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Lesson Transcript

namasTe. meraa naam Preranaa hai. Hi everybody! I’m Prerana.
Welcome to HindiPod101.com’s “Tiin minat mein hinDi siikhiye.” The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Hindi.
In the last lesson we learned how to count in Hindi. I hope you spent some time practicing the numbers, because they will come in handy today. We’re going to learn how to go shopping in India!
Before we go, you need to know how to say “How much is this?”
Iskaa bhaav kyaa hai?
[slowly] Is-kaa bhaav kyaa hai
Are you ready to go shopping in India? Let’s go!
You see something you like and want to ask the shopkeeper how much it costs. The first thing to say to a shopkeeper is…maaf kiijiye, do you remember what that means? "Excuse me!"
maaf kiijiye, iskaa bhaav kyaa hai?
[slowly] ma-af kii-ji-ye, is-kaa bhaav kyaa hai?
If we want to be more specific when asking "how much is this?" and refer to a certain type of object, we just need to insert the object in between the word iskaa- between is and kaa.
Let’s see an example. Suppose you want to buy a hat in the market. “Hat” in Hindi is topii. So, “How much is this hat?”, in Hindi is Is topii kaa Daam kyaa hai?
[slowly] is to-pii kaa bhaav kyaa hai?
But what if you want to buy several hats. Then you’d have to use a new word inkaa which means “these”.
“Excuse me, how much are these?” in Hindi is maaf kiijiye, inkaa bhaav kyaa hai?
[slowly] ma-af kii-ji-ye, in-kaa bhaav kyaa hai
At this point the shop clerk can answer by saying:
iskaa Daam.....hai.
yah....ka hai.
For example:
iskaa Daam pachaas rupae hai.
yah pachaas rupae ka hai
What number is pachaas ? I’m not telling you! Okay, okay, it’s "fifty"! "It costs fifty rupees.”
Now it’s time for Prerana’s Insights.
Another very common way of asking “How much is it?” is yah kiTne kaa hai? And if you want to be more specific and mention the thing you want to know the price of, all you need to do is insert the object after yah.
yah seb kiTne kaa hai?
which means “How much is this apple?”
At this point, can you count rupees in Hindi? We are going to learn how to do this and much more in the next lesson!
Ill be waiting for you in our next “Tiin minat mein hinDii siikhiye.” Shukriyaa aur fir milenge

