Archive for the 'Site Features' Category
January 12, 2021
The Punjabi Lohri Festival: An Indian Harvest Celebration
Many cultures have some sort of harvest festival or day of giving thanks: Germans have Erntedankfest, Koreans have Chuseok, and Americans have Thanksgiving. In India, too, there is a special day each year for celebrating the harvest and hoping for future blessings: the Lohri festival.
This holiday is especially popular in the Indian Punjab region, where sugarcane and other crops are harvested early in the year. In this article, you’ll learn all about why the Punjabi celebrate Lohri, what traditions look like today, and more.
Let’s get started!
1. What is Lohri?
Lohri is a harvest festival celebrating the harvest of Rabi crops.
The Lohri festival is celebrated each year on or around January 13... Show more
August 18, 2020
Premium PLUS: The Golden Ticket for Language-Learning
Do you remember the moment you fell in love with languages?
Do you desire to learn or advance in Hindi quickly and effectively?
Then you need a Hindi tutor.
A common question that first-time language-learners ask is "Where do I begin?" The answer? Guidance.
For native English-speakers who want to learn Asian languages, for example, timelines provided by the U.S. Foreign Service Institute can appear discouraging. However, defeating these odds is not unheard of. If you want to beat the odds yourself, one of the best learning options is a subscription to Premium PLUS from Innovative Language.
As an active Premium PLUS member of and myself, I have an enjoyable experience learning at an accelerated... Show more
August 18, 2020
Celebrating Ganesh Chaturthi in India
Are you familiar with the most important Hindu deity, Lord Ganesha? In the Hindu faith, he’s considered the god above all other gods, and multitudes of devoted Hindus worship him and celebrate his birth each year.
In this article, will teach you all about the Ganesh Chaturthi holiday in India and how it’s celebrated today.
Let’s get started.
1. What is Ganesh Chaturthi?
Ganesh Chaturthi is the celebration of the गणेश भगवान का जन्मदिन (ganesh bhagwaan ka janmDin), or "birthday of Lord Ganesha." He is the most important deity in Hinduism, known for having a human-like body but the head of an elephant. Lord Ganesha is revered for his role in the universe as the "Remover of Obstacles," the "God of... Show more
July 22, 2020
Eid al-Adha in India – Sacrifice and Charity
Friends, charity, faith, and tradition come together each year on Eid al-Adha. Indian Muslims gather together for an enjoyable time and live out the values of the Muslim faith.
In this article, you’ll learn about Eid al-Adha in India, from how it got started to how Indian Muslims celebrate today.
Let’s get started.
1. What is Eid al-Adha?
Eid al-Adha, often called "The Feast of the Sacrifice" in English, is one of the most important Muslim holidays worldwide.
It originates from the story of Ibrahim, who was willing to sacrifice his son Ismael. According to the Quran, Ibrahim had asked Allah to give him a son, and Allah did so. But as Ismael grew older, Ibrahim began having recurring dreams of... Show more
October 29, 2019
The Sikh Anniversary of Guru Nanak: History & Traditions
The Guru Nanak Jayanti in India is one of the most important holidays in the country for those of the Sikh religion. Each year, they celebrate the birth of the first Sikh guru, and attend other festivities throughout the celebration.
Learning about this Sikh religious holiday will provide you with a more structured framework for which to continue in your Hindi studies. As any successful language-learner can tell you, understanding a country’s culture is a step you can’t miss!
In this article, you’ll learn Guru Nanak Jayanti facts to gain more insight into the culture of India and Sikh religion, including the Guru Nanak Jayanti history and current celebrations. At, we hope to make every aspect of your... Show more
August 16, 2019
Hindu Holidays: Celebrating the Onam Festival in India
The Onam Festival is a ten-day-long celebration in Kerala that welcomes the return of its previous king Mahabali. Tradition holds that Mahabali was both generous and kind, and today, he visits his former kingdom each year during Onam.
This is one of India’s grandest festivals, with many unique traditions that reflect the culture and history of this country.
In this article, you’ll learn all about Onam—at, we hope to make every aspect of your learning journey both fun and informative! So let’s get started.
1. What is Onam?
Onam is a popular and essential festival for the people of Kerala.
According to the holiday’s legend, the kind and generous former king of Kerala, named Mahabali, visits his people... Show more
August 16, 2019
Body Language and Popular Gestures’ Meaning in Hindi
The art of body language is a powerful tool for decoding someone’s state of mind. In fact, gestures form a whopping 55% of total communication made by a person. Undeniably, it’s the most important type of nonverbal communication among human beings, which makes it important to learn gestures’ meaning in Hindi, as well as those in other languages and cultures.
Every country in the world has its own typical set of body language. In fact, a certain gesture in one country may give off a completely different meaning in another country. That’s what makes the whole genre of nonverbal communication so unique. In this article, we’ll be going over Hindi body language tips and more, because gestures when speaking in Hindi are of great importance.... Show more
March 16, 2017
Your Learning, Streamlined – The New Lesson Interface
Your Learning, Streamlined – The New Lesson Interface
Your learning is about to get a whole lot easier.
More than ever, learners are choosing mobile as the platform to study Hindi. Mobile has always been a part of our DNA. We began our life on your iPod, and have remained by your side ever since.
In our 11th year, we’re returning to our roots as a way to learn Hindi on-the-go. How? With a brand-new lesson interface just for you.
Hint: It will launch in beta later this month!
If you want to secure access to this brand new upgrade, take advantage of the upcoming All Access Pass Sale! Click Here to Get 25% OFF All HindiPod101 Subscriptions!
(example taken from
It’s built from the ground-up to be a... Show more
July 1, 2016
HindiPod101 Free Lifetime Account: Is it really free?
You want to learn Hindi but you don't want to spend a cent. You don't want to lose time creating an account if they ask you for your credit card just after. For you Hindi learner, we tell you how you will access great resources for free for life and without card or having to pay. This is your unique path to fluency for free.
HindiPod101 is not really free, is it?
Although there are paid plans, yes, it is FREE. Every single lesson that we have ever created has been free for a certain period of time. And every new audio and video lesson (we publish 3-5 lessons a week) is completely free to access for 3 weeks before going into our lesson library.
What's a Free Lifetime Account?
A Free Lifetime Account is – simply put – a free... Show more
April 8, 2016
Introducing Our Brand New Dashboard!
Hey Listeners!
Guess what? Your language learning goals just got a little easier!
As you’ve probably realized by now, there have been some major improvements made to your dashboard! These updates have been designed to improve your overall experience with the website and help keep you organized and on-track! Here are a few of the changes:
Your progress is now tracked right, smack in the middle of the page to keep you motivated and organized.
A new, sleek and easy to navigate design allows you to worry less about where to click and more on learning Hindi!
An enlarged profile picture that gives your dashboard a unique and more personal feel.
A new layout for the “Latest News” feed to keep you informed on all of the most recent... Show more