Lesson Transcript


Becky: Listeners, here’s how you can master your target language in 2015...
Peter: ...with free, effective lessons made by real teachers.
Becky: Welcome to Innovative Language Learning Sunday News! I'm Becky and I'll be your host. My co-host today is the founder of InnovativeLanguage.com, Peter Galante!
Peter: Hi everyone! Peter here.
Becky: In this Sunday News, we’re talking about new lessons coming out for the second half of 2015...
Peter: ...What kind of brand new lessons you can expect...
Becky: ...And how you can grab them... for free!
Peter: Listeners, here’s how you master your target language in 2015.
Becky: With over 1,760 new audio and video lessons.
Peter: That’s right. Over 1,760 high-quality lessons made by real teachers....
Becky: ...that you can learn with us... for free. But how?
Peter: We’ll tell you in just a moment, but first, listen up.
Becky: Here are a few language learning tools and updates that you need to know about.
Peter: First – listeners, if you’re using the Innovative Language 101 App...
Becky: You can now access the Newest Lessons, for free, as they come out.
Peter: If you’re an Android user, we’ve finally brought video lessons to the Android App.
Becky: And if you’re on the iPhone or iPad, you can now speed up, slow down, skip forward, and more...
Peter: ...with new lesson controls.
Becky: Download the Innovative Language 101 App for free for the iPhone, iPad or Android...
Peter: Find the link to the App in the lesson description of this Sunday News. And Becky, make sure you put that link there.
Becky: I will! Now, Peter.
Peter: Yes, Becky?
Becky: There over 1,760 new audio and video lessons planned for the rest of 2015. That’s a lot!
Peter: Sounds like a lot, doesn’t it? Actually, this is the total number of lessons going out across ALL of our 31 language sites.
Becky: So that’s about 250 hours of lessons!
Peter: Exactly. But what does this mean for you, listeners?
Becky: It means you can get ALL of our brand new language lessons for free.
Peter: We’ll tell you how you can unlock these right now.
Becky: First, you should know that we publish new Audio and Video lessons every single week.
Peter: Whether you’re a Free Lifetime Account user or Premium user...
Becky: ...You get all of our new lessons. Every week. For free.
Peter: And starting July 6th, 2015...
Becky: ...That’s tomorrow, listeners...
Peter: ...we’re launching brand new lessons and series for the second half of 2015.
Becky: Now, if you’re completely new and have no idea where to get them...
Peter: ...Simply go to the site. Go to “Browse Lessons” and click on “Newest Lessons”
Becky: Every new Audio and Video lesson will be there.
Peter: ...And we’ll be releasing them on a weekly basis.
Becky: Alright, Peter. What kinds of language lessons and series can our listeners expect?
Peter: JapanesePod101 and KoreanClass101 users, expect a brand new series that will take your language to the next level. The business level!
Becky: You’ll learn to speak at business level with Business Japanese and Business Korean for Beginners.
Peter: Then, there’s the Innovative Culture Video lessons...
Becky: ...that teach you language and culture through everyday scenarios.
Peter: For the rest of our languages, expect the popular weekly words video lessons...
Becky: ...where you learn new words with quick, bite-sized lessons based on themes.
Peter: 3-Minute Audio lessons that get you mastering basic conversation...
Becky: ...The Listening Video Lessons that help you understand language faster...
Peter: More of our conversational Audio Lessons from Beginner to Advanced...
Becky: ... And tons more.
Peter: Too much to cover, Becky. Listeners, to find out exactly which lessons are coming out...
Becky: Check the 2015 Publishing Schedule. Look for the link in the lesson description...
Peter: And see the lessons you can expect on a weekly basis for your language.
Becky: They’re free and...
Peter: ...they’ll get you mastering your language in 2015.
Becky: Remember, our new lessons start tomorrow, Monday, July 6th, 2015!
Peter: And if you want to unlock our ENTIRE Language Learning system at 20% OFF...
Becky: ...That’s complete access to hundreds of lessons by real teachers
Peter: ...Plus Lesson Notes so you can read along with every lesson...
Becky: ...Study Tools like Smart Flashcards, Voice Recording Tools, Line-by-Line Dialog breakdown...
Peter: ...and Premium Access to the Innovative Language 101 App so you can learn on the go...
Becky: ...Here’s a quick 3-day 20% OFF discount that will end very soon.
Peter: Save 20% on all Premium subscriptions until Wednesday, July 8th, 2015.
Becky: Use the coupon code JULY2015...
Peter: ...or click the link in the lesson description to get 20% OFF right now.
Becky: And remember, our new lessons start tomorrow, Monday, July 6th, 2015!


Becky: Okay, well that’s going to do it for this edition of Innovative Language Learning Sunday News!*
Peter: Bye everyone!*
Becky: Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you all next time.*


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