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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Hi everyone, and welcome back to HindiPod101.com. This is Lower Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 12 - How Easy is Sending a Package in India? Eric here.
Udita: नमस्ते I'm Udita.
Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to ask “How much something will take…,” for example, time or money. The conversation takes place at the post office.
Udita: It's between the postal company attendant and Julia.
Eric: The speakers have a client-server relationship, so they’ll be using formal Hindi. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Julia: नमस्ते। मुझे यह पैकेज विलायत भेजना है।
Attendant: अच्छा। इसे तुला पर रखिये। माप के हिसाब से दो सौ पच्चीस रुपये लगेंगे।
Julia: अच्छा । और समय कितना लगेगा?
Attendant: दस से पंद्रह दिन लग सकते हैं।
Julia: और अगर जल्दी भेजना हो तो?
Attendant: तेज़ी से भेजना हो तो, पांच सौ पंद्रह रुपयों में यह सात दिनों में पहुँच जायेगा। और तुरंत पहुँचाना हो - दो या तीन दिन में, तो आप डी.एल.एफ़. से कुरियर कर सकती हैं, उस में करीब ग्यारह सौ रुपये लगेंगे।
Julia: अच्छा, सात दिन के पोस्ट में भेज दीजिये।
Eric: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
Julia: नमस्ते। मुझे यह पैकेज विलायत भेजना है।
Attendant: अच्छा। इसे तुला पर रखिये। माप के हिसाब से दो सौ पच्चीस रुपये लगेंगे।
Julia: अच्छा । और समय कितना लगेगा?
Attendant: दस से पंद्रह दिन लग सकते हैं।
Julia: और अगर जल्दी भेजना हो तो?
Attendant: तेज़ी से भेजना हो तो, पांच सौ पंद्रह रुपयों में यह सात दिनों में पहुँच जायेगा। और तुरंत पहुँचाना हो - दो या तीन दिन में, तो आप डी.एल.एफ़. से कुरियर कर सकती हैं, उस में करीब ग्यारह सौ रुपये लगेंगे।
Julia: अच्छा, सात दिन के पोस्ट में भेज दीजिये।
Eric: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Julia: Hello, I would like to send this package to England.
Attendant: Okay, please place it on the scale. (pause) According to the weight, it will be 225 rupees.
Julia: Okay, and how much time will it take?
Attendant: It can take up to 10-15 days.
Julia: And if I want to send it faster?
Attendant: It’s 515 rupees to send it quickly, and it will arrive within 7 days. To send it even faster you can courier it through DLF, which takes 2-3 days and will cost around 1100 rupees.
Julia: Okay, please send it by 7-day post.
Eric: Udita, I've heard that the postal service in India has a really long history.
Udita: It does! Before modern transportation, postmen walked for days and nights to deliver letters across villages and towns. Today the postman in his khaki-coloured uniform delivers letters and mail.
Eric: Are there some particular letters that are common only in India?
Udita: Yes. For example,“inland letters.” These are long blue sheets of paper, made for writing a one page-long letter. There are markings for folding, and it’s folded into the size of a small, light envelope. The address is written on the back, and the flaps close it - it’s like a postcard that can open up into a page.
Eric: These letters are cheap to send and made specially for people who frequently write home or to their relatives across the country. Okay, now onto the vocab.
Eric: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Udita: विलायत [natural native speed]
Eric: England
Udita: विलायत [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: विलायत [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Udita: भेजना [natural native speed]
Eric: to send
Udita: भेजना [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: भेजना [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Udita: तुला [natural native speed]
Eric: weighing scale
Udita: तुला [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: तुला [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Udita: माप [natural native speed]
Eric: measurement
Udita: माप [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: माप [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Udita: एक सौ पचीस [natural native speed]
Eric: 125
Udita: एक सौ पचीस [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: एक सौ पचीस [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Udita: तेज़ी [natural native speed]
Eric: fast, rapid
Udita: तेज़ी [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: तेज़ी [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Udita: तीन सौ पंद्रह [natural native speed]
Eric: 315
Udita: तीन सौ पंद्रह [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: तीन सौ पंद्रह [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Udita: पहुँचाना [natural native speed]
Eric: to deliver
Udita: पहुँचाना [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: पहुँचाना [natural native speed]
Eric: And lastly..
Udita: करीब [natural native speed]
Eric: close, near
Udita: करीब [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: करीब [natural native speed]
Eric: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is..
Udita: तेज़ी से
Eric: meaning “speedily, fast.”
Udita: Tezii is a noun which means “speed” and Se is the possessive particle which means “from,” but in this case it means “with.” Altogether, तेज़ी से means “with speed” or rather “very quickly.”
Eric: You can use this phrase to describe speed, which is one level-higher than...
Udita: jaLDi, meaning “quick.” Since Tez, the noun meaning “speed,” is used for fast vehicles like racing cars, the phrase Tezii Se should be used for particularly high speeds
Eric: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Udita: Sure. For example, you can say.. लाल रंग की गाडी तेज़ी से आगे बढ़ रही है।
Eric: ..which means “The red car is moving ahead speedily.” Okay, what's the next phrase?
Udita: करीब आठ सौ रुपये
Eric: meaning “around Rs. 800, roughly Rs. 800.”
Udita: aath Sau rupaye means “Rs. 800,” and the adjective kariib means “near” or “close.”
Eric: So altogether it means “around 800 rupees” or “approximately 800 rupees.”
Udita: kariib is a word used for the estimation of quantities, and very often with monetary estimations. You can apply it to any number; just place kariib before the number or amount.
Eric: Can you give us an example using this word?
Udita: Sure. For example, you can say.. तोहफा खरीदने में करीब आठ सौ रूपये खर्च हो गए।
Eric: .. which means “Around Rs. 800 were spent on the present.” Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Eric: In this lesson you’ll learn how to ask how much something will take using the word…
Udita: लगना LagNaa.
Eric: This verb has different meanings. One meaning is “to feel or think” and another one is “to take time or cost money.”
Udita: Right. You can use लगना LagNaa to talk about what amount of something will be required for a task.
Eric: Udita, how can you ask how much something will cost or how much time something will take in Hindi?
Udita: You can use the following sentence structure… First say कितना kiTNaa...
Eric: meaning “how much”
Udita: then add a noun and finish the sentence with लगेगा Lagegaa...
Eric: meaning “will it take or cost?”
Udita: कितना kiTNaa_____ लगेगा Lagegaa? To simply ask how much something will cost you can ask kiTNaa Lagegaa?
Eric: meaning “How much does it cost?”
Udita: If you want to indicate what you are asking about, then you can use a noun plus the possessive particle का Kā.
Eric: For example...
Udita: इसका कितना लगेगा? iSkaa kiTNaa Lagegaa?
Eric: “How much does this cost?” How would you say “How much does the big bottle cost?”
Udita: Just replace iS with bade boTaL, meaning “big bottle.”
Eric: Altogether it will be..
Udita: बड़े बोतल का कितना लगेगा?
Eric: “How much does the big bottle cost?”
Udita: Following this rule you can also say...यहां से स्टेशन तक का कितना लगेगा?
Eric: “How much will it cost to go to the station from here?” So how we can ask about time?
Udita: “Time” in Hindi is vakT or Samay. So, you can simply ask...कितना वक्त लगेगा?
Eric: “How much time will it take?” If you want to indicate the task you are asking about, you can use the following structure…
Udita: Noun plus के लिए ke Lie, meaning “for.” For example...इस के लिए कितना समय लगेगा?
Eric: meaning “How much time will this take?” For things that are not time or money, you can add the noun in after
Udita: kiTNaa.
Udita: For example, you can say...इस केक के लिए कितना आइसिंग लगेगा?
Eric: “How much icing will we need for this cake?”
Eric: Let’s review the grammar quickly. Can you give us some sample sentences?
Udita: Sure. वीडियो बनाने के लिए क्या सॉफ्टवेयर लगेगा?
Eric: “What software will we need to make the video?”
Udita: ट्रेन से दिल्ली जाने के लिए पांच घंटे लगेंगे ।
Eric: “It will take five hours to go to Delhi by train.”
Udita: हमें सही कैमरा के पांच हज़ार रुपये लगे ।
Eric: “It cost us 5000 rupees for the right camera.”


Eric: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Don’t forget to check the lesson notes for more examples and explanations. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Udita: अलविदा

