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Sneak-Peek Into The Top 15 Lip-Smacking Indian Food Recipes!


Have you always wanted to try ethnic food in India? It can be difficult to know where to start, especially if you want quality, authentic Indian food. 

In this article, we’ll share with you everything you need to know about the cuisine of India. From the top five dishes you must try in a restaurant to the most popular street foods and heavenly Indian desserts, you’ll get a taste of what to expect when dining in India. We’ll even give you a few simple Indian food recipes that you can try at home. 🙂

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Let's Cook in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Why is it Important to Study Indian Foods?
  2. Food-Related Vocabulary
  3. Useful Phrases Related to Food
  4. Must-Try Dishes in Indian Restaurants
  5. Unique Indian Foods
  6. Bonus: Simple Recipes to Make Authentic Indian Food at Home
  7. How to Get the Most Out of HindiPod101.com

1. Why is it Important to Study Indian Foods?

We all love food. During the course of human history, food has become more than just a means of survival—it has become a source of pleasure and a major component of culture. Just look at the variety of eating styles in different cultures, countries, and regions! 

India has always flaunted its love of spices and flavors, and has created all kinds of finger-licking recipes.

Popular Indian Dishes

For a non-native, talking about Indian cuisine is a foolproof way to bond with local Indians. And if you’re here as a traveler, you’ll need to know the names of popular food items to make sure you don’t stay hungry!

Once you have a good understanding of the different types of Indian cuisine and a solid vocabulary, mouth-watering desserts, buttery non-veg dishes, and unforgettable savoriness are just a menu away.

2. Food-Related Vocabulary

The best way to begin this guide is by learning as many Indian food names in Hindi as possible.

You can’t get your order right unless you’re familiar with Indian spices and herbs, as well as the names of other ingredients. Some ingredients may be too spicy for non-natives, whereas others may be too sweet.

We’ve categorized several essential items into different tables for you. Review them often to quickly pick up and memorize the new words.

Table 1
Spices and Condimentsमसाले (maSaaLe)
Saltनमक (Namak)
Black Saltकाला नमक (kaaLaa Namak)
Sugar चीनी (ciiNii)
Turmericहल्दी (haLDii)
Red Chili Powderलाल मिर्च पाउडर (LaaL mirc paaudar)
Coriander Powderधनिया पाउडर (DHaNiyaa paaudar)
Black Pepperकाली मिर्च (kaaLii mirc)
Cloveलौंग (Laung)
Cardamomइलायची (iLaayacii)
Fennel Seedsसौंफ़ (Saunf)
Cumin Seedsज़ीरा (ziiraa)
Mustard Seedsसरसों (SaraSon) / राई (raaii)

Common Indian Spices

Table 2
Vegetablesसब्ज़ी (Sabzii)
Potatoआलू (aaLuu)
Green Chilisहरी मिर्च (harii mirc)
Bell Pepperशिमला मिर्च (simaLaa mirc)
Gingerअदरक (aDarak)
Garlicलहसुन (LahaSuN)
Onionप्याज़ (pyaaz)
Green Corianderहरी धनिया (harii DHaNiyaa)
Cucumberखीरा (khiiraa)
Brinjal / Eggplantsबैंगन (baingaN)
Cabbageपत्ता गोभी (paTTaa gobhii)
Cauliflowerफूलगोभी (phuuL gobhii)
Spinachपालक (paaLak)
Carrotsगाजर (gaajar)

Table 3
Fruitsफल (phaL)
Appleसेब (Seb)
Orangeसंतरा (SanTaraa)
Bananaकेला (keLaa)
Grapesअंगूर (anguur)
Watermelonतरबूज़ (Tarabuuz)
Melonख़रबूज़ा (kharabuuzaa)
Lemonनींबू (Niimbuu)
Guavaअमरूद (amaruuD)
Pineappleअनानास (aNaaNaaS)
Pomegranateअनार (aNaar)
Mangoआम (aam)
Tomatoटमाटर (tamaatar)
Bottle Gourdलौकी (Laukii) / घीया (ghiiyaa)
Pumpkinकद्दू (kaDDuu)

Hindi Vocab for Indian Food Items

Table 4
Dairy Itemsदुग्ध उत्पाद (DugDH uTpaaD)
Milkदूध (DuuDH)
Curdदही (Dahii)
Buttermilkछाछ (chaach)
Butterमक्खन (makkhaN)
Clarified Butterघी (ghii)
Cottage Cheeseपनीर (paNiir)

Table 5
Staple Foodsप्रमुख भोजन (pramukh bhojaN)
Riceचावल (caavaL)
Wheatगेहूँ (gehuun)
Wheat Flour आटा (aataa)
Millets बाजरा (baajaraa)
Lentilsदाल (DaaL)
Kidney Beansराजमा (raajamaa)
Black Gramउड़द दाल (udaD DaaL)
Bengal Gramचना दाल (caNaa DaaL)

Table 6
Non-Vegetarian Items मांसाहारी भोजन (maanSaahaarii bhojaN)
Eggs अंडे (ande)
Fishमछली (machaLii)
Chickenचिकन (cikaN) / मुर्गा (murgaa)
Prawnsझींगा मछली (jhiingaa macaLii)
Muttonबकरी का गोश्त (bakarii kaa goshT)
Crabsकेकड़ा (kekadaa)

* “Vegetarian food” is known as शाकाहारी भोजन (saakaahaarii bhojaN) in Hindi.

* There’s also a special type of food that contains no garlic, onion, potato, or non-veg items. It’s called “Jain Food” = जैन भोजन (jaiN bhojaN). There are many restaurants which serve only Jain food.

Table 7
Other Essential Wordsअन्य उपयोगी शब्द(aNya upayogii sabD)
Waterपानी (paaNii)
Teaचाय (caay)
Coffeeकॉफ़ी (kaufii)
Lemonadeनींबू पानी (Niimbuu paaNii)
Dry Vegetable/ Stir-fryसूखी सब्ज़ी (Suukhii Sabzii)
Curryशोरबा (sorbaa) / करी (karii)
Saladसलाद (SaLaaD)
Hot and Spicyतीखा (Tiikhaa)
Dessert / Sweetsमीठा (miithaa) / मिठाई (mithaaii)

Table 8
Flavors and Tastesस्वाद (SvaaD)
Sweetमीठा (miithaa)
Sourखट्टा (khattaa)
Saltyनमकीन (NamakiiN)
Spicyचटपटा (catapataa)
Hot (Spicy)तीखा (Tiikhaa)
Coldठंडा (thandaa)
Hotगर्म (garm)
Blandफीका (phiikaa)
Boiledउबला (ubaLaa)
Rawकच्चा (kaccaa)
Cookedपका हुआ (pakaa huaa)

Table 9
Utensils and Tablewareबर्तनों के नाम (barTaNon ke Naam)
Spoonचम्मच (cammac)
Forkकाँटा (kaantaa)
Glassगिलास (giLaaS)
Plateथाली (THaaLii)
Bowlकटोरी (katorii)
Cupप्याला (pyaaLaa)
Knifeचाकू (caakuu)
Pitcherजग (jag)
Ladleकलछी (kaLachii)

Don’t forget to visit our complete list of tableware in Hindi to learn even more practical words!

Table 10
Breakfastसुबह का नाश्ता (Subah kaa NaasTaa)
Lunchदोपहर का खाना (Dopahar kaa khaaNaa)
Dinnerरात का खाना (raaT kaa khaaNaa) रात्रिभोज (raaTribhoj)
Snackनाश्ता (NaasTaa) / अल्पाहार (aLpaahaar)

3. Useful Phrases Related to Food

Great! You’ve already made yourself familiar with the common vocabulary related to food items. Now, it’s time to learn the most useful phrases for different scenarios, such as ordering food.

Ordering Food at an Indian Restaurant

1 – Phrases for Ordering Food

Let’s begin with the phrases you might find useful when placing an order at a restaurant.

  • खाने में क्या मिलेगा? (khaaNe men kyaa miLegaa?) / मेन्यू में क्या है? (meNyuu men kyaa hai?)
    “What’s on the menu?”
  • क्या यहाँ शाकाहारी भोजन मिलेगा? (kyaa yahaan saakaahaarii bhojaN miLegaa?)
    “Do you serve vegetarian food here?”
  • क्या यहाँ मांसाहारी भोजन मिलेगा? (kyaa yahaan maanSaahaarii bhojaN miLegaa?)
    “Do you serve non-vegetarian food here?”
  • मुझे एक गिलास ठंडा पानी चाहिए। (mujhe ek giLaaS thandaa paaNii caahiye.)
    “I need a glass of water.”
  • मुझे कम-मिर्च का / कम तीखा भोजन चाहिए। (mujhe kam-mirc kaa/ kam Tiikhaa bhojaN caahiye.)
    “I want something less spicy.”
  • मुझे दो रोटी, दाल, आलू की सूखी सब्ज़ी, दही, और सलाद चाहिए। (mujhe Do rotii, DaaL, aaLuu kii Suukhii Sabzii, Dahii, aur SaLaaD caahiye.)
    “I want two chapatis, a bowl of lentils, dry potato curry, curd, and salad.”
  • एक आइसक्रीम ले आइये। (ek aaiSakriim Le aaiye.)
    “Please get me an ice cream.”
  • क्या आप बिल ले आएंगे? (kyaa aap biL Le aayenge?)
    “Could you bring the bill, please?”

2 – How to Describe a Food Item

Isn’t it wonderful how our taste buds respond so quickly to anything we eat? Suppose you wanted to talk about the flavor of something you just ate; how would you do that? Let’s look at some example phrases for expressing the flavor of whatever we’re having.

  • यह बहुत तीखा है। (yah bahuT Tiikhaa hai.)
    “It’s really hot and spicy.”
  • इस सब्ज़ी में नमक कम है। (iS Sabzii men Namak kam hai.)
    “This curry could use more salt.”
  • मुझे एक गर्म चाय का प्याला चाहिए। (mujhe ek garm caay kaa pyaaLaa caahiye.)
    “I want a hot cup of tea.”
  • यह फलों का रस बिल्कुल ताज़ा है। (yah phaLon kaa raS biLkuL Taazaa hai.)
    “This fruit juice is so fresh.”
  • खाना बहुत स्वादिष्ट है। (khaaNaa bahuT SvaaDist hai.)
    “The food is delicious.”

3 – Phrases for When You’re Learning to Cook Indian Food

They say that those who love to eat also love to cook. Cooking is an art; it’s an expression of love served in the form of a fresh, hot meal. Of course, the foodie in all of us wants not only to relish a cuisine, but also to manifest our love of food through cooking.

Quick and Easy Indian Recipes for You!

By the time you’re done reading this guide, you’ll want to try your hand at some of these wonderful Indian cuisine dishes. God forbid you get stuck in the middle of a cooking battle! Feel free to use the Hindi phrases below to get going with your super chef skills.

  • इस सब्ज़ी को बनाने का क्या तरीक़ा है? (iS Sabzii ko baNaaNe kaa kyaa Tariiqaa hai.)
    “What’s the recipe for this curry?”
  • यह सलाद कैसे बनायें? (yah SaLaaD kaiSe baNaayen.)
    “How do you make this salad?”
  • क्या दाल पक गयी है? (kyaa DaaL pak gayii hai.)
    “Are the lentils cooked?”
  • मुझे रोटी बनाना सीखना है। (mujhe rotii baNaaNaa SiikhaNaa hai.)
    “I want to learn how to make chapatis.”

4. Must-Try Dishes in Indian Restaurants

Now for the part you’ve been waiting for! We’re about to walk you through the must-try dishes served in Indian restaurants. 

1 – Lentils = दाल (DaaL)

Let’s just say that we Indians love lentils. An authentic Indian Thali is never complete without a bowl of दाल (DaaL). The two most popular varieties are:

  • अरहर की दाल (arahar kii DaaL) / पीली दाल (piiLii DaaL)
  •  काली दाल (kaaLii DaaL)

These lentils are first washed and then pressure cooked in salted water until soft. The water contains a bit of turmeric and a pinch of chili powder for extra flavor and color.

Black Lentil

When looking at an Indian cuisine menu, you may find options like “Dal Fry” or “Dal Tadka” and “Plain Dal.” The Plain Dal is the safest option if you’re not into spicy foods, whereas Dal Tadka actually comes with “tempering.”

Tempering can be done with clarified butter and cumin seeds. The spicier “Tadka” consists of onions, chopped garlic cloves, dry red chilis, and cumin seeds all fried in ghee/clarified butter.

We recommend this dish because it’s an Indian version of comfort food. It’s hot like soup, a great source of protein, and quite filling—all while being low on the spicy meter.

2 – Different Types of Flatbreads

Flatbreads have different names in Hindi depending on how they’re made and what ingredients are used in them:

  • रोटी (rotii) / फुलका (phuLakaa) / चपाती (capaaTii)

The first and most common wheat “flatbread” is called रोटी (rotii) / फुलका (phuLakaa) / चपाती (capaaTii). The flour dough is flattened into a round shape with a rolling pin, heated on the tavaa, and then heated directly on the flame for a while.

रोटी (rotii) is quite soft. It’s commonly served with clarified butter or salted butter spread over it. However, those who don’t like it that way may skip the butter.

Chapati or Indian Flatbread
  • Naan – नान (NaaN)

Naan is made with refined flour. It’s so soft and delicious that you just can’t stop at one! Nonetheless, it’s heavy on the stomach; one or two Naan is enough to satisfy one’s hunger.

Naan has become quite popular due to its variety of flavor options. For instance, you can get butter Naan, garlic Naan, and so on.

  • Tandoori Roti – तंदूरी रोटी (TanDuurii rotii)

The name Tandoori Roti comes from the way it’s cooked: directly on the flames of a tandoor. A tandoor uses a traditional way of baking with hot charcoals. The Tandoori Roti is crispy and is best eaten with curry or dipped in hot dal.

  • Rumali Roti – रुमाली रोटी (rumaaLii rotii)

This kind of flatbread is made with refined flour, rolled as thinly as possible, and then tossed in the air using the fingertips to increase its size. Rumali Roti is one of a kind and you should definitely try it!

  • Missi Roti – मिस्सी रोटी (miSSii rotii)

Missi Roti is made with gram flour. It’s a bit crispy, filled with protein, and quite healthy for your gut. You can always have a bite with some curry or stir-fry.

  • Paratha – परांठा (paraanthaa)

Now, there is plain paratha and then there’s stuffed paratha. And believe me, when comparing their flavors and pleasure to the taste buds, there’s a difference as stark as day and night.

Plain paratha is just like chapati, except it’s thinly layered with oil or ghee. Stuffed paratha is made in the same way, but it bursts with the flavors of whatever the inside stuffing is. Indians usually love parathas stuffed with mashed potatoes, grated cauliflower, grated radish, and onions.


3 – Rice Dishes

When it comes to rice, we have quite a long list of Indian foods to review. For instance, you could feast on simple steamed rice mixed with daal. You could also get jeera rice (cumin rice), pulav, or biryani.

The biryani is a complete meal in itself, actually. There are two versions: veg biryani and non-veg biryani. The rice is soaked, cooked, and mixed with deep-fried whole spices, such as cardamom, saffron, cashew nuts, and cloves.

Veg biryani contains a variety of chopped vegetables, whereas the non-veg kind may have chicken pieces or other types of meat in it.

4 – South Indian Recipes

South Indian cuisine is a popular choice among many Indians and foreigners. It’s low on spices and low on oil. That’s what makes it so superb! Adding to that, you can have it for breakfast, lunch, brunch, or dinner. It can make a proper meal or just a snack. 

South Indian food items such as Dosa, Idli-Sambhar, Rasam, and Uttapam are usually made with ground and steamed paste of white Urad lentil and rice. It’s best served with hot Sambhar and cool coconut chutney!

Dosa and Chutney

5 – Cottage Cheese Recipes

There are countless cheese varieties around the world. Of them all, Indians prefer fresh cottage cheese. Our love for cottage cheese, whether it be homemade or store-bought, cannot be compared to anything! Glance through any Indian menu and you’ll find “cottage cheese” or पनीर (paNiir) dishes as snacks, main courses, and starters.

Cottage Cheese

We whole-heartedly recommend these menu items: 

  • पालक पनीर (paaLak paNiir) = “Spinach and cottage cheese curry”
  • पनीर टिक्का (paNiir tikkaa) = “Skewed cheese and veggies”
  • पनीर बटर मसाला (paNiir batar maSaaLaa) = “Spicy butter cheese curry”
  • कढ़ाई पनीर (kadhaai paNiir) = “Cauldron cheese”
  • पनीर चिली (paNiir ciLii) = “Cheese chili”
  • मटर पनीर (matar paNiir) = “Cheese with green peas curry”

6 – Chicken Recipes

To cut this section short, all of the cottage cheese dishes we just mentioned have equivalent chicken dishes. Here are just a few popular chicken dishes you can expect to find in India: 

  • “chili chicken”
  • “chicken butter masala”
  • “mughlai chicken”
  • “chicken rogan josh”
  • “tawa chicken”

Chicken Curry

7 – Potatoes and Other Veggies

Don’t even get me started on the veggie list. Did you know that Indian meals never lack vegetables? Vegetarian Indian food is far more popular in India than meat-based foods are. Whether it be a succulent gravy-filled dish or a dry curry, we must have some vegetables in our thaali.

When you’re in a restaurant, order at your own risk when you get confused about which curries to eat and which to skip. Just kidding. 😉 We’re here to help you narrow down the best Indian foods so you can gorge on fresh main course vegetables.

These curries never go out of fashion: 

  • आलू मटर (aaLuu matar) = “Potato and peas dry curry”
  • गोभी मसाला (gobhii maSaaLaa) = “Spicy cauliflower”
  • मटर मशरूम (matar masaruum) = “Peas and mushroom stir fry”
  • मशरूम मसाला (masaruum maSaaLaa) = “Spicy mushroom curry” 
  • मिक्स वेज (mikS vej) = “Mix veg”

Have You Tried Any Mouthwatering Indian Sweets Yet?

5. Unique Indian Foods

This section is the most interesting of all, because we’re going to quickly explore a set of unique Indian cuisine essentials which are only popular in India. So, let’s dig in!

1 – Raita = रायता (raayaTaa)

Raita is blended curd mixed with particular spices, such as roasted and ground cumin seeds, black salt, sea salt, a pinch of chili powder, and mint leaves. The most popular type is the cucumber raita, to which peeled and grated cucumber is added to the spiced curd.

Raita is a healthy Indian food and a tasty way to cool off during the summer heat. It also helps with digestion and increases healthy gut bacteria.

2 – Buttermilk = छाछ (chaach)

When cream is blended for a long time, it separates into butter and buttermilk. The latter is another unique Indian beverage, especially loved in Northern India.

Usually, people prefer a glassful of plain buttermilk with some salt added. Another way is to temper the buttermilk with asafoetida, cumin seeds, and chili powder, and to add a few mint leaves to it.

3 – Lassi = लस्सी (LaSSii)

This is a sweet beverage. Curd is cooled and blended by adding some water and ice. Add some sugar or rose syrup, crushed almonds, and cashew nuts, and enjoy!

4 – Shikanji = शिकंजी (sikanjii) or नींबू पानी (Niimbuu paaNii)

You can always count on this drink during the summer! It’s the most widespread homemade drink, and you can also find it sold in street stalls during May and June.

The Cool Indian-Style Lemonade

नींबू पानी (Niimbuu paaNii), or “lemonade,” can be made either sweet or salted. Add some sugar, squeeze a lemon, and drop some ice cubes into chilled water. Mix until the sugar dissolves and your sweet lemonade version, called शिकंजी (sikanjii), is ready. 

For the salted version, all you have to do is replace the sugar with salt and add some mint leaves for that refreshing feeling.

5 – Street Foods 

Oh, the list is never-ending. We Indians are so much into spicy Indian street foods that it’s impossible to cover all of them. But just for you, we’ll name some of the most superb and unforgettable Indian street foods.

Don't Forget the Street Food!

They include: 

  • पाव भाजी (paav bhaajii) = “Bread and spicy curry” 
  • समोसा (SamoSaa) = “Samosa” 
  • कचौड़ी (kacaudii) = “Kachori” 
  • चाट (caat) = “Chaat” 
  • छोले भटूरे (choLe bhatuure) = “Chole bhature” 
  • आलू पूरी (aaLuu puurii) = “Aloo poori” 
  • पानी पूरी (paaNii puurii) / गोलगप्पे (goLagappe) / पुचका (puchaka) = “Panipuri” / “Golgappe” / “Puchka” 

6. Bonus: Simple Recipes to Make Authentic Indian Food at Home

As we promised you at the beginning of this article, here comes the section that you’ve long been waiting for! Enjoy a handful of quick Indian cuisine recipes that are not only authentic but also delicious. Flaunt your cooking skills and impress the natives by serving them these all-time favorite local Indian dishes. 

1 – “Yellow Lentils” (Pigeon Pea) / Arhar Dal = अरहर दाल (arahar DaaL)

Wash the yellow lentils and place them in a pressure cooker. Add some water, salt, a teaspoon of turmeric powder, and a dash of chili powder.

Yellow Daal

Pressure cook on high heat until you hear a whistle. Then, turn it down and let it whistle two more times to simmer. When the Arhar Dal is cooked nicely, heat some clarified butter in a medium-sized ladle, add some cumin seeds, asafoetida, and chili powder, and mix it in the cooked DaL.

2 – “Coriander Chutney” / Dhaniya Chatni = धनिया चटनी (DHaNiyaa cataNii)

This is the easiest one! 

To a blender, add a bunch of fresh green coriander leaves, a few mint leaves, salt to taste, cumin seeds, 2-3 green chilis (if you want it spicy), and blend it all together. If it looks dry, add some water to make a fine paste. Serve it fresh with any snacks or full meals.

3 – Cucumber Raita / Kheere ka Raita = खीरे का रायता (khiire kaa raayaTaa)

Wash, peel, and grate some fresh cucumbers. In a bowl, take a good amount of curd and blend it with a spoon. Add the grated cucumber, sea salt, black salt, chili powder, chopped coriander leaves, chopped mint leaves, and…voila! You’re done! The cucumber raita is ready. Best served when chilled, so remember to refrigerate it for a few hours.

4 – Rice Pudding / Kheer = खीर (khiir)

Wash and soak some rice. Drain it and put it aside. In another heavy-bottomed saucepan, pour a good amount of milk and bring it to a boil. Keep stirring so it doesn’t stick to the pan. When the milk amount is reduced, add the rice and let it cook. Don’t forget to stir once in a while.

When the rice looks soft and the mixture has become thick, add sugar to taste. Cook a little longer and then turn off the heat. Top it with chopped nuts (like almonds or cashews), shredded dried coconut, and raisins.

You can either serve it hot or put it in the fridge for a few hours until it’s chilled.

Rice Pudding or Indian Kheer

7. How to Get the Most Out of HindiPod101.com

And sadly, we’ve come to the end of this article. I’m sure you must have enjoyed this lesson on Indian food recipes! Which Indian dishes are your favorite so far? Are you willing to try any of these recipes (if you haven’t yet)? Let us know in the comments!

Popular Dishes on Indian Menus

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Your Ultimate Guide to Hindi Grammar Basics


Hindi grammar is the skeleton of our language. In Hindi, there are several grammar rules that are way different from those in English and other Romance or Latin languages. Understanding these theories will make your Hindi skills stronger and lower your chances of making an error.

It was with these factors in mind that we decided to create a brief lesson that covers all Hindi grammar topics for you! We’ll touch on a variety of concepts, from word order to tenses, and outline the most important things you need to know.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. General Rules of Hindi Grammar
  2. Word Order / Sentence Structure
  3. Punctuation and Diacritics
  4. Half-Consonants
  5. Gender
  6. Tenses
  7. Verbs
  8. Formal and Informal Tone
  9. Adjectives
  10. Conclusion

1. General Rules of Hindi Grammar

There are several Hindi grammar rules that differ greatly from those in other languages. Knowledge of these rules will give you an edge over other learners.

  • First of all, grammar in Hindi follows the SOV (Subject – Object – Verb) word order, as opposed to the SVO order English uses.

  • The second rule you need to remember is that everything has a gender in Hindi grammar. There are two grammatical genders in the Hindi language: feminine and masculine.

  • Many new Hindi learners also struggle with the concept of diacritics.

  • In Hindi, we have different pronouns and ways of addressing people depending on the level of respect and formality between them.

  • And the trickiest part of basic Hindi grammar for beginners is verb conjugation. But once we break it down for you with examples, you’ll find it quite easy. 🙂

We’d like to say that this list could go on and on—grammar is a vast aspect of any language. Nonetheless, this Hindi grammar guide will only focus on the most important rules to help you stand on your feet and get going!

A Girl Pointing Her Writing on the Board

Let’s Start with the Basics

2. Word Order / Sentence Structure

There’s a reason we’re beginning our guide with word order information. I mean, what’s the first thing you do when you meet someone? You introduce yourself, ask their name, or even ask how they are. Even simple phrases like these can confuse you if you’re not confident about which word should be placed where!

While English sentences follow the SVO pattern, Hindi sentences follow the SOV word order.

Here, S = Subject, O = Object, V = Verb


English Word OrderI read the book.
Hindi Word Orderमैं किताब पढ़ती हूँ। (main kiTaab padhaTii huun.) [FEMALE]
मैं किताब पढ़ता हूँ। (main kiTaab padhaTaa huun.) [MALE]

English Word OrderFather cooks the food.
Hindi Word Orderपिताजी खाना पकाते हैं। (piTaajii khaaNaa pakaaTe hain.)

Can you see how the sentence pattern changes when we shift from English to Hindi? Looks easy, right?

If you want to learn about this more in-depth, we recommend that you read our comprehensive guide on Hindi Word Order and practice with many more examples!

Translate Key on the Keyboard

How Grammar Helps in Translation!

3. Punctuation and Diacritics

Now it’s time to see what all the fuss on diacritics is about and in what way punctuation in Hindi differs from that in English.

1 – Punctuation

Regarding punctuation, here’s a quick tip: The Hindi ‘full stop’ is the only punctuation mark different from English or any other language. All the others, such as the comma or question mark, are the same. The ‘full stop,’ also known as the खड़ी पाई (khadii paaii) or पूर्ण विराम (puurn viraam) in Hindi, looks like the capital “।.”


  • यह मेरा घर है। (yah meraa ghar hai.) = “This is my house.” [Different Punctuation]
  • क्या तुम ठीक हो? (kyaa Tum thiik ho?) = “Are you okay?” [Same Punctuation]

2 – Diacritics

The concept of diacritics is completely new to non-native speakers, especially those who speak English or Romance languages. So, we’ll try to explain it to you in the simplest manner possible.

When a Hindi vowel and consonant are combined, the vowel dissolves by losing its separate identity and changes into a “diacritic” or मात्रा (maaTraa) attached to that particular consonant.

We know it’s easier said than done, so we’ve included a few examples for you to review.


  • (ka) + (aa) = का (kaa)
  • (ja) + (ii)  = जी (jii)
  • (Ta) + (uu) = तू (Tuu)

Want to study more about the diacritics and how they can blend with consonants? Check out our detailed lesson on the Hindi Alphabet!

A Woman Writing on the Postcard

Explore Our Grammar Bank

4. Half-Consonants

Another concept that English speakers aren’t familiar with is the “half-consonant,” also called the “schwa-less” consonant. This is where the full consonant is replaced with its half version.

Every consonant in Hindi automatically includes a short “-a” sound with it. But sometimes, we might need two consonants together without any vowels between them. That’s where the concept of the “half-consonant” comes in. All we have to do is get rid of the second half of the first consonant letter and attach the other half to the second consonant.

  • ब्
  • स्
  • ल्


  • डिब्बा (dibbaa) = “Container/Box” 
    • Here, half ब (ba) is attached to the following ब (ba).
  • ल्का (haLkaa) = “Light” 
    • Here, half ल (La) is attached to the following क (ka).
  • ग़ुस्सा (ġuSSaa) = “Anger” 
    • Here, half स (Sa) is attached to the following स (Sa).

5. Gender

Did you know that English has four gender classifications for its nouns and pronouns (masculine, feminine, common, and neuter), which are based on natural gender? This is not the case in Hindi. First of all, every noun and pronoun has a specific grammatical gender category assigned to it. Secondly, there are only two types of gender in the Hindi language: feminine and masculine.

Now, you must be thinking, “Fine, but how do I find out which words are masculine and which are feminine?” That’s a natural question, so we’ve outlined the basics below.

1 – Masculine Gender

More often than not, masculine, or पुल्लिंग (puLLing), nouns and pronouns end with an अ (-a) sound. It’s not spoken separately, but just as breathing space blended into the last letter of the word.


  • “Fruit” = फ (phaL) = फ् + अ + ल् +

Similarly, we have:

  • “Cloud” = बाद (baaDaL)
  • “Utensil” = बर्तन (barTaN)

2 – Feminine Gender

Feminine nouns and pronouns are easy to spot, too. They usually end with the sounds ई / ी (-ii) and आ / ा (-aa).

  • “Youth” = जवानी (javaaNii) = ज् + अ + व् + अ + न् +
  • “Mat” = चटा (cataaii)
  • “Shadow” = छाया (chaayaa

3 – Exceptions

And here comes the list of exceptions. In Hindi, there are many masculine words that sound feminine and vice-versa; you’ll just have to memorize them. Here are just a few to get you started:

Masculine Word Exceptions

  • “Room” = कमरा (kamaraa
  • “Bungalow” = बंगला (bangLaa)
  • “Dream” = सपना (SapaNaa)

Feminine Word Exceptions

  • “Bottle” = बोत (boTaL)
  • “Evening” = शा (saam)
  • “Morning” = सुब (Subah)
  • “Book” = किता (kiTaab)

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6. Tenses

Just like any other language, Hindi has three main tenses: past, present, and future. We’ll just briefly touch on Hindi grammar tenses here, but at the end of this section you’ll find a link to a comprehensive article on the topic! 

1 – Simple Present Tense

  • Ends with ता हूँ / ती हूँ / -ता है / – ती है / – ते हैं / ती हैं (-Taa huun / -Tii huun /-Taa hai / -Tii hai / -Te hain / -Tii hain).
Example Verb Form खाना (khaaNaa) = “To eat”
For MalesFor Females
1st Personमैं खाता हूँ। (main khaaTaa huun.)
“I eat.”
मैं खाती हूँ। (main khaaTii huun.)
“I eat.”
2nd Personतुम खाते हो। (Tum khaaTe ho.)
“You eat.”
तुम खाती हो। (Tum khaaTii ho.)
“You eat.”
3rd Personवे खाते हैं। (ve khaaTe hain.)
“They eat.”
वे खाती हैं। (ve khaaTii hain.)
“They eat.”

2 – Simple Past Tense

  • Ends with ता था / – ती थी / – ते थे / ती थीं (-Taa THaa / -Tii THii / -Te THe / -Tii THiin).
Example Verb Form खाना (khaaNaa) = “To eat”
For MalesFor Females
1st Personमैं खाता था। (main khaaTaa THaa.)
“I ate.”
मैं खाती थी। (main khaaTaa THii.)
“I ate.”
2nd Personतुम खाते थे। (Tum khaaTe The.)
“You ate.”
तुम खाती थीं। (Tum khaaTii THiin.)
“You ate.”
3rd Personवे खाते थे।  (ve khaaTe The.)
“They ate.”
वे खाती थीं। (ve khaaTii THiin.)
“They ate.”

3 – Simple Future Tense

  • Ends with -ऊँगा / -ऊँगी / -एगा / -एगी / -एंगे / -एंगी (-uungaa / -uungii / -egaa / -egii / -enge / -engii).
Example Verb Form खाना (khaaNaa) = “To eat”
For MalesFor Females
1st Personमैं खाऊंगा। (main khaauungaa.)
“I will eat.”
मैं खाऊँगी। (main khaauungii.)
“I will eat.”
2nd Personतुम खाओगे। (Tum khaaoge.)
“You will eat.”
तुम खाओगी। (Tum khaaogii.)
“You will eat.”
3rd Personवे खाएंगे। (ve khaaenge.)
“They will eat.”
वे खाएंगी। (ve khaaengii.)
“They will eat.”

We all know that tenses are far more comprehensive and complicated than these examples. To help you master them, we’ve got a complete guide on Hindi Tenses for you!

List of Goals

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7. Verbs

In Hindi, verbs conjugate according to gender, tense, and tone. We’ve already explained how tenses work, so now let’s look at some different characteristics of verbs in Hindi.

  • In Hindi, the infinitive verbs end with -ना (-Naa). For example, “to laugh” =  हँसना (hanSaNaa) and “to play” =  खेलना (kheLaNaa).

  • Moreover, the verbs always form the last part of the sentence; they come at the end. For example: सुमन गेंद से खेलती है। (SumaN genD Se kheLaTii hai.) = “Suman plays with a ball.”

  • Verbs conjugated for the masculine gender always end with an -aa or – e sound. Verbs conjugated for the feminine gender end with an -ii or -iin sound.

8. Formal and Informal Tone

In Indian culture, we use different tones for different people, based on factors like age, level of formality, and gender.

Let’s see how!

Talking about person of same ageविकास बाज़ार जाता है
(vikaaS baazaar jaaTaa hai.)
“Vikas goes to the market.”
Talking about an elderly personदादाजी बाज़ार जाते हैं
(DaaDaajii baazaar jaaTe hain.)
“Grandpa goes to the market.”

In a nutshell, we treat a singular noun or pronoun as plural in the following situations:

  • When talking to an elderly person
  • When trying to show respect
  • When talking to a person of a different gender (especially female)
  • When using a formal tone
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9. Adjectives

If you’re expressive like us Indians, chances are you’ll be needing a lot of adjective words in Hindi. But just knowing the words isn’t enough. You’ll also have to be aware of where to place those adjectives in a Hindi sentence. Moreover, keep in mind that Hindi adjectives also change their forms according to the gender of the noun they describe.


Let’s take the adjectives “yellow” and “straight” as examples.

Adjective 1Masculine NounFeminine Noun
“Yellow”यह कप पीला है। (yah kap piiLaa hai.)
“This cup is yellow.”
यह साड़ी पीली है। (yah Saadii piiLii hai.)
“This saree is yellow.”

Adjective 2Masculine NounFeminine Noun
“Straight”वह रास्ता सीधा है। (vah raaSTaa SiiDHaa hai.)
“That path is straight.”
वह गली सीधी है। (vah gaLii SiiDHii hai.)
“That street is straight.”

Also remember that an adjective is always placed adjacent to (before or after) the noun. For more information, please feel free to go through our wonderful article on Hindi Adjectives.

10. Conclusion

We’ve not even covered all the Hindi grammar points yet, as our goal was to give you a quick glimpse into the most important concepts. Sort of like a way to break the ice between you and Hindi grammar. 🙂

Did you enjoy our overview? If yes, let us know what you like about it. If not, we’d love to hear your suggestions on what else we could have included to make it better!

Do you want to delve even deeper into Hindi grammar and culture? We’re constantly adding new world-class lesson materials for you on our website. For beginners and intermediate learners, we also have a free online Hindi-English dictionary to help you out as you come across unfamiliar words or phrases.

So, don’t wait any longer! Get started with our Premium Membership to access an unlimited bundle of knowledge. It’s high time to talk like a native and impress your Hindi-speaking friends.

For those who are always on the go but want to continue their Hindi learning, we’ve got a treat for you. Sign up on HindiPod101.com and download our mobile-friendly app to learn anywhere, anytime.

Happy Hindi learning!

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30 Hindi Quotes To Help You Show Off & Sound Smarter


You know those moments when using a popular quote is the best way to express what you want to say? It’s amazing to see how a simple key phrase can replace a couple of dull sentences and get the job done.

The one and only hurdle for our learners in this regard is that they don’t yet know the best Hindi quotes. And we here at HindiPod101.com can’t just sit here and watch you struggle with those words on the tip of your tongue!

A Smart Boy Learning Greek

That’s why today’s guide is on the best quotes in Hindi. We’ll walk you through the best life quotes in Hindi in a variety of categories. You can start using them in your next Hindi conversation right away!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Why Should You Study Quotes?
  2. Quotes About Success
  3. Quotes About Life
  4. Quotes About Motivation
  5. Quotes About Love, Friendship, and Family
  6. Quotes About Philosophy
  7. Quotes About Food
  8. Quotes About Language Learning
  9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com

Why Should You Study Quotes?

Regardless of their original language, quotes will always have great importance in people’s lives. Why? Because they contain the rich and empowering experiences of native speakers and great personalities. Quotes are the pearls of wisdom; they help us say more with fewer words.

On a lighter note, quotes are fun and convenient to use. If you want to express an opinion without being judged, use a quote and be done with it. Hindi quotes from various saints, leaders, folklores, writers, and artists are insightful messages that have been passed on to several generations and are no less relevant today.

As a Hindi learner, understanding and practicing these quotes will bring you into the limelight and boost your self-confidence. It’s an excellent way to show your dedication toward the language and impress your Hindi-speaking friends and colleagues.

By studying these quotes, you’ll also be diving into the rich cultural history of India, its charismatic and noble people, and their essence of life.

So, let’s begin our lesson already! 

Quotes About Success

Whether you have big plans for the future or an upcoming project you’re concerned about, these inspiring quotes in Hindi will help you take heart and achieve your goals.

1. इंतज़ार करने वालों को सिर्फ़ उतना ही मिलता है जितना कोशिश करने वाले छोड़ देते हैं।

RomanizationiNTazaar karaNe vaaLon ko Sirf uTaNaa hii miLaTaa hai jiTaNaa kosis karaNe vaaLe chod DeTe hain.
English Equivalent“People who wait get only what’s left by those who try.” ~Abdul Kalam
Who doesn’t know of Dr. Abdul Kalam? In this highly inspiring quote, he shakes us with these bitter but true words of wisdom.

In simpler words, the phrase teaches us not to wait for luck. Instead, we should take solid steps toward what we want to achieve in life. After all, we don’t want to be the ones who get others’ leftovers. We want to be choosers, not beggars.

2. अगर तुम सूरज की तरह चमकना चाहते हो, तो पहले सूरज की तरह जलना सीखो।

Romanizationagar Tum Suuraj kii Tarah camakaNaa caahaTe ho, To pahaLe Suuraj kii Tarah jaLaNaa Siikho.
English Equivalent“If you want to shine like the sun, first learn to burn like the sun.” ~Abdul Kalam
Here’s another golden saying from Abdul Kalam, inspired by the nature around us. Kalam uses the sun as an example, as we’re always in awe of its magnificence and its powerful aura. Adding to that, the sun does not get this glory for free—it burns day and night. 

Similarly, if we too wish to be unstoppable and irreplaceable, then we have to work hard and push our limits every day.

This quote is popularly used on various social media platforms.

3. ख़ुद वो बदलाव बनिए जो आप दुनिया में देखना चाहते हैं।

RomanizationkhuD vo baDaLaav baNiye jo aap DuNiyaa men DekhaNaa caahaTe hain.
English Equivalent“Be the change you want to see in the world.” ~Gandhi
Gandhi was a torchbearer not only in India, but the whole world. There were many aspects of his life that impacted millions of people.

One of his greatest qualities was that he would culminate a certain behavior in himself before he expected that behavior from anyone else. There’s a story in which Gandhi refused to preach to a child about consuming less sweets until he could do it himself.

What does that tell us? It’s easy to blame others and play a victim of all the wrong things going on in the world or in our personal lives. But the real solution is to take it upon ourselves to create change and foster new beginnings.

A Person Raising His Trophy and Racket

Quotes About Life

Are you feeling stuck in life or dissatisfied with how things are going? Read through these Hindi quotes on life and find some practical words of advice to take to heart!

4. विपत्ति से बढ़कर अनुभव सिखाने वाला विद्यालय ना तो आज तक खुला है न कभी खुलेगा।

RomanizationvipaTTi Se badhakar aNubhav SikhaaNe vaaLaa viDyaaLay Naa To aaj Tak khuLaa hai Naa kabhii khuLegaa.
English Equivalent“There’s no greater school that teaches life experience than its own challenges.” ~ Premchand
If there’s any writer who has been admired and read by every generation, it is Munshi Premchand. There could be no better way to start our list of life quotes in Hindi than by sharing his sayings.

According to him, we are all students in the journey of life, and life’s struggles are our most important teacher.

5. खाने और सोने का नाम जीवन नहीं है। जीवन नाम है सदैव आगे बढ़ते रहने का।

RomanizationkhaaNe aur SoNe ka Naam jiivaN Nahiin hai. jiivaN Naam hai SaDaiv aage badhaTe rahaNe kaa.
English Equivalent“Life is not just eating and sleeping. Life is about always moving forward.” ~Premchand
Munshi Premchand wrote an endless number of stories on the poor state of Indian farmers, especially concerning their exploitation by the landlords, peasants, and rich people. His insight on the topic led him to develop a different view of life.

He wrote a lot about how those farmers couldn’t even arrange for one meal a day and still continued to be hopeful and keep going. His stories contain two messages for all of us:

First, life is not a bed of flowers (at least not for everybody). Second, we should never quit in the face of challenges, but keep moving forward; that’s what life is about.

6. अँधेरे में परछाईं भी अपना साथ छोड़ देती है।

RomanizationaNDHere men parachaaiin bhii apaNaa SaaTH chod DeTii hai.
English Equivalent“Even our own shadow leaves us in the darkness.”
This is a local but widely spoken quote in the Hindi Belt of India. 

They say that an unfavorable season in life is the best time to find out who your true well-wishers are! Nonetheless, this quote teaches us not to depend too much on others, and to instead believe in yourself. Because if our own shadow vanishes in the darkness, don’t be disappointed if your best friends do, too.

7. ज़िंदगी लंबी नहीं बड़ी होनी चाहिए।

RomanizationziNDagii Lambii Nahiin badii hoNii caahiye.
English Equivalent“Life should be grand, not long.” ~Ambedkar
Dr. BR Ambedkar was the founding father of our Indian constitution, with many glittering stars in his accomplishment records. He fought for the rights of the underprivileged, especially for the equal rights of women.

This quote from him emphasizes that we should focus on the quality of our life rather than the number of years we live. The hidden message is that we should devote our lives to helping others instead of focusing only on our own wellbeing.

8. ख़ुद को कमज़ोर समझना सबसे बड़ा पाप है।

RomanizationkhuD ko kamazor SamajhaNaa SabaSe badaa paap hai.
English Equivalent“Underestimating your own strength is the biggest sin.” ~ Swami Vivekanand
In modern times, we are intrigued by the achievements and growth of others, which is not a healthy mindset.

Vivekanand felt that each one of us has great potential. To undermine that potential is to deprive ourselves and our society of the benefits that we could harness in being our true selves.

Quotes About Motivation

Life can be difficult and our circumstances can be disheartening at times. We hope that these motivational quotes in Hindi refresh you and put you in a better frame of mind.

9. शेर हमेशा अकेला चलता है।

Romanizationser hamesaa akeLaa caLaTaa hai.
English Equivalent“A lion always walks alone.”
Oh! This is one of the most popular Hindi quotes, and definitely something you must have on your learning list.

It’s cool. It has swag. And it’s highly motivating, too. 

Remember the time you took a stand or decided to do something new in life, only to find that not even your loved ones supported you in that? Well, this quote will make you feel confident when no one else does. Not to mention that we Indians often use it to lighten the mood in heavy situations. 🙂

10. किसी को इतना भी मत डराओ कि डर ही ख़त्म हो जाये।

RomanizationkiSii ko iTaNaa bhii maT daraao ki dar hii khaTm ho jaaye.
English Equivalent“Don’t scare someone so much that they stop feeling the fear.” ~Mary Kom
Here comes the Princess of Boxing. The Conqueror, The Fighter, and the true inspiration for many: Mary Kom.

With an unimaginably difficult childhood, a dreamy marriage with a rock-solid supportive partner, and her three kids, Mary Kom continues to amaze the world with her medals and trophies, one after another.

She has written an autobiography titled Unbreakable. But this quote is taken from the movie Mary Kom, which is based on her life. Kom is played by none other than Priyanka Chopra.

The quote is self-explanatory. We all get scared, but when that fear is pushed to the limit, it turns into courage and strength.

A Man Climbing a High Mountain

11. जहाँ भी आज़ाद रूह की झलक पड़े समझना वह मेरा घर है।

Romanizationjahaan bhii aazaaD ruuh kii jhaLak pade SamajhaNaa vah meraa ghar hai.
English Equivalent“Wherever you see a free soul, that’s where I live.” ~Amrita Pritam
Amrita Pritam, one of the most prominent writers and poets, is known for her feminist appeal. Her works portray the significance of gender equality and freedom.

She broke many orthodox rules and lived her life in her own way. Amrita Pritam set a milestone for both men and women, inspiring them to follow their hearts and stand up for themselves.

The quote here reflects how much the real freedom of choice meant to her. In her own words, every such place where people live the way they want, there her soul resides. Read more of her impeccable and deeply touching quotes here.

Quotes About Love, Friendship, and Family 

The category that you’ve long been waiting for: love quotes in Hindi. Let’s begin with some words from our beloved Gautam Buddha.

12. सच्चा प्रेम समझ से उत्पन्न होता है।

RomanizationSaccaa prem Samajh Se uTpaNN hoTaa hai.
English Equivalent“True love begins with understanding.” ~Buddha
Buddha was all for love, kindness, and generosity toward others and oneself. His quote contains the message that true love is only possible when two people empathize with each other, respect each other, and understand each other. In the absence of these factors, their love would only be superficial and short-lived.

13. दोस्ती का कोई मज़हब नहीं होता।

RomanizationDoSTii kaa koii mazahab Nahiin hoTaa.
English Equivalent“Friendship knows no religion.” ~Shootout at Wadala
One of the most popular and hard-hitting friendship quotes in Hindi, these words from the movie Shootout at Wadala shed light on the presence of tolerance and understanding in a true friendship.

The message couldn’t be put in a more simple way. The quote reminds us that the bond of friendship is above all disparities, whether from caste, creed, or religion.

a Couple Hugging Each Other

14. मित्रता सबसे शुद्ध प्रेम है।

RomanizationmiTraTaa SabaSe suDDH prem hai.
English Equivalent“Friendship is the purest form of love.” ~Osho
Talking about friendship and love, how could we miss Osho? Osho was the mystic and revolutionary who influenced the young and the elderly like nobody else. His discourses were filled with words of love, friendship, and affection.

According to this quote, he found friendship to be the greatest and purest form of love, because it contains no expectations or possessiveness.

15. पुत्र कुपुत्र हो सकता है लेकिन माता कभी कुमाता नहीं हो सकती।

RomanizationpuTr kupuTr ho SakaTaa hai LekiN maaTaa kabhii kumaaTaa Nahiin ho SakaTii.
English Equivalent“There can be a bad son, there can never be a bad mother.” ~Mahabharata
Mahabharata is an ancient epic. This quote is from one of its brilliant characters, Bhishm Pitamah, who was wise and quite inspiring.

The meaning of the quote is that a mother’s love is always pure, and as such, there is no such thing as a bad mother. A child, on the other hand, can be selfish, even while his or her mother only thinks of the child’s best.

A Horse Statue

16. मेरा परिवार मेरी ताकत और मेरी कमज़ोरी है।

Romanizationmeraa parivaar merii TaaqaT aur merii kamazorii hai.
English Equivalent“My family is my strength and my weakness.” ~Aishwarya Rai Bachchan
Although this quote is from the former Miss World and current actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, I imagine that we can all relate.

She meant that her love for her family is so strong and unconditional that it has come to be her greatest power, as well as her greatest weakness.

Quotes About Philosophy

If you relish in the marvels of philosophy, you’re going to love the following Hindi quotes with deep meaning and practical application to life!

17. चिंता चिता समान है।

RomanizationciNTaa ciTaa SamaaN hai.
English Equivalent“Worry is akin to death.”
This is an old Indian saying, attributed to no one in particular. However, some people believe it was said by an ancient Indian sage named Kabeer Das

The saying emphasizes that worrying about something immobilizes you. It stops you from taking any action that could alleviate or eliminate the reason behind the problem. This will likely intensify the problem, causing you to worry more. In turn, this will leave you stuck in a downward spiral that feeds on itself and eventually becomes a death loop. So, worry is compared to “death” here.

18. हर चमकती हुई चीज़ सोना नहीं होती।

Romanizationhar camakaTii huii ciiz SoNaa Nahiin hoTii.
English Equivalent“Not everything that glitters is gold.”
This is a simple quote that’s often used in conversations to convey that just because something looks good, doesn’t mean it’s worthwhile. Often, what attracts us in the beginning turns out to be fake or disappointing when we scratch the surface.

19. मूर्ख दूसरों पर हँसते हैं, बुद्धिमान ख़ुद पर।

Romanizationmuurkh DuuSron par hanSaTe hain, buDDHimaan khuD par.
English Equivalent“Fools laugh at others, the wise ones laugh at themselves.” ~Osho
Usually, one mocks other people to aggrandize their ego. Osho, the controversial Indian mystic, saw this self-aggrandizement as nothing less than foolishness. A wise man wears his wisdom very lightly, as he is not ego-centric and thus has the courage to laugh at himself and improve. This makes him even wiser. 

20. जब जागो तब सवेरा।

Romanizationjab jaago Tab Saveraa.
English Equivalent“It’s never too late.” / Literally: “When awake, then dawn.”
Let’s compare this quote with a Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.” 

The Hindi version uses “waking up” and “dawn” as metaphors for realizing a mistake and taking remedial actions. “Dawn,” it says, is whenever you “wake up.”

Planting a Tree

21. ख़ाली बर्तन ज़्यादा शोर करते हैं।

RomanizationkhaaLii barTaN zyaaDaa sor karaTe hain.
English Equivalent“Empty vessels make more noise.”
A person who lacks skills, talent, self-esteem, and/or confidence usually tries to fill this gap by talking very highly of himself just to feel good. Talk about an inferiority complex.

This corresponds to the way an empty vessel makes more sound than one that’s full. A truly knowledgeable person is full of self-esteem, and hence, remains humble. His/her sense of appreciation comes from within. 

22. जो जैसा बोता है, वैसा ही काटता है।

Romanizationjo jaiSaa boTaa hai, vaiSaa hii kaataTaa hai.
English Equivalent“As you sow, so shall you reap.”
When you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other. We cannot separate actions from results. This saying describes how our actions, thoughts, and words boomerang back around to us. If we do good, good echoes back to us; the same holds true for doing bad.

As noted author Stephen Covey said: “You can decide to stand in front of a fast moving train but you can’t decide what happens when the train hits you. That is governed by universal laws.”

23. दूसरों के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार ना करें, जो आपको अपने लिए पसंद नहीं।

RomanizationDuuSron ke SaaTH aiSaa vyavahaar Naa karen, jo aapako apaNe Liye paSaND Nahiin.
English Equivalent“Don’t treat others as you wouldn’t like for yourself.” ~Shantikunj, Haridwar
A very straightforward and literal quote. No metaphors or similes here. If you don’t like people treating you a certain way, it would be unfair of you to treat them that way. This saying comes from Shantikunj, a spiritual and social organization founded by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya.

Quotes About Food 

Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down for a nice meal now and then? Our Hindi quotes collection wouldn’t be complete without a few sayings related to food!

24. भूख से ज़्यादा अपमान जनक कोई और अपमान नहीं है।

Romanizationbhuukh Se zyaaDaa apamaaNajaNak koii aur apmaaN Nahiin hai.
English Equivalent“There is no greater humiliation than hunger.” ~Pranab Mukherjee
Said by the thirteenth President of India in a socio-political context, this quote means that if any person is devoid of food, then that person is subjected to the greatest humiliation. Hunger may force a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as begging or stealing.

A Happy Boy Excited for His Food

25. भूखे भजन न होय गोपाला।

Romanizationbhuukhe bhajaN Naa hoye gopaaLaa.
English Equivalent“One can’t even worship with an empty stomach.”
Food is of utmost importance; it’s the fundamental need and must be met first. 

Do note that “Gopala” is one of the names of Lord Krishna. This quote is from a dialogue in which Krishna warns God, in a tender and loving way, that no one could worship Him on an empty stomach (let alone do anything else).

26. जैसा भोजन खाइये, तैसा ही मन होये।

RomanizationjaiSaa bhojaN khaaiye, TaiSaa hii maN hoye.
English Equivalent“A man is what he eats.” ~Kabirdas
In Indian culture, food is believed to influence you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. We kind of worship food here and treat it as a god. To give you a picture of how significant food is in Indian society, consider that it’s looked down upon to stamp any food grain with your feet. 

In addition, according to Ayurveda, eating less spicy food and opting for simple meals calms our inner selves and keeps us healthy.

27. जैसा अन्न वैसा मन।

RomanizationjaiSaa aNN vaiSaa maN.
English Equivalent“You are what you eat.”
Similar to the previous quote, this one is also quite popular. The only difference is that this version is simpler and more straightforward.

Quotes About Language Learning

You saw it coming, didn’t you? Our list would be incomplete without quotes on language learning and the importance of the Hindi language.

India is a melting pot of various cultures and languages, yet in the midst of that, Hindi has not only retained its place but has also become more popular than ever.

28. राष्ट्र भाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है।

Romanizationraastra bhaasaa ke biNaa raastra guungaa hai.
English Equivalent“A nation is mute without its national language.” ~Mahatma Gandhi
Here, Gandhi pressed on the essential role of the national language. According to him, Hindi is the language that binds us all together. Without Hindi, India would lose its identity.

Officially, there are many national languages of India, but Hindi has its own unique place in everybody’s hearts.

A Symbol of Hinduism

29. हमारी नागरी लिपि दुनिया की सबसे वैज्ञानिक लिपि है।

Romanizationhamaarii Naagarii Lipi Duniyaa kii SabaSe vaigyaaNik Lipi hai.
English Equivalent“Our Devanagari script is the world’s most scientific script.” ~Rahul Sankrityayan
Rahul Sankrityayan is known as the Father of Indian Travelogue literature. He was one of the finest minds of India, and he spent more than forty years traveling to different places around the world.

Given his rich experiences with various cultures and languages, if a quote comes from him, it really means something to us. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script. And according to Rahul Sankrityayan, it is the most scientific script in the world.

30. हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है।

RomanizationhinDii bhaaraTiiya SaNSkriTi kii aaTmaa hai.
English Equivalent“Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.” ~Kamla Pati Tripathi
Kamla Pati Tripathi goes a step further and considers Hindi to be more than a national language. He calls Hindi the “soul of Indian culture.” It is something that resides in the hearts of Indian folks and reflects the traditions and whole persona of the native people.

A Girl Watching Something on Her Phone

9. Master the Hindi Language with Us at HindiPod101.com

Whoa! So many personalities and so many quotes of wisdom! Do you feel the same rush that we do? Well, why don’t you go ahead and share your favorite quote in the comments?

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40 Hindi Business Phrases to Boost Your Career


Simplicity is the key to impressing people. No matter what the world says, using complex and incomprehensible words when they’re not needed is way overrated. It leads to confusion and ruins the possibility of crystal-clear two-way communication. And there’s no reason we’d want to do that, right?

To help you avoid this pitfall, today we’re going to introduce you to the basic (but quite useful) Hindi business phrases. We also have a thirty-minute video about common business phrases in Hindi on the HindiPod101 YouTube Channel; you can find the video embedded below.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Business Words and Phrases in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Breaking the Myth
  2. Why is it Important to Study Business Phrases?
  3. Nailing a Job Interview
  4. Interacting with Coworkers
  5. Sounding Smart in a Meeting
  6. Handling Business Phone Calls and Emails
  7. Going on a Business Trip
  8. Become a True Professional with HindiPod101.com

1. Breaking the Myth


Many people assume that formal Hindi business phrases are long and difficult to learn. But guess what? That’s not always the case. You’ll be amazed to see how one can get away with shorter and more basic business vocabulary and phrases in the corporate culture.

Our goal is to cover all of the major categories concerning Hindi phrases for business, and to show you how simple business talk can be. Get ready to learn as many as forty Hindi sentences that you can easily use in the office to leave a stunning impression on the natives.

2. Why is it Important to Study Business Phrases?

There are plenty of advantages to learning business phrases in the local language. Here’s just a quick list of perks you can expect:

Breaking the Ice with Colleagues

By now, you should have a better idea of how learning essential business Hindi phrases can boost your career in India and make you popular, as well.

From here on out, the game is going to get serious. We’ll cover some different corporate situations and teach you the most common Hindi phrases used in each one. 

3. Nailing a Job Interview

Job Interview

Maybe you want to apply for a managerial position, a teaching job, or a flight attendant position. Whatever your chosen occupation is, there’s a set of procedures and phrases followed by the HR department.

The first step is to create a stunning resume in Hindi. Check out our vocabulary list of words and phrases used in a CV.

If you’ve been called in for an interview, here are a few things you should keep in mind:

Phrases to Make You a Rockstar in the Meeting

Now, enough chitter-chatter about the etiquette for job interviews in India. Let’s get straight to the point and start practicing the most important Hindi phrases for your interview.

1- नमस्ते, मेरा नाम ____ हैI (NamaSTe, meraa Naam ____ hai.)

“Hello, my name is ____.”

2- मुझे हिंदी बोलनी आती हैI (mujhe hiNDii boLaNii aaTii hai.)

“I can speak and understand Hindi.”

3- मैंने पिछली कंपनी में सात साल काम किया हैI (mainNe pichaLii kampaNii men SaaT SaaL kaam kiyaa hai.)

“I worked for seven years in the previous company.”

4- जी, मुझे नाईट शिफ़्ट करने में कोई दिक़्क़त नहीं हैI (jii, mujhe Naait sift karaNe men koii DikkaT Nahiin hai.)

“I have no issues with working the night shifts.”

5- [To Male Interviewer]

माफ़ कीजिये, क्या आप अपना सवाल दोहरा सकते हैं? (maaf kiijiye, kyaa aap apaNaa SavaaL Doharaa SakaTe hain?)

“Pardon me. Could you please, repeat your question?”

[To Female Interviewer]

माफ़ कीजिये, क्या आप अपना सवाल दोहरा सकती हैं? (maaf kiijiye, kyaa aap apaNaa SavaaL Doharaa SakaTii hain?)

“Pardon me. Could you please, repeat your question?”

4. Interacting with Coworkers

Once you’ve become one of their own, you and your coworkers would likely want to know each other better. Why don’t you start your interactions by impressing them with these flattering lines to win their hearts!

From greeting your colleagues and introducing yourself in Hindi, to asking for their help and saying sorry, the following Hindi business phrases will give you everything you need for smooth conversations.

Interacting with Your Coworkers in Hindi

6- मीटिंग कितने बजे है? (miiting kiTaNe baje hai?)

“What time is the meeting?”

7- वो फ़ाइल कहाँ है? (vo faaiL kahaan hai?)

“Where is that file?”

8- इतनी देर कैसे हो गई? (iTaNii Der kaiSe ho gayii?)

“How come you’re so late?”

9- बोनस के लिए बधाई हो! (boNaS ke Liye baDHaaii ho!)

“Congratulations on the bonus!”

10- [To Male Colleague]

क्या आप मेरी मदद कर सकते हैं? (kyaa aap merii maDaD kar SakaTe hain?)

“Could you please help me with this?”

[To Female Colleague]

क्या आप मेरी मदद कर सकती हैं? (kyaa aap merii maDaD kar SakaTii hain?)

“Could you please help me with this?”

Apologizing for Your Mistakes

11- क्या हम विज़िटिंग कार्ड शेयर कर सकते हैं? (kyaa ham viziting kaard seyar kar SakaTe hain?)

“Could we exchange our visiting cards?”

12- जी, मैं मार्केटिंग विभाग से हूँI (jii, main maarketing vibhaag Se huun.)

“Well, I am from the marketing department.”

13- [As a Male]

मैं ग़लती के लिए माफ़ी चाहता हूँI (main gaLaTii ke Liye maafii caahaTaa huun.)

“I apologize for my mistake.”

[As a Female]

मैं ग़लती के लिए माफ़ी चाहती हूँI (main gaLaTii ke Liye maafii caahaTii huun.)

“I apologize for my mistake.”

14- मदद के लिए शुक्रिया। (maDaD ke Liye sukriyaa.)

“Thank you for your help.”

5. Sounding Smart in a Meeting

Office meetings are tricky. They are more about the team than the individual. That’s why you need to be careful while expressing your opinions and making suggestions; you don’t want to sound too pushy. The following list of phrases for doing business in Hindi will help you express your agreement and disagreement, suggest ideas, and take initiative in the conversation in a polite way.

The key is to master your listening skills and empathize with your teammates. Up your game with our business Hindi phrases PDF cheat sheet.

Using an Assertive Tone to Achieve the Targets

15- [To Male]

आज से ये हमारे नए मैनेजर होंगे। (aaj Se ye hamaare Naye maiNejar honge.)

“From now on, he will be our new manager.”

[To Female]

आज से ये हमारी नई मैनेजर होंगीं। (aaj Se ye hamaarii Nayii maiNejar hongii.)

“From now on, she will be our new manager.”

16- आपने शानदार काम किया। (aapaNe saaNaDaar kaam kiyaa.)

“You did an amazing job!”

17- तो मीटिंग शुरू करें? (To miiting suruu karen?)

“So, should we start the meeting already?”

18- हम इतने कम वक़्त में ये प्रॉजेक्ट ख़त्म नहीं कर सकते।

(ham iTaNe kam vaqT men ye praujekt khaTm Nahiin kar SakaTe.)

“We just can’t complete this project at such short notice.”

19- इस महीने का टारगेट किसी भी हाल में पूरा होना चाहिए।

(iS mahiiNe kaa taaraget kiSii bhii haaL men pooraa hoNaa caahiye.)

“We have to achieve this month’s target anyhow.”

20- मैं बिल्कुल सहमत हूँI (main biLkuL SahamaT huun.)

“I completely agree.”

मैं बिल्कुल सहमत नहीं हूँI (main biLkuL SahamaT Nahiin huun.)

“I completely disagree.”

21- इस पर आप सब की क्या राय है? (iS par aap Sab kii kyaa raay hai?)

“What are your opinions on this?”

22- क्या किसी के पास और कोई सुझाव है? (kyaa kiSii ke paaS aur koii Sujhaav hai?)

“Does anyone else have any other suggestions?”

23- हमें इस बारे में सोच-समझकर फ़ैसला लेना चाहिए।

(hamen iS baare men Soc-Samajhakar faiSaLaa karaNaa caahiye.)

“We should think it through before making any decision.”

Business Phrases

6. Handling Business Phone Calls and Emails

In this section, we’ll be going over the proper phrases for business correspondence in Hindi. This includes everyday things such as answering a work phone, taking messages, ending a phone conversation, and addressing and greeting someone over email.

Doing Business Over the Phone

1 – Over the Phone

24- [If you’re a male]

क्या मैं ____ से बात कर सकता हूँ? (kyaa main _____ Se baaT kar SakaTaa huun?)

“Could I talk to Mr./Ms. _______?”

[If you’re a female]

क्या मैं ____ से बात कर सकती हूँ? (kyaa main _____ Se baaT kar SakaTii huun?)

“Could I talk to Mr./Ms. _______?”

25- [If you’re a male]

नमस्ते, मैं ______ कंपनी से बोल रहा हूँI (NamaSTe, main ___ kampaNii Se boL rahaa huun.)

“Hello, I’m speaking from ______ company.”

[If you’re a female]

नमस्ते, मैं ______ कंपनी से बोल रही हूँI (NamaSTe, main ___ kampaNii Se boL rahii huun.)

“Hello, I’m speaking from ______ company.”

26- [If you’re a male]

नमस्ते, क्या मैं आपका नाम जान सकता हूँ? (NamaSTe, kyaa main aapakaa Naam jaaN SakaTaa huun?)

“Hello, may I ask whom I am speaking to?”

[If you’re a female]

नमस्ते, क्या मैं आपका नाम जान सकती हूँ? (NamaSTe, kyaa main aapakaa Naam jaaN SakaTii huun?)

“Hello, may I ask whom I am speaking to?”

27- जी, आपको किससे बात करनी है? (jii, aapako kiSaSe baaT karaNii hai?)

“Hello, may I know whom you wish to talk to?”

28- हेलो, क्या ये _____ बेकरी का नंबर है? (heLo, kyaa ye ____ bekarii kaa Nambar hai?)

“Hello, is it ______ bakery’s number?”

2 – Over Email

Following the basic email etiquette rules could be a game changer. How you address the person and the clarity of your words matter a lot. So, take your time when writing an email and push the send button only when the entirety of the content looks good to go.

In Hindi, these are some of the most common phrases that we use while writing an email.

29- अति कृपा होगीI (aTi kripaa hogii.)

“It would be so kind of you.”

30- [To Males]

सेवा में, महोदय (Sevaa men, mahoDay)

“Respected Sir”

[To Females]

सेवा में, महोदया (Sevaa men, mahoDayaa)

“Respected Madam”

31- [If you’re a male]

मैं आपका आभारी रहूँगाI (main aapakaa aabhaarii rahuungaa.)

“I’d be grateful to you.”

[If you’re a female]

मैं आपकी आभारी रहूँगीI (main aapakii aabhaarii rahuungii.)

“I’d be grateful to you.”

32- [To Males]

महोदय, मुझे दो दिन की छुट्टी चाहिए। (mahoDay, mujhe Do DiN kii chuttii caahiye.)

“Dear Sir, I need a leave for two days.”

[To Females]

महोदया, मुझे दो दिन की छुट्टी चाहिए। (mahoDayaa, mujhe Do DiN kii chuttii caahiye.)

“Dear Ma’am, I need a leave for two days.”

7. Going on a Business Trip

Business trips are an inseparable part of corporate culture. Just like in any other country, in India too, you’ll need to know the local language for booking a hotel and tickets, meeting clients at the airport, thanking partners or clients for their time and hospitality, and checking in/out of a hotel.

33- तो हम लोग कब मिल सकते हैं? (To ham Log kab miL SakaTe hain?)

“So, when can we meet?”

34- [To Males]

और कैसे हैं आप? (aur kaiSe hain aap?)

“And how are you?”

[To Females]

और कैसी हैं आप? (aur kaiSii hain aap?)

“And how are you?”

35- तो अगली मीटिंग कब रखें? (To agaLii miiting kab rakhen?)

“So, when should we plan the next meeting?”

Expressing Your Ideas Confidently

36- [As a Male]

मैं चार दिन के बिज़नेस दौरे पर जा रहा हूँ I (main caar DiN ke bizaneS Daure par jaa rahaa huun.)

“I’m going on a business trip for four days.”

[As a Female]

मैं चार दिन के बिज़नेस दौरे पर जा रही हूँ I (main caar DiN ke bizaNeS Daure par jaa rahii huun.)

“I’m going on a business trip for four days.”

37- आपका सफ़र कैसा रहा? (aapakaa Safar kaiSaa rahaa?)

“How was your trip?”

38- आपसे मिलकर बहुत अच्छा लगाI (aapaSe miLakar bahuT acchaa Lagaa.)

“It was really a pleasure meeting you.”

39- फिर ये डील पक्की समझें? (phir ye diiL pakkii Samjhen?)

“So, should we consider this deal final?”

40- हमारे साथ बिज़नेस करने के लिए धन्यवाद। (hamaare SaaTH bizaNeS karaNe ke Liye DHaNyavaaD.)

“Thank you for doing business with us.”

8. Become a True Professional with HindiPod101.com

Now that you know the most important business Hindi vocabulary, we come to the end of our lesson. In spite of the provided romanizations for each phrase, if you have any issues reading a word or phrase in Hindi, please don’t hesitate to check out our comprehensive guide on Hindi Pronunciation to clear your doubts.

Congratulating Your Teammates on Their Success

Do you want more great content from HindiPod101, but don’t think you have the time or means? Don’t worry! All you have to do is download our amazing HindiPod101 app to learn Hindi anywhere and anytime.

In the meantime, keep practicing. We’d also love to know which one of the Hindi business phrases is your favorite, so please let us know in the comments!

In case you have any doubts or questions, feel free to reach out to us anytime.

Happy Hindi learning!

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Learn Hindi on YouTube: Hindi Channels We Think You’ll Love


We’ve all been guilty of spending hours and hours on social media, especially YouTube. 

Don’t worry, we’re not going to preach to you on how to quit these social media loops. Instead, we’ll introduce you to the best YouTube Indian channels that are sure to boost your Hindi learning.

You heard that right! Ever thought of turning your weakness into your strength? That’s what this lesson is about. After all, who said unorthodox study methods don’t work? 🙂


Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Why Learn Hindi with the HindiPod101 YouTube Channel?
  2. Our Customized Bouquet of Hindi YouTube Channels
  3. Join “Learn Hindi with HindiPod101.com” and Speak Like a Native

1. Why Learn Hindi with the HindiPod101 YouTube Channel?

Alright. Before moving on to our Hindi YouTube channels list, we want to remind you that the HindiPod101 YouTube channel is the best one for studying Hindi, especially when you’re first starting out. Why?

A Girl Studying

Say Goodbye to the Boring Study Methods

Relax, we’ll spill all the beans!

Here are some impressive reasons you should check out the HindiPod101 YouTube Channel:

  • We have more than 180k subscribers! You’re welcome to join the family. 🙂

  • Our videos are designed for all types of learners, from beginners to intermediate and advanced students.

  • All of our videos are highly interactive and fun. Say goodbye to boring traditional lessons.

  • Not only that, but we also teach you various tips and strategies to sharpen your memory and make your Hindi learning more effective.

  • Once you subscribe, our portal of unlimited video lesson materials opens for you. Yay!!

  • Our audio and video content are world-class. We promise that you’ll start getting the drift of Hindi from the very first lesson.

  • You can create your own personal playlist and begin your Hindi learning journey.
Man and Woman Making Vlog

Have Fun with Your Hindi Learning

Before you start watching any Hindi language YouTube videos, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the most popular Hindi words for talking about YouTube and our free 100 Hindi words list

2. Our Customized Bouquet of Hindi YouTube Channels

We’ll talk more about our channel later, but for now, let’s take a pause here and think. How about we explore the various video genres and splash more colors onto your Hindi learning regime? 🙂

Everyone is passionate about something. It may be traveling, exploring, creating something from scratch, cooking, music, or maybe just having a good laugh and reliving childhood memories while watching those ageless animations.

What we’re trying to say is that you can watch what you love and learn Hindi at the same time. You know, fill two needs with one deed!

An Indian Woman

Learn about Indian Culture

Below, we’ve categorized videos into the most popular YouTube channel topics; some categories have more than one channel. All you have to do is pick the best Hindi learning YouTube channel for you and get started.

1 – The Art of Cooking

There’s nobody on earth who doesn’t love food. Even if cooking isn’t your cup of tea, we’re guessing that eating a sumptuous meal is!

Our first category is related to Indian food and recipes. On YouTube, Hindi recipe channels abound—but there’s one that we think outshines the others. 

Channel NameFoodFood
LevelBasic to Advanced
YouTube Channel Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/user/FoodFoodindia
Sample Video Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIhUPNZZKbU
5 Bonus Words
  • भोजन (bhojaN) = “Food”
  • खाना (khaaNaa) = “To eat”
  • मसाला (maSaaLaa) = “Spice”
  • पकाना (pakaaNaa) = “To cook”
  • सब्ज़ी (Sabzii) = “Vegetable”

This channel has countless videos under various sub-categories, each with its own chef. Watching this channel will teach you about basic Indian flavors and spices, as well as how to prepare all sorts of veg and non-veg dishes. All of the chefs mostly talk in Hindi, but they occasionally use some English words as well.

Hindi Cuisine

Cook with Hindi Chefs

What’s more, you’ll gradually become more familiar with the Hindi words for Indian fruits and vegetables. Many of the episodes are based on the different regional foods of India, for instance, the cuisine of Kashmiri, Gujarati, or Rajasthani.

While there are no subtitles, they do show the ingredient names in English on the screen, which is a great relief. Sound fair? Give this channel a try and I’m sure you’ll love it for its simplicity and ethnic flavor.

2 – Traveling 

What’s better than soaking your soul in the fresh air, exploring unknown territories

If you consider yourself an adventurous soul, “Mountain Trekker” could be your best YouTube channel for learning Hindi.

Channel NameMountain Trekker
CategoryTraveling and Adventure
LevelBasic to Advanced
YouTube Channel Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl5dXugC3XZeDVsDkTaWJ4g
Sample Video Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjG5ZwuY0Rc 
5 Bonus Words
  • घूमना (ghuumaNaa) = “To travel” / “To wander”
  • पहाड़ (pahaad) = “Mountains”
  • नदी (NaDii) = “River”
  • घाटी (ghaatii) = “Valley”
  • बारिश (baaris) = “Rain”

A Traveller

Browse Through Popular Hindi Travel Channels

The creator of this channel is Varun Vagish, the guy next door who steals your heart with his charming laugh and simplicity. But that’s not all. Varun has also received the prestigious ‘National Tourism Award’ by the Indian Government for his contributions to tourism.

An explorer at heart, he has covered almost the entirety of India and is now traveling to many countries like Russia, Thailand, and Bali. The most special thing about his episodes is that he shows us how to travel on a budget, speaking only in Hindi and using sign language. Watch him break the myth of needing loads of money to travel the world.

3 – Current Affairs and Unbiased Opinions

In this world of paid media, nepotism, flattery, and commercialization, it’s hard to know what’s real and what’s a facade. Journalism is at its lowest in India these days. The whistleblowers and truth-tellers are doing their jobs, risking their lives.

When it comes to the various controversies, the people in power are leaving no stone unturned to confuse the common public. In such critical situations, it’s not only hard but also unfair to list just one bold and daring news channel while leaving out the other.

Here are two of the best places to find Hindi YouTube news videos.

Channel NameThe Wire
CategoryCurrent news, critical opinions, and reportage
LevelIntermediate to Advanced
YouTube Channel Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UChWtJey46brNr7qHQpN6KLQ
Sample Video Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQeFz0c-UQQ
5 Bonus Words
  • राजनीति (raajaNiiTi) = “Politics”
  • घोटाले (ghotaaLe) = “Scams”
  • ख़बर (khabar) = “News”
  • राय (raay) = “Opinions” / “Views”
  • दंगे (Dange) = “Riots”

Channel NameDhruv Rathee
CategoryCreating awareness on social, political, and environmental issues of India
LevelIntermediate to Advanced
YouTube Channel Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/user/dhruvrathee
Sample Video Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnkQUgamT_k
5 Bonus Words
  • माहौल (maahauL) = “Atmosphere”
  • जागरूकता (jaagaruukaTaa) = “Awareness”
  • समाज (Samaaj) = “Society”
  • पता लगाना (paTaa LagaaNaa) = “To find out”
  • मुद्दा (muDDaa) = “Issue”

Both “The Wire” and the “Dhruv Rathee” channels have become so popular among youth—not only in India, but globally—for their fierce facts and questions, and for trying their best to foil every attempt at creating a disturbance in society.

Man Watching Video

Watch Your Favorite Genre in Hindi

Please, check out both channels. Their usage of simple Hindi words will not only improve your language over time, but also keep you updated with what’s happening around the world in its most naked form.

4 – Documentary

Lots of kids and adults love to watch Animal Planet and other documentary channels. Imagine: A bowl of popcorn in your hands, snuggling on the couch, and watching some thrilling and amazing things on the screen. Nothing could beat that.

Channel NameWorld Documentary HD
CategoryAnimal Planet and Other Videos
LevelIntermediate to Advanced
YouTube Channel Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtPgtkTOR0HEU2ywLPCzI4g
Sample Video Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CCGbsymPbk
5 Bonus Words
  • जानवर (jaaNavar) = “Animal”
  • शिकार (sikaar) = “Prey”
  • जंगल (jangaL) = “Jungle”
  • माँस (maanS) = “Meat” / “Flesh”
  • घास (ghaaS) = “Grass”

Colorful Bird

For the Animal-and Nature-Lovers

Everybody learns faster when the content they’re taking in matches their interests. If you want to learn Hindi without feeling bored, the “Hindi World Documentary HD” channel could change things for you. Have a go and experience all the thrill nature has to offer, from the Amazon rainforests to the chilly weather in Alaska.

5 – Yoga and Fitness

Yoga has gained international fame, and for so many good reasons. First of all, yoga does not put a strain on your body. Instead, it relaxes and enhances one’s flexibility. The whole phenomenon relies on the simple process of inhaling and exhaling.

Here’s our pick for the best Hindi YouTube channel for yogis. 

Channel NameYoga with Shaheeda
YouTube Channel Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAmxfj3S7vM82SKbKpGYugw
Sample Video Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kM5hKr0qVZg
5 Bonus Words
  • साँस / श्वास (SaanS / svaaS) = “Breath”
  • शरीर (sariir) = “Body”
  • हाथ (haaTH) = “Hands”
  • पैर (pair) = “Legs”
  • ध्यान लगाना (DHyaaN LagaaNaa) = “To meditate”

On the “Yoga with Shaheeda” channel, Shaheeda teaches you various yoga positions and forms using flawless and easily understandable Hindi words and gestures.

Woman Doing Yoga

How about Learning Yoga in Hindi

Apart from that, her episodes are also categorized by experience level. For instance, there are different videos for beginners, intermediate yoga learners, and advanced practitioners.

We also think this is one of the best YouTube channels to learn Hindi because Shaheeda makes videos based on different health issues, such as migraines, sleeplessness, obesity, etc. Before starting yoga, she also gently explains the benefits of every gesture, which really inspires and convinces the audience to follow her steps.

6 – Beauty and Skincare

Want to learn Hindi online? YouTube skincare and beauty channels will help you achieve your goal and take your beauty game up a notch. For centuries, skincare has been of the utmost priority for both women and men.

Most of us have neither the budget nor the desire to waste hundreds of dollars on those expensive cosmetics. That’s why using natural and homemade skincare recipes has become so popular these days.

Channel NameBeauty9 homepage
CategoryLatest Makeup and Beauty Videos
LevelBeginner to Advanced
YouTube Channel Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu8KB6d7vEtOYqj7BM6SM4g
Sample Video Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gb901yzd7Io 
5 Bonus Words
  • त्वचा (Tvacaa) = “Skin”
  • चेहरा (ceharaa) = “Face”
  • आँखें (aankhen) = “Eyes”
  • नाख़ून (NaakhuuN) = “Nails”
  • बाल (baaL) = “Hair”

With just a few easy Hindi words for cosmetics, you’ll learn so much about simple, natural, and quick ways to improve your skin quality. But the channel has much more to offer. They teach you how to do makeup from scratch, even if you’re just a beginner.

Daughter Putting Make-up on Her Daddy

Ohh! It’s time to put on some makeup!:)

This channel covers different types of makeup for various occasions, such as bridal, parties, engagement, or everyday looks for girls in college. Apart from that, you’ll also find some of the best budget-friendly cosmetic products without hurting your pocket. 🙂

7 – Kids’ Animation

Finally, a channel that takes you right back to your childhood… An era when things were simple. No gadgets. When simple innocent tricks could make us laugh or scare us half to death. 

Channel NameToonKids Hindi
CategoryAnimated Short Stories
YouTube Channel Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1Ff6eU-8VsLAwZuI7-Bufw
Sample Video Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAqdm23VGgo
5 Bonus Words
  • बच्चे (bacce) = “Kids”
  • नाराज़ (Naaraaz) = “Upset” / “Angry”
  • खेलना (kheLaNaa) = “To play”
  • रोना (roNaa) = “To cry”
  • दोस्ती (DoSTii) = “Friendship”

Do you want to travel back to that world again? Then, welcome to the “ToonKids Hindi” YouTube channel, the best place to watch a good cartoon in Hindi. YouTube videos on this channel include animated short stories and long episodes that contain moral values for kids but never fail to entertain adults as well! 

8 – Arts and Crafts

Creativity knows no bounds. If you see creativity in everything that comes your way, arts and crafts is the most obvious genre to steal your attention.

Things Use for Painting

Learn Your Favorite Skill & Improve Your Hindi

Channel NameCraft with Aayu Pihu
CategoryArts and Crafts at Home
YouTube Channel Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLnlD3yHgpji6fuEpNHE-yQ
Sample Video Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4PgJVchhEo
5 Bonus Words
  • काग़ज़ (kaagaz) = “Paper”
  • गोंद (gonD) = “Glue”
  • रंग (rang) = “Color”
  • चिपकाना (cipakaaNaa) = “To paste”
  • काटना (kaataNaa) = “To cut”

We must admit, creating something artistic from scratch or from simple everyday materials gives us an immense satisfaction that words can’t express. On “Craft with Aayu Pihu,” you’ll learn how to make easy-breezy craft materials without making a hole in your pocket. 🙂

9 – Independent Movies

This one is a serious category. 

As we all know, Indian society is a little conservative. But barriers are being broken and forbidden issues are being publicly talked about. In addition, the independent filmmakers—people who have the potential to create something extraordinary, but lack the budget—have finally found a platform to showcase their artistic expressions on the “Large Short Films” YouTube channel.

Channel NameLarge Short Films
CategoryAward-winning, original, and inspiring short films
LevelIntermediate to Advanced
YouTube Channel Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/user/LargeShortFilms
Sample Video Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-Sk7fQGIjE
5 Bonus Words
  • औरत (auraT) = “Woman”
  • आदमी (aaDamii) = “Man”
  • समाज (Samaaj) = “Society”
  • कहानी (kahaaNii) = “Story”
  • परिवार (parivaar) = “Family”

Each episode has a different short story, typically about adult issues: extramarital affairs, repression of females in Indian society, obsession for female virginity before marriage, etc.

It’s not just the topics that appeal to the audience, though; it’s the way these short films have been treated. There’s no drama. The films are realistic. People can actually relate to them. And that’s the channel’s USP.

Directors Cut Board

Watch the unconditional movies in Hindi

Filmmakers nobody knew ‘til yesterday are being praised and awarded for their efforts in bringing bold but necessary issues into the limelight. India desperately needed such a channel, and you can find all the finest actors imbuing life into these stories.

10 – The HindiPod101 YouTube Channel

Last but not least, let’s talk business now. 

One can’t learn and master Hindi by just watching some YouTube channels. Of course, they are a bonus. But in the end, you need a teacher, a trainer who can not only guide you but also share the step-by-step strategies that will help you learn better and smarter.

Of all the Hindi learning YouTube channels, HindiPod101 is the best place to make your Hindi-learning dreams come true! 

Channel NameLearn Hindi with HindiPod101.com
CategoryEdutainment, Hindi Learning
LevelAll Levels
YouTube Channel Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/user/hindipod101
Sample Video Linkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lrz11BbqCA 
5 Bonus Words
  • सीखना (SiikhaNaa) = “To learn”
  • पढ़ना (padhaNaa) = “To read”
  • सुनना (SuNaNaa) = “To listen”
  • लिखना (LikhaNaa) = “To write”
  • बोलना (boLaNaa) = “To speak”

3. Join “Learn Hindi with HindiPod101.com” and Speak Like a Native

So, let’s take a quick look at what our “Learn Hindi with HindiPod101.com” YouTube channel has got to offer you.

  • Our videos are easy and fun.

  • The content and video quality is superb!

  • You can pick what you want to learn. We have videos on almost everything, from words for dating to nailing that job interview.

  • By watching our videos, you also learn the exact pronunciation of the Hindi words.

  • If you want to start with the Hindi alphabet/script or how to count, we’ve got your back.

  • You can browse through all of our videos and find out what serves you the best.
YouTube Logo

Using YouTube for Hindi Learning

Create a playlist of your favorite videos and keep learning, even when you’re on the go. 

So, what are you waiting for? Visit us, watch our videos, and leave us some feedback in the comments below. We’d love to receive some love from your side, and to hear any suggestions you may have! 

And before you go: Sign up and get a free lifetime account with HindiPod101.com. You can also subscribe to our channel and get notifications every time a new video is uploaded.

Happy Hindi learning! 

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The Punjabi Lohri Festival: An Indian Harvest Celebration

Many cultures have some sort of harvest festival or day of giving thanks: Germans have Erntedankfest, Koreans have Chuseok, and Americans have Thanksgiving. In India, too, there is a special day each year for celebrating the harvest and hoping for future blessings: the Lohri festival. 

This holiday is especially popular in the Indian Punjab region, where sugarcane and other crops are harvested early in the year. In this article, you’ll learn all about why the Punjabi celebrate Lohri, what traditions look like today, and more. 

Let’s get started! 

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1. What is Lohri?

Close-up Shot of Wheat

Lohri is a harvest festival celebrating the harvest of Rabi crops.

The Lohri festival is celebrated each year on or around January 13 in पंजाब (panjaab), or “Punjab.” People in some other regions of India and Pakistan celebrate this holiday as well. 

The meaning of Lohri is twofold: On the one hand, it celebrates the winter solstice and the arrival of longer, warmer days. On the other, it also celebrates the annual January harvest of गन्ने (ganne), or “sugarcane,” and other wintertime produce. 

Historical Significance of Lohri

Traditionally, Lohri is considered a harvest festival and is perceived as a time to ask the gods for blessings and abundance. There are a few theories about where the name ‘Lohri’ originated: 

  • It could be a shortened version of the combined words til and rorhi (tilohri -> lohri). These words mean “sesame seed” and “gur,” respectively. 
  • Another theory is that the name is a shortened version of ‘Loi,’ which was the name of a saint’s wife. 
  • There is still a third theory that suggests the name comes from ‘loh,’ which is a word referring to warmth and light. 

This holiday is often associated with religious traditions of the past, including remembrance of the sun god Surya and the fire god Agni. In some circles, there is also a popular folk tale about a man named Dulla Bhatti who spent much of his life rescuing young girls from being sold into slavery. 

2. Lohri Celebrations and Traditions

A Large Bonfire for Lohri

The bonfire is the focal point of Lohri celebrations.

While this holiday is mainly celebrated in Punjab, there are other regions in both India and Pakistan that observe the holiday. Exact traditions vary from one region to another. 

The Lohri celebration in Punjab is met with much enthusiasm, and holiday preparation actually begins several days before. During this time, children work together to gather firewood that will be used for the traditional pyre and  उत्सावाग्नि (utsavaagni), or “bonfire.” They also participate in a fun tradition called Lohri Booty, in which groups of children go from home to home singing songs in order to receive some kind of sweet treat or even money. 

On the night of Lohri, there is a large bonfire that serves as the focal point of the celebrations. People gather around the fire wearing bright and colorful clothing, and together they pray, sing, dance, and indulge in special Lohri snacks made from the harvested sugarcane and other types of रब्बी की फसल (rabbi ki fasal), or “Rabi crop.” 

While music plays—either from a traditional instrument called ढोल (dhol) or from an electronic device—people take revolutions around the bonfire and dance. Popular songs include those about the good deeds of Dulla Bhatti. There are two types of dances: Bhangra which is performed by men and गिद्धा (giddha) which is performed by women. Both dances are known for their high energy and spirit. 

A pyre is burned in the bonfire, sometimes featuring an idol of the Lohri goddess, and people throw food into the fire. Burning the food like this is seen as an offering to the fire god, as well as a way to ‘burn’ the old year and prepare for the new one. 

3. The Many Foods of Lohri

The Popular Indian Treat, Jaggery

Jaggery is one of the most popular Indian foods, especially for holidays. 

Because Lohri is a harvest festival, food is one of its central elements. The people of Punjab prepare a variety of seasonal meals and other treats using ingredients from the harvest, including the sugarcane. Some popular harvest items during this time include मूँगफली (moongfalee), or “peanut,” and गुड (gud), or “jaggery.”

Traditional Punjabi dishes include Sarson ka saag and Makke ki roti. The first is a dish consisting of mustard greens and spices, and the latter is an unleavened, cornmeal-based bread. Very often, Sarson ka saag, Makke ki roti, and jaggery are served together to make a complete, delicious holiday meal! 

    → To learn more about popular Indian foods and eating practices, you can visit our lesson on the Top 5 Indian Dishes.

4. Must-Know Vocabulary for the Lohri Festival

An Indian Woman Performing the Giddha Dance

On Lohri, women perform an upbeat dance called Giddha. 

Now let’s review some of the words from this article, plus a few more! 

  • मूँगफली (moongfalee) – “peanut” [noun]
  • पंजाब (panjaab) – “Punjab” [noun]
  • उत्सावाग्नि (utsavaagni) – “bonfire” [noun]
  • गन्ने (ganne) – “sugarcane” [noun]
  • धनु राशि (dhanu rashi) – “Sagittarius” [proper noun]
  • तिल (til) – “sesame seed” [noun]
  • गुड (gud) – “jaggery” [noun]
  • सरसों का साग (sarson ka saag) – “Sarson ka saag” [proper noun]
  • मक्‍के की रोटी (makke ki roti) – “Makke ki roti” [proper noun]
  • ढोल (dhol) – “Dhol” [proper noun]
  • गिद्धा (giddha) – “Giddha” [proper noun]
  • रब्बी की फसल (rabbi ki fasal) – “Rabi crop” [proper noun]

Remember that you can find each of these words along with an audio recording of their pronunciation on our Lohri vocabulary list! 

Final Thoughts

Lohri plays a significant role in Punjabi society and India as a whole. In this article, you learned why Lohri is celebrated in Punjab, what modern-day traditions look like, and more—but your studies aren’t over yet! 

HindiPod101 provides tons of free vocabulary lists, useful learning resources, insightful blog posts like this one, and audio and video lessons for learners at every level. If you’re serious about upping your Hindi game and becoming familiar with Indian culture, then make sure to create your free lifetime account today (or upgrade your existing account for access to even more features!). 

To continue learning about Indian culture and holidays, you can read our previous blog posts:

This only scratches the surface of what you can expect from HindiPod101, so we hope to see you around. 

Happy Lohri from the HindiPod101.com team! 

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20 Common Ways to Say Goodbye in Hindi


Did you read our extensive guide on “How to Say Hello in Hindi“? Then it’s time to take a step forward and learn how to say goodbye in Hindi. Because let’s face it: Nobody likes to leave a conversation abruptly. Knowing how to conclude a conversation is just as crucial as knowing how to start one! It’s part and parcel of a strong communication etiquette.

Here are just a few reasons you’ll want to learn how to say goodbye in Hindi: 

  • In India, you’ll need this knowledge at the end of the day.
  • It’s the proper way to end a chat or meeting with someone.
  • Leaving without saying bye is impolite and rude in any culture.
  • More importantly, we have specific Indian gestures that go along with particular goodbye phrases. (Another great reason to join us in this lesson!)

In this guide, we’ll be looking at some formal and informal ways of seeing people off in various situations. Start with a bonus, and download the Must-Know Beginner Vocabulary PDF for FREE!(Logged-In Member Only)

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Formal Ways to Say Goodbye
  2. Informal Ways to Say Goodbye
  3. When Texting / Talking Over the Phone
  4. Untranslatable Goodbye Phrases in Hindi
  5. Blessings From Elderly People
  6. Mastering Hindi Goodbyes with HindiPod101.com

1. Formal Ways to Say Goodbye

Most Common Goodbyes

Let’s begin with the formal ways of saying goodbye in the Hindi language. There are several benefits of knowing how to use this kind of formal language in India, and these formal goodbye phrases are safe to use in any situation and with anybody. If it’s your first trip to India, you may want to read our article on the Do’s and Don’ts of Indian Etiquette.

Gesture ⇒Join the palms of your hands, placed near your chest, while slightly bowing your head with a gentle smile on your face.
1.नमस्ते (NamaSTe)[Formal & Casual]“Goodbye!”
Example SituationThis Hindi word for goodbye can be used in any situation, whether formal or informal. Maybe you’ve met someone for the first time, and you’re getting ready to part ways. नमस्ते (NamaSTe) is the safest word to use, regardless of how old the other person is. 
Sentence Usage[Male]मैं दादाजी को आपका संदेश दे दूंगाI नमस्तेI
(main DaaDaajii ko aap kaa SaNDes De Duungaa. NamaSTe.)
Sentence Usage[Female]मैं दादाजी को आपका संदेश दे दूंगीI नमस्तेI
(main DaaDaajii ko aap kaa SaNDes De Duungii. NamaSTe.)
English Translation“I will pass on your message to my grandfather. Goodbye.”

Gesture ⇒Join the palms of your hands, placed near your chest, while slightly bowing your head with a gentle smile on your face.
2.शुभ रात्रि (subh raaTri)[Formal]“Goodnight”
Example SituationThis phrase is used at the end of the day. For instance, when leaving a dinner party and saying goodbye to the host.
Sentence Usageपार्टी बहुत अच्छी थीI हमें बुलाने के लिए धन्यवादI शुभ रात्रिI
(paartii bahuT acchii THii. hamen buLaaNe ke Liye DHaNyavaaD. subh raaTri.)
English Translation“The party was amazing. Thank you for inviting us. Goodnight!”

An Indian Woman Giving the NamaSTe Gesture

The Typical Indian Goodbye

Gesture ⇒Join the palms of your hands, placed near your chest, while slightly bowing your head with a gentle smile on your face.
3.नमस्कार (NamaSkaar)[Formal]“Good day”
Example SituationYou could hear this being said on a news channel or in other highly formal situations, such as at a railway station or during a radio program.
Sentence Usageये थे आज के मुख्य समाचारI नमस्कारI
(ye THe aaj ke mukhy Samaacaar. NamaSkaar.)
English Translation“These were the main headlines for today. Good day.”

Gesture ⇒Join the palms of your hands, placed near your chest, while slightly bowing your head with a gentle smile on your face.
4.आपका दिन शुभ हो (aap kaa DiN subh ho)[Formal]“Have a good day.”
Example SituationYou could hear this being said on a news channel, any TV show, or in other highly formal situations, such as after a stewardess has given an announcement.
Sentence Usageहमारे साथ यात्रा करने के लिए धन्यवादI आपका दिन शुभ होI
(hamaare SaaTH yaaTraa karaNe ke Liye DHaNyavaaD. aap kaa DiN subh ho.)
English Translation“Thank you for choosing to travel with us. Have a good day.”

5.आपसे मिलकर अच्छा लगा(aap Se miLakar acchaa Lagaa)[Formal]“It was nice meeting you.”
Example SituationOf course, people say this to each other when they’ve met for the first time. This Hindi goodbye phrase could be used between two relatives, professionals, potential friends, etc.
Sentence Usageउम्मीद है फिर मुलाक़ात होगी। आपसे मिलकर अच्छा लगा।
(ummiiD hai phir muLaaqaaT hogii. aap Se miLakar acchaa Lagaa.)
English Translation“Hope we see each other again. It was nice meeting you.”

Quick Note: Leave a stunning impression by introducing yourself with one of these top ten Hindi ice-breakers!

2. Informal Ways to Say Goodbye

Now that we’ve covered the must-know formal phrases, here comes the most exciting part for the youngsters. In this section, we’ll talk about how to say goodbye in Hindi when the environment is more laid-back.

Gesture ⇒You may simply wave your hand if you’re parting ways with someone of the opposite sex, while people of the same sex may go for a quick handshake.
6.मिलते हैं किसी दिन(miLaTe hain kiSii DiN)[Casual]“Let’s meet up someday!”
Example SituationWhen two people happen to run into each other, they may say “Hi” and use this phrase to end their short but pleasant conversation (assuming they would really like to see one another again).
Sentence Usageऔर क्या हाल हैं? मिलते हैं किसी दिन!
(aur kyaa haaL hain? miLaTe hain kiSii DiN.)
English Translation“And what’s new? Let’s meet up someday!”

A Woman Waving Goodbye to Someone

Saying Bye to Colleagues

Gesture ⇒Friendly eye-contact and a smile will do the job.
7.कल मिलते हैं(kaL miLaTe hain)[Casual]“See you tomorrow.”
Example SituationWhen you see your friend or colleague on a regular basis, it makes sense to plan something for the next day, and that’s where this phrase comes in.
Sentence Usageकल मिलते हैं, उसी जगह उसी वक़्त।
(kaL miLaTe hain, uSii jagah uSii vaqT.)
English Translation“See you tomorrow, same place same time.”

Gesture ⇒You may simply wave your hand if you’re parting ways with someone of the opposite sex, while people of the same sex may go for a quick handshake.
8.मिलते रहना(miLaTe rahaNaa)[Casual]“Keep in touch.”
Example SituationTwo friends see each other after a long while, either by chance or through a planned meeting. In this situation, this phrase is the perfect way to say goodbye in the Hindi language. It implies that they would really like to see each other more in the future.
Sentence Usage[Male] अरे! बहुत दिन बाद दिखे। कैसे हो? मिलते रहना।
(are! bahuT DiN baaD Dikhe. kaiSe ho? miLaTe rahaNaa.)
Sentence Usage[Female]अरे! बहुत दिन बाद दिखीं। कैसी हो? मिलती रहना।
(are! bahuT DiN baaD Dikhiin. kaiSii ho? miLaTii rahaNaa.)
English Translation“Oh! Long time no see. How are you? Keep in touch.”

Gesture ⇒You may simply wave your hand if you’re parting ways with someone of the opposite sex, while people of the same sex may go for a quick handshake.
9.जल्दी मिलेंगे(jaLDii miLenge)[Casual]“See you soon.”
Example SituationThis phrase is often used when two friends or colleagues are parting ways and hope to meet soon.
Sentence Usageआज की शाम आपके साथ काफ़ी अच्छी रही। उम्मीद है हम फिर जल्दी मिलेंगे।
(aaj kii saam aap ke SaaTH kaafii acchii rahii. ummiiD hai ham phir jaLDii miLenge.)
English Translation“I really enjoyed this evening with you. Hope to see you soon.”

A Woman Talking on the Phone with Someone

Proper Phone Etiquette

Gesture ⇒Friends may offer each other a handshake or a tap on the shoulder. However, physical touching between opposite genders must be avoided in public places. Elders may caress a young person’s hair or cheeks to show their affection. 
10.ध्यान रखना
(DHyaaN rakhaNaa)
[Casual]“Take care.”
Example SituationWhen seeing someone off at an airport or train station, loved ones say this to each other.
Sentence Usageकिसी बात की चिंता मत करना और अपना ध्यान रखना।
(kiSii baaT kii ciNTaa maT karaNaa aur apaNaa DHyaaN rakhaNaa.)
English Translation“Don’t worry about anything and take care.”

Gesture ⇒You may simply wave your hand if you’re parting ways with someone of the opposite sex, while people of the same sex may go for a quick handshake.
11.चलता / चलती हूँ 
(caLaTaa) / (caLaTii huun)
[Casual]“Gotta go.”Or”I’ve got to take off.”
Example SituationSuppose there are classmates enjoying some snacks together in the college cafeteria. One of them realizes that he or she needs to leave early, so they say this phrase to their classmates.
Sentence Usage[Male]चलता हूँ। मुझे कल के एग्ज़ाम के लिए तैयारी भी करनी है।
(caLaTaa huun. mujhe kaL ke egzaam ke Liye Taiyaarii bhii karaNii hai.)
Sentence Usage[Female]चलती हूँ। मुझे कल के एग्ज़ाम के लिए तैयारी भी करनी है।
(caLaTii huun. mujhe kaL ke egzaam ke Liye Taiyaarii bhii karaNii hai.)
English Translation“Gotta go! I’ve got to prepare for tomorrow’s exam, too.”

Gesture ⇒Friendly eye-contact and a smile will do the job.
12.जाने का समय हो गया है
(jaaNe kaa Samay ho gayaa hai)
[Casual]“It’s time to go.”
Example SituationYou can use this phrase in a variety of situations, such as when the train has arrived and you have to say bye to your loved ones. It’s basically a conversational phrase that’s a bit time-sensitive. 
Sentence Usageजाने का समय हो गया है। चलो, सबके पैर छू लें।
(jaaNe kaa Samay ho gayaa hai. caLo, Sab ke pair chuu Len.)
English Translation“It’s time to go. Let’s touch everybody’s feet.”

Quick Note: In India, young people usually follow the custom of touching their elders’ feet before leaving. In response to that, the elders put their palm on the young people’s heads to show their affection and bless them.

A Man Waving Goodbye to Someone through a Door

See You Soon! 🙂

Gesture ⇒Friendly eye-contact and a smile will do the job.
13.अब हमें चलना चाहिए
(ab hamen caLaNaa caahiye)
[Casual]“We should leave now.”
Example SituationAttending an office party, but think it’s getting too late already? Use this phrase to politely express your desire to leave for home.
Sentence Usageकाफ़ी रात हो गई हैI अब हमें चलना चाहिएI
(kaafii raaT ho gayii hai. ab hamen caLaNaa caahiye.)
English Translation“It’s actually quite late. We should leave now.”

3. When Texting / Talking Over the Phone

Telephonic conversation etiquette has a style of its own. People use a completely different set of phrases to talk over the phone. Let’s check out some of the most common ways to say “Bye for now” in Hindi after a chat on the phone.

Gesture ⇒Don’t forget to smile, because people can sense it even when they can’t see you!
14.फ़ोन करते रहना
(foN karaTe rahaNaa)
[Casual]“Call me.” / “Keep in touch.”
Example SituationFriends or parents may use this phrase over the phone when talking to their friend or child who’s just moved to a new city.
Sentence Usageदिल्ली के नए माहौल का लुत्फ़ उठाओI और फ़ोन करते रहनाI
(DiLLii ke Naye maahauL kaa LuTf uthaao. aur foN karaTe rahaNaa.)
English Translation“Enjoy your new life in Delhi. And keep in touch.”

Gesture ⇒Keep a gentle tone and don’t forget to smile, because people can sense it even when they can’t see you!
15.बाद में बात करते हैं
(baaD men baaT karaTe hain)
[Casual]“Talk to you later.”
Example SituationYou know that feeling when you just don’t want to put the phone down, but you have to? Indians use this phrase as a gesture to express that they’re very much looking forward to having another lovely chat with you soon! 
Sentence Usageचलो, अभी तुम सो जाओI बाद में बात करते हैंI
(caLo, abhii Tum So jaao. baaD men baaT karaTe hain.)
English Translation“Alright, you get some rest now. Talk to you later.”

A Group of People Waving Goodbye Over a Video Conference

Have a Great Day!

4. Untranslatable Goodbye Phrases in Hindi

Now for a really unique section! Here are a couple of untranslatable Hindi phrases that have no substitute in English or any other language.

Gesture ⇒You can wave, make friendly eye contact, and smile.
16.अलविदा (aLaviDaa)[Casual]“Goodbye!”
Example SituationThis is an Urdu word with roots in the Arabic language. But it can be heard quite frequently in Bollywood movies portraying Muslim characters. It’s mainly said when two people don’t know when they’ll meet again and wish for each other’s well-being.
Sentence Usageअलविदा, चचा जानI हम हमेशा आपको याद करेंगेI
(aLaviDaa, cacaa jaaN. ham hamesaa aap ko yaaD karenge.)
English Translation“Goodbye, dear uncle. We’ll always miss you.”

Gesture ⇒You can wave, make friendly eye contact, and smile.
17.टाटा (taataa)[Casual]“Bye!”
Example SituationWhen the mood is light, this should be your go-to Hindi goodbye phrase. It’s especially popular among kids, because it’s so easy to say with few syllables. In addition, family members will often say this to each other when parting ways.
Sentence Usageटाटा! घर पहुँच कर फ़ोन ज़रूर करनाI
(taataa, ghar pahunc kar foN zaruur karaNaa.)
English Translation“Tata! Make sure to call me once you get home.”

5. Blessings From Elderly People

In India, we have a custom of touching the feet of our elders, especially while greeting them and saying goodbye. Touching the feet is a gesture that represents our love and deep respect toward older people. To this, our elders respond by placing their palm on our head and blessing us. Below are some popular phrases used for this purpose.

Gesture ⇒After a young person has touched an elder’s feet, the elder will put their palm on the young person’s head to show their affection and bless them. 
18.सदा सुखी रहो
(SaDaa Sukhii raho)
[Out of Love]“Wish you forever happiness.”
Example SituationOld people usually say this as a blessing to married couples.
Sentence Usageसदा सुखी रहोI
(SaDaa Sukhii raho)
English Translation“Wish you forever happiness.”

Gesture ⇒After a young person has touched an elder’s feet, the elder will put their palm on the young person’s head to show their affection and bless them. 
19.ख़ूब नाम कमाओ 
(khuub Naam kamaao)
[Out of Love]“May you achieve success.”
Example SituationThis is a more generic blessing from elders to young people. 
Sentence Usageमन लगाकर पढ़ाई करो और ख़ूब नाम कमाओI
(maN Lagaakar padhhaaii karo aur khuub Naam kamaao.)
English Translation“Study with full dedication and may you achieve success.”

Gesture ⇒After a young person has touched an elder’s feet, the elder will put their palm on the young person’s head to show their affection and bless them.
20.आयुष्मान भव
(aayusmaaN bhav)
[Out of Love]“Live long.”
Example SituationThis is another generic blessing, and it means: “May you live long.”
Sentence Usageआयुष्मान भवI
(aayusmaaN bhav.)
English Translation“May you live long.”

New Colleagues Shaking Hands

It was a Pleasure Meeting You!

6. Mastering Hindi Goodbyes with HindiPod101.com

And now, it’s really time for us to say goodbye! Jokes aside, which of the phrases in this article is your favorite? Can you use it in a sentence and share it with us in the comments? Oh, and feel free to drop any questions you have there, too. We’d love to help! 

But before that, how about signing up on HindiPod101.com and downloading our latest innovative app. And if there’s any word or phrase in this lesson that is difficult for you to understand, you can check its meaning in our Grammar Bank.

For more fun learning, stay tuned guys, ‘cause we have so much in store for you!

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Is Hindi Hard to Learn? Our Verdict.


If you’re a native English-speaker looking to learn the beautiful Hindi language, you may have asked yourself “Is Hindi hard to learn?” Doubts like this are understandable, given the massive difference between the Hindi and English language scripts. However, not all answers are black and white. 

There are a number of factors that can influence how easily you learn Hindi:

Confident about the first two factors? Leave everything else to HindiPod101.com! We’re committed to making Hindi learning as interesting as possible.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Learning Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Hindi: Yay or Nay!
  2. Why Should You Learn Hindi?
  3. The Most Easygoing Parts of Learning Hindi
  4. The Hardest Parts
  5. Handy Tips for a New Hindi Learner
  6. Why is HindiPod101.com Great for Learning Hindi?

A Little Boy Playing with Building Blocks

Making Hindi Learning Fun for You!

1. Hindi: Yay or Nay!

You want to know how difficult (or easy!) learning Hindi will be for you. You want to know if you should take the plunge or not. 

We won’t lie: Learning Hindi is no piece of cake! That said, there are some things that make Hindi hard to learn, and others that are very simple. Once you get the drift of it, you won’t be able to help falling in love with the language’s many amazing features. 🙂

For instance, Hindi is spoken just the way it’s written. Once you learn the alphabet, you’ve already won half the battle! (And with HindiPod101.com, you can learn the alphabet in no time.)

Now, let’s get going already and cover the basics of learning Hindi. In this article, we’ll give you some marvelous facts about the Hindi language, show you the good, bad, and ugly of the learning process, and give you tips for success along the way! 

2. Why Should You Learn Hindi?

Why on earth would you want to learn Hindi? Honestly, the benefits are plenty, especially if you’re planning to stay in India for a while. Allow us to list some of the best reasons to learn Hindi with us.

1 – Wide Popularity

Hindi is one of the most spoken languages in India. Did you know that Hindi is the official language in a total of nine Indian states, collectively known as the Hindi Belt? But the language’s huge reputation doesn’t end there. In fact, natives of South India are quite familiar with the Hindi language as well. What’s more, take into account the massive fan base of Bollywood movies all over India—and the world—to see just how popular Hindi language media has become! 

2 – Professional Benefits

Learning Hindi will open up many job opportunities for you. To say the least, it will give you a strong advantage in the Indian atmosphere. People in India are more inclined to hire someone who knows such a prevalent language like Hindi than someone who only knows English (or another less-popular language). When you know Hindi, they actually begin to see you as a part of their own society and culture.

3 – Social Mingling

Knowing at least a little Hindi will definitely give you an edge in many ways, from breaking the ice in conversations to dating someone. It will help you connect with natives and socialize with them in both personal and professional scenarios. This is especially true if you’re in Northern India, where conversing in Hindi is the real shortcut to people’s hearts.

A Girl Who’s Fallen Asleep in Math Class

Are You Studying the Right Way?

4 – Practical Advantages

Knowing Hindi will help you in a variety of daily activities, such as grocery shopping, bargaining for a lower price, taking a taxi, or asking for directions. It’s a life-saver in case of an emergency. Basic knowledge of Hindi will help you gel with neighbors and have fun at parties. You would have the luxury of laughing with natives when they make a joke (instead of feeling left out). 

5 – Command Over Other Regional Languages

Hindi has inspired many other regional languages, such as Gujarati, Punjabi, Rajasthani, and Bihari. All of these languages spoken in the Northern area have many words in common. So, studying Hindi will automatically make you more familiar with these languages too, which is a big bonus!

3. The Most Easygoing Parts of Learning Hindi

Learning Hindi isn’t all fun and games, but there are a few aspects of the language that really aren’t so bad! 

1 – Phonetic Language

When a language is phonetic, it means that it’s spoken exactly as it’s written. Once you learn to recognize the alphabet, there are no hidden or confusing pronunciation rules. 

So, starting from scratch, your first priority should be to master the Hindi alphabet. Here are some examples of how Hindi may actually be easier than English in this regard:

  • In English: Consider the sound of ‘u’ in “put” and “bush,” and then compare it to the sound of ‘u’ in “cut” and “rush.” They sound different, right? Moreover, “rough” and “cough” produce the sound of ‘f,’ whereas “though” and “plough” don’t.

  • In Hindi: You won’t find such ambiguity in the Hindi language. Each sound or letter has one—and only one—way of being spoken. For example, र (ghar) = “house,” घंटी (ghantii) = “bell,” and घूमना (ghuumaNaa) = “wander,” all generate the same sound of ‘gh’ as in “ghost.”

2 – Familiar Sounds

Although Hindi is a completely different language, it still has its fair share of common sounds with English. This factor turns things in the learner’s favor and fills them with some self-confidence from the beginning.

A Child Studying with Flashcards

Start with the Basics

Delving into these familiar sounds right away and building a personal vocab list is an easy way to start practicing Hindi.

Examples of Familiar Sounds:

Familiar SoundsHindi ExamplesEnglish Examples
अ (a) Sound
  • नार (aNaar) = “Pomegranate”
  • नोखा (aNokhaa) = “Strange”
Used as [a] in “alone,” “about,” “aloof”
आ (aa) Sound
  • म (aam) = “Mango”
  • ज (aaj) = “Today”
Used as [aa] in “farm,” “farmer,” “bark”
इ (i) Sound
  • तवार (iTavaar) = “Sunday”
  • मली (imaLii) = “Tamarind”
Used as [i] in “still,” “fit,” “live”
  • ई (ii) Sound
  • श्वर (iisvar) = “God”
  • ईद (iiD) = “Eid”
Used as [ee] in “meat,” “sheep”
च (c) Sound
  • लना (caLaNaa) = “To walk”
  • चाँद (caaND) = “Moon”
Used as [ch] in “cherry,” “chalk,” “chips”
ज (j) Sound
  • हाज़ (jahaaz) = “Ship”
  • जानवर (jaanavar) = “Animal”
Used as [j] in “junk,” “jam,” “junior”

3 – Plenty of English Words

Many borrowed English words have become a common part of our day-to-day Hindi. So, in a situation where the right Hindi word doesn’t come to your mind, you can get away with the survival English phrase for that word.

Given below are some Hindi sentences with common English words in them.

  • मेरी शाम की फ़्लाइट है I (merii saam kii fLaait hai.)
    “I have an evening flight.”
  • क्या आज रात आप मेरे साथ डिनर करेंगे? (kyaa aaj raaT aap mere SaaTH diNar karenge?) [Talking to a male]
    “Would you have dinner with me tonight?”
  • क्या आज रात आप मेरे साथ डिनर करेंगी? (kyaa aaj raaT aap mere SaaTH diNar karengii?) [Talking to a female]
    “Would you have dinner with me tonight?”

4 – Warm Culture

The quality of your surroundings plays a great role in how effectively you pick up new concepts. A warm and supportive atmosphere guarantees that you’ll learn faster and with more confidence. In the accommodating Indian culture, you’ll get all the encouragement needed to polish your Hindi language skills and speak like a native.

4. The Hardest Parts

Now it’s time to face the challenging parts. Given that Hindi is way out of league for any English-speaker, you’re bound to bump into some difficult stages during the learning process. So why is Hindi hard to learn, and how can you overcome these obstacles?

1 – Unfamiliar Sounds

This part is a nightmare for English-speakers. There are so many sounds in Hindi that non-native speakers are completely unaware of. Hence, it’s vital to focus on the pronunciation of unfamiliar sounds as soon as possible, because these concepts can get tricky.

Let’s look at a couple of these unique Hindi sounds.

Unfamiliar SoundsHindi ExamplesEnglish Examples
त (T) Sound
  • रबूज़ (Tarabuuz) = “Watermelon”
  • तेज़ (Tez) = “Fast”
Used as [t] in “pasta,” “restaurant”
ख/ख़ (kh) Sound
  • ख़रगोश (kharagos) = “Rabbit”
  • खट्टा (khattaa) = “Sour”
Used as [kh] in “Khan,” “Bach

2 – Diacritics

Once you’ve spent some time on the unfamiliar letters and sounds, the second most important thing is to study Hindi grammar and diacritics (maaTraa) religiously. Otherwise, everything that follows will leave you puzzled.

Here are a few illustrations to show you how a little diacritic can turn the meaning of a word upside-down.

  • रा (bharaa) = “Full”
    भूरा (bhuuraa) = “Brown”
  • घंटी (ghantii) = “Bell”
    घंटा (ghantaa) = “Hour”
  • रोज़ (roz) = “Daily”
    रोज़ा (rozaa) = “Fasting done by Muslims”
  • ल (phaL) = “Fruit”
    फूल (phuuL) = “Flower”
  • पा (paaN) = “Betel leaf”
    पानी (paaNii) = “Water”

A Woman Smiling with a Book Over Her Head

How Can You Make Hindi Learning Easy?

3 – Gender-specific Conjugation

Let’s come back to the question, “Is Hindi hard to learn for English-speakers?” Up to a limit, the language can be pretty difficult, especially when it comes to something English-speakers aren’t familiar with in their own language: gender-specific conjugation.

In English, except for personal pronouns, there’s no grammatical gender to worry about. Sadly, that’s not the case in Hindi.

In the Hindi language, everything has a gender and the whole conjugation pattern changes accordingly.


Masculine Gender (Singular)राम घर जा रहा है I
(raam ghar jaa rahaa hai.)
“Ram is going home.”
Feminine Gender (Singular)सीता घर जा रही है I
(SiiTaa ghar jaa rahii hai.)
“Sita is going home.”

Masculine Gender (Plural)दो आदमी सो रहे हैं I
(Do aaDamii So rahe hain.)
“Two men are sleeping.”
Feminine Gender (Plural)दो औरतें सो रही हैं I
(Do auraTen So rahii hain.)
“Two women are sleeping.”

4 – Homonyms

Homonyms are words that are spelled and pronounced identically, but have different meanings. Just like every language, Hindi is full of them. This may be bad news for beginners because it all comes down to context. Context is the only thing that hints at the correct meaning of a word in a given conversation.

  • खाना (khaaNaa) = “To eat” (verb)
    खाना (khaaNaa) = “Food” (noun)
  • सोना (SoNaa) = “To sleep”
    सोना (SoNaa) = “Gold”
  • जग (jag) = “World”
    जग (jag) = “Jug” (example: “jug of water”)

5 – Slang / Colloquial Words

Another feature that can really twist your mind is the Hindi texting slang, which can often be labeled untranslatable. It’s practically impossible to cover all of the texting slang and phrases you’ll come across, so please make sure to check out the links above and memorize as many words as possible.

Just to give you an idea, here are a couple of popular slang phrases:

  • लंका लग गयी (Lankaa Lag gayii) = “Weird Sh*t Happens”
  • ढाबा (dhaabaa) = “Roadside restaurant”

Little Kids Practicing Their Reading Together

Practicing with the Natives

6 – Formal Tone

India is a country where tone matters. So much so that we have different ways of addressing elders versus young people. To be on the safer side, until and unless you’re well-acquainted with Indian culture, it’s better to use the formal tone for everyone without exception.

As a beginner, you may find it helpful to study this table about etiquette rules. 

Example Sentence: “What will you eat?”
FormalInformalHighly Casual
For Addressing
  • Elderly
  • Senior in position
  • Strangers
  • Opposite gender
  • In official relations
  • Friends
  • Of the same gender
  • Young people / children
  • Siblings
  • Close friends
  • Siblings
Common Words Usedआप (aap)
आपको (aap ko)
तुम (Tum)
तुमको (Tum ko)
तू (Tuu)तुझे
Addressing Malesआप क्या खाएंगे?
(aap kyaa khaayenge?)
तुम क्या खाओगे?
(Tum kyaa khaaoge?)
तू क्या खायेगा?
(Tuu kyaa khaayegaa?)
Addressing Femalesआप क्या खाएंगी?
(aap kyaa khaayengii?)
तुम क्या खाओगी?
(Tum kyaa khaaogii?)
तू क्या खायेगी?
(Tuu kyaa khaayegii?)

5. Handy Tips for a New Hindi Learner

Everybody could use some help, especially beginners. With these valuable tips and methods, you can make your learning journey more interesting and unconventional.

1 – Watch Movies and TV Shows

We all learn faster when it’s fun. So, the first way to drive away boredom is to start watching hit Bollywood movies. It’s even better if they have subtitles in your mother tongue. If you’re not into films, you can opt for Hindi songs or TV shows in your favorite genre. Check out our list of the Top Hindi TV Shows to get started.

A Man Jamming Out to Music on Headphones

Don’t Study Hard. Study Smart.

2 – Listen to Audiobooks

Listening to audiobooks or radio programs in Hindi can be really useful when you’re getting started. It’s especially time-efficient when you’re stuck in traffic or commuting by metro. For more tech-savvy learning, feel free to check out our free Hindi audiobooks.

3 – Practice with Native Speakers

On a regular basis, talk to someone who’s a native Hindi-speaker. There’s nothing like gaining first-hand experience with natives. Moreover, practicing with native folks means you’ll get instant feedback, cultural tips, and information on minute details. And, hold on, isn’t it so much more fun!

4 – Review Everyday

If you don’t review and revise often, you’ll lose all of the progress you’ve made! Imagine planting a tree every day but forgetting to water them. The same is the case with studying Hindi. Revision and practice are almost as necessary as learning something new.

5 – Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

When confused about something, ask. It’ll save you from embarrassment later. Remember, Indians are generous when it comes to assisting others. They don’t mind stopping what they’re doing to help you out. So, shake off any hesitation and reach out to them. People will actually respect you more because of your interest in their native language.

6. Why is HindiPod101.com Great for Learning Hindi?

By now, you may be wondering what makes HindiPod101.com so special. Why should someone choose this platform above all the others? Read on to find out the unique perks and facilities HindiPod101.com has to offer you—unbeatable features that you’ll find nowhere else. Let’s dig in! 

1 – World-Class Materials

From free PDFs to quality learning materials, grammar exercises, and countless video and audio lessons, we’ve got everything to help you speak Hindi fast. Our students also enjoy using flashcards, a free Hindi-English dictionary, a comprehensive grammar bank, and our fun Word of the Day feature! 

2 – Effective Strategies

We know how hard learning Hindi can be. But there’s always a way to get through in one piece! HindiPod101.com shares various effective strategies to keep things simple for you. These may include pinpointing your favorite way of learning Hindi, using quick memory techniques, etc.

A Winner Runner Athlete

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

3 – Customized Learning

Do you want to learn Hindi to get a better job? Are you trying to date someone in India? Maybe you just need some survival phrases in Hindi for a quick visit. Whatever your purpose for learning Hindi, just let us know and we’ll create a Learning Path that specially caters to your needs and goals. 

4 – Personal Assistance

Got a question? The MyTeacher Messenger is there to help you with your doubts 24/7. All you have to do is sign up at our website and become a Premium PLUS student. A Hindi teacher will be assigned to you for all your language-related questions. Just leave a message and your teacher will respond back within a few hours. How cool is that!

5 – Hindi at Your Fingertips!

We want nothing to stand between you and your desire to study Hindi. That’s why HindiPod101.com has designed a brilliant, user-friendly app for learning Hindi whether you’re feeling lazy or have a jam-packed schedule. Now you can improve your Hindi skills no matter where you are

Let us know in the comments how you feel about learning Hindi now. More confident, or do you still have some questions or concerns? We look forward to hearing from you!

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How to Avoid the Top 10 Common Mistakes in Learning Hindi


Mistakes are a part of life. But some of them may get us in trouble or in quite an embarrassing situation. This is especially true when learning a new language.

Being a non-native, you may have already experienced the pain of making common Hindi grammar mistakes. Honestly, we feel you! But we can’t bend the rules for you. After all, it’s a language, something you can’t mess with!

A Little Girl Mixing Different Liquids in a Jar for a Science Experiment

Mistakes are a part of life!

But we’re not saying that you can’t do anything about it. There are several ways that you can make the learning process easier on yourself and plenty of strategies to get ahead of others.

So, in this lesson, we’ll be sharing some quick tricks and tips on how to avoid spelling mistakes in the Hindi language, in addition to common grammatical errors.

Let’s get started, guys!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Oh, the Curse of Phonetics!
  2. The Gender Conflict
  3. Confusing Homonyms
  4. “Where” to Place “What” and “Why”!
  5. The Politeness Code
  6. Stay Away from Redundancy
  7. Clever Diacritics
  8. When to Skip the jii Suffix
  9. The Local Dialect
  10. The Fear of Making Mistakes
  11. Overcoming Your Hindi Mistakes with HindiPod101.com

1. Oh, the Curse of Phonetics!

Well, as they say, eat your frogs first. Phonetics is a real pain for any Hindi language learner. And it’s scary as hell. So, let’s tackle that first.

Common Hindi pronunciation mistakes abound when new learners begin speaking the language. Whether it’s the accent, the pronunciation, or the stretch of a syllable, this one is a head-scratcher. But HindiPod101.com has your back!

Before this scary monster begins to overpower your abilities and crush your self-confidence, check out our comprehensive guide on Hindi pronunciation. It will give you deep insight into the micro-concepts of the language and help you learn faster.

When studying Hindi, there are certain facts worth knowing about the language. We’ll do our best to cover these facts in the following sections.

1 – Writing System

Exampleक    +     म +    र +   आ = कमरा (kamaraa) = “room”
(ka) + (ma) + (ra) + (aa)

2 – Unfamiliar Sounds

  • There are a handful of new sounds in Hindi that are completely unfamiliar to non-natives. So, it’s quite possible to get confused while pronouncing them.
Examples of Unfamiliar Sounds
त (T) = This is the soft sound of [t] as used in “barista” or in the Italian pronunciation of “pasta.”
त्र (Tr) = This is the coupled sound of soft [T] + [r] to make [Tr], as in “Dmitrij” or the Italian pronunciation of “restaurant.”
ख or ख़ (kh) = This is the coupled sound of [k] + [h] to make [kh], as in “Khan” or “Bach.” Of course, both are loan words from the Urdu and German languages, because there’s no such English word with the “-kh” sound.

And we’re not even close to covering all the points which so frequently lead to the most common Hindi pronunciation mistakes.

3 – Syllables

  • A longer or shorter stretch of a syllable may completely change the meaning of a word.
Syllable ExamplesLonger StretchShorter Stretch
पेटSpoken as (pet) as in “gate” or “late”

पेट (pet) = “stomach” / “belly”
Spoken as (pet) as in “get” or “set”

पेट (pet) = “pet animal”
जेल Spoken as (jeL) as in “bale” or “tail”

जेल (jeL) = “prison”
Spoken as (jeL) as in “tell” or “fell”

जेल (jeL) = “gel”

Now, don’t sweat over it. These concepts may feel overwhelming, but with time and practice, you’ll soon be able to master them. 🙂

A Couple Helping Their Daughter Ride a Bike

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

2. The Gender Conflict

You probably know that English verbs are gender-neutral, and that only the pronouns vary based on gender. However, that’s not the case in the Hindi language.

Using the wrong gender-verb conjugation is one of the most common Hindi grammar mistakes. And it’s totally understandable because, for a beginner, the rules can be tricky at times.

Nonetheless, we have one secret code that will not only help you catch the tiger by its tail, but also tame it.

Feminine GenderAll of the verbs and other conjugations end with the -ii sound.

This rule applies to both singular and plural nouns/pronouns.
Examplesजाती है (jaaTii hai) = “goes”
सोती है (SoTii hai) = “sleeps
“खाती है (khaaTii hai) = “eats”

Masculine GenderFor the singular masculine gender, all of the verbs and other conjugations end with the -aa sound.

For the plural masculine gender, all of the verbs and other conjugations end with the -e sound.
Singular Examplesजाता है (jaaTaa hai) = “goes”
सोता है (SoTaa hai) = “sleeps”
खाता है (khaaTaa hai) = “eats”
Plural Examplesजाते हैं (jaaTe hain) = “go”
सोते हैं (SoTe hain) = “sleep”
खाते हैं (khaaTe hain) = “eat”

What we’ve covered here are just the basic rules of thumb to help you avoid conjugation-related Hindi grammar mistakes. In fact, the conjugation rules vary according to the tense, mood, and tone as well. For the more curious souls, have a look at our amazing Verb Conjugation article!

3. Confusing Homonyms

Even if you think you’ve mastered how to avoid spelling mistakes in the Hindi language, there are always things that can go wrong. Why? Because not everything has a shortcut. So, don’t judge yourself or be super-critical about minor mistakes.

Some skills take time to develop and grow. Remember: Slow and steady wins the race! 😉

One of the most troublesome concepts is that of “homonyms.” And mind you, these pairs of words are the exact copies of each other. It’s so easy for beginners to make a mistake in Hindi here without the proper experience and exposure. The only way to crack the code and differentiate between their meanings is by looking at the entire context of a conversation.

A Man Talking about Himself in an Interview

Messed up in a meeting because you said the wrong word?

Here are a few common homonyms that are easily confused.

Hindi WordEnglish Meaning 1English Meaning 2
कल (kaL)“Yesterday”“Tomorrow”
फल (phaL)“Gold” (noun)“To sleep” (verb)
फल (phaL)“Fruits” (noun)“Result” / “Outcome”
खाना (khaaNaa)“Food” (noun)“To eat” (verb)

4. “Where” to Place “What” and “Why”!

Before we continue, some good news for you: We’re almost halfway through this lesson. Yay! Give yourself a pat on the back!

Don’t get too carried away, though, because we have another brain teaser waiting for us.

Now, we’ll be talking about the Hindi sentence pattern and word order. Or, to be precise, about where you should place interrogative words when asking a question. Pay attention, because confusion on this topic leads to many Hindi mistakes! 

Unlike in English, in Hindi, we place the interrogative words right before the helping verb or main verb. Just for easy reference, here are a few common Hindi question words:

  • क्या (kyaa) = “what”
  • कब (kab) = “when”
  • कहाँ (kahaan) = “where”
  • क्यों (kyon) = “why”

5. The Politeness Code

Offending someone is the last thing you want to do in a foreign country. In India, following the proper code of conduct and showing respect and courtesy matter a lot.

Just like people in many Asian countries, we Indians have particular words and phrases we use to show respect to our elders, strangers, and other people in formal situations. We’ll admit that this isn’t so much a set of Hindi mistakes as it is a cultural difference.

So, whenever you’re meeting someone:

  • for the first time;
  • elderly;
  • of the opposite gender;
  • officially senior to you;
  • who is a stranger,

Our rule of thumb is to go with the word आप (aap) rather than तुम (Tum). Both words are Hindi translations for the pronoun “you.” But remember that आप (aap) is more than just a word; it’s a gesture of showing respect and proper etiquette.

6. Stay Away from Redundancy

A frequent mistake Hindi-learners make is to crowd a sentence with unnecessary words. Well, honestly, the crime of redundancy is not unique to Hindi, but it’s still important to cover.

First of all, repetitive words make us sound clumsy and cluttered. Redundancy steals the sharpness and freshness from our sentences and turns them into long, boring lines.

A Kid Listening to Music, Happy about an A+ on His Homework

Mastering Hindi the fun way!

Here are a few examples of common mistakes that are made while learning Hindi.

Example 1Hindi SentenceLiteral English Meaning
Wrong Wayमैं तुमसे सोमवार के दिन मिलूंगा Imain Tum Se Somavaar ke DiN miLuungaa.“I will meet you on the day of Monday.”
Right Wayमैं तुमसे सोमवार को मिलूंगा Imain Tum Se Somavaar ko miLuungaa.“I will meet you on Monday.”

Example 2Hindi SentenceLiteral English Meaning
Wrong Wayट्रेन को आने में दो घंटे का समय लगेगा ItreN ko aaNe men Do ghante kaa Samay Lagegaa.“The train will arrive in two hours of time.”
Right Wayट्रेन को आने में दो घंटे लगेंगे ItreN ko aaNe men Do ghante Lagenge.“The train will arrive in two hours.”

Example 3Hindi SentenceLiteral English Meaning
Wrong Wayक्या मुझे एक गिलास पीने का पानी मिलेगा?kyaa mujhe ek giLaaS piiNe ka paaNii miLegaa?“Can I get a glass of drinking water?”
Right Wayक्या मुझे एक गिलास पानी मिलेगा?kyaa mujhe ek giLaaS paaNii miLegaa?“Can I get a glass of water?”

As you can see, the phrases “the day of,” “of time,” and “drinking” in Examples 1, 2, and 3 respectively, are unnecessary. Removing them from the sentence doesn’t affect the meaning at all. In fact, removing those words helps us construct shorter, cleaner statements.

7. Clever Diacritics

Make no mistake! Hindi diacritics are a total game-changer. They can make you or break you. But what is a diacritic, anyway? Check out our lesson to find more information about the Hindi maatraa.

Assuming that you have a little bit of an idea about the Hindi maatraa, let’s see how missing a seemingly innocent sign here and there can completely distort the meaning of your statement.

सुना (SuNaa) = “Listened” / “Heard”

सूना (SuuNaa) = “Feeling empty” / “Deserted”

का(kaam) = “Work”

म (kam) = “Less” / “Few”

दिन (DiN) = “Day”

दीन (DiiN) = “Poor” / “Underprivileged”

सिलना (SiLaNaa) = “To sew”

सीलना (SiiLaNaa) = “Damp” / “Soggy”

र (or) = “Toward”

र (aur) = “And”

As you can see, a slight change in diacritics can greatly change a word’s meaning. Ignorance about the significance of diacritics is another common mistake Hindi-learners make, so watch out for these! 

8. When to Skip the jii Suffix

It’s always okay, and especially important, to add the जी (-jii) suffix when calling an elder person by their name. The one and only condition where using जी (-jii) may do you more harm than good, is when you attach it to your own name.

Yeah, that could leave your Indian friends laughing out loud. It just doesn’t go well with our own names. So, always remember to avoid getting into this pitfall, because it’s a natural mistake that Hindi grammar lessons don’t often talk about!

A Little Girl Practicing the Piano

9. The Local Dialect

Nearly every language can be said to have its own colloquial words. This may include synonyms, regional accents, local dialects, and so on. So, basically, a word can have the same meaning in different dialects, even if each dialect says it quite differently. 

To give you an idea, let’s recall words like “yeah” / “yup” / “ya” which all mean “yes.” Similarly, we also use “buddy” / “bud” / “pal” / “man” / “dude,” all of which mean the same thing.

Likewise, in Hindi, a category of similar words may confuse a beginner. What are these words? Well, here are some examples:

Interchangeable Hindi WordsEnglish Meaning
वह (vah) / वो (vo)“He” / “She” / “That”
सब (Sab) / सारे (Saare) / सभी (Sabhii)“All” / “Everyone”
क्यों (kyon) / काहे (kaahe) / किसलिए (kiSLiye)“Why”
कहाँ (kahaan) / किधर (kidhar)“Where”

You get the drift, right? It’s not a matter of one phrase being right and the others being wrong. It’s just a matter of preference by the individual or the regional dialect.

A Woman Covering Her Mouth

How to avoid those oops moments!

10. The Fear of Making Mistakes

You’ve now learned how to improve Hindi mistakes that new learners make, and most of them are quite easy to fix. But what about the biggest mistake? 

Face your fears and don’t be ashamed of your common Hindi grammar mistakes. Have you seen a child falling again and again when trying to walk for the first time? We don’t call their fall a failure or mistake, do we? We take it as part and parcel of learning.

In our mind, we know that it’s practically impossible for him or her to crawl one day and start walking perfectly the next day. The same is true of Hindi language-learning. As long as you’re afraid of making mistakes, you’ll never learn to move forward.

So, instead of acting on the natural tendency to escape, it’s time to master the tips from this article on how to avoid Hindi language mistakes.

11. Overcoming Your Hindi Mistakes with HindiPod101.com

All right! We’ve finally covered all of the common mistakes in learning Hindi and tips on how to avoid them. We hope this lesson has been useful and easy for you to understand.

If you have any doubts or questions, reach out to us at MyTeacher Messenger. All you need to do is download our free mobile app and start learning.

Is there anything we didn’t cover in this article that you want to know about? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below and connect with other learners as well!

Happy Hindi learning!

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Top 10 Conversation Questions in Hindi & How to Answer Them


“What’s up?”

“May I know your name?”

“Oh, how are you?”

These are simple questions that carry the potential to bond two people, and they serve as great conversation starters. Today, you’ll learn and practice similar English-to-Hindi question-answer patterns that are popular in Indian society. These on-the-spot questions to ask in Hindi will help you break the ice and, on some occasions, save you from unnecessary challenges.

Before we start, you may want to get familiar with the most common Hindi question words. We have relevant lessons on our website that you can check out for the question words  “what,” “where,” and “when.” 

Now, there may be a ton of survival interrogative phrases. But let’s be honest: we can’t cram everything into just one lesson. So, here’s the deal. We’ll bring you the ten best conversation questions in Hindi and teach you different ways to answer them.

You’ll also learn the English meaning of each and every Hindi word while practicing the various sentence structures.

Quick Note: As this lesson mainly focuses on the top Hindi questions, we’ll only be explaining each word from the questions, instead of covering both Q&A.

Let’s begin the adventure and check out the ten most popular question sentences in Hindi!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. What’s in a name, after all?
  2. How do you do?
  3. Where are you from?
  4. What do you do for a living?
  5. Do you speak Hindi?
  6. How is everyone in the family?
  7. Time, please?
  8. Would you like to have something?
  9. What’s wrong?
  10. How much is it?
  11. Ice-Breaking with HindiPod101.com

1. What’s in a name, after all?

Well, a lot. The first personal thing we get to know about someone is his/her name. If it’s your first conversation with this person, then this is certainly one of the good questions to ask a Hindi native.

You’ll not only sweep them off their feet, but you’ll also enjoy the credit of breaking the ice! 

In a nutshell, asking somebody’s name is one of the top Hindi questions you need to know in India. Luckily, doing so isn’t that hard.

So, here we go!

Q.आपका नाम क्या है?
aap kaa Naam kyaa hai?
“What’s your name?”
A.मेरा नाम मनीषा है।
meraa Naam maNiisaa hai.
“My name is Manisha.”

Word 1आपका“your”aap kaa
Word 2नाम“name”Naam
Word 3क्या“what”kyaa
Word 4है“is”hai

Q.आपका शुभ नाम क्या है?
aap kaa subh Naam kyaa hai?
“What’s your good name?”
A.मेरा नाम अदित है।
meraa Naam aDiT hai.
“My name is Adit.”

Word 1आपका“your”aap kaa
Word 2शुभ“good”subh
Word 3नाम“name”Naam
Word 4क्या“what”kyaa
Word 5है“is”hai

Voila! You’ve just mastered the very first conversation questions in Hindi! Wasn’t that easy? Based on the patterns of these basic Hindi questions and answers, you can see how your answer should be constructed. All you need to do is insert your name in place of the example name.

First Encounter

2. How do you do?

Okay, how do you show your care and concern for somebody? By asking how they are. This etiquette rule applies all over the world, and India is no exception. Because this is so important for strengthening any relationship, we’ll show you some simple Hindi questions and answers you can expect.

These may be easy questions to ask in Hindi, but they’re also a sureshot way to touch someone’s heart. One simple question, and they may pour out their pain, sadness, joy, or happiness to you in a moment. And an experience like that can make you feel so precious and strengthen your bond with that person.

Q.कैसे हैं आप?
kaiSe hain aap?
“How are you?”
A.मैं ठीक हूँ।
main thiik huun.
“I’m good/okay.”
A.मैं परेशान हूँ।
main paresaaN huun.
“I’m worried.”
A. मैं ख़ुश हूँ।
main khus huun.
“I’m happy.”
A. मैं नाराज़ / उदास हूँ।
main Naaraaz / uDaaS huun.
“I’m upset/sad.”

Word 1कैसे“how”kaiSe
Word 2हैं“are”hain
Word 3आप“you”aap

Above, we outlined the Hindi questions with answers for a variety of circumstances. This will allow you to become more fluent when using conversational Hindi questions, as you’ll be able to understand (or give) different answers. 

Q.क्या हाल-चाल हैं?
kyaa haaL-caaL hain?
“How do you do?”
A.बिल्कुल बढ़िया!
biLkuL badhiyaa!
“Great!” / “Absolutely fine!”

Word 1क्या “what”kyaa
Word 2हाल-चाल “well-being”haaL-caaL
Word 3हैं“are”hain

Here are some of the best Hindi adjectives to help you express the various shades of your moods.

3. Where are you from?

Now, what are some general Hindi questions and answers that you can expect as a foreigner in India? 

Well, our third question is for asking where someone is from.

In this day and age, when the whole world has become a global village, people from all cultures and places can meet each other. In such circumstances, asking about someone’s hometown/country is inevitable.

And given India’s warm and social culture, you’ll find yourself either asking or answering Hindi questions like these often. So, check out these questions and impress the natives with your fluent Hindi.

Q.आप कहाँ से हैं?
aap kahaan Se hain?
“Where are you from?”
A.मैं भारत से हूँ।
main bhaaraT Se huun.
“I’m from India.”
A.मैं जापान से हूँ।
main jaapaaN Se huun.
“I’m from Japan.”
A.मैं रूस से हूँ।
main ruuS Se huun.
“I’m from Russia.”

Word 1आप“you”aap
Word 2कहाँ“where”kahaan
Word 3से“from”Se
Word 4हैं“are”hain

If you’re located in India or currently living there, people may ask you the same thing, but in a slightly different way.

Q.आपका घर कहाँ हैं?
aap kaa ghar kahaan hai?
“Where do you live?”
A.मेरा घर लाजपत नगर में है।
meraa ghar LaajapaT Nagar men hai.
“I live in Lajpat Nagar.”

Word 1आपका “your”aap kaa 
Word 2घर“home”ghar
Word 3कहाँ“where”kahaan
Word 4है“is”hai

4. What do you do for a living?

Indians are quite upfront and casual when it comes to asking about others’ source of living. What you do and how you explain your work may have a wonderful impression on the locals. So why waste the chance to leave them speechless with your amazing Hindi vocab? 

And while we’re at it, it won’t take long to check out these straight-to-business questions and answers in Hindi!

Q.आप क्या करते हैं?
aap kyaa karaTe hain?
“What do you do?”
A.मैं टीचर हूँ।
main tiicar huun.
“I’m a teacher.”
A.मैं वक़ील हूँ।
main vaqiiL huun.
“I’m a lawyer.”
A.मैं कलाकार हूँ।
main kaLaakaar huun.
“I’m an artist.”

Word 1आप“you”aap
Word 2क्या“what”kyaa
Word 3करते“do”karaTe
Word 4हैं“are”hain

Q.आप क्या काम करते हैं?
aap kyaa kaam karaTe hain?
“What’s your profession?”
A.मैं तैराकी सिखाती हूँ।
main Tairaakii SikhaaTii huun.
“I teach swimming.”
A.मैं होटल में मैनेजर हूँ।
main hotaL men maiNejar huun.
“I’m a hotel manager.”

Word 1आप“you”aap
Word 2क्या“what”kyaa
Word 3काम“work”kaam
Word 4करते“do”karaTe
Word 5हैं“are”hain

Yes, having your own business or being in a job does make a difference in Indian society. In fact, if you could grab a government job, you’d be treated as nothing less than a king/queen. However, things are changing and people are becoming more open-minded (though there’s still a long way to go for us Indians).

In your first few meetings, talking about each other’s professions falls under the category of good questions to ask a Hindi speaker. So, if you’re out of ideas, feel free to use such questions for a friendly chat.

Q.आप व्यापार करते हैं या नौकरी?
aap vyaapaar karaTe hain yaa Naukarii?
“Are you in a business or job?”
A.मेरा ख़ुद का ब्यूटी पार्लर (व्यापार) है।
meraa khuD kaa byuutii paarLar (vyaapaar) hai.
“I run my own beauty parlor (business).”
A.मैं जिम में काम करता हूँ।
main jim men kaam karaTaa huun.
“I work at a gym.”

Word 1आप“you”aap
Word 2व्यापार“business”vyaapaar
Word 3करते“do”karaTe
Word 4हैं“are”hain
Word 5या “or”yaa 
Word 6नौकरी“job”Naukarii

5. Do you speak Hindi?

Some of you may be surprised to know that not all Indians speak Hindi. In fact, there are more than twenty local Indian languages spoken in different parts of the country.

The bottom line is that whenever you meet an Indian, it’s better not to assume that they speak Hindi.

Two People Looking at a Map

Can you speak Hindi?

Here are the basic Hindi questions and answers you can use to ask about someone’s Hindi-speaking abilities or answer about your own. 

Q.क्या आप हिंदी समझते / बोलते हैं?
kyaa aap hiNDii SamajhaTe / boLaTe hain?
“Do you understand/speak Hindi?”
A.हाँ, मुझे ठीक-ठाक हिंदी आती है।
haan, mujhe thiik-thaak hinDii aaTii hai.
“Yeah, my Hindi is alright.”
A.हाँ, मुझे बहुत अच्छी हिंदी आती है।
haan, mujhe bahuT acchii hinDii aaTii hai.
“Yeah, I am quite fluent in Hindi.”
A.नहीं, मुझे ज़्यादा हिंदी नहीं आती।
Nahiin, mujhe zyaaDaa hinDii Nahiin aaTii.
“No, I don’t know much Hindi.”

Word 1क्या“do”kyaa
Word 2आप“you”aap
Word 3हिंदी“Hindi”hinDii
Word 4समझते“understand”SamajhaTe
Word 5बोलते“speak”boLaTe
Word 6हैं“are”hain

6. How is everyone in the family?

Family holds a special place in every part of the world, and this may be even more true for Indians than for most other people.

A Family Enjoying a Meal Outside Together

How’s your family?

So whenever you bump into a local friend, remember that family is definitely a topic of choice if you need some good questions to ask a Hindi native and melt his or her heart.

Q.घर में सब कैसे हैं?
ghar men Sab kaiSe hain?
“How’s everyone in the family?”
A.घर में सब ठीक हैं।
ghar men Sab thiik hain.
“Everything’s great at home.”

Word 1घर “home” / “family”ghar    
Word 2में“in”men
Word 3सब“everyone”Sab
Word 4कैसे“how”kaiSe
Word 5हैं“are”hain

Q.और सब ठीक-ठाक है?
aur Sab thiik-thaak hai?
“Everything’s well in the family?”
A.जी, सब अच्छा है।
jii, Sab acchaa hai.
“Yeah, everything’s going great!”

Do you know what we call family members in Hindi? Here’s our quick list for family members in India. Have a look!

Word 1और “and”aur   
Word 2सब“everything”Sab
Word 3ठीक-ठाक“okay”thiik-thaak
Word 4है“is”hai

7. Time, please?

Isn’t it remarkable to learn so many Hindi question words in just one lesson? Well, don’t worry. We still have plenty of material for you in this guide.

This section is about asking for the time, which is another really important and practical question in Hindi. Before we teach you how to ask a Hindi question about time, you might like to take a sneak-peek at our Tell the Time in Hindi lesson for a more thorough knowledge.

Q.कितने बज रहे हैं?
kiTaNe baj rahe hain?
“What’s the time?”
A.सुबह के सात बज रहे हैं।
Subah ke SaaT baj rahe hain.
“It’s seven in the morning.”

Word 1कितने “what”kiTaNe 
Word 2बज“time” / “o’clock”baj
Word 3रहे“happening”rahe
Word 4हैं“are”hain

Q.वक़्त क्या हो रहा है?
vaqT kyaa ho rahaa hai?
“What’s the time?”
A.दो बज रहे हैं।
Do baj rahe hain.
“It’s two o’clock.”

Word 1वक़्त “time”vaqT 
Word 2क्या“what”kyaa
Word 3हो रहा“happening”ho rahaa
Word 4है“is”hai

8. Would you like to have something?

We all like to treat our guests in the best possible way. Suppose you’re on a date or having lunch with a colleague/friend. Wouldn’t it be marvelous to welcome them with some Hindi greetings?

Someone Picking Up a Slice of Pizza

Hey, would you like to eat with us?

Fortunately, there are many ways to impress people, and you can choose whichever sounds easiest and more apt to you.

Without further ado, here are the most popular Hindi questions and answers when welcoming your guests.

Q.क्या लेना पसंद करेंगे?
kyaa LeNaa paSaND karenge?
“What would you like to have?”
A.मैं एक कप चाय ले लूँगी।
main ek kap caay Le Luungii.
“I’ll have a cup of tea.”

Word 1क्या “what”kyaa 
Word 2लेना“take”LeNaa
Word 3पसंद“like”paSaND
Word 4करेंगे“do”karenge

Q.कुछ चाहिए?
kuch caahiye?
“Do you want something?”
A.जी, मुझे पानी पीना है।
jii, mujhe paaNii piiNaa hai.
“Yeah, I’d like to have some water.”

Word 1कुछ “something”kuch 
Word 2चाहिए“want” / “need”caahiye

Q.चाय पिएंगे या ठंडा?
caay piyenge yaa thandaa?
“Would you have something hot or cold?”
A.जी, मैं शरबत लूँगा।
jii, main sarbaT Luungaa.
“Yeah, I’ll have sherbet.”
Juices, Smoothies, and Fruits & Veggies Arranged on a White Background

Some fresh juice, please?

Word 1चाय “tea”caay 
Word 2पिएंगे“will drink” / “have drink”piyenge
Word 3या“or”yaa
Word 4ठंडा“cold drink”thandaa

9. What’s wrong?

Now, you don’t want to miss out on the Hindi phrases you’ll need when something goes wrong!

After all, when sad, all one wants is someone to show that they care. So, if you see that your friend’s feeling low, just asking these simple things may lighten their mood, and they may just share their feelings with you.

Q.क्या हुआ?
kyaa huaa?
“What happened?”
A.मेरी तबियत ठीक नहीं है।
merii TabiyaT thiik Nahiin hai.
“I’m not feeling well.”
A.नहीं, कुछ नहीं हुआ।
Nahiin, kuch Nahiin huaa.
“No, everything’s alright.”

Word 1क्या “what”kyaa 
Word 2हुआ“happened”huaa

A Girl Lying on the Couch, Holding a Stuffed Animal

Is something wrong?

Q.कोई बात है क्या?
koi baaT hai kyaa?
“Is something wrong?”
A.मेरा झगड़ा हुआ है।
meraa jhagadaa huaa hai.
“I’ve had a fight.”
A.नहीं, कुछ नहीं हुआ।
Nahiin, kuch Nahiin huaa.
“No, everything’s alright.”

Word 1कोई “something”koi 
Word 2बात“wrong”baaT
Word 3है“is”hai
Word 4क्या“what”kyaa

10. How much is it?

Our final section is related to shopping, bargaining, asking prices, and so on. Practice these phrases and grab yourself the best deal in the market by proving your Hindi knowledge.

Q.इसका दाम क्या है?
iS kaa Daam kyaa hai?
“What’s the price of this?”
A.इसका दाम पचास रुपये है।
 iS kaa Daam pacaaS rupaye hai.
“It’s fifty bucks.”

Word 1इसका“its”iS kaa 
Word 2दाम“price”Daam
Word 3क्या“what”kyaa
Word 4है“is”hai

A Little Kid Pointing at Something in the Sky

Oh, what’s that?

Q.ये कितने का है?
ye kiTaNe kaa hai?
“How much is this?”
A.ये सात सौ बीस रुपये का है।
ye SaaT Sau biiS rupaye kaa hai.
“It’s seven hundred and twenty rupees.”

Word 1ये “this”ye 
Word 2कितने“how much”kiTaNe
Word 3का“of”kaa
Word 4है“is”hai

11. Ice-Breaking with HindiPod101.com

Finally, we’re at the end of this lesson. By now, you must have become familiar with many different questions in Hindi, the process of asking these questions, and even their proper responses.

But no matter how much you read, it’s just not worth it without regular practice. At HindiPod101.com, we make it possible for you to stay in touch 24/7, even when you’re on the go. All you have to do is download our mobile app and go through the lesson materials whenever possible.

Meanwhile, we’d love to hear from you! Let us know which of these Hindi questions and answers seem easiest to you. You can also make up some new questions on your own and flaunt your Hindi skills to the world!

Got any questions? Feel free to ask us through our Premium PLUS feature MyTeacher, and we’ll get back to you with an answer. Happy learning, guys!

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