Lesson Transcript

Want to learn and speak more of your target language?
You’ll need to learn more words and you can do that with Printable Visual Flashcards.
So here’s how you can learn over 1500 words easily with a free, printable resource that boosts your retention, keeps you focused on one word at a time, and makes learning fun.
In this video, you'll discover
One: How to get our Printable Visual Flashcards... for FREE
Two: How you'll learn words and phrases even faster
And Three: 5 Ways to learn with the flashcards
First, what are Visual Flashcards?
Visual Flashcards are our printable flashcards that teach you 1500 words across 60 topics.
All words come with images and translations for easy retention.
And they're an easy way for beginners to boost their vocabulary.
So, how do you get them?
How to get our Printable Visual Flashcards... for FREE
Just click the link and sign up for a Free Lifetime Account to our learning program.
Our learning program teaches you the language through audio and video lessons, study tools, and 1-on-1 access to a teacher. These visual flashcards are a free supplemental resource for anyone interested in learning.
Once you've signed up, check your email to confirm your account, and download the free Visual Flashcards
Then, Print out the PDF files, cut out the cards and start learning.
How you'll learn words and phrases even faster
Learning words can be difficult.
If you're learning on your phone or a computer, you have tons of notifications and distractions competing for your attention. You can also overwhelm yourself by learning too many words at once.. and forgetting them all.
So, how can you learn faster?
Our Visual Flashcards are a physical resource which means...
...there are no distractions. And they're right in front of you, unlike an app that's buried somewhere in your phone. So, you can easily start learning.
You get 1 word per card... so you can focus on 1 word at a time.
No distractions. No giant word lists.
Just 1 word at a time, which takes a second to learn.
All cards include the word in the target language, the translation...
and a picture to help the meaning stick better.
And you can easily run through the cards... and test yourself, until you remember each and every word.
With Visual Flashcards, you’ll learn 1500 of the most common words...
which means you don't waste time learning words that aren't useful for beginners.
5 Ways to learn with the flashcards
Once you've downloaded and printed the flashcards, how do you learn?
One: Set aside 5 to 10 minutes and pick out 20 cards. Spend the first half reviewing the cards and the second half testing yourself on the meanings.
Two: For the words that you struggle with, keep them in a separate pile. That way, you can focus on just the hard words and skip the ones you know.
Three: Since the words are separated across 60 topics, you can focus on 1 topic at a time... and keep at it until you're done with all 60 topics.
Four: Place the cards on the objects they represent around your home.
Or, Five: Turn it into a game with your friends. Have them quiz you on the words.
Pick which way works best for you and learn with our visual flashcards.
So, if you want to boost your vocabulary and speak more of your target language...
Download our Visual Flashcards for free right now.
Just click the link and sign up for a Free Lifetime Account to our learning program.


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