, and as such, there is no such thing as a bad mother. A child, on the other hand, can be selfish, even while his or her mother only thinks of the child’s best.

16. मेरा परिवार मेरी ताकत और मेरी कमज़ोरी है।
Romanization meraa parivaar merii TaaqaT aur merii kamazorii hai. English Equivalent “My family is my strength and my weakness.” ~Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Although this quote is from the former Miss World and current actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, I imagine that we can all relate.
She meant that her love for her family is so strong and unconditional that it has come to be her greatest power, as well as her greatest weakness.
Quotes About Philosophy
If you relish in the marvels of philosophy, you’re going to love the following Hindi quotes with deep meaning and practical application to life!
17. चिंता चिता समान है।
Romanization ciNTaa ciTaa SamaaN hai. English Equivalent “Worry is akin to death.” This is an old Indian saying, attributed to no one in particular. However, some people believe it was said by an ancient Indian sage named Kabeer Das.
The saying emphasizes that worrying about something immobilizes you. It stops you from taking any action that could alleviate or eliminate the reason behind the problem. This will likely intensify the problem, causing you to worry more. In turn, this will leave you stuck in a downward spiral that feeds on itself and eventually becomes a death loop. So, worry is compared to “death” here.
18. हर चमकती हुई चीज़ सोना नहीं होती।
Romanization har camakaTii huii ciiz SoNaa Nahiin hoTii. English Equivalent “Not everything that glitters is gold.” This is a simple quote that’s often used in conversations to convey that just because something looks good, doesn’t mean it’s worthwhile. Often, what attracts us in the beginning turns out to be fake or disappointing when we scratch the surface.
19. मूर्ख दूसरों पर हँसते हैं, बुद्धिमान ख़ुद पर।
Romanization muurkh DuuSron par hanSaTe hain, buDDHimaan khuD par. English Equivalent “Fools laugh at others, the wise ones laugh at themselves.” ~Osho Usually, one mocks other people to aggrandize their ego. Osho, the controversial Indian mystic, saw this self-aggrandizement as nothing less than foolishness. A wise man wears his wisdom very lightly, as he is not ego-centric and thus has the courage to laugh at himself and improve. This makes him even wiser.
20. जब जागो तब सवेरा।
Romanization jab jaago Tab Saveraa. English Equivalent “It’s never too late.” / Literally: “When awake, then dawn.” Let’s compare this quote with a Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.”
The Hindi version uses “waking up” and “dawn” as metaphors for realizing a mistake and taking remedial actions. “Dawn,” it says, is whenever you “wake up.”

21. ख़ाली बर्तन ज़्यादा शोर करते हैं।
Romanization khaaLii barTaN zyaaDaa sor karaTe hain. English Equivalent “Empty vessels make more noise.” A person who lacks skills, talent, self-esteem, and/or confidence usually tries to fill this gap by talking very highly of himself just to feel good. Talk about an inferiority complex.
This corresponds to the way an empty vessel makes more sound than one that’s full. A truly knowledgeable person is full of self-esteem, and hence, remains humble. His/her sense of appreciation comes from within.
22. जो जैसा बोता है, वैसा ही काटता है।
Romanization jo jaiSaa boTaa hai, vaiSaa hii kaataTaa hai. English Equivalent “As you sow, so shall you reap.” When you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other. We cannot separate actions from results. This saying describes how our actions, thoughts, and words boomerang back around to us. If we do good, good echoes back to us; the same holds true for doing bad.
As noted author Stephen Covey said: “You can decide to stand in front of a fast moving train but you can’t decide what happens when the train hits you. That is governed by universal laws.”
23. दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार ना करें, जो आपको अपने लिए पसंद नहीं।
Romanization DuuSron ke SaaTH aiSaa vyavahaar Naa karen, jo aapako apaNe Liye paSaND Nahiin. English Equivalent “Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like for yourself.” ~Shantikunj, Haridwar A very straightforward and literal quote. No metaphors or similes here. If you don’t like people treating you a certain way, it would be unfair of you to treat them that way. This saying comes from Shantikunj, a spiritual and social organization founded by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya.
Quotes About Food
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down for a nice meal now and then? Our Hindi quotes collection wouldn’t be complete without a few sayings related to food!
24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है।
Romanization bhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai. English Equivalent “There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing.

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।
Romanization bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. English Equivalent “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first.
Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
15. पुत्र कुपुत्र हो सकता है लेकिन माता कभी कुमाता नहीं हो सकती। |
Romanization | puTr kupuTr ho SakaTaa hai LekiN maaTaa kabhii kumaaTaa Nahiin ho SakaTii. |
English Equivalent | “There can be a bad son, there can never be a bad mother.” ~Mahabharata |
Mahabharata is an ancient epic. This quote is from one of its brilliant characters, Bhishm Pitamah, who was wise and quite inspiring. The meaning of the quote is that a mother’s love is always pure, and as such, there is no such thing as a bad mother. A child, on the other hand, can be selfish, even while his or her mother only thinks of the child’s best. |

16. मेरा परिवार मेरी ताकत और मेरी कमज़ोरी है।
Romanization meraa parivaar merii TaaqaT aur merii kamazorii hai. English Equivalent “My family is my strength and my weakness.” ~Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Although this quote is from the former Miss World and current actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, I imagine that we can all relate.
She meant that her love for her family is so strong and unconditional that it has come to be her greatest power, as well as her greatest weakness.
Quotes About Philosophy
If you relish in the marvels of philosophy, you’re going to love the following Hindi quotes with deep meaning and practical application to life!
17. चिंता चिता समान है।
Romanization ciNTaa ciTaa SamaaN hai. English Equivalent “Worry is akin to death.” This is an old Indian saying, attributed to no one in particular. However, some people believe it was said by an ancient Indian sage named Kabeer Das.
The saying emphasizes that worrying about something immobilizes you. It stops you from taking any action that could alleviate or eliminate the reason behind the problem. This will likely intensify the problem, causing you to worry more. In turn, this will leave you stuck in a downward spiral that feeds on itself and eventually becomes a death loop. So, worry is compared to “death” here.
18. हर चमकती हुई चीज़ सोना नहीं होती।
Romanization har camakaTii huii ciiz SoNaa Nahiin hoTii. English Equivalent “Not everything that glitters is gold.” This is a simple quote that’s often used in conversations to convey that just because something looks good, doesn’t mean it’s worthwhile. Often, what attracts us in the beginning turns out to be fake or disappointing when we scratch the surface.
19. मूर्ख दूसरों पर हँसते हैं, बुद्धिमान ख़ुद पर।
Romanization muurkh DuuSron par hanSaTe hain, buDDHimaan khuD par. English Equivalent “Fools laugh at others, the wise ones laugh at themselves.” ~Osho Usually, one mocks other people to aggrandize their ego. Osho, the controversial Indian mystic, saw this self-aggrandizement as nothing less than foolishness. A wise man wears his wisdom very lightly, as he is not ego-centric and thus has the courage to laugh at himself and improve. This makes him even wiser.
20. जब जागो तब सवेरा।
Romanization jab jaago Tab Saveraa. English Equivalent “It’s never too late.” / Literally: “When awake, then dawn.” Let’s compare this quote with a Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.”
The Hindi version uses “waking up” and “dawn” as metaphors for realizing a mistake and taking remedial actions. “Dawn,” it says, is whenever you “wake up.”

21. ख़ाली बर्तन ज़्यादा शोर करते हैं।
Romanization khaaLii barTaN zyaaDaa sor karaTe hain. English Equivalent “Empty vessels make more noise.” A person who lacks skills, talent, self-esteem, and/or confidence usually tries to fill this gap by talking very highly of himself just to feel good. Talk about an inferiority complex.
This corresponds to the way an empty vessel makes more sound than one that’s full. A truly knowledgeable person is full of self-esteem, and hence, remains humble. His/her sense of appreciation comes from within.
22. जो जैसा बोता है, वैसा ही काटता है।
Romanization jo jaiSaa boTaa hai, vaiSaa hii kaataTaa hai. English Equivalent “As you sow, so shall you reap.” When you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other. We cannot separate actions from results. This saying describes how our actions, thoughts, and words boomerang back around to us. If we do good, good echoes back to us; the same holds true for doing bad.
As noted author Stephen Covey said: “You can decide to stand in front of a fast moving train but you can’t decide what happens when the train hits you. That is governed by universal laws.”
23. दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार ना करें, जो आपको अपने लिए पसंद नहीं।
Romanization DuuSron ke SaaTH aiSaa vyavahaar Naa karen, jo aapako apaNe Liye paSaND Nahiin. English Equivalent “Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like for yourself.” ~Shantikunj, Haridwar A very straightforward and literal quote. No metaphors or similes here. If you don’t like people treating you a certain way, it would be unfair of you to treat them that way. This saying comes from Shantikunj, a spiritual and social organization founded by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya.
Quotes About Food
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down for a nice meal now and then? Our Hindi quotes collection wouldn’t be complete without a few sayings related to food!
24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है।
Romanization bhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai. English Equivalent “There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing.

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।
Romanization bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. English Equivalent “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first.
Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
16. मेरा परिवार मेरी ताकत और मेरी कमज़ोरी है। |
Romanization | meraa parivaar merii TaaqaT aur merii kamazorii hai. |
English Equivalent | “My family is my strength and my weakness.” ~Aishwarya Rai Bachchan |
Although this quote is from the former Miss World and current actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, I imagine that we can all relate. She meant that her love for her family is so strong and unconditional that it has come to be her greatest power, as well as her greatest weakness. |
Quotes About Philosophy
If you relish in the marvels of philosophy, you’re going to love the following Hindi quotes with deep meaning and practical application to life!
17. चिंता चिता समान है।
Romanization ciNTaa ciTaa SamaaN hai. English Equivalent “Worry is akin to death.” This is an old Indian saying, attributed to no one in particular. However, some people believe it was said by an ancient Indian sage named Kabeer Das.
The saying emphasizes that worrying about something immobilizes you. It stops you from taking any action that could alleviate or eliminate the reason behind the problem. This will likely intensify the problem, causing you to worry more. In turn, this will leave you stuck in a downward spiral that feeds on itself and eventually becomes a death loop. So, worry is compared to “death” here.
18. हर चमकती हुई चीज़ सोना नहीं होती।
Romanization har camakaTii huii ciiz SoNaa Nahiin hoTii. English Equivalent “Not everything that glitters is gold.” This is a simple quote that’s often used in conversations to convey that just because something looks good, doesn’t mean it’s worthwhile. Often, what attracts us in the beginning turns out to be fake or disappointing when we scratch the surface.
19. मूर्ख दूसरों पर हँसते हैं, बुद्धिमान ख़ुद पर।
Romanization muurkh DuuSron par hanSaTe hain, buDDHimaan khuD par. English Equivalent “Fools laugh at others, the wise ones laugh at themselves.” ~Osho Usually, one mocks other people to aggrandize their ego. Osho, the controversial Indian mystic, saw this self-aggrandizement as nothing less than foolishness. A wise man wears his wisdom very lightly, as he is not ego-centric and thus has the courage to laugh at himself and improve. This makes him even wiser.
20. जब जागो तब सवेरा।
Romanization jab jaago Tab Saveraa. English Equivalent “It’s never too late.” / Literally: “When awake, then dawn.” Let’s compare this quote with a Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.”
The Hindi version uses “waking up” and “dawn” as metaphors for realizing a mistake and taking remedial actions. “Dawn,” it says, is whenever you “wake up.”

21. ख़ाली बर्तन ज़्यादा शोर करते हैं।
Romanization khaaLii barTaN zyaaDaa sor karaTe hain. English Equivalent “Empty vessels make more noise.” A person who lacks skills, talent, self-esteem, and/or confidence usually tries to fill this gap by talking very highly of himself just to feel good. Talk about an inferiority complex.
This corresponds to the way an empty vessel makes more sound than one that’s full. A truly knowledgeable person is full of self-esteem, and hence, remains humble. His/her sense of appreciation comes from within.
22. जो जैसा बोता है, वैसा ही काटता है।
Romanization jo jaiSaa boTaa hai, vaiSaa hii kaataTaa hai. English Equivalent “As you sow, so shall you reap.” When you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other. We cannot separate actions from results. This saying describes how our actions, thoughts, and words boomerang back around to us. If we do good, good echoes back to us; the same holds true for doing bad.
As noted author Stephen Covey said: “You can decide to stand in front of a fast moving train but you can’t decide what happens when the train hits you. That is governed by universal laws.”
23. दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार ना करें, जो आपको अपने लिए पसंद नहीं।
Romanization DuuSron ke SaaTH aiSaa vyavahaar Naa karen, jo aapako apaNe Liye paSaND Nahiin. English Equivalent “Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like for yourself.” ~Shantikunj, Haridwar A very straightforward and literal quote. No metaphors or similes here. If you don’t like people treating you a certain way, it would be unfair of you to treat them that way. This saying comes from Shantikunj, a spiritual and social organization founded by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya.
Quotes About Food
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down for a nice meal now and then? Our Hindi quotes collection wouldn’t be complete without a few sayings related to food!
24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है।
Romanization bhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai. English Equivalent “There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing.

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।
Romanization bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. English Equivalent “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first.
Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
17. चिंता चिता समान है। |
Romanization | ciNTaa ciTaa SamaaN hai. |
English Equivalent | “Worry is akin to death.” |
This is an old Indian saying, attributed to no one in particular. However, some people believe it was said by an ancient Indian sage named Kabeer Das. The saying emphasizes that worrying about something immobilizes you. It stops you from taking any action that could alleviate or eliminate the reason behind the problem. This will likely intensify the problem, causing you to worry more. In turn, this will leave you stuck in a downward spiral that feeds on itself and eventually becomes a death loop. So, worry is compared to “death” here. |
18. हर चमकती हुई चीज़ सोना नहीं होती।
Romanization har camakaTii huii ciiz SoNaa Nahiin hoTii. English Equivalent “Not everything that glitters is gold.” This is a simple quote that’s often used in conversations to convey that just because something looks good, doesn’t mean it’s worthwhile. Often, what attracts us in the beginning turns out to be fake or disappointing when we scratch the surface.
19. मूर्ख दूसरों पर हँसते हैं, बुद्धिमान ख़ुद पर।
Romanization muurkh DuuSron par hanSaTe hain, buDDHimaan khuD par. English Equivalent “Fools laugh at others, the wise ones laugh at themselves.” ~Osho Usually, one mocks other people to aggrandize their ego. Osho, the controversial Indian mystic, saw this self-aggrandizement as nothing less than foolishness. A wise man wears his wisdom very lightly, as he is not ego-centric and thus has the courage to laugh at himself and improve. This makes him even wiser.
20. जब जागो तब सवेरा।
Romanization jab jaago Tab Saveraa. English Equivalent “It’s never too late.” / Literally: “When awake, then dawn.” Let’s compare this quote with a Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.”
The Hindi version uses “waking up” and “dawn” as metaphors for realizing a mistake and taking remedial actions. “Dawn,” it says, is whenever you “wake up.”

21. ख़ाली बर्तन ज़्यादा शोर करते हैं।
Romanization khaaLii barTaN zyaaDaa sor karaTe hain. English Equivalent “Empty vessels make more noise.” A person who lacks skills, talent, self-esteem, and/or confidence usually tries to fill this gap by talking very highly of himself just to feel good. Talk about an inferiority complex.
This corresponds to the way an empty vessel makes more sound than one that’s full. A truly knowledgeable person is full of self-esteem, and hence, remains humble. His/her sense of appreciation comes from within.
22. जो जैसा बोता है, वैसा ही काटता है।
Romanization jo jaiSaa boTaa hai, vaiSaa hii kaataTaa hai. English Equivalent “As you sow, so shall you reap.” When you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other. We cannot separate actions from results. This saying describes how our actions, thoughts, and words boomerang back around to us. If we do good, good echoes back to us; the same holds true for doing bad.
As noted author Stephen Covey said: “You can decide to stand in front of a fast moving train but you can’t decide what happens when the train hits you. That is governed by universal laws.”
23. दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार ना करें, जो आपको अपने लिए पसंद नहीं।
Romanization DuuSron ke SaaTH aiSaa vyavahaar Naa karen, jo aapako apaNe Liye paSaND Nahiin. English Equivalent “Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like for yourself.” ~Shantikunj, Haridwar A very straightforward and literal quote. No metaphors or similes here. If you don’t like people treating you a certain way, it would be unfair of you to treat them that way. This saying comes from Shantikunj, a spiritual and social organization founded by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya.
Quotes About Food
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down for a nice meal now and then? Our Hindi quotes collection wouldn’t be complete without a few sayings related to food!
24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है।
Romanization bhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai. English Equivalent “There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing.

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।
Romanization bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. English Equivalent “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first.
Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
18. हर चमकती हुई चीज़ सोना नहीं होती। |
Romanization | har camakaTii huii ciiz SoNaa Nahiin hoTii. |
English Equivalent | “Not everything that glitters is gold.” |
This is a simple quote that’s often used in conversations to convey that just because something looks good, doesn’t mean it’s worthwhile. Often, what attracts us in the beginning turns out to be fake or disappointing when we scratch the surface. |
19. मूर्ख दूसरों पर हँसते हैं, बुद्धिमान ख़ुद पर।
Romanization muurkh DuuSron par hanSaTe hain, buDDHimaan khuD par. English Equivalent “Fools laugh at others, the wise ones laugh at themselves.” ~Osho Usually, one mocks other people to aggrandize their ego. Osho, the controversial Indian mystic, saw this self-aggrandizement as nothing less than foolishness. A wise man wears his wisdom very lightly, as he is not ego-centric and thus has the courage to laugh at himself and improve. This makes him even wiser.
20. जब जागो तब सवेरा।
Romanization jab jaago Tab Saveraa. English Equivalent “It’s never too late.” / Literally: “When awake, then dawn.” Let’s compare this quote with a Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.”
The Hindi version uses “waking up” and “dawn” as metaphors for realizing a mistake and taking remedial actions. “Dawn,” it says, is whenever you “wake up.”

21. ख़ाली बर्तन ज़्यादा शोर करते हैं।
Romanization khaaLii barTaN zyaaDaa sor karaTe hain. English Equivalent “Empty vessels make more noise.” A person who lacks skills, talent, self-esteem, and/or confidence usually tries to fill this gap by talking very highly of himself just to feel good. Talk about an inferiority complex.
This corresponds to the way an empty vessel makes more sound than one that’s full. A truly knowledgeable person is full of self-esteem, and hence, remains humble. His/her sense of appreciation comes from within.
22. जो जैसा बोता है, वैसा ही काटता है।
Romanization jo jaiSaa boTaa hai, vaiSaa hii kaataTaa hai. English Equivalent “As you sow, so shall you reap.” When you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other. We cannot separate actions from results. This saying describes how our actions, thoughts, and words boomerang back around to us. If we do good, good echoes back to us; the same holds true for doing bad.
As noted author Stephen Covey said: “You can decide to stand in front of a fast moving train but you can’t decide what happens when the train hits you. That is governed by universal laws.”
23. दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार ना करें, जो आपको अपने लिए पसंद नहीं।
Romanization DuuSron ke SaaTH aiSaa vyavahaar Naa karen, jo aapako apaNe Liye paSaND Nahiin. English Equivalent “Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like for yourself.” ~Shantikunj, Haridwar A very straightforward and literal quote. No metaphors or similes here. If you don’t like people treating you a certain way, it would be unfair of you to treat them that way. This saying comes from Shantikunj, a spiritual and social organization founded by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya.
Quotes About Food
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down for a nice meal now and then? Our Hindi quotes collection wouldn’t be complete without a few sayings related to food!
24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है।
Romanization bhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai. English Equivalent “There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing.

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।
Romanization bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. English Equivalent “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first.
Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
19. मूर्ख दूसरों पर हँसते हैं, बुद्धिमान ख़ुद पर। |
Romanization | muurkh DuuSron par hanSaTe hain, buDDHimaan khuD par. |
English Equivalent | “Fools laugh at others, the wise ones laugh at themselves.” ~Osho |
Usually, one mocks other people to aggrandize their ego. Osho, the controversial Indian mystic, saw this self-aggrandizement as nothing less than foolishness. A wise man wears his wisdom very lightly, as he is not ego-centric and thus has the courage to laugh at himself and improve. This makes him even wiser. |
20. जब जागो तब सवेरा।
Romanization jab jaago Tab Saveraa. English Equivalent “It’s never too late.” / Literally: “When awake, then dawn.” Let’s compare this quote with a Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.”
The Hindi version uses “waking up” and “dawn” as metaphors for realizing a mistake and taking remedial actions. “Dawn,” it says, is whenever you “wake up.”

21. ख़ाली बर्तन ज़्यादा शोर करते हैं।
Romanization khaaLii barTaN zyaaDaa sor karaTe hain. English Equivalent “Empty vessels make more noise.” A person who lacks skills, talent, self-esteem, and/or confidence usually tries to fill this gap by talking very highly of himself just to feel good. Talk about an inferiority complex.
This corresponds to the way an empty vessel makes more sound than one that’s full. A truly knowledgeable person is full of self-esteem, and hence, remains humble. His/her sense of appreciation comes from within.
22. जो जैसा बोता है, वैसा ही काटता है।
Romanization jo jaiSaa boTaa hai, vaiSaa hii kaataTaa hai. English Equivalent “As you sow, so shall you reap.” When you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other. We cannot separate actions from results. This saying describes how our actions, thoughts, and words boomerang back around to us. If we do good, good echoes back to us; the same holds true for doing bad.
As noted author Stephen Covey said: “You can decide to stand in front of a fast moving train but you can’t decide what happens when the train hits you. That is governed by universal laws.”
23. दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार ना करें, जो आपको अपने लिए पसंद नहीं।
Romanization DuuSron ke SaaTH aiSaa vyavahaar Naa karen, jo aapako apaNe Liye paSaND Nahiin. English Equivalent “Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like for yourself.” ~Shantikunj, Haridwar A very straightforward and literal quote. No metaphors or similes here. If you don’t like people treating you a certain way, it would be unfair of you to treat them that way. This saying comes from Shantikunj, a spiritual and social organization founded by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya.
Quotes About Food
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down for a nice meal now and then? Our Hindi quotes collection wouldn’t be complete without a few sayings related to food!
24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है।
Romanization bhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai. English Equivalent “There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing.

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।
Romanization bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. English Equivalent “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first.
Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
20. जब जागो तब सवेरा। |
Romanization | jab jaago Tab Saveraa. |
English Equivalent | “It’s never too late.” / Literally: “When awake, then dawn.” |
Let’s compare this quote with a Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.” The Hindi version uses “waking up” and “dawn” as metaphors for realizing a mistake and taking remedial actions. “Dawn,” it says, is whenever you “wake up.” |

21. ख़ाली बर्तन ज़्यादा शोर करते हैं।
Romanization khaaLii barTaN zyaaDaa sor karaTe hain. English Equivalent “Empty vessels make more noise.” A person who lacks skills, talent, self-esteem, and/or confidence usually tries to fill this gap by talking very highly of himself just to feel good. Talk about an inferiority complex.
This corresponds to the way an empty vessel makes more sound than one that’s full. A truly knowledgeable person is full of self-esteem, and hence, remains humble. His/her sense of appreciation comes from within.
22. जो जैसा बोता है, वैसा ही काटता है।
Romanization jo jaiSaa boTaa hai, vaiSaa hii kaataTaa hai. English Equivalent “As you sow, so shall you reap.” When you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other. We cannot separate actions from results. This saying describes how our actions, thoughts, and words boomerang back around to us. If we do good, good echoes back to us; the same holds true for doing bad.
As noted author Stephen Covey said: “You can decide to stand in front of a fast moving train but you can’t decide what happens when the train hits you. That is governed by universal laws.”
23. दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार ना करें, जो आपको अपने लिए पसंद नहीं।
Romanization DuuSron ke SaaTH aiSaa vyavahaar Naa karen, jo aapako apaNe Liye paSaND Nahiin. English Equivalent “Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like for yourself.” ~Shantikunj, Haridwar A very straightforward and literal quote. No metaphors or similes here. If you don’t like people treating you a certain way, it would be unfair of you to treat them that way. This saying comes from Shantikunj, a spiritual and social organization founded by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya.
Quotes About Food
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down for a nice meal now and then? Our Hindi quotes collection wouldn’t be complete without a few sayings related to food!
24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है।
Romanization bhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai. English Equivalent “There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing.

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।
Romanization bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. English Equivalent “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first.
Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
21. ख़ाली बर्तन ज़्यादा शोर करते हैं। |
Romanization | khaaLii barTaN zyaaDaa sor karaTe hain. |
English Equivalent | “Empty vessels make more noise.” |
A person who lacks skills, talent, self-esteem, and/or confidence usually tries to fill this gap by talking very highly of himself just to feel good. Talk about an inferiority complex. This corresponds to the way an empty vessel makes more sound than one that’s full. A truly knowledgeable person is full of self-esteem, and hence, remains humble. His/her sense of appreciation comes from within. |
22. जो जैसा बोता है, वैसा ही काटता है।
Romanization jo jaiSaa boTaa hai, vaiSaa hii kaataTaa hai. English Equivalent “As you sow, so shall you reap.” When you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other. We cannot separate actions from results. This saying describes how our actions, thoughts, and words boomerang back around to us. If we do good, good echoes back to us; the same holds true for doing bad.
As noted author Stephen Covey said: “You can decide to stand in front of a fast moving train but you can’t decide what happens when the train hits you. That is governed by universal laws.”
23. दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार ना करें, जो आपको अपने लिए पसंद नहीं।
Romanization DuuSron ke SaaTH aiSaa vyavahaar Naa karen, jo aapako apaNe Liye paSaND Nahiin. English Equivalent “Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like for yourself.” ~Shantikunj, Haridwar A very straightforward and literal quote. No metaphors or similes here. If you don’t like people treating you a certain way, it would be unfair of you to treat them that way. This saying comes from Shantikunj, a spiritual and social organization founded by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya.
Quotes About Food
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down for a nice meal now and then? Our Hindi quotes collection wouldn’t be complete without a few sayings related to food!
24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है।
Romanization bhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai. English Equivalent “There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing.

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।
Romanization bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. English Equivalent “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first.
Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
22. जो जैसा बोता है, वैसा ही काटता है। |
Romanization | jo jaiSaa boTaa hai, vaiSaa hii kaataTaa hai. |
English Equivalent | “As you sow, so shall you reap.” |
When you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other. We cannot separate actions from results. This saying describes how our actions, thoughts, and words boomerang back around to us. If we do good, good echoes back to us; the same holds true for doing bad. As noted author Stephen Covey said: “You can decide to stand in front of a fast moving train but you can’t decide what happens when the train hits you. That is governed by universal laws.” |
23. दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार ना करें, जो आपको अपने लिए पसंद नहीं।
Romanization DuuSron ke SaaTH aiSaa vyavahaar Naa karen, jo aapako apaNe Liye paSaND Nahiin. English Equivalent “Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like for yourself.” ~Shantikunj, Haridwar A very straightforward and literal quote. No metaphors or similes here. If you don’t like people treating you a certain way, it would be unfair of you to treat them that way. This saying comes from Shantikunj, a spiritual and social organization founded by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya.
Quotes About Food
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down for a nice meal now and then? Our Hindi quotes collection wouldn’t be complete without a few sayings related to food!
24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है।
Romanization bhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai. English Equivalent “There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing.

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।
Romanization bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. English Equivalent “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first.
Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
23. दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार ना करें, जो आपको अपने लिए पसंद नहीं। |
Romanization | DuuSron ke SaaTH aiSaa vyavahaar Naa karen, jo aapako apaNe Liye paSaND Nahiin. |
English Equivalent | “Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like for yourself.” ~Shantikunj, Haridwar |
A very straightforward and literal quote. No metaphors or similes here. If you don’t like people treating you a certain way, it would be unfair of you to treat them that way. This saying comes from Shantikunj, a spiritual and social organization founded by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya. |
Quotes About Food
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down for a nice meal now and then? Our Hindi quotes collection wouldn’t be complete without a few sayings related to food!
24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है।
Romanization bhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai. English Equivalent “There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing.

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।
Romanization bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. English Equivalent “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first.
Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है। |
Romanization | bhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai. |
English Equivalent | “There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee |
Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing. |

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।
Romanization bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. English Equivalent “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first.
Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला। |
Romanization | bhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa. |
English Equivalent | “One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.” |
Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first. Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else). |
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।
Romanization jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. English Equivalent “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet.
In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये। |
Romanization | jaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye. |
English Equivalent | “A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas |
In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet. In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy. |
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।
Romanization jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. English Equivalent “You are what you eat.” Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward. → Here are the Top 10 Foods That Will Make You Live Longer.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन। |
Romanization | jaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN. |
English Equivalent | “You are what you eat.” |
Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward.
Quotes About Language Learning
You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.
India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।
Romanization raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. English Equivalent “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.
Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है। |
Romanization | raastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai. |
English Equivalent | “A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi |
Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity. Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts. |

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।
Romanization hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. English Equivalent “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.
Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है। |
Romanization | hamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai. |
English Equivalent | “Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan |
Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world. Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world. |
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।
Romanization hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. English Equivalent “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂
30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है। |
Romanization | hinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai. |
English Equivalent | “Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi |
Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people. |

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com
Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?
If you enjoyed this article, we do hope to see you around. At HindiPod101.com, you can learn Hindi from scratch or pick up where you left off to improve your skills!
Don’t know how to get started? Visit our help center and learn about us.
If you find yourself confused about anything while going through our lessons, we encourage you to use our free Grammar Bank and online dictionary. You can also explore our free vocabulary lists to quickly pick up words in a variety of categories.
Have a happy learning time and remember that you can reach out anytime. We’d be happy to help you! 🙂