How to Start a Conversation in Hindi: A Beginner’s Guide


It’s natural for the non-natives to often feel perplexed and wonder how to start a conversation in Hindi! Believe us, there’s no rocket science involved! 

To improve your Hindi, all you need is the right words at the right time and a pinch of confidence. And the key to this is lots and lots of Hindi conversation practice. That’s where we come in. 🙂

There’s something really classy and charming about being able to start an interesting talk with someone. If you too love to break the ice, this Hindi conversation starters lesson is just the right thing for you!

Two Women Chatting with Coffee Beverages

Popular ice-breaking phrases

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Reasons to Work on the Hindi Conversation Starters
  2. Conversation Starters for Mingling and Socializing
  3. Conversation Starters for First Day at a New Place
  4. Conversation Starters for a First Date
  5. Conversation Starters to Reconnect with a Friend through Text or Email
  6. Learn Hindi Anywhere, Anytime with HindiPod101

1. Reasons to Work on the Hindi Conversation Starters

Imagine being at an Indian business party or meeting the Hindi-speaking family members of your beloved for the first time. You don’t want to mess that up. In fact, that handful of Hindi phrases goes a long way. They not only help you impress the native folks, but also connect with them on a different level.

Do you have a crush on someone and wish to flatter them with your smooth Hindi phrases? These basic Hindi words act as effective conversation starters and will definitely sweep them off their feet! On a serious note, knowledge of common Hindi phrases may come in handy if you are in an emergency or any other challenging situation.

When you’re in a foreign country, surrounded by people from a totally different culture, it becomes all the more important to work on your communication. One may often find himself/ herself in a situation where introducing yourself shouldn’t be taken lightly. Remember, your first impression may not be the last one but isn’t lesser in any way. 

2. Conversation Starters for Mingling and Socializing 

Parties and social gatherings are much more than just fun. These events are a great way to strengthen your professional network, socialize with new people, make friends with common interests and likings, and even sell yourself better in the business world. When used efficiently, you can change those moments into wonderful opportunities.

Two People Chatting and Laughing at a Party

Meeting new people and making the best of it

Before proceeding, we’d suggest you check out our comprehensive guide on how to introduce yourself! In this section, you’d be looking at a broader variety of Hindi conversation starter phrases. Please, note that when we meet someone for the first time or in a formal way, the best Hindi pronoun to use is आप (aap) = “you”. This is regardless of age and gender. It shows respect while maintaining the limits of formality.

Now, let’s begin with our first set of sentences.

1- “How did you meet/know x?”

  • आप x  को कैसे जानते हैं? (aap x ko kaiSe jaaNaTe hain?) [To a male]

  • आप x  को कैसे जानती हैं? (aap x ko kaiSe jaaNaTii hain?) [To a female]

After you begin with the usual Indian Hello, this would be the most appropriate phrase to continue the conversation. Here x may be a host or any common friend/ person.

2- “What do you do for a living?”

  • आप क्या काम करते हैं? (aap kyaa kaam karaTe hain?) [To a male]

  • आप क्या काम करती हैं? (aap kyaa kaam karaTii hain?) [To a female]

You can also simply say it as:

  • आप क्या करते हैं? (aap kyaa karaTe hain?) [To a male]

  • आप क्या करती हैं? (aap kyaa karaTii hain?) [To a female]

3- “What is it that you are eating/ drinking? That looks good.”

  • आप क्या खा रहे हैं? ये काफ़ी स्वादिष्ट दिख रहा है। (aap kyaa khaa rahe hain? ye kaafii SvaaDist Dikh rahaa hai.) [To a male]

  • आप क्या खा रही हैं? ये काफ़ी स्वादिष्ट दिख रहा है। (aap kyaa khaa rahii hain? ye kaafii SvaaDist Dikh rahaa hai.) [To a female]

[Quick Note: Of course, it’s better to use this phrase when you’ve already talked to the person for a while, and it seems appropriate to ask this question.]

4- “I’m going to get some food. Do you need anything?”

  • मैं खाना लेना जा रहा हूँ, आपको कुछ चाहिए? (main khaaNaa LeNe jaa rahaa huun, aapako kuch caahiye?) [Male speaker]

  • मैं खाना लेना जा रही हूँ, आपको कुछ चाहिए? (main khaaNaa LeNe jaa rahii huun, aapako kuch caahiye?) [Female speaker]

[Quick Note: Of course, it’s better to use this phrase when you’ve already talked to the person for a while, and it seems appropriate to ask this question.]

The Indian Dessert Sweet Rice Porridge

Would you like some dessert?

5- “Are you a vegetarian?”

  • क्या आप शाकाहारी हैं? (kyaa aap saakaahaarii hain?)

[Quick Note: This can be asked before eating, most probably while serving the food. In India, non-vegetarian dishes are hugely popular, but still, a majority of people are pure vegetarians. So, asking this to someone makes complete sense here.]

6- “Would you like to have something sweet?”

  • आप कुछ मीठा लेना चाहेंगे? (aap kuch miithaa LeNaa caahenge?) [To a male]

  • आप कुछ मीठा लेना चाहेंगी? (aap kuch miithaa LeNaa caahengii?) [To a female]

[Quick Note: Indians are known to be sweet-tooth. Just like in most cultures, Indians too love to finish off their meals with a sumptuous dessert at the end.]

7- “How long did it take for you to get here?”

  • आपको यहाँ आने में कितना समय लगा? (aapako yahaan aaNe men kiTaNaa Samay Lagaa?)

8- “Is someone else here with you?”/ “Have you got company?”

  • क्या आपके साथ कोई और भी आया है? (kyaa aapake SaaTH koii aur bhii aayaa hai?)

  • क्या आप किसी के साथ आये हैं? (kyaa aap kiSii ke SaaTH aaye hain?) [To a male]

  • क्या आप किसी के साथ आयी हैं? (kyaa aap kiSii ke SaaTH aayii hain?) [To a female]

3. Conversation Starters for First Day at a New Place

It’s essential to learn Hindi conversation starters because you might need them when joining a new school, your new job, or even a new locality or neighborhood. The first day in a new place already makes us all a bit uneasy. Using some conversation starters in Hindi to gel up with the local colleagues, peers, or new neighbors could work like magic! It would help you adjust better, fit in and soon, you’ll feel like a part there.

Let’s practice some commonly used phrases in such situations.

1- “Hi, my name is x. It’s my first day here. How should I address you?”

  • नमस्ते, मेरा नाम x है। आज यहाँ मेरा पहला दिन है। मैं आपको क्या कहकर बुला सकता हूँ? (NamaSTe, aaj yahaan meraa pahaLaa DiN hai. main aapako kyaa kahakar buLaa SakaTaa huun?) [To a male]

  • नमस्ते, मेरा नाम x है। आज यहाँ मेरा पहला दिन है। मैं आपको क्या कहकर बुला सकता हूँ? (NamaSTe, aaj yahaan meraa pahaLaa DiN hai. main aapako kyaa kahakar buLaa SakaTii huun?) [To a female]

2- “Do you speak English?”

  • क्या आप अंग्रेज़ी बोलते हैं? (kyaa aap angrezii boLaTe hain?) [To a male]

  • क्या आप अंग्रेज़ी बोलती हैं? (kyaa aap angrezii boLaTii hain?) [To a female]

3- “Excuse me, I’m new and don’t really know my way around here. Where can I find the grocery store?”

  • माफ़ कीजिये, मैं यहाँ नया हूँ और इस जगह के बारे में कुछ नहीं जानता। क्या आपको पता है किराने की दुकान कहाँ है? (maaf kiijiye, main yahaan Nayaa huun aur iS jagah ke baare men kuch Nahiin jaaNaTaa. kyaa aapako paTaa hai kiraaNe kii DukaaN kahaan hai?) [Male speaker]

  • माफ़ कीजिये, मैं यहाँ नयी हूँ और इस जगह के बारे में कुछ नहीं जानती। क्या आपको पता है किराने की दुकान कहाँ है? (maaf kiijiye, main yahaan Nayii huun aur iS jagah ke baare men kuch Nahiin jaaNaTii. kyaa aapako paTaa hai kiraaNe kii DukaaN kahaan hai?) [Female speaker]
An All-You-Can-Eat Buffet

What are you having? It looks delicious!

4- “The canteen here is amazing. What do you like here best?”

  • यहाँ की कैंटीन बहुत अच्छी है। आपको यहाँ सबसे ज़्यादा क्या पसंद है? (yahaan kii kaiNtiiN bahuT acchii hai. aapako yahaan SabaSe zyaaDaa kyaa paSanD hai?)

5- “Would you mind if I join you for lunch?”

  • क्या मैं भी आपके साथ खाना खा सकता हूँ? (kya main bhii aapake saaTH khaaNaa khaa SakaTaa huun?) [Male speaker]

  • क्या मैं भी आपके साथ खाना खा सकती हूँ? (kya main bhii aapake saaTH khaaNaa khaa SakaTii huun?) [Female speaker]

6- “How long have you been working in this office?”

  • आप इस दफ़्तर में कितने समय से काम कर रहे हैं? (aap is DafTar men kiTaNe Samay Se kaam kar rahe hain?) [To a male]

  • आप इस दफ़्तर में कितने समय से काम कर रही हैं? (aap is DafTar men kiTaNe Samay Se kaam kar rahii hain?) [To a female]

Five Friends Sitting Together on College Campus

How to make friends on the first day at college

7- “Which department are you from?”

  • आप किस विभाग से हैं? (aap kiS vibhaag Se hain?)

8- “How far is your house from the college?”

  • आपका घर कॉलेज से कितनी दूर है? (aapkaa ghar kaauLej Se kiTaNii Duur hai?)

9- “I like your shirt. Where did you get it?”

  • आपकी कमीज़ बहुत अच्छी है। आपने ये कहाँ से ली? (aapakii kamiiz bahuT acchi hai. aapaNe ye kahaan Se Lii?)

10- “Excuse me, do you know any good places to eat in this area?”

  • माफ़ कीजिये, क्या आप आसपास खाने की कुछ अच्छी जगहें जानते हैं? (maaf kiijiye, kyaa aap aaS-paaS khaaNe kii kuch acchii jagahen jaaNaTe hain?) [To a male]

  • माफ़ कीजिये, क्या आप आसपास खाने की कुछ अच्छी जगहें जानती हैं? (maaf kiijiye, kyaa aap aaS-paaS khaaNe kii kuch acchii jagahen jaaNaTii hain?) [To a female]

4. Conversation Starters for a First Date

On your first date, it’s necessary to sound tender and intimate while respecting the comfort and Indian cultural background of the other person. That’s not to say this rule doesn’t apply to other cultures as well. But Indians, in particular, are quite sensitive and a bit old-fashioned, especially when it comes to women.

Although the level of openness and modernity are quickly making their way into it, there’s no harm in staying on the safer side and taking it a little slow in the initial meetings. Once you get to know the person better, it all depends on your tuning and bonding. You can also find many Hindi language lessons related to the topic on our blog!

A Couple Having a Romantic Evening with Wine and a Fireplace

Hindi phrases for a magical first date

1- “You look great!”

  • आप बहुत अच्छे लग रहे हैं। (aap bahuT acche Lag rahe hain.) [To a male]

  • आप बहुत अच्छी लग रही हैं। (aap bahuT acchii Lag rahii hain.) [To a female]

2- “Who is your favorite actor/ actress?”

  • आपके पसंदीदा अभिनेता / अभिनेत्री कौन हैं? (aapake paSanDiiDaa abhiNeTaa/ abhiNeTrii kauN hain?)

3- “What do you like to do in your free time?”

  • आप ख़ाली समय में क्या करना पसंद करती हैं? (aap khaaLii Samay men kyaa karaNaa paSanD karaTii hain?)

  • आप ख़ाली समय में क्या करना पसंद करते हैं? (aap khaaLii Samay men kyaa karaNaa paSanD karaTe hain?)

4- “Do you enjoy Chinese food?”

  • क्या आपको चाइनीज़ खाना पसंद है? (kyaa aapako caaiNiiz khaaNaa paSanD hai?)

5- “The ambience here is amazing!”

  • यहाँ का माहौल कितना अच्छा है! (yahaan kaa maahauL kiTaNaa acchaa hai!)

6- “How do you like this place?”

  • आपको यह जगह कैसी लगी? (aapako yah jagah kaiSii Lagii?)

7- “Do you like this place?”

  • क्या आपको यह जगह अच्छी लगी? (kyaa aapako yah jagah acchii Lagii?)

8- “Do you like to watch movies?”

  • क्या आपको फ़िल्में देखना पसंद है? (kyaa aapako fiLmen DekhaNaa paSanD hai?)

9- “What are your hobbies?”

  • आपके क्या शौक़ हैं? (aapake kyaa sauq hain?)

10- “I love listening to all kinds of songs. What kind of music do you like?”

  • मुझे हर तरह के गाने सुनना पसंद है। आपको किस तरह का संगीत अच्छा लगता है? (mujhe har Tarah ke gaaNe SuNaNaa paSanD hai. aapako kiS Tarah kaa SangiiT acchaa LagaTaa hai?)

5. Conversation Starters to Reconnect with a Friend through Text or Email 

Life is busy and at times, we don’t even get the time to message or call our friends for a long time. But whenever it’s possible to stay in touch with them, do give it a shot with these warm, friendly phone phrases!

In this situation, as we are talking to peers, friends, and mostly informal connections, you can easily use the pronoun तुम (Tum) = “You” for them.

1- “What’s up! Where are you these days?”

  • क्या हाल-चाल! कहाँ हो आजकल? (kyaa haaL-caaL! kahaan ho aaj kaL?)

2- “How are you? It’s been a while. Give me a call when you have a chance.”

  • कैसे हो? बहुत दिनों से बात नहीं हुई। समय मिले तो फ़ोन करना। (kaiSe ho? bahuT DiNon Se baaT Nahiin huii. Samay miLe To foN karaNaa.) [To a male]

  • कैसी हो? बहुत दिनों से बात नहीं हुई। समय मिले तो फ़ोन करना। (kaiSii ho? bahuT DiNon Se baaT Nahiin huii. Samay miLe To foN karaNaa.) [To a female]

3- “I’ve gotta tell you something unbelievable. When can we meet?”

  • एक ज़बरदस्त बात बतानी है। हम कब मिल सकते हैं? (ek zabaraDaST baaT baTaaNii hai. Ham kab miL SakaTe hain?)

4- “Which skirt should I get? Blue or white? Reply fast!”

  • इनमें से कौन-सी स्कर्ट लूँ? नीली या सफ़ेद? जल्दी बताओ! (iNmen Se kauN-Sii Skart Luun? NiiLii yaa SafeD? jaLDii baTaao!)

5- “Where are you traveling this month?”

  • इस महीने कहाँ घूमने जा रहे हो? (iS mahiiNe kahaan ghuumaNe jaa rahe ho?) [To a male]

  • इस महीने कहाँ घूमने जा रही हो? (iS mahiiNe kahaan ghuumaNe jaa rahii ho?) [To a female]

6. Learn Hindi Anywhere, Anytime with HindiPod101

We hope you found our Hindi conversation starter practice guide pretty useful, and that your Hindi communication skills are strengthened because of it!

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A Couple at the Movie Theater

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