30+ Ways to Say “I Love You,” in Hindi


Expressing your love or romantic feelings for someone is a delicate matter. You want to make sure you’re using the right words at the right time, because even the most romantic phrases can fall flat if used carelessly or in the wrong context. This can be hard enough to do in your own language, let alone in a foreign language like Hindi!

In this article, we’ll provide you with several words and phrases you can use to say “I love you,” in Hindi. You’ll soon be prepared for all of your future romantic endeavors in India and beyond.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Why Study Love Phrases in Hindi?
  2. Must-know Cultural Tips
  3. Pick-Up Lines to Confess Your Affection
  4. Fall in Deeper: “I Love You,” and More
  5. Hear the Wedding Bells?
  6. Endearment Terms
  7. Must-know Love Quotes
  8. Find Your Path with HindiPod101.com

1. Why Study Love Phrases in Hindi?

Being in love with someone from a different country/culture is such a phenomenal experience. If you’re attracted to someone who happens to be a native Hindi speaker, confessing your feelings or asking them out in Hindi may sweep him or her off their feet and melt their heart! After all, what could be more romantic than learning the mother tongue of one’s beloved? 

In addition, you’ll find that the concept of love plays a significant role in the Hindi language. There are numerous words for “love” in Hindi, with the most common ones being: 

  • प्यार (pyaar)
  • इश्क़ (isq)
  • मोहब्बत (mohabbaT)
  • प्रेम (prem)

And there’s more where those came from!

Someone Hiding a Bouquet of Red Roses behind Their Back

Confessing your love in Hindi

2. Must-know Cultural Tips

Human beings have come a long way to be where we are today. And yet, it’s worth remembering that cultures are a bit slow to change. For instance, while Indian culture has grown much more forward over the last two decades, there are still a few things that have remained unchanged.

Women are still a bit shy when it comes to expressing affection or responding to romantic gestures. It’s generally expected for men to take the first step in this regard, whether it be asking a woman on a date, proposing marriage, or saying “I love you.”

Also take note that kissing or hugging in public is strictly off-limits in India. Ideally, couples should limit their public displays of affection to holding hands or placing their hand on the other’s shoulder. For more details, check out our blog post on the basic do’s and don’ts in India.

When given compliments, Indians often smile and blush; this is simply a nonverbal way of happily responding to the compliment. Some may even reply with a confident “thank you” and offer a big, broad smile.

Now that you have a fair idea of the Indian culture and customs surrounding romance, let’s jump to the section that you’ve long been waiting for: our list of the most common love words and phrases in Hindi! 

3. Pick-Up Lines to Confess Your Affection

Friendship is the foundation of every solid relationship. If you play your cards right, that relationship can slowly evolve into a romantic one.

We all go through the initial phase of liking someone and feeling attracted toward them, but it can be so hard to figure out the right words to express our interest. The good news is that, with these subtle love expressions in Hindi, confessing your love to a native speaker will be a piece of cake for you. 🙂

A Man and a Woman on a Romantic Date with Food and Wine at a Nice Restaurant

Hindi phrases to make your date unforgettable

Call it old-fashioned, but in Indian culture, the basic Hindi love phrases explained below are typically used by men rather than women. But of course, we all know that exceptions are everywhere! 

1 – आप बहुत सुंदर हैं।
(aap bahuT SuNDar hain.)
“You are so beautiful.”
This meaningful yet subtle phrase never goes out of style and it always works like a charm. It would be most appropriate to use this phrase when meeting your crush at a party or another special occasion. Be careful to use the phrase only when you know that the other person likes you, too. Otherwise, you might freak them out!

2 – तुम बहुत प्यारी हो।
(Tum bahuT pyaarii ho.)
“You are so cute.”
This one’s a magic phrase, offering a healthy dose of general friendliness combined with a romantic tone. Full of care and love, the innocence contained within the phrase speaks for itself. If you really mean it, then say it to the person you like and watch the magic happen.

3 – क्या आप मेरे साथ बाहर / रात के खाने पर चलेंगी?
(kyaa aap mere SaaTH baahar / raaT ke khaaNe par caLengi?)
“Would you like to go out/have dinner with me?”
A simple, safe way to ask someone for a date. Use the word बाहर (baahar) if you would just like to ask the woman to go out with you. To specifically ask her out for dinner, use the phrase रात के खाने पर (raaT ke khaaNe par), or more simply, डिनर पर (diNar par).

4 – क्या तुम मेरी वैलेंटाइन बनोगी?
(kyaa Tum merii vaLeNtaaiN baNogii?)
“Would you be my valentine?”
Lovers long the whole year for Valentine’s Day, and Indians are no exception. But why hold back your feelings all year, when you already know how to ask someone to be your valentine?

5 – आप मुझे बहुत अच्छी लगती / अच्छे लगते हैं।
(aap mujhe bahuT acchii LagaTii / acche LagaTe hain.)
“I like you a lot.”
Oh, this one’s a favorite of many. It’s a popular phrase that lets you enjoy the healthy space of friendship while simultaneously laying the foundation for a romantic relationship.

A Guy Crouching in a Field with a Heart-shaped Cushion above His Head

When love’s in the air

6 – मुझे आपके साथ बातें करना पसंद है।
(mujhe aapake SaaTH baaTen karaNaa paSanD hai.)
“I love talking to you.”
A heart-stealer that could change the whole game in one go.

7 – आपके साथ समय कैसे बीत जाता है, पता ही नहीं चलता।
(aapake SaaTH Samay kaiSe biiT jaaTaa hai, paTaa hii Nahiin caLaTaa.)
“When I am with you, time flies away so fast.”
This is a killer line for communicating how much you like the other person. Plus, it’s a great compliment that everybody loves to hear!

8 – तुम मुझे बेहद पसंद हो।
(Tum mujhe behaD paSanD ho.)
“I like you a lot.”
Here’s a simple, decent, and stylish way to say that you have more than just friendly feelings for her.

4. Fall in Deeper: “I Love You,” and More

Once the attraction is mutual, stop beating around the bush and tell her how you really feel. But how do you say “I love you,” in Hindi? There are plenty of ways to do that. Pick your favorite!

9 – मैं तुमसे प्यार करता/करती हूँ।
(main TumaSe pyaar karaTaa/ karaTii huun.)
“I love you.”
This is the most direct phrase here, so use this line only when you’re sure that the romantic feelings are mutual.

10 – मैं तुम्हें अपना बनाना चाहता हूँ।
(main Tumhen apaNaa baNaaNaa caahaTaa huun.)
“I want to make you mine.” / “I want you to be mine.”
Contrary to how intense it sounds in English, the Hindi phrase is quite gentle and romantic (given that both people are in love with each other).

A Guy Whispering in a Girl’s Ear while They Sit in a Field

How to say “I love you,” in Hindi

11 – मैं हर वक़्त बस तुम्हारे बारे में सोचता रहता/सोचती रहती हूँ।
(main har vaqT baS Tumhaare baare men SocaTaa rahaTaa/SocaTii rahaTii huun.)
“I keep thinking about you all the time.”
Such a sweet phrase to let your beloved know how you feel when being far from each other.

12 – मुझे तुम्हारी बहुत याद आती है।
(mujhe Tumhaarii bahaT yaaD aaTii hai.)
“I miss you a lot.”
Another delicate way to express your emotions.

13 – मैं तुम्हें मिस करता/करती हूँ।
(main Tumhen miS karaTaa/ karaTii huun.)
“I miss you.”

14 – तुम मेरी ज़िंदगी हो।
(Tum merii ziNDagii ho.)
“You are my life.”
Nothing needs to be said after this line. A phrase so full of love in itself, we can understand why it’s so popular among couples.

15 – मैं तुम्हारे बिना नहीं रह सकता / सकती।
(main Tumhaare biNaa Nahiin rah SakaTaa / SakaTii.)
“I can’t live without you.”
It’s no secret how desperate lovers can be at times, and this phrase expresses that feeling perfectly.

5. Hear the Wedding Bells?

The concept of marriage might scare the heck out of many people, but when two people are truly in love with each other, getting married sounds to them like the most beautiful thing in the world. Let’s throw a glance at a few of the most common Hindi love phrases you could use if marriage is on your mind.

16 – मैं तुमसे शादी करना चाहता हूँ।
(main TumaSe saaDii karaNaa caahaTaa huun.)
“I want to marry you.”

17 – क्या तुम मुझसे शादी करोगी?
(kyaa Tum mujhaSe saaDii karogii?)
“Will you marry me?”

18 – मैं चाहती हूँ कि तुम मेरे माता-पिता से मिलो।
(main caahaTii huun ki Tum mere maaTaa-piTaa Se miLo.)
“I want you to meet my parents.”
This phrase is typically used by the female partner in order to invite their boyfriend/lover to meet their parents.

A Wedding Band

Moving a step ahead in your love life

19 – मैं तुम्हें अपने माता-पिता से मिलवाना चाहता हूँ।
(main Tumhen apaNe maaTaa-piTaa Se miLavaaNaa caahaTaa huun.)
“I want to introduce you to my parents.”
This one is more often used by males when they wish to introduce their girlfriend to their parents. It goes without saying that this phrase means taking your relationship to a serious level, where the whole family is going to be involved.

20 – क्या तुम हमेशा के लिए मेरी होना चाहोगी?
(kyaa Tum hamesaa ke Liye merii hoNaa caahogii?)
“Would you be mine forever?”

21 – मैं तुम्हारे साथ अपना घर बसाना चाहता हूँ।
(main Tumhaare SaaTH apaNaa ghar baSaaNaa caahaTaa huun.)
“I want to have a family with you.”
Another sweet and gentle way to steal her heart and ask for marriage.

22 – हमारे घर एक नन्हा मेहमान / नन्हीं परी आने वाली है।
(hamaare ghar ek NaNhaa mehamaaN / NaNhiin parii aaNe vaaLii hai.)
“We are going to have a baby.”
This one’s a popular phrase that couples use to share the pregnancy news with each other or with others. 

23 – मैं माँ बनने वाली हूँ।
(main maan baNaNe vaaLii huun.)
“I am pregnant.”
Women say this phrase in order to share the good news with their partner.

6. Endearment Terms

All around the world, spouses and partners use sweet diminutives and nicknames to refer to each other. There are quite a few pet names that are popular among Indian couples, and the best thing is that these “names” can be used by and for both male and female partners. Let’s find out what these endearment terms are!

A Concerned Man Talking on the Phone while Outside

Missing your beloved

24 – जानू
“My life”

25 – बेबी
“Babe” / “Baby”

26 – हनी

27 – सुनिए
An interesting term of endearment to call your spouse, this one is especially used by wives when they’re addressing their husband. In Indian culture, it’s still prevalent for the wife to not call her husband by his first name. In fact, in some regions, the husbands too don’t utter their wife’s name until it is really necessary.

In such cases, a simple सुनिए (SuNiye) does the job, particularly when the parents and in-laws are around.

7. Must-know Love Quotes

You now know several Hindi love phrases and other sweet nothings you can whisper in your lover’s ear. But let’s take it up a notch with some of the most romantic Hindi love quotes! There are so many of them out there, so we’ve handpicked only the most noteworthy ones for you. Have a look.

28 – इश्क़ और मुश्क़ छुपाये नहीं छुपते।
(isq aur musq chupaaye Nahiin chupaTe.)
“Love and fragrance cannot be hidden.”
No matter how much effort you put into keeping your love affair a secret, friends are the creatures who can pick up the scent of your deepest emotions. They may often tease you with this age-old quote.

29 – इश्क़ पर ज़ोर नहीं, है ये वो आतिश ग़ालिब, जो लगाए न लगे और बुझाये न बने।
(isq par zor Nahiin, hai ye vo aaTis ghaaLib, jo Lagaaye Na Lage aur bujhaaye Na baNe.)
“Love is a fire beyond our control; neither can it be ignited, nor can it be doused.”
This quote is from the unparalleled Mirza Ghalib, a poet whose creations still move hopeless lovers to this day. It means that one can neither force love, nor kill it.

30 – प्यार के बिना ज़िंदगी अधूरी है।
(pyaar ke biNaa ziNdagii aDHuurii hai.)
“Life without love is incomplete.”
An effortless quote that says it all without much ado.

31 – इश्क़ का कोई मज़हब नहीं होता।
(isq kaa koii mazahab Nahiin hoTaa.)
“Love knows no religion.”
Religion is supposed to bring harmony and unite us, but many times, the opposite happens. And when two people from different religions fall in love, such stories have always made history. The quote gives us a strong message conveying that there is no greater religion than that of love.

32 – पोथी पढ़ि पढ़ि जग मुवा, पंडित हुआ न कोय, ढाई आखर प्रेम का, पढ़े सो पंडित होय।
(poTHii padhi padhi jag muvaa, pandiT huaa Na koye, dhaaii aakhar prem kaa, padhe So pandiT hoye.)
“Bookish knowledge is worthless; fall in love and you’ll know everything.”
A deep quote by Saint Kabir, which is still popular in modern times.

33 – खुसरो दरिया प्रेम का सो उल्टी वाकी धार! जो उबरा सो डूब गया, जो डूबा वो पार!!
(khuSaro Dariyaa prem kaa, So uLtii vaakii DHaar! jo ubaraa So duub gayaa, jo duubaa vo paar.)
“The river of love follows a totally different direction. The one who stays afloat drowns, and the one who is immersed completely to the point of drowning crosses the river.”

8. Find Your Path with HindiPod101.com

Today, you learned some of the best Hindi phrases for lovers as well as some sweet endearment terms and love quotes. Start practicing them right away, and you’ll be prepared to woo the love of your life in their native language before you know it! 

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A Book Open to the Middle, with Two Pages Folded to Make a Heart Shape

Learning the language of love in Hindi

Before you go, why not practice some of the romantic Hindi phrases with us? Write your favorite pick-up line in Hindi for us in the comments section! If there are any words, terms, or concepts you’re struggling with, feel free to reach out with any questions, as well. We look forward to hearing from you!

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