
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

John: Must-Know Hindi Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 20 - Arriving Home.
John: Hi, everyone, I'm John.
Shakti: And I'm Shakti.
John: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Hindi about returning home after a trip. मीरा (miiraa) returns home after a vacation, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:
Shakti: मीरा: छुट्टी ख़त्म। मन नहीं कर रहा था वापिस आने का! (chuttii khaTm. maN Nahiin kar rahaa THaa vaapiS aaNe kaa!)
John: Meaning - "End of holiday. Really didn't feel like coming back!" Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
मीरा: छुट्टी ख़त्म। मन नहीं कर रहा था वापिस आने का! (chuttii khaTm. maN Nahiin kar rahaa THaa vaapiS aaNe kaa!)
(clicking sound)
शबाना : अगली छुट्टी का इंतज़ार शुरू! (aglii chuttii kaa iNTazaar suruu!)
अमन: वापिस चलते हैं (vaapiS calTe hain)
गौरव: दोबारा चले जाना (Dobaaraa cale jaaNaa)
स्नेहा : घर वापिस स्वागत है! (ghar vaapiS SwaagaT hai!)
John: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
मीरा: छुट्टी ख़त्म। मन नहीं कर रहा था वापिस आने का! (chuttii khaTm. maN Nahiin kar rahaa THaa vaapiS aaNe kaa!)
John: "End of holiday. Really didn't feel like coming back!"
(clicking sound)
शबाना : अगली छुट्टी का इंतज़ार शुरू! (aglii chuttii kaa iNTazaar suruu!)
John: "Wait for when the next holiday starts!"
अमन: वापिस चलते हैं (vaapiS calTe hain)
John: "Let's go back."
गौरव: दोबारा चले जाना (Dobaaraa cale jaaNaa)
John: "You can go back again."
स्नेहा : घर वापिस स्वागत है! (ghar vaapiS SwaagaT hai!)
John: "Welcome back home!"
John: Listen again to मीरा (miiraa)'s post.
Shakti: मीरा: छुट्टी ख़त्म। मन नहीं कर रहा था वापिस आने का! (chuttii khaTm. maN Nahiin kar rahaa THaa vaapiS aaNe kaa!)
John: "End of holiday. Really didn't feel like coming back!"
Shakti: (SLOW) मीरा: छुट्टी ख़त्म। मन नहीं कर रहा था वापिस आने का! (chuttii khaTm. maN Nahiin kar rahaa THaa vaapiS aaNe kaa!) (Regular) मीरा: छुट्टी ख़त्म। मन नहीं कर रहा था वापिस आने का! (chuttii khaTm. maN Nahiin kar rahaa THaa vaapiS aaNe kaa!)
John: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "End of holiday."
Shakti: छुट्टी खतम। (chuttii khaTam.)
John: The last word…
Shakti: khaTam
John: means “finished," “done," or “ended." So, the entire expression means “end of holidays” or “holiday ends.” Listen again - "End of holiday" is...
Shakti: (SLOW) छुट्टी खतम। (chuttii khaTam.) (REGULAR) छुट्टी खतम। (chuttii khaTam.)
John: Then comes the phrase - "Didn't feel like coming back!"
Shakti: मन नहीं कर रहा था वापिस आने का! (maN Nahii kar rahaa THaa vaapiS aaNe kaa!)
John: The expression starts with the word…
Shakti: maN
John: which means “mind.” You can use it when talking about both thoughts and feelings in Hindi. Using this word, you can say…
Shakti: maN karNaa
John: which literally sounds like “to do mind” or “mind doing.” You can translate it as "I feel like." The entire expression means “my mind was against coming back,” which actually means “I didn't feel like coming back.” Listen again - "Didn't feel like coming back!" is...
Shakti: (SLOW) मन नहीं कर रहा था वापिस आने का! (maN Nahii kar rahaa THaa vaapiS aaNe kaa!) (REGULAR) मन नहीं कर रहा था वापिस आने का! (maN Nahii kar rahaa THaa vaapiS aaNe kaa!)
John: Altogether, "End of holiday. Really didn't feel like coming back!"
Shakti: मीरा: छुट्टी ख़त्म। मन नहीं कर रहा था वापिस आने का! (chuttii khaTm. maN Nahiin kar rahaa THaa vaapiS aaNe kaa!)
John: In response, मीरा (miiraa)'s friends leave some comments.
John: Her high school friend, शबाना (sabaaNaa), uses an expression meaning - "Wait for when the next holiday starts!"
Shakti: (SLOW) अगली छुट्टी का इंतज़ार शुरू! (aglii chuttii kaa iNTazaar suruu!) (REGULAR) अगली छुट्टी का इंतज़ार शुरू! (aglii chuttii kaa iNTazaar suruu!)
Shakti: अगली छुट्टी का इंतज़ार शुरू! (aglii chuttii kaa iNTazaar suruu!)
John: Use this expression to be positive.
John: Her husband, अमन (amaN), uses an expression meaning - "Let's go back."
Shakti: (SLOW) वापिस चलते हैं (vaapiS calTe hain) (REGULAR) वापिस चलते हैं (vaapiS calTe hain)
Shakti: वापिस चलते हैं (vaapiS calTe hain)
John: Use this expression to be funny.
John: Her college friend, गौरव (gaurav), uses an expression meaning - "You can go back again"
Shakti: (SLOW) दोबारा चले जाना (Dobaaraa cale jaaNaa) (REGULAR) दोबारा चले जाना (Dobaaraa cale jaaNaa)
Shakti: दोबारा चले जाना (Dobaaraa cale jaaNaa)
John: Use this expression to be encouraging.
John: Her neighbor, स्नेहा (SNehaa), uses an expression meaning - "Welcome back home!"
Shakti: (SLOW) घर वापिस स्वागत है! (ghar vaapiS SwaagaT hai!) (REGULAR) घर वापिस स्वागत है! (ghar vaapiS SwaagaT hai!)
Shakti: घर वापिस स्वागत है! (ghar vaapiS SwaagaT hai!)
John: Use this expression to show you're feeling warmhearted.


John: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about returning home after a trip, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Shakti: शुक्रिया (Śukriyā)


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