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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Hi everyone, and welcome back to HindiPod101.com. This is Lower Intermediate, Season 1 Lesson 22 - A Visit to an Indian Doctor. Eric here.
Udita: नमस्ते I'm Udita.
Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to describe the symptoms of an illness in Hindi. The conversation take places at a medical clinic.
Udita: It's between Sapna and a doctor.
Eric: The speakers are strangers, so they’ll be using Formal Hindi. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Sapna: नमस्ते डॉक्टर।
Doctor: नमस्ते। आपको सर्दी हुई है?
Sapna: डॉक्टर, सर्दी तो है, लेकिन बहुत दिनों से सिरदर्द होता आ रहा है जो ज़्यादा सता रहा है।
Doctor: सिरदर्द बहुत से कारणों से हो सकता है, और हमेशा गम्भीर नहीं होता। किस तरह का दर्द होता है - तेज़ या अचानक शुरू होता है?
Sapna: थोड़ा तेज़, और आंखों को घेरकर दर्द रहता है, जैसा सिर के अन्दर, नाक के पीछे का हिस्सा दुक रहा हो।
Doctor: साथ साथ कभी बेहोशी, उल्टी, या दृष्टी में बदलाव आया है?
Sapna: नहीं, लेकिन नीचे झुकते वक्त ऐसा लगता है जैसे बढ़ गया हो।
Doctor: अच्छा। यह लक्षण साइनस से सम्बंधित हैं, अभी जांच कर लेते हैं।
Eric: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
Sapna: नमस्ते डॉक्टर।
Doctor: नमस्ते। आपको सर्दी हुई है?
Sapna: डॉक्टर, सर्दी तो है, लेकिन बहुत दिनों से सिरदर्द होता आ रहा है जो ज़्यादा सता रहा है।
Doctor: सिरदर्द बहुत से कारणों से हो सकता है, और हमेशा गम्भीर नहीं होता। किस तरह का दर्द होता है - तेज़ या अचानक शुरू होता है?
Sapna: थोड़ा तेज़, और आंखों को घेरकर दर्द रहता है, जैसा सिर के अन्दर, नाक के पीछे का हिस्सा दुक रहा हो।
Doctor: साथ साथ कभी बेहोशी, उल्टी, या दृष्टी में बदलाव आया है?
Sapna: नहीं, लेकिन नीचे झुकते वक्त ऐसा लगता है जैसे बढ़ गया हो।
Doctor: अच्छा। यह लक्षण साइनस से सम्बंधित हैं, अभी जांच कर लेते हैं।
Eric: Now, listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Sapna: Hello doctor.
Doctor: Hello. You have a cold?
Sapna: I do have a cold, but I’ve been having headaches for many days now, which is more painful.
Doctor: There are many causes for headaches, and these aren’t always serious. What type of pain is it - sharp and sudden?
Sapna: Somewhat strong, and in the area surrounding the eyes, as though there’s an ache inside my head behind my nose.
Doctor: Have you also fainted, vomited, or experienced change in your visibility along with the headache?
Sapna: No, but when I bend down the pain seems to increase.
Doctor: Okay. The symptoms are similar to headaches caused by sinus problems. We can check it out right now.
Eric: Udita, is there medical tourism in India?
Udita: Yes. India is well known as a place where you can receive surgery and other medical procedures of high quality but at relatively low cost.
Eric: The Indian medical system is also well known in the pharmaceutical world.
Udita: That’s right. India prefers to allow generic drugs to be sold cheaply, rather than protect and promote expensive pharmaceutical drugs in the market.
Eric: I guess that’s because many people in the country cannot afford expensive medication.
Udita: Yes, that’s why cheaper substitutes in the form of generic drugs are made readily available.
Eric: So then can you buy drugs without a doctor’s prescription?
Udita: Sure. A range of medicines, from allergy medication, fever, pain and other types of medication are widely available for purchase without a doctor's prescription.
Eric: That's good to know. Okay, now onto the vocab.
Eric: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Udita: सताना [natural native speed]
Eric: to bother, to trouble incessantly
Udita: सताना[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: सताना [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Udita: गम्भीर [natural native speed]
Eric: serious
Udita: गम्भीर[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: गम्भीर [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Udita: घेरना [natural native speed]
Eric: to surround
Udita: घेरना[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: घेरना [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Udita: हिस्सा [natural native speed]
Eric: portion, part
Udita: हिस्सा[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: हिस्सा [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Udita: बेहोशी [natural native speed]
Eric: lack of consciousness
Udita: बेहोशी[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: बेहोशी [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Udita: उल्टी [natural native speed]
Eric: vomit
Udita: उल्टी [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: उल्टी [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Udita: बदलाव [natural native speed]
Eric: change
Udita: बदलाव[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: बदलाव [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Udita: झुकना [natural native speed]
Eric: to bend down, to bend over
Udita: झुकना[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: झुकना [natural native speed]
Eric: And lastly..
Udita: लक्षण [natural native speed]
Eric: symptom
Udita: लक्षण[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: लक्षण [natural native speed]
Eric: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is...
Udita: बदलाव आना
Eric: which means “to be transformed”
Udita: “baDLaav” is a noun which means “change” or “transformation”, and “aaNaa” is a verb that means “to come”. Combining them creates an intransitive verb phrase that literally means “for a change to occur”.
Eric: You can use it to talk about the coming of a transformation, and about big changes, such as changes in society or human behavior. Udita, can you give us an example using this phrase?
Udita: Sure. For example, you can say.. उनके सोच में बदलाव आना ज़रूरी है।
Eric: ..which means “It's important for their way of thinking to change.” Okay, what's the next word?
Udita: झुकना
Eric: which means “to bend down” or “to bow”
Udita: “jhukNaa” is a verb which, depending on the conjugation, may have different meanings. For example “to bow to someone” is “ke SaamNe jhukNaa”.
Eric: Can you use it only regarding physical bowing?
Udita: No, it can also mean “to bow before” as in “to be defeated” or “to give in” - sometimes this is said as “ke aage jhukNaa” - to bow before someone. There are also other literal meanings, such as “to bend down”, which is “Niice jhukNaa” and “To bend over”, which is “jhuk jaaNaa”.
Eric: Can you give us an example using this word?
Udita: Sure. For example, you can say.. यह पेड़ पूरा झुक गया है।
Eric: .. which means “The tree is fully bent over.” Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Eric: In this lesson you’ll learn how to describe the symptoms of an illness in Hindi. One frequently used phrase regarding problems with one’s health is “I have a headache” or “I have a fever”. To talk about your health problems you can use the following grammar structure…
Udita: First, say the word मुझे, which is the oblique form of “I”, then add your problem, and finish with है. मुझे [problem] है
Eric: Udita, following this pattern, how would you say “I have a headache” in Hindi?
Udita: “headache” is सरदर्द . So, that would be... मुझे सरदर्द है .
Eric: And what about “I have a fever”?
Udita: Just replace सरदर्द, meaning headache, with बुखार, which means “fever”. मुझे बुखार है
Eric: And how would you say “I have a stomachache”?
Udita: “stomachache” is पेट दर्द pet DarD. So that would be मुझे पैट दर्द है।
Eric: “I have a stomachache”. Listeners, you can use this grammar rule with the name of almost any illness. For example, Udita, how would you say “I have a cold”?
Udita: सर्दी SarDii’ is “cold” in Hindi, so you can say मुझे सर्दी है mujhe SarDii hai.
Eric: And what about “I have allergies” or “I’m allergic.”?
Udita: Just replace सर्दी SarDii’, “cold” with “aiLerjii”. मुझे एलर्जी है । , “I am allergic”.
Eric: To express that you have pain in some part of your body, you can use the following pattern:
Udita: मेरे , part of body, में दर्द है। , where दर्द DarD means “pain”
Eric: This sentence literally means “I have pain in..” and then add "part of body”. Udita, following this pattern, how can you say “I have a headache”?
Udita: you can say मेरे सिर में दर्द है. This pattern also works with other pains. For example, you can say…मेरे पैर में दर्द है ।
Eric: “My foot hurts.”
Udita: मेरे दाहिने कंधे में दर्द है।
Eric: “My right shoulder hurts.”


Eric: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Udita: अलविदा

