Eric: Hi everyone, and welcome back to This is Lower Intermediate, Season 1 Lesson 1 - Helping Your Indian Coworker. I’m Eric. |
Udita: नमस्ते I'm Udita. |
Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to give reasons for doing something using the word... |
Udita: ताकी |
Eric: The conversation takes place outside a guest house. |
Udita: It's between Julia and Sarika. |
Eric: The speakers are colleagues, so they’ll be using polite Hindi. Okay, let's listen to the conversation. |
Lesson conversation
Sarika: हेलो जूलिया मैं सारिका हूँ। मैं आज आपको शहर की सैर कराऊंगी। कैसे हो आप? |
Julia: नमस्ते सारिका। शुक्रिया, मैं बिलकुल ठीक हूँ, और आप? |
Sarika: मैं अच्छी हूँ। आप तैयार हो तो हम इस गाड़ी में निकल सकते हैं । मैं कुछ जगह लेकर जाउंगी और आप भी मुझे बताइये अगर किसी दुसरे जगह में भी आपकी रूचि हो। |
Julia: हाँ ज़रूर चलिये । |
Sarika: आप यहाँ किस काम से आयी हैं? |
Julia: मैं यहाँ तीन महीने रहकर यहाँ के प्रॉजेक्ट्स और काम की अध्ययन करूंगी, ताकि हेडक्वॉर्टर्स में हम बेहतर समझ सकें, और दुसरे साइट्स में भी यहाँ के प्रक्रिया इस्तेमाल कर सकें। |
Sarika: अच्छा । हमें बताया गया है कि हम आप के काम के तैयारी में मदद करें। सोमवार से इस काम में मैं और मेरे सहयोगी आपकी मदद करेंगे । |
Eric: Listen to the conversation one time slowly. |
Sarika: हेलो जूलिया मैं सारिका हूँ। मैं आज आपको शहर की सैर कराऊंगी। कैसे हो आप? |
Julia: नमस्ते सारिका। शुक्रिया, मैं बिलकुल ठीक हूँ, और आप? |
Sarika: मैं अच्छी हूँ। आप तैयार हो तो हम इस गाड़ी में निकल सकते हैं । मैं कुछ जगह लेकर जाउंगी और आप भी मुझे बताइये अगर किसी दुसरे जगह में भी आपकी रूचि हो। |
Julia: हाँ ज़रूर चलिये । |
Sarika: आप यहाँ किस काम से आयी हैं? |
Julia: मैं यहाँ तीन महीने रहकर यहाँ के प्रॉजेक्ट्स और काम की अध्ययन करूंगी, ताकि हेडक्वॉर्टर्स में हम बेहतर समझ सकें, और दुसरे साइट्स में भी यहाँ के प्रक्रिया इस्तेमाल कर सकें। |
Sarika: अच्छा । हमें बताया गया है कि हम आप के काम के तैयारी में मदद करें। सोमवार से इस काम में मैं और मेरे सहयोगी आपकी मदद करेंगे । |
Eric: Listen to the conversation with the English translation. |
Sarika: Hello, Julia. I'm Sarika. I’ll show you around the city today. How are you? |
Julia: Hello, Sarika. Thank you, I’m very well, and you? |
Sarika: I’m good. If you’re ready, we can leave in this car here. I’ll take you to some places, and you can also tell me if there are other places you’re interested in. |
Julia: Sure, let's go. |
Sarika: What work are you here for? |
Julia: I’ll stay for three months and try to understand the work process here and learn about the projects, so that we can understand them better back at headquarters, and also apply a similar system to other sites. |
Sarika: Okay, we were told to help you prepare for your work here. From Monday, my colleague and I will be helping you with this work. |
Eric: Udita, which Indian city has the biggest population? |
Udita: Mumbai, of course! It’s the most populous metropolitan city in India, and the eighth largest city in the world in terms of population. It’s the capital city of the western state of Maharashtra, and lies on the Arabian sea coast. |
Eric: The famous Hindi film industry, called “Bollywood,” is also based in Mumbai, right? |
Udita: Yes, and that’s why Mumbai attracts people from all over the world, who come there to try their luck. Because of this, Mumbai is often called The City of Dreams. |
Eric: Can you remind us of the old name of Mumbai? |
Udita: Sure! Until 1996 when it was renamed, it was called Bombay. |
Eric: Okay, now onto the vocab. |
Eric: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is.. |
Udita: सैर [natural native speed] |
Eric: walk (noun) |
Udita: सैर [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Udita: सैर [natural native speed] |
Eric: Next we have.. |
Udita: निकलना [natural native speed] |
Eric: to leave |
Udita: निकलना [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Udita: निकलना [natural native speed] |
Eric: Next we have.. |
Udita: रूचि [natural native speed] |
Eric: interest |
Udita: रूचि [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Udita: रूचि [natural native speed] |
Eric: Next we have.. |
Udita: अध्ययन [natural native speed] |
Eric: study, learning |
Udita: अध्ययन [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Udita: अध्ययन [natural native speed] |
Eric: Next we have.. |
Udita: प्रक्रिया [natural native speed] |
Eric: process |
Udita: प्रक्रिया [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Udita: प्रक्रिया [natural native speed] |
Eric: Next we have.. |
Udita: इस्तेमाल [natural native speed] |
Eric: use (noun), usage |
Udita: इस्तेमाल [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Udita: इस्तेमाल [natural native speed] |
Eric: Next we have.. |
Udita: सोमवार [natural native speed] |
Eric: Monday |
Udita: सोमवार [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Udita: सोमवार [natural native speed] |
Eric: And last.. |
Udita: सहयोगी [natural native speed] |
Eric: colleague |
Udita: सहयोगी [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Udita: सहयोगी [natural native speed] |
Eric: Let's have a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is... |
Udita: सैर कराना |
Eric: meaning “to take someone around, to show someone around.” |
Udita: Sair means a “trip,” a “walk around,” or a “tour.” karaaNaa means “to get done.” It’s the causative form of the verb karNaa, which means “to do.” |
Eric: So, altogether... |
Udita: सैर कराना |
Eric: means “to give a tour” or “to show someone around.” You can use this for anything involving showing someone around a place, from a small home or office to a larger region. |
Udita: Right. सैर कराना is commonly used to describe a tour given by walking around. |
Eric: Udita, can you give us an example using this word? |
Udita: Sure. For example, you can say... मामाजी ने मुझे लखनऊ की सैर करायी। |
Eric: ...which means “Uncle showed me around Lucknow.” Okay, what's the next phrase? |
Udita: में रूचि होना |
Eric: meaning “to be interested in.” |
Udita: ruci is a noun that means “interest.” hoNaa is a verb meaning “to be.” Altogether, mein ruci hoNaa means “to have an interest” or “be interested in.” |
Eric: You can use this phrase to talk about things you are interested in. |
Udita: Right. In Hindi में रूचि होना is a level above just saying “I like” or “I enjoy.” |
Eric: Listeners, please remember that you can use this phrase only with a noun. You can't use it with a verb. |
Udita: For example, we would say mujhe SaNgiiT mein rucii hai, which means “I have an interest in music,” rather than mujhe gaaNe mein ruci hai, meaning “I have an interest in singing.” The last one doesn’t sound natural. |
Eric: Can you give us an example using this phrase? |
Udita: Sure. For example, you can say... क्या आप को खेल में रूचि है? |
Eric: ...which means “Are you interested in sports?” Okay, now onto the lesson focus. |
Lesson focus
Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to talk about your reasons for doing something, as well as how to explain specific goals and how these goals are related to the action taken, by using the word… |
Udita: Taakii |
Eric: meaning “so that..” And our first grammar pattern is “ that .[something]..can do or will be able to do.” |
Udita: To make this phrase you can say..[something]...Takii ham, then add the verb and finish with kar Saken. |
Eric: meaning “ that we can [something] verb”. Udita, let's break down this phrase to see the meaning of each word. |
Udita: Sure. Takii means “so that” and kar Saken means “can do” or “will be able to do.” |
Eric: You can make the sentence with... |
Udita: Taakii |
Eric: using various verb tenses in the first clause. |
Eric: Udita, can you give us some sample sentences? |
Udita: Sure. For example, you can say...मैं ने पढ़ाई की ताकि मैं परीक्षा में अच्छे अंक लाऊँ । |
Eric: meaning...“I studied so that I could get good marks on the exam.” |
Udita: हम जल्दी आ गये ताकि आपसे मिल सकें। |
Eric: meaning...“We came quickly so that we could meet with you.” |
Udita: मैं ने गिटार बजाना सीखा ताकि मैं गाना खुद लिख सकूँ । |
Eric: meaning... “I learned to play the guitar so that I could write my own music.” |
Udita: हमने पहले टिकट बुक किया ताकि हम सब साथ में बैठ सकें । |
Eric: meaning… “We booked tickets early so that we could all sit together.” You can also use the word... |
Udita: Taakii |
Eric: to explain reasoning and planning. That’s why the verb that follows it is either in the present perfect tense or the Can-Do form. You can use it in cases where one action is required for the next action. The grammar pattern is simple. |
Udita: Just say the action, then add Taakii and add your goal after it. |
Eric: For example, you can say… |
Udita: इसे दूर कहीं फेंक आते हैं ताकि कभी कोई ढूंढ न पाए। |
Eric: meaning “Let’s go and dump this somewhere far away so that nobody comes across it.” |
Udita: मैं आज काम पर नहीं गया ताकि मैं अपने भाई को एयरपोर्ट से लेने जा सकूँ। |
Eric: meaning “I didn’t go in to work today so that I could go to the airport to pick my brother up.” |
Eric: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. For more examples and explanations, be sure to check the lesson notes. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye! |
Udita: अलविदा |